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The Magic Shop & Pandora’s Box Theory [Fake Love Teaser 1]

BTS (방탄소년단) 'FAKE LOVE' Official Teaser 1 officially dropped. The Magic Shop is explicitly stated as “a psychodramatic technique that exchanges fear for a positive attitude.” Psychodrama is often used in group therapy workshops in mental hospitals or other mental facilities to help patients gain insight into their own lives.

However, the “Magic Shop” is a coined term from the book Into the Magic Shop by Dr. Doty, which was quoted before as seen above for their performance at KBS Gayo Daeshukje 2017. In the book, Dr. Doty met Ruth, an owner of a magic shop and “a woman who taught him a series of exercises to ease his own suffering and manifest his greatest desires. Her final mandate was that he keep his heart open and teach these techniques to others. She gave him his first glimpse of the unique relationship between the brain and the heart.” Her techniques include relaxing the body, taming the mind, opening the heart, and clarifying your intent. More details of her techniques linked here.
In the teaser, the boys are exchanging items from the WINGS era, that symbolizes their fear, for items from Highlight Reels, that symbolizes a positive attitude. These items also references to the girls that helped them gain this positive attitude, just like Ruth did for Dr. Doty.
Jin is exchanging his earpiece for a ?
Jhope is exchanging his snickers for a cake
Namjoon is exchanging his glass shard for a hairband
Jimin is exchanging his forest photo for an umbrella
Suga is exchanging ? for a lollipop
V is exchanging ? for a backpack
(some of Jin’s, Suga’s, and V’s items were not shown).

Jungkook is the only one that did not exchange something for an item but instead got a key. This is because in the WINGS era and in the book Demian, Jungkook symbolizes Sinclair when he was an innocent boy naive to the evils of the world. He had no fear of the world because he was not exposed to it yet.

This teaser also references to the story of Pandora’s box. If you don’t know, the story of Pandora’s box is from Greek mythology that explains how evil was spread to the world. The Greeks believed that the world was once pure and innocent until Pandora, a curious girl, opened a box that was given by Zeus but she was instructed never to open it. When she did open it, evil things were released such as greed, envy, hatred, pain, disease, hunger, poverty, war, and death. She tried to close the box, but the only thing that was left in the box was hope. The myth conveys the message that hope is the only thing that humans can hold onto in an evil world.

In relation to the teaser, Jungkook’s key opens up to a room full of dirt, rubble, coat hangers and a hooded figure. The room and the figure symbolizes the world and its evils and the coat hangers symbolize the other boys, who have been exposed to evil. There are 6 coat hangers in total. Remember that the boys are all personas of one person at each stage of life according to WINGS and Demian. Jungkook is now exposed to the evil world and must surpass it, going through each persona, in order to find himself and mature. The coat hangers symbolize the personas of the Self because in Singularity, Taehyung uses it to dance with himself.
Just a reminder that BigHit officially declared that in Highlight Reels, the boys were acting not as themselves because they FEARED that they will not be loved for who they are. They gained fake love since the world, including themselves, did not like them for who they are, but for who they were acting to be. This time, the boys are exchanging their fears for a positive attitude in hopes to find real love, real love for their true selves. The book Into the Magic Shop teaches how you can change your life by first changing what’s within yourself, losing your fears of being judged and hated, and having a positive attitude to break free from your fake self to gain real love.
Here are my past theories of WINGS and LY: Her. Please read it so it would make more sense. THEY’RE ALL RELATED!
today: i am releasing the negative and embracing the positive.
I’ve made wishes on every 11:11 and all that’s ever happened is the clock changed to 11:12.
23 -
Lately: been sick as a dog. I hate the flu.
With that being said, I also recently blew up my entire life….in a good way ;)
I have dreamed of settling down in the PNW my entire life. And no, not because I read twilight. My soul has felt at home in the moody gray, the greenery, the culture. I had plans to do so in the next two years. But life happens (as it does) and now I’m moving in 4 weeks!! Holy shit. It feels surreal.
Do I feel like this is a totally bonkers idea? Maybe. Probably. But I don’t care because everything in me is screaming “hell yes” towards this opportunity.
It’s a big change but I feel grateful because I don’t have an urge to drink or use (wild). It’s stress, but the good kind lol.
They say don’t make any major life changes your first year in recovery….but I’ve never been good at listening anyway.
I turn 30 next year. I’m new in recovery, a newlywed, no house or real assets, barely a retirement savings, no kids (except my dog is my child and you can’t convince me otherwise), a little money in the bank, unemployed (making a career change nonetheless), and jumping into this wild change, headfirst. This is not how I pictured 30 haha.
But something I’ve come to admire about myself is my resilience. If I have ever been unhappy with my situation or desired something - I have set my sights on it and fixed/gotten it. Maybe I did it the hard way and maybe I’m (often) too stubborn to listen to advice, but I did it. No looking back. A pro of being selfish. I have never been afraid to take a bold risk, to dare greatly.
Age is just a number baby! Unless it’s less than 18.
I’ve struggled to connect with my greater She lately - once again, I’m trying to control every aspect of my life. To race against some perceived idea that I’m running out of time. That I have wasted all this time with my issues. That I’m behind.
Maybe that’s why I’m sick? If signs are real, I’ll take this as one that I need to SLOW tf down and surrender.
A friend recently told me “it sounds like you are building recovery around your life when you should be building your life around recovery”. It got me thinking. It made me pause….she’s so right. I think it’s an easy trap to fall into. Once things are good, I just race to the next thing. My foundation is fragile right now. What I do, my attitude - it determines my perspective. It sets a precedent moving forward.
I want to let go of the old me: insecure, approval seeking, people pleasing, melancholy, secretive, controlling, perfectionist. I welcome the new me who sees challenges as an adventure, who is kind not only to others but most importantly, to herself. Who lives a fulfilling life and finds joy in the stillness of every day. Who isn’t afraid to chase her dreams. Who trusts in her own capabilities. Who says fuck the haters (lol, but literally).
I am the woman in the arena. Forever.
I needed that reminder.
So yeah, big move but I am so ready. It feels like a fresh start. Also the little kid in me is like “omg eeeeee!!!!!! Check, life dream accomplished”. Energy is on overload lol.
I’m in a good headspace and at a point in my life where I’m comfortable with who I am. I’m not chasing what’s not meant for me. I’m releasing my shame. I’m learning to forgive myself. I’m staying present. I am becoming proud of the person I was / the person I am.
It’s never too late to start over. Everything can be fun, it’s all dependent on perspective. I welcome the next few months and all the adventures ahead!!!
I have faith in my intuition - my greater She. She has led me here.
Each day, a little better and brighter.

E. Russell

41 -
Made myself go to a hot yoga class & it was HOT. I think I died and was reborn in that class lol. I used to do hot yoga consistently but have fallen out of it over the last 2 years (read: alcoholism, depression, drug addiction).
I’m all for finding what works for you and hot yoga is my thing. There’s something about dripping in sweat & heart pounding…but focused on the breath. The breath really is everything. I find a surreal peace in my mind. I can tune out my mind and the world and just stay focused on my breath. The here and now. It’s so much easier to focus on my breath when I’m on the brink of death (lol) in a class than it is in real life. Yoga has taught me so much about body awareness and how much of an impact our breathing has on our nervous systems.
I read this quote: the true measure of success is a calm nervous system. SO TRUE. As a self proclaimed ADHD poster child who “lives life on overdrive” (again, my therapist) — all I ever want is to feel calm.
Honestly, most of the time you could describe me as a wind up toy that just goes and goes and goes and goes, the song gets distorted and it starts to move all wonky, and then it crashes.
Anyway the class was what I needed. A sign. I needed to return to myself a little bit.
Started my day off with a super nutritious breakfast. I always feel like if my breakfast is solid then it sets the tone for the rest of the day. Like if I’m eating candy for breakfast, then I know my ass is going to be a lazy blob or a hot mess for the day lol
I also made myself get ready today, go on a long walk with my dog (she was the goodest girl) AND even sat down to look for jobs instead of putting it off like I have for months….go me!
Procrastination? We don’t know her!!!
My therapist suggested I write a response to a situation that has been weighing on my mental space for months. I did it & it felt very cathartic. Like the last piece of the puzzle so I can let. that. shit. go. Someone give my therapist a raise!! Jk don’t because I’m broke and can barely afford her.
(side bar: very very very thankful and privileged to not have to work during these early months of sobriety)
Going to bed with a serene feeling in my heart & my body. All I can ask for.
54 -
In a weird place lately, but a good one. It just feels uncomfortable - kind of like getting a new pair of shoes and waiting for them to fully break in. Or wearing a t-shirt that doesn’t quite fit.
I’m doing really well lately. Ok, honestly I feel like “doing well” has a lot of room for interpretation. But as far as my mind and heart go - I’m doing just fine.
Because I don’t hate myself anymore. And this is everything.
So I’m not exactly where I want to be yet. So what? I am enjoying where I am at.
So people (in my life or not even in my life) don’t exactly approve or understand my life choices. All good - it’s my life, not theirs
I took 5+ grams of shrooms and found myself. Okay that sounds absolutely bonkers when I re-read that but it’s true.
I’ve had some alcohol since that time and I feel completely different drinking. Like I didn’t want to create chaos or hurt the people I love - HELLO WIN! Also, I don’t actually like the way alcohol makes me feel anymore but I acknowledge and recognize when I drink, I am indulging the old me.
Beyond that, I’ve just felt so settled. Whatever happens, I trust in my ability to find a way through. I am the woman in the arena, I am a survivor and I am resilient.
Some of the thought patterns that used to plague me, don’t as much anymore. It’s strange.
I turned 30 and decided now or never.
I think it also goes without saying - but living a life that you enjoy, that brings you peace and security…..wow it changes the game. I try so hard to have sympathy/empathy for those who feel stuck or unhappy.
But if you’re not going to do anything about it, I can’t fucking help you. Because even when shit has been as bad as it has, maybe I wallow sure - BUT I FIND A WAY THROUGH.
What’s crazy to me is this overwhelming sense of gratitude I feel. I feel present in my body.
Okay so still struggling with weed (because like who isn’t, when alcohol is so 1990) but lately I’ll put the damn bong down and eat a meal or take a nap/rest.
A year ago…..I would have died with the bong in my hand.
I haven’t felt as called to write. My thoughts have felt really jumbled and I’ve been really content to just “be” without needing to overanalyze it all.
Ok I always say that I need to get over this concept of “one day everything is going to magically be better”.
But………….everything has become magically better.
I scrolled back to my original posts first out of the hospital and I don’t recognize that woman. I want to hug her and tell her I’m proud of her. That so many people don’t have the courage to look their truth in the face and accept it, but she did. And she continues to.
I want her to know that I believe in her with all my heart. She can do this. She will do this. She will break the cycle and she will achieve the recurring dream of sitting on her deck in the backyard she owns, recounting how she made it through.
She will. And I will. I am!