Age: 18+ I usually re-blog stuff I like including NSFW🔞 so MINOR please be smart
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you can feel the wet sensation of blood on your body as you slowly lift your head to the source of the looming shadow.
a shiver hits your spine as your eyes met with her obsessive ones.
"sarang.. i told you to stay put didn't i?"
yeah i caved in to haein so yeah anyway haein my window is open you can come in 🤞 ALSO extra hehe

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More Posts from Misshyori
Could you do yandere jock who accidentally got his darling pregnant but she doesn’t know if she will keep it please?
Lucas barely sees this as an issue lmao he's busy thinking of baby names because he wants a little girl that looks just like you. He's a bit disappointed when you decide not to keep it but he would never force you into anything.
Lucas: It's okay, honey bun. We can always have more! :D
Y/N: I really don't want kids right now, Lucas.
Lucas: :(
Lucas: But when we're married, we'll have tons of kids together, right? :D
Y/N: What if I don't want any? Like at all?
Lucas: :(
Lucas: Then it'll just be me and you forever?! :DD
Y/N: *sigh* sure, baby
No matter what you choose, Lucas will be there every step of the way. And I mean, every step.
Imagine Sung Jinwo with a significant other who was a few multiple hunter crush. But he does not know that. So by the time there was a world hunter gathering as the two of you attended, it was quite chaotic.
Imagine the way in the middle of interview, as you stand there by his side with no signs of answering, just letting your lover answer the questions thrown to him and you. You eyes boredly wander around despite all the flashes when someone thing- one caught you eyes.
Imagine the way you unconsciously tighten your grip in his arms causing him to eyes to twitch for a moment in discomfort, making him look at you with concerns gaze. At the same time, you were looking at the blonde hunter for afar, all while repeatedly talking to yourself mentally that you need to calm down, you have a lover, your lover was just right beside you. But damn, that was Lennart Niermann, the blonde german that you have taken quite admiration of long ago.
Imagine, of course he was nothing compared to Jinwo, your lover. It was a different kind of admiration after all. Jinwo was special, very special to you. Still, it was not every day that you get to see the blonde german hunter right in front of you. Causing you to squeeze your lover's arm once again.
Imagine the way your lover unexpectedly pull you close to him, place his hand on your chin making you look up to him before leaning down to kiss you. Hard. The way your eyes widen in shock as well as the rapid flashes of camera right now. Simply you tried to pull away, but you cannot seemed to. His hold on you kept on place and maybe you are not even trying that much. Because you are not.
Imagine the way you rest your head on his neck, desperately things to hide your red cheeks when you felt him move his hands on the back of your neck. "Look only at me. Hmmm?" Pulling away from him, you met up his tempting gaze. "Okay." There was a smile on his face.
Imagine, not too far away from you two was the certain blonde german hunter. Goosebumps all over his arm as he recalled the way the korean hunter looks at him. What did he do?
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
: a chronicle from my Solo Leveling FF on quotev, wattpad and oa3 (The girl from another world)
Misunderstanding your werewolf boyfriend
Werewolf x non-gendered human || sfw
“Did you throw the deer out?” He asked you as you put the groceries away.
You looked at him over your shoulder, confused. “I- Yes, I did. Why?”
“You…” He choked on the word, his eyes sad. He looked like a kicked puppy. “You don’t love me anymore?” He asked you out of nowhere.
“What?! Why do you say that?” Alarms rang in your brain. What was all that about?
“You threw the deer out.” He repeated.
“It was smelly.” You clarified. A week or so ago he arrived in the early morning with a big deer and left it out in the garage, asking you to go look at it. You did. It was gross, but you congratulated him and left. You didn’t think much of it, but a couple days ago the deer was still in the garage and it was starting to attract some wildlife to your porch.
“But it was for you.” He tried, his voice soft and little. You wanted to fight whoever made your werewolf feel sad, but you suspected that someone was you.
“What do you mean it was for me?” You asked, confused. Were you missing something?
“I thought… I thought we were courting.” He whispered, almost too low for you to hear.
“Courting?” Did he meant dating? “We are dating, yes.” You clarified.
“You gave me food.” He stated, as if that explained anything.
“Yeah, I made you dinner.” You recalled. You had a date a couple weeks ago and made some steaks. He was so happy when you presented him with dinner, you thought he really liked steaks.
He looked as confused as you as he said: “You gave me food so I gave you food. Courting gifts.”
You let out a long breath, suspecting the cause of all this confusion between the two of you. “Darling, I need you to explain to me what courting gifts are.”
He looked at you, puzzled. “To us… To wolves… We court our mate and prove we are worthy of them by bringing them gifts. I was proving to you that I can provide. I can be good for you.” His last words were little, like he thought he did something wrong and you were going to scold him. “But you threw it away.” He looked sad all over again. Fuck.
And then it clicked, he thought he was doing something good, that he was giving something you could need. He was trying to provide for you… With a dead deer. That was weird, but in a very sweet way. “Oh darling, I didn’t know. Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked, taking his hand on yours and kissing his palm.
“I thought you knew!”
“I’m not a wolf!”
“Oh. Yeah. Right. Humans don’t do that?”
You chuckled. “Give each other dead animals? No.”
“Oh.” He looked like he needed some time to process that information. Your relationship was usually pretty smooth, but in times like these, when the differences between your cultures hit, both of you felt like a fish out of water.
“For further gifts, I’d like some flowers.” You proposed, maybe giving him other ideas could be the solution to their current problem.
He was looking at you like you grew a second head. “Flowers? You eat flowers?” He looked disgusted at the thought.
You laughed, almost choking on your own saliva. “No! A gift. We gift flowers. And maybe chocolate.” You added.
“No more dead deer.”
“No more.” He agreed.
He looked so soft, his ears moving as he was trying to pinpoint exactly how your heartbeat changed as you moved. “Come here.” You whispered, pulling at the neck of his shirt so he would lower his head. When his eyes were at the same level as yours, you whispered: “We need to work on our communication skills.” He nodded, licking his lips in anticipation. His big tongue running over his canines and making your heartbeat accelerate.
And then you kissed him with all you had, pouring every soft feeling you had for him into the kiss. You would never get tired of the spark of danger you felt when your tongue graced his fangs.
He was a predator, a big bad alpha werewolf who could throw you over his shoulder at any time. But instead, he was trying really hard to accommodate what he thought were your “weird” human customs, and you couldn’t be more glad about it.
You were taking it slow, even though you knew it was killing him not to claim you as his since the first time he smelled you at the supermarket and stalked you back to your house. He gave you the scare of your life when the biggest wolf you’d ever seen appeared on your patio. But you still gave him a chance.
Maybe he was as tall as your ceilings, but he was yours. Just as you were his.
Yandere Head Canons:
Hypnotic Affection
Yandere Merman x Mermaid Reader x Merman
TW: manipulation, hypnotism/ drugging, tentacles, kidnapping, yandere themes, delusional behavior, etc.

Since you were young, you had been betrothed to a shark merman named Marin. Marin was a cantankerous individual and was quite rude to you since you weren’t a shark mermaid. The only reason the two of you were even betrothed was so your clans would stopped fighting… yet you knew you’d be miserable with Marin.
You often attempted to court him with various shells you’d find but he’d always rebuff you. “These shells are too small, you’ll need something better than some measly clams to have me look your way longer than a few minutes.”
His words were always as sharp as his teeth. His clawed hands would always chuck your clam shells away no matter how pretty they were, it broke your heart. You really wanted to make this marriage work… maybe he’d budge if you found a conch shell?
You bowed your head to your fiancè before you headed off back toward the sea. Marin had no idea this would be the last time he’d see you in awhile…
You swam farther and farther from home until you spotted a conch. You were on the edge of deep sea territory, so it was best to be careful or else you’d get swept up in the current… but it would be worth it if you’d gift the conch to Marin and he’d finally accept you, right?
Your eyes lit up as you slowly swam towards it but you were quickly snatched up in large tentacles, a screech left your lips when the tentacles tighter around you.
A different merman quirked their head at you as they shimmied out from their hiding spot in the coral. “A-a mermaid? I’m sorry.”
The coral colored tentacles quickly released you before ghostly pale hands began to examine your body in worry. “I just thought you were a fish… I hadn’t meant to lunge at you.”
You were surprised by how shy this merman was, his hands trembled as he shakily checked your arms to make sure there were no marks.
“I’m perfectly okay, I’m (your name). What’s your name?” The octopus merman’s cheeks went aflame when you asked him for his name.
“I-I’m Ren! I’m an octopus.” Ren’s tentacles folded into one another as if they were comforting his nerves. “I still apologize for scaring you… I’ve never seen another mermaid before.”
You smiled at Ren and offered him your hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ren. I hadn’t meant to trespass your area… it seems I wandered a bit too far.”
“I-it’s no issue at all!” Ren beamed, his dark eyes filled with stars while his tentacles flailed in excitement. “If you want, you can stay in my burrow with me! It’s quite comfy in here.”
“That’s so sweet of you.” (Your name) beamed at Ren who ushered her inside. The merman began to become a bit jittery when she accepted so easily. He’s been wanting a mate for so long… and now she was finally here!
Ren sealed his den shut as soon as she swam in. His tentacles blocked the exit watch a large boulder. “It’s to keep predators out!” Ren reassured her as he lead her around his small home. She marveled at the various jars and vegetation he kept. “I’m a sea witch.”
“Wow! That’s really fascinating!” Ren blushed again when you didn’t mock him for being a sea witch. It made his heart flutter. You were so sweet and that made him even happier… the only issue was that you were a different species than him…
“How about I show you a few tricks?” Ren was so happy when you accepted. The octopus merman showed you a very simple spell that made his home brighter. He was thrilled when you clapped your hands and smiled. Ren was so happy to no longer be alone… and he would never let you go.
Ren offered you a meal and you happily ate with him. The vegetation made your brain a bit foggy, but the taste was delightful. Had Ren always been so attractive?
Ren smiled at your sleepy form as you yawned. “Here, how about you spend the night? It’ll be so much safer for you that way.”
You nodded and allowed him to lead you into his den. His tentacles pulled you into an embrace as he smiled. This was just too easy…
You didn’t know how much time had passed since you entered Ren’s burrow since Ren would often feed you every time you tried to leave. Ren made you such lovely meals that you slowly began to forget what even brought you to this end of the sea. You really liked Ren, so why did you have to leave again? You felt as if there was some strange phenomenon happening around you and yet you didn’t care anymore… you liked being with Ren!
Meanwhile, Marin was in shambles. You had been missing for a week now. You always showed up every other day with your stupid smile as you held up some shells you found to him… you were never away from him for long. Marin searched your home in the anemones and he searched all the reefs around yet you were nowhere to be found… were you okay? You didn’t try to go find a bigger shell for him, did you?
You didn’t know it, but Marin always gathered up all the shells he’d throw. He just wanted to look tough in front of you… but now he knew it was a mistake. You wouldn’t risk your life for a shell when you were already engaged to him, right? You were already enough… you were always enough.
A month had went by and you were still missing. Marin now took more desperate measures of swimming out farther and farther… until he spotted a conch. The shark merman rushed towards the shell and began to examine the ocean floor until he spotted a sealed off den. The merman quickly swam toward the rock and searched for a crack until he could peek in there. The sight before him horrified him.
Ren’s purple appendages slid up and down your delicate tail as his hands grasped at your hips. “Would you like to be my mate, (your name)?” Your head felt so dizzy and you could only nuzzle into him. Ren smiled down at your obedient form. What a perfect mate you’d be! It was just so easy to ensnare you and to hypnotize you with his potions… it was all so easy-
Ren was shocked when the boulder to the den was shoved open and a shark merman lunged at him. Ren screamed when one of his appendages were bitten off by the shark. Marin’s large gray form quickly scooped you up and made a swim for it. Ren tried to snatch you back, but Marin easily evaded the tentacles. Ren began to scream as he tried to give chase, but the blood gushing from his missing arm would attract more sharks… he’d have to come back for you another day…
Marin didn’t look back once until the two of you were an hour away. The shark set you down on a rock as he began to examine your body for any wounds. “You’re okay now… we’re going home.”
You tilt your head to the side in confusion at Marin’s words. Who was this merman and why did he seem so familiar? “But I was home? I live with Ren.”
Marin felt a sob rack through him before he bent down and pulled you into a hug. What had that octopus done to you? Marin would protect you this time, he’d help you get back to normal. “You’re safe now… you’re safe.”
You often sat in a trance in Marin’s den. It was as if you were in a whole other world despite being next to him, a world where Marin could no longer reach you.
“Look! I have all the shells you gave me on the walls.” Marin gestured to the various colorful clamshells with a smile. “I’m sorry I was mean before, but that didn’t mean I didn’t like you! I really do care for you, I swear.”
Marin was filled with hope each day when you’d glance at the shells but his hopes would always be dashed when you’d tilt your head off to the side. “Do I know you?”
“I’m Marin... I’m your fiance.” Marin was so frustrated that you couldn’t remember him. He had tried everything… from taking you to every spot you two grew up together to your old den, yet nothing clicked. You only ever wanted to ask about that damned octopus merman.
Marin often cuddled beside you when it was time to sleep. His muscular arms felt so strange around you compared to Ren’s slender ones. You really missed Ren…
“Psst, (your name).” You perked up when you heard Ren’s voice. You gave him a big smile before you slinked out of Marin’s arms. “Let’s go home.”
You quickly swam towards the octopus merman who scooped you into a tight hug. A big smile on his face when you accepted him. He almost felt bad for Marin if it wasn’t for the fact that the shark merman was the entire reason the two of you met! What a sucker…
Feral werewolf who follows you home from the woods. He stalks you, follows you everywhere. You don't mind, he's just like a lost dog following you around. A really, really big dog. But he's harmless, and really cute if you ignore the bloody fangs and salivating mouth every time he looks at you. He's okay. You don't mind. And at night, he whines and scratches your door because it's been too long since he saw you. A couple hours are a lot for someone who doesn't understand time.
You have to open your door and let him in, where he proceeds to follow you to bed and drape himself over you like a weighted blanket. You are okay with that, too. Why not? He's harmless. He's just a giant puppy who likes to cuddle you. A giant puppy that transforma into a big human as you sleep and wakes you up grinding his hard dick against your ass. He whines as he humps you and traps you under him until he's coming all over you, satisfied with his marking. You complain and chastise him, but he looks so proud of himself you feel a bit bad. So you ignore it, what if he wants to hump you... He's harmless.
But things escalate fast after that. He follows you when you go running, excited by the chase, and tackles you to the ground where he fucks your thighs until he gets your leggings all messy and sticky. You chastise him, but once again, he's just proud of his work. You have to walk home with messy leggings that rub your inner thighs in a way that you don't want to think much about.
You wake that night with his head between your thighs as he licks your pussy over and over. You want to push him away, but he's too strong, and you don't put much of a fight. Why would you? He's just a feral werewolf fixated on you. He just wants to eat you out... And his tongue is so long that he can lick your G-spot and play with your cervix. You came so hard you scare him, making him bite down on your hip and making you come again. Well...
Maybe he's not so harmless after all. He's a feral werewolf... But you are a monsterfucker.