neverluckygoldfish - Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral

my addiction recovery & self-love journal: discovering a greater me

420 posts

Ive Made Wishes On Every 11:11 And All Thats Ever Happened Is The Clock Changed To 11:12.

I’ve made wishes on every 11:11 and all that’s ever happened is the clock changed to 11:12.

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1 year ago

It's not your job to negotiate your worth to anyone.

1 year ago


1 year ago

25 -

I’ve realized there’s a beautiful quiet to solitude. Drowning out the noise.

Yes: the ever present chatter of the city, the neighborhood, the trees all around me.

But also the sound of others’: expectations, opinions, influences. We are inundated with these from the moment we drink our first sips of air. Our families, friends, the media all around us have shaped our current perspective of the world. The narrative of our experiences are processed through the lens of those beliefs. Our experiences are the fabric of our lives. And so it goes on.

It is rare to have a thought that is entirely your own.

When I first realized this, it frightened me. Who am I, really?

It take solitude, listening to the quiet whispers of my soul - to know what truly gives me peace.

Who am I when no one is around?

What are my desires when no one is there to validate them?

How would I direct the course of my own narrative?

On my last day, on my last breath - what would I remember?

Be still and listen.

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