mysticpoetrycrown - 《☆》

510 posts

Mmm Since Weve Been Researching This The Past Few Days: (putting Them In Simplest Terms)

mmm since we’ve been researching this the past few days: (putting them in simplest terms)

mania - a period of being unstably elated to the point you may need to be hospitalized (a manic episode is usually a week or more). this may include not sleeping, engaging in dangerous behaviors, having extreme trouble focusing, and everything listed in hypomania

hypomania - a period of being elated to the point others notice. this may include speaking faster, being restless, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, engaging in reckless behaviors, higher sex drive.

bipolar disorder - a disorder where you have at least one manic episode and depressive episode with in your life. usually a (hypo)manic episode is followed by a depressive episode. (bipolar 1 is full mania and bipolar 2 is hypomania)

depression - a condition characterized by feeling sad, losing interest and motivation, changes in appetite, changes in sleep, and brain fog for at least two weeks

depressive episode - feeling sad, losing interest and motivation, changes in appetite, changes in sleep, and brain fog for at least a week, usually closer to two months

borderline personality disorder - a disorder when you have repetitive extreme mood swings, difficulty maintaining relationships, and feeling worthless.

borderline episode - when you have a negative mood swing and feel a lot of emotions. this often leads to suicidal thoughts and sh. usually lasts less than 24 hours.

hyperfixation - when you neurodivergent ppl get a crumb of serotonin from something/hj /lh. when a nd person becomes so interested in something they have difficulty doing anything aside from that and it consumes their thoughts, may cause a loss of sleep or healthy behaviors. (usually 3 hours to 3 days, although variation) (adhd)

special interest - a long term fascination for with something that brings an incomparable amount of serotonin. often the focal point of someones thoughts. (usually a week to lifelong) (autism)

sensory overload - when your mind cannot process a lot of sensory input and it becomes difficulty to focus and interact with others. (nd)

depersonalization - feeling disconnected from yourself, watching yourself in third person

derealization - feeling disconnected from reality, may be related to an existential crisis

anxiety attack - a longer feeling of overwhelming anxiety, usually with a certain cause

panic attack - a short feeling of unbelievable fear and pain, often compared to a heart attack. often with no determinable cause or because of a trigger.

compulsion - a behavior you have to do or you feel fear or panic (usually with ocd as a result of an obsession)

tic - a behavior you cannot control, often jerky body movements or saying something

stim - a stimulating behavior that feels good, you can stop and just feel kind of disappointed or upset

not a mental health professional just a lot of time and anxiety

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More Posts from Mysticpoetrycrown

2 years ago

I've been in this state way too long

pov you're waiting for your daydreams/paracosms to get interesting again

Pov You're Waiting For Your Daydreams/paracosms To Get Interesting Again
Pov You're Waiting For Your Daydreams/paracosms To Get Interesting Again
Pov You're Waiting For Your Daydreams/paracosms To Get Interesting Again
Pov You're Waiting For Your Daydreams/paracosms To Get Interesting Again
Pov You're Waiting For Your Daydreams/paracosms To Get Interesting Again

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2 years ago

My brain be like:

I’m gonna suddenly have the motivation to attempt and complete all of my goals in life and be successful and productive because fuck everyone who says I can’t!

But also be like:

Too effort. Much stress. Shut down initiated.

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3 years ago
 The Mediator ( INFP )
 The Mediator ( INFP )
 The Mediator ( INFP )
 The Mediator ( INFP )
 The Mediator ( INFP )
 The Mediator ( INFP )
 The Mediator ( INFP )
 The Mediator ( INFP )


Merlin is someone who possesses the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. He has a rare personality type, he tends to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, he applies a caring and creative approach to everything he does. Although he is may seem quiet or unassuming, Merlin has vibrant, passionate inner life. Idealistic and empathetic, Merlin's long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others.


֍ Empathetic – Merlin doesn't just care about other people in an abstract sense. He actually feels another person’s emotions, from joy and elation to sorrow and regret. Because of this sensitivity, Merlin tend to be thoughtful and kind-hearted, and he hate the idea of hurting anyone, even unintentionally.

֍ Generous – Merlin rarely enjoy succeeding at other people’s expense. He feel called to share the good things in his life, giving credit where it’s due, and uplift the surrounding people. Merlin wants to contribute to a world where every voice is heard and no one’s needs go unmet.

֍ Open-Minded – Tolerant and accepting, he tries not to judge anyone else’s beliefs, lifestyles, or decisions. This makes him prefer compassion to fault-finding, and many Mediators feel empathy even for those who have done wrong. Because Merlin so accepting, he often become confidants for their friends and loved ones – and occasionally for total strangers.

֍ Creative – Merlin love to see things from unconventional perspectives. Few things give him more pleasure than allowing his minds to wander through all sorts of ideas and possibilities and daydreams. It’s no wonder, then, Merlin is drawn to creative pursuits .

֍ Passionate – When an idea or movement captures Merlin's imagination, he wants to give his whole heart to it. Merlin may not always speak of it, but that doesn’t diminish his strong feelings for a cause that speaks to his beliefs and convictions.

֍ Idealistic – Merlin strives to follow his conscience, even when doing the right thing isn’t easy or convenient. He rarely loses sight of his desire to live a meaningful purpose.

Weaknesses :

֍ Unrealistic – Nothing in this world is perfect, and that can be a difficult truth for Merlin to come to terms with. He is a hopeless romantic, with rose-coloured visions of what their lives should be like. This can set him up for disappointment when reality inevitably falls short of their dreams.

֍ Self-Isolating – Merlin longs to connect with others, but he doesn't always know how. Especially in new environments, as a result, he may sometimes feel lonely or isolated.

֍ Self-Critical – Merlin believes in their unique potential, and his desperately want to live up to it. But this can cause him to have unrealistic expectations for himself. When Merlin fail to live up to these visions, he may accuse himself of being useless or selfish or woefully inadequate. Taken too far, this self-criticism can discourage him, leading him to give up on even their dearest dreams.


Few personality types are as poetic and kind-hearted as Mediators (INFPs). With their unique gifts, Mediators can overcome all sorts of challenges and obstacles – and brighten the lives of those around them in the process.

Yet Mediators can be tripped up in areas where idealism and altruism are more of a liability than an asset. When it comes to finding (or keeping) a partner, making friends, pursuing a meaningful career, or planning for the future, people with this personality type may need to consciously develop their weaker traits and gain new skills – even as they draw on their many strengths.

What you have read so far is just an introduction into the complexity of the Mediator personality type. You may have muttered to yourself, “Wow, this is so accurate, it’s a little creepy,” or “Finally, someone understands me!” You may have even asked, “How do they know more about me than the people I’m closest to do?”

This is not a trick. You felt understood because you were. We’ve studied how Mediators think and what they need to reach their full potential. In the process, we’ve learned how people with your personality type can overcome even their greatest personal challenges.

But to overcome these challenges, you need to have a plan, a personal road map – a vision for where you want to head and why. In this introduction, you’ve learned how Mediators tend to behave in certain circumstances and what their key strengths and weaknesses are.

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3 years ago
(Lost My Will To Live Around Page 5 So Screw Shading The Rest Of This)
(Lost My Will To Live Around Page 5 So Screw Shading The Rest Of This)
(Lost My Will To Live Around Page 5 So Screw Shading The Rest Of This)
(Lost My Will To Live Around Page 5 So Screw Shading The Rest Of This)
(Lost My Will To Live Around Page 5 So Screw Shading The Rest Of This)
(Lost My Will To Live Around Page 5 So Screw Shading The Rest Of This)
(Lost My Will To Live Around Page 5 So Screw Shading The Rest Of This)
(Lost My Will To Live Around Page 5 So Screw Shading The Rest Of This)

(Lost my will to live around page 5 so screw shading the rest of this)

As if this family doesn’t have enough problems I’ve decided to create some more! Based on that one bit of trivia that Pepa was worried bc Antonio was too quiet

And because I got it bad here’s some headcanons I had drawing this

He's pretty blunt, and only gonna get more blunt from here on cause animals, wild animals at that, don’t care about being polite or civil. He will be very well-versed in 2 things due to all the animal wrangling: spotting if someone's hiding their hurts, and processing death and loss. Skills that, if Mirabel hasn't reached her boiling point, will prepare him for dealing with the trauma once he's old enough to notice it (now that's an AU concept...). He's the magic's contingency plan in getting this family therapy.

Antonio and Bruno are/were both Weird Kids, but different types. Antonio’s type is Build Different (autism) while Bruno’s is “life already sucks might as well”

This one's drawing from personal experience but: Bruno, on account of being 1. childless 2. ND as fuck 3. a pretty unhappy person most of the time, is extremely unconcerned ab kids being weird and not sunshine-and-laughter 24/7. Wanna go bury a rat? Sure. He does intervene if the kid starts sounding a little too much like him

Superstitions aside, he was the steadiest of the triplets, in the resigned way of someone who had to stare down his lot in life and continue to live with it since 5. Was, cause Julieta (2nd place) took his place by gaining more emotional support in the form of Agustín

And now, fun facts:

And now, fun facts:

5yo is pretty hit and miss when it comes to grasping the concept of death and grieving. Antonio gets what it is, but he hasn’t quite get that everyone and everything dies all the time

I did look up popular playing card games in Colombia, but Uno’s funnier

Brunitico (a diminutive of a diminutive, -ico and not -ito bc Colombian) Pepa’s just absolutely lording her elder child status and height over him. The wedding hurricane was extreme but normally they do exercise every last shred of Cain instinct they have at each other

3 years ago

A few things people with maladaptive daydreaming really wished you knew but we just can't tell you:

(Some of these are just from my experience and may not apply to everyone)

Don't be offended if we zone out during a conversation. Lots of things trigger us and sometimes in even the most interesting conversations we can't help but imagine what our paras are doing right now, or what we'll daydream about next.

DO👏NOT👏INTERRUPT👏US👏WHEN👏WE'RE 👏IN👏THE👏MIDDLE👏OF👏A👏DAYDREAM👏 long story short, the feeling of anger and absolute rage is so intense we literally want to snap your spine. The only reason we don't is because then that would mean we'd have to wait even longer to return to the daydream.

Certain songs may make us feel a certain way. We use songs to trigger certain daydreams, so certain music will touch us more than the average person. For example if someone played the song our para died too, we would almost feel like it's happening again. It's a bit like someone playing a song that was at a loved ones funeral, but worse.

Dating is hard for us. It's common for madders to have para lovers and so when it comes to dating we may feel like we're betraying our para.

Our daydreams are as complicated and intense as Harry Potter. We come up with some pretty dramatic stuff, which helps us cope with real life trauma. This is also why we're so creative.

Time flies for us. We get so immersed in our daydreams that sometimes up to 5 or 6 hours can pass and we don't notice. It's common for us to stop daydreaming and realise we've gone a whole day without eating, drinking, going to the toilet, or that our feet are almost bleeding from pacing so much.

We can't just stop. It may seem that simple, but the truth is, It's an addiction and a coming mechanism. When traumatic events happen in the real world, we use our daydreams to deal with it. Events such as our loved ones passing away may cause familiar events to happen in our paracosms. Even I've noticed that during 2020 my daydreams have become more traumatic (for example more paras have been getting hurt or even killed, and the relationships between my paras are more complicated).

8. Writing this was hard because I kept falling into a daydream.

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