Hypomania - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Bipolar Life. Doesn't Help I'm Not Doing Much To Prevent It. Slipping Into Hypomania, If I'm Not Already

Bipolar life. Doesn't help I'm not doing much to prevent it. Slipping into hypomania, if i'm not already there. Let me live in my head okahhhh.

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5 years ago

Hypo/manic moods fo today: -My humor is too advanced for people -*Clogs up the browser’s history with compulsive researching* -Hmm I should have a garage sale -*Makes a catfish account on instagram for no reason* -I would be such a good drummer -*Spam texts people I shouldn’t be talking to*  -Getting a septum piercing is a great idea -*Masturbates for 2/3 of the day* -I need cocaine -*Annoys friends with fixations* -I don’t even need medicine -*Excessive sweating, heart palpitations, and body tremors* -Have I always been this attractive? -*Thoughts at the speed of light* -Sleep is for the weak and I am not weak -*Laughs and smiles so hard that cheeks and jaw start to hurt* -I will replace Vsauce

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5 years ago

(Hypo)mania hits different when you're in school

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5 years ago

My mind has found its sense

Step outside your charcoal eyes and fall for lust

For the only torture of this life is the slow burn of time

Would they still call it disease

If they saw what you’ve learned?

Stop to see the thermions

Flying right out of your baking body

Watching the hot flares disgorge from your tingling skin

Would they still call it pain

If they knew how alive I am?

This is a real light, not new pain

Danger and impact are but ideas

So let your conscience fail

Do you understand now?

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5 years ago

I can fly I can fly I can fly also I don’t wanna sleep fuck you

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4 years ago

Manic thoughts fo tonight:

-The world is mine and I can do whatever I want

-I hate you guys you just ruin my fun by getting all worried

-I SWEAR the trees are speaking to me amidst this midnight walk

-Why is everyone trying to kill me

-I’m so under-desired for a person who’s completely superior

-I’m going to break the world record for smartest person alive, just let me get my textbooks

-I’m going to spend my money on crack, clothes, and coffee

-My manic anthem playlist is on full fuckinf blast and I don’t want to turn it down

-My heartbeat is rocking me back and forth very very notably which is entertaining

-Speaking of entertainment OH MY GOD THINGS ARE FUNNY

-Why are all my friends asleep :( FAKE* friends

-I want to s/h because it is fun and so damn enlivening :-)))))

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4 years ago

Any tumblr posts about depression or something sad are a fucking joke to me when I’m manic. It makes me feel like an asshole but I mean no offense in that thought, I just don’t have the time to mope, I have to get things done

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4 years ago

I don’t know if this is Bipolar Culture or not, but I hate when I get so hyper and have the instinct of calling it mania or the start of an episode, and then see it was just false alarm. A manic scare™

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2 years ago

Having a life-threatening mental illness and med non-compliance or complacency with taking meds has got to be one of the top worst combinations ever wtf

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9 months ago

Ain’t nothing like avoiding your therapy sessions so your therapist doesn’t discover you’re manic or off meds again, avoiding their disappointment, avoiding the immediate hospitalization you know would come from that

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3 years ago

mmm since we’ve been researching this the past few days: (putting them in simplest terms)

mania - a period of being unstably elated to the point you may need to be hospitalized (a manic episode is usually a week or more). this may include not sleeping, engaging in dangerous behaviors, having extreme trouble focusing, and everything listed in hypomania

hypomania - a period of being elated to the point others notice. this may include speaking faster, being restless, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, engaging in reckless behaviors, higher sex drive.

bipolar disorder - a disorder where you have at least one manic episode and depressive episode with in your life. usually a (hypo)manic episode is followed by a depressive episode. (bipolar 1 is full mania and bipolar 2 is hypomania)

depression - a condition characterized by feeling sad, losing interest and motivation, changes in appetite, changes in sleep, and brain fog for at least two weeks

depressive episode - feeling sad, losing interest and motivation, changes in appetite, changes in sleep, and brain fog for at least a week, usually closer to two months

borderline personality disorder - a disorder when you have repetitive extreme mood swings, difficulty maintaining relationships, and feeling worthless.

borderline episode - when you have a negative mood swing and feel a lot of emotions. this often leads to suicidal thoughts and sh. usually lasts less than 24 hours.

hyperfixation - when you neurodivergent ppl get a crumb of serotonin from something/hj /lh. when a nd person becomes so interested in something they have difficulty doing anything aside from that and it consumes their thoughts, may cause a loss of sleep or healthy behaviors. (usually 3 hours to 3 days, although variation) (adhd)

special interest - a long term fascination for with something that brings an incomparable amount of serotonin. often the focal point of someones thoughts. (usually a week to lifelong) (autism)

sensory overload - when your mind cannot process a lot of sensory input and it becomes difficulty to focus and interact with others. (nd)

depersonalization - feeling disconnected from yourself, watching yourself in third person

derealization - feeling disconnected from reality, may be related to an existential crisis

anxiety attack - a longer feeling of overwhelming anxiety, usually with a certain cause

panic attack - a short feeling of unbelievable fear and pain, often compared to a heart attack. often with no determinable cause or because of a trigger.

compulsion - a behavior you have to do or you feel fear or panic (usually with ocd as a result of an obsession)

tic - a behavior you cannot control, often jerky body movements or saying something

stim - a stimulating behavior that feels good, you can stop and just feel kind of disappointed or upset

not a mental health professional just a lot of time and anxiety

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8 months ago

I'm still super anxious, have been for a few days in a row, feel so exhausted but can't calm down.

Either I’m going to get wasted tonight and draw nsfw art or mindlessly running dungeons.

🥃 cheers, I’m out

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2 years ago

Hands up if your spring manic episode has arrived 🖐

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1 year ago
Guiding Light

guiding light

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