special interest in moths so this is my infodump station | i do IDs!! | sideblog is @oinglboingl | credits to Olivier Bouteleux for the avatar and @campesine-moved for the header | sideblog is @oinglboingl
263 posts
Sorry For Not Replying To Stuff So Quickly Recently. Life Has Been Lifeing.
Sorry for not replying to stuff so quickly recently. Life has been lifeing.
moooonberry liked this · 6 months ago
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More Posts from Mysticmothworld
I am SO proud of this photo I took of a Pyrausta subsequalis.
Hello hello!!
Fun fact about caterpillars: they don't actually walk using their legs, they walk using their bodies.
In order to work properly, muscles need leverage. With humans, our skeleton provides this leverage. Our muscles are attached to our skeleton, and contract against it. However, caterpillars have no skeleton. So how do they move? The substrate the caterpillar is walking on provides the leverage. Its prolegs (those stubby looking legs) attach themselves to the substrate, enabling the muscles in its body to contract, moving the caterpillar along. The prolegs also contract, but only to move up and down, not forward.
These gifs from @caterpillar-gifs show that pretty well I think
I'm bored do any autistics out here wanna tell me fun facts about moths and butterflies
Any moth related media recommendations ? + MOTH (2016) review
☆.𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆
One night, I was totally committed to finding any movie whose main theme was moths (because I was desperate for moth content). Eventually, I came across a film that, in theory, was going to be PERFECT !!
It was a found footage horror/mystery film about a teacher named Thora and her student, Adam, trying to prove Mothman’s existence. How could a single piece of media portray all of my main interests at once? I was bursting with enthusiasm until I read the reviews (929 total). Its IMBd rating was nothing less than 2.8/10. I gave a quick look into the opinion of some users online, but made sure I didn't end up spoiling the whole plot.
However, I still hoped that the film was going to be interesting, at least, and that the critics were exaggerating. Surprise, surprise, they were NOT wrong.
Although the film came out 7 years ago, I feel the necessity to share my (awful) experience with it. Moth (2016) is genuinely one of the worst films i’ve ever seen, and trust me when I said that I’m usually not picky when it comes to films, Tv series, video games, etc.
Firstly, the poster is a complete lie. There we can see a black creature with wings, clearly resembling Mothman. Guess what? Mothman is never shown on screen. Not. Even. Once. In fact, he doesn’t exist at all. It's revealed that the research is completely staged by Thora and her goal is simply to make a movie about the urban legend. Well, THAT is the point that pisses me off the most.
Sure, you can make a story about how “truth is always scarier” and I understand that the topic itself is not entirely uninteresting, but the point is to make that clear from the beginning. Because if I go to watch a movie that promises to be about a scary fantastical creature, I'm obviously going to be angry at having been tricked into wasting my time with it. I genuinely feel like it was the recipe for failure.
Besides, the acting is straight up bad and the camera movements were nauseating. This makes it impossible to live an immersed experience watching this film for more than a minute, and makes you apathetic to any situation and/or problem the characters go through.
I can excuse the awkward dialogue, thanks to the fact that English is not their first language. Besides, the film had a really low budget, which I’m sure had a really negative impact on the film’s making. Although I don't think the fact that it's an indie film makes up an excuse for why it's horrible.
Finally, after 81 minutes straight of bad acting, boring writing and excessively shaky camera movements, my suffering has ended and I seriously need recommendations of ACTUAL GOOD moth related media.
Any suggestions ? :3
Oh yeah, they do that to warm up their flight muscles!!
I have never physically felt the fear of a bug until just now.
A lil' moth scuttled across my desk and onto my mouse as I was eating my oatmeal, so I picked it up and carried it outside in my closed hand. Lil guy tried so hard to fly out of my hand, and when I got outside and opened my hand, it just stayed on my index finger and it was shaking so much it was vibrating. I brought it to a tree in my yard and after about thirty seconds it flew off when I brought my hand off the tree.
I felt so bad for the funky lil' dude.
favourite activity: experiencing the moth
Experience the Moth.