For Some Reason, I Have The Strange Urge To Write An Omega! Jason Todd Fanfic
for some reason, I have the strange urge to write an omega! Jason Todd fanfic
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More Posts from Night-fallz
We’re Tired of Him
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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We’re Tired of Him (part 4)
Damian and Dick were late and Tim was starting to get impatient. How long could it take to retrieve the stupid brat?
Distantly, he heard the elevator bell ring, signaling that someone was going up, and he couldn’t stop his eyes from widening with glee.
A few more minutes and Damian’s secrets would be theirs for the taking.
The doors opened and everyone went to their stations, discreetly watching as Damian sat on the only empty seat left.
They specifically left that seat open so that Damian would be in the middle of the room. That way everyone can keep an eye on him and Damian would be able to feel the pressure of everyone’s eyes on him.
The kid’s face was blank but Tim could see the confusion laying in his eyes.
He couldn’t help the small smirk that formed on his face. Of course Damian would be confused. He’s probably never been in Titans Tower when there hasn’t been a mission.
Hell, Tim bets that no one has ever willingly hung out with him before.
The heavy air of silence was interrupted with Damian’s question, "Don't you guys have a movie to watch?"
"It was closed." Crush said, not wanting to answer Damian’s stupid questions.
Damian’s eyebrows furrowed, "How would it be closed? It's barely 10 o'clock."
Tim rolled his eyes, interrupting whatever Jason was saying with a cold, "Don't I get a welcome, Demon?" When Damian didn’t answer, he continued. “Plus, last time I checked, you didn't know what cinema they were going to, so how would you know what time it would close."
Tim knew he won when Damian rolled his eyes right back. "Tt, whatever."
He stared at Tim with a bored expression for a few seconds before turning to Dick. "Can I go now?" When their oldest brother didn’t reply, Damian hesitantly continued. "I just remembered that I had to do something."
This time, Tim couldn’t stop himself from scoffing. It was such an obvious lie.
All the assassin training that Damian always bragged about and that was what came out of his mouth?
He was honestly disappointed.
Plus, even if Damian said that confidently. No one in the room would even believe that Damian had plans.
The brat’s life consisted off of training, school, and being Robin. There was also no way that anyone would want to hang out with Damian.
His dad might be Bruce Wayne, but the kid’s attitude was enough to turn everyone away.
After Damian finally realized that he wasn’t going to get an answer, Tim watched as he got up from his chair, walking towards the exit.
He notices Dick signaling for someone to block the door and he didn’t bother to try and stop the smug feeling from spreading across his body as he watched the brat’s face shrivel with uncertainty the moment he realized that he wouldn’t be able to leave.
Damian turned around, his eyes glaring at everyone who would meet his gaze. "What do you guys want?"
Though, the intensity of the glare faded away when Damian’s voice cracked, filled with insecurity.
The night has only just started and the entitled prince’s facade was already breaking.
Jason leaned forward, a mug in his hand as he spoke. "I don't know what they want, but can you try this? Alfred gave me the recipe."
Everyone watched as Damian narrowed his eyes at the drink. From the corner of his eye, he noticed some of the girls blush as Damian ran his hands through his damp hair.
It was a sign of nervousness, he realized. Tim made sure to file that information in his head for later exploration.
Knowing when the demon brat got jitters would make amazing blackmail material.
His thought process were cut off with Damian’s arrogant voice. “And I should care about that because…?"
Tim grit his teeth. He hated how Damian acted like he was holding the cards in this conversation.
He wasn’t!
Tim and the others were. That was the only reason that Tim hasn’t blown up and ripped the brat to pieces.
Crush continued to provoke Damian. "Please don't tell me that you're scared."
Damian scoffed before pausing, not answering the question.
It was the wrong move.
The fact that Damian didn't answer only boosted everyone's confidence.
After all, it wasn’t everyday that Damian Wayne had nothing to say.
Jason walked up to Damian, the mug in his hand. Damian’s gaze never even left the object.
The brat warily looked around. He wasn’t even trying to hide his confusion anymore. It was just becoming too obvious.
"You know," Emiko said. A blind man would be able to see just how much she enjoyed taunting Damian. And Tim couldn’t find it in himself to blame her. "What would happen if your father heard the fact that you declined a drink that your brother obviously worked hard on just for you?"
She let out a gasp that was so fake that even Damian would be able to tell that it was supposed to be mocking him. "Oh! What would the League do?"
It was the perfect opening and Tim couldn’t help but step in, his eyes desperately wanting to see Damian twitch uncomfortably. "If dad found out, you would probably be banned from patrol…” Damian clenched his fists and he couldn’t help but add an “again."
Tim’s face grew into a smirk as he relished in the laughter. This was payback for everything Damian did. And trust him when he says that this was only the beginning.
It didn’t even take a minute before Damian snatched the white mug, ironically covered with bats from Jason’s hand.
Tim’s smile widened, he knew that Damian would take the drink. Just like the other Robins before him, Damian was desperate for Batman’s approval as well. The kid didn’t want to let his dad down.
And to make this whole situation even better, if Damian ever finds out about this whole scheme, Tim knows that he can probably spin the story so that everyone but Damian won’t get in trouble.
It’s not like it would be hard.
Damian was the one stupid enough to give into the taunts and didn’t check if the drink was drugged or not.
Bruce would be disappointed.
Damian drank the drink in a few seconds. The kid opened his mouth but before a word could escape, he crumpled down.
Sadly, Jason was there to catch him before his head hit the ground, carefully laying Damian down on the couch.
Wally groaned, “You should’ve let the brat fall.” he complained, “It wouldn’t have hurt him.”
Jason's eyes glowed green as he glared at the speedster. “Watch your tone, West. As bratty as he might be, this kid is still my brother.”
Wally gulped before nodding so fast that Tim thought his head would fall off. Jason might not be killing anyone anymore, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was still frightening.
Tim paused, replaying Jason’s words in his head, before frowning, jealousy spreading all over his body.
Damian already had Dick backing him up, he didn’t need Jason too. It was an unspoken rule that Tim thought the bats all knew.
Dick was Damian’s older brother, while Jason was Tim’s. That was how it worked.
And it's worked pretty well so far. Ever since Dick replaced him with Damian, he and Jason were got closer.
They had movie nights and Jason taught Tim how to cook!
He was so sure that Jason didn’t even care about Damian. He ran the calculations through his head.
If Jason and Dick started to like Damian more than Tim, then they would get rid of him again. Tim would be alone.
He bit his lip to stop his mouth from talking, focusing on the camera Wally was setting up. That way, they’d have materialistic proof of Damian’s vulnerability and humiliation.
It was blackmail material that Tim knows he’d treasure like a lifeline.
Now that he thought about it, maybe Tim could use this video to sabotage whatever brotherly relationship Jason and Damian had.
He’d tell Damian to ignore Jason and to act every brattier towards their brother.
Jason’s patience for the brat would run out and he would Tim’s older brother again.
And this time, he would only be Tim’s.
When Wally was finished his lips formed a small smirk. He watched as a sadistic glint entered the speedster’s eyes. “So, who wants to go first?”
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I am so, so sorry that this chapter took forever to release. Balancing out school and volleyball was so much harder than I thought it would be.
I’m gonna spend the weekend to try and get my life together so that next everything will hopefully be easier on me.
This chapter was pretty short but it did give some insight into Tim’s thoughts about this whole situation.
If you couldn’t tell, they’re not very pretty.
Tim and Damian never made up in this universe. And trying to kill Tim multiple times makes it hard for Tim to try and forgive Damian.
I know that this chapter kinda sucked but I wanted to put something out before things get even busier. so hopefully you somewhat enjoyed it.
Like always, please leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! And they would help an extra ton these days.
And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for a specific fanfic I’m writing, just leave it in a comment down below or you can just message me here on tumblr.
Gossip Girls! Avengers High School AU
I finally watched Gossip Girls and my most recent hyperfixation were Tony Stark Cetric High School AUs. I was thinking and thought, "Why not combine the two of them together?" What do you guys think?
I feel like it'll be super fun to write and I'm leaning towards stuckony being the main ship. I have so many ideas and I can't wait to start writing.
Hopefully people will enjoy. Also, if you're interested, let me know. And if you have anything you think I should include in the AU, leave a comment. I wanna read it.
everyone shut up im thinking about how the entire time jason was robin it was always about him caring about the people he was protecting because that was what mattered to him :( bruce and dick first started being vigilantes because they wanted justice for their parents' murders but it was never about that to jason !! he cared! so much! even when he was being written as "angry and violent" is was always because he CARED about the people that were in danger and wanted to make the victims feel safe and happy :( he became robin and it was about love for a city and its people more than anything else :( then in death in the family he ignored bruce's orders because he thought that sheila was in danger and he cared about saving her! AND THEN even after she betrayed him he still got up after being beaten nearly to death and tried to get her out, and when he couldnt get out of the warehouse he threw himself in front of the bomb so that sheila wouldnt get hurt despite the fact that she had given him straight to joker and hadn't cared when she hurt him :( his time as robin up until the very last second was about love and care and protection no matter what :((((
If you don't mind me asking who all do you ship with Jason.
out of everyone, I think I ship Jason with Roy or Artemis. But I ship Jason the most with me ;)
Jason Todd x Avengers Crossover
Ao3 // Wattpad
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Unexpected (part 4)
He couldn’t believe that the praying thing actually worked. Clint didn’t know which godly deity thing he was praying to, but he was not complaining.
He had to play it cool, though. Clint couldn’t make it obvious that he stalked the man.
As far as he knows, no one other than Nat was aware of the interaction he had with Hood a week ago… Or the fact that they’re meeting up today.
Natasha was not going to believe this. She still couldn’t believe that she might finally get to meet the famed vigilante.
When he told her about the meet-up, she screamed so loud that Clint was surprised he wasn’t permanently deaf yet.
Out of habit, he brought up a hand to feel the devices in his ears, making sure the hearing aids that Tony made were still there.
“You okay?”
It took everything in Clint not to jump in surprise. Deaf or not, only a special group of people could sneak up to him.
Jason repeated his question, successfully snapping Clint out of his thoughts. He nodded, “Yeah. Guess I zoned out for a few seconds.”
The vigilante raised an eyebrow but didn’t reply. Their eyes met but it didn’t take long before Jason quickly lowered his.
That small act raised all sorts of alarms in the archer’s head. He wanted to comment on it. Wanted to ask the kid what was wrong. But-
But the two of them have just met. There was no way that Jason- the RED HOOD!- would trust Clint about that bothered him like this. Especially if it involved feelings.
Some day, maybe Jason will. But as of now, he won’t. Clint knows from experience.
“So, what did you need help with?” he asked.
Jason took a deep breath and Clint saw the vigilante slightly tremble. As if it hurt him to ask the archer for help.
Clint wanted to frown. He wanted to ask Jason what was wrong. And he needed to know if he was okay.
“I- I need-” Jason cut himself off and Clint didn’t know if he imagined it but he swore that something flickered in Jason’s eyes.
“Take your time, Jay.” Clint gently said. “I’m not in a rush.”
Jason nodded and the two of them let the silence immerse them. Let it fall like rain.
It wasn’t awkward. If anything, it was comfortable. He wondered if that was because Jason trusted Clint as well.
“It’s not a big favor,” Jason whispered and Clint could sense the underlying security in his tone. “And you don’t have to say yes.” he rushed out. “I just- I need a place to stay for a few days- maybe weeks?”
Clint didn’t know how to reply to that. He guessed he stayed silent for far too long because Jason’s face fell.
“I can pay you back.” the vigilante meekly offered. “A favor for a favor, y’know? I just- I just really need a place that isn’t in Gotham.”
The desperation in Jason’s voice brought Clint out of his thoughts. “No favor needed,” he tried to assure the teen. “The Avengers tower have plenty of space. It won’t be a problem at all.”
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna be a bother.”
If Clint had any doubts that Red Hood was young, then this whole conversation wiped it all away. Even when he’s not wearing his hearing aids, he’s sure that he would still be able to hear the insecurity that radiated off of Jason’s voice.
“You won’t be a bother.” Clint softly said, unaware that he slipped into his ‘comforting a victim’ voice. “I’m sure that the other Avengers would love to have you there.”
Jason scoffed as if Clint said something funny. “If you’re sure.”
Jason grinned, bright and dangerous and realistic. If Clint wasn’t here during the whole almost-butnotreally breakdown, then he would’ve believed that nothing was wrong.
That mask of his is good he couldn’t help but praise. It quickly turned to worry, though.
Clint met Jason’s eyes, the light making it seem like a deep blue. It was only because of the years of training he endured that he caught the hint of vulnerability in them.
“Of course, I’m sure.” he grinned back at the kid. “You wanna go now or later?”
Jason didn’t hesitate with his answer. “Now, please.”
Clint nodded and even though his head was begging him to ask more questions, all he did was walk towards his ride.
“Great, you can just follow me.” The archer turned towards Jason, “Think you can keep up?”
Jason smirked at the challenge, “Don’t worry, old man.” he responded, “Something tells me that I don’t even have to pull out the big wheels.”
Clint guided Jason around the tower, showing him the spots that he believed the vigilante would be interested in. Clint really wants Jason to enjoy this place.
Going by Jason's reaction to the library, Clint thinks he will. A voice in his head whispered that he could bond with Tony and Bruce with their similar thirst for knowledge.
It's a bit funny. Out of all the rooms in the tower, he didn't think that the library would be Jason's favorite. Clint mentally shrugged, he should've known better than to assume.
“So Jason,” he teased, grin widening. “Whatever happened to not needing to pull out the big wheels against this old man right here?”
Jason rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.
Was he pouting?
Jason’s eyes widened as he rushed to uncross his arms, forcing himself to lean against the nearest wall, “I was not pouting,” Jason stated. “And for your information, I only lost because you had home-field advantage. I had no idea where I was going.”
Clint smirked, “Sure you didn't.”
“I’m Red Hood. And the Red Hood does not pout.”
Before Clint could open his mouth to answer, he heard a cup shatter on the floor.
The two of them turned to face the intruder. Jason’s stance was defensive and Clint grabbed his bow from his back. An arrow ready to shoot.
Tony was in front of them, looking back and forth between Clint and Jason. He ignored the coffee on the ground which Clint could admit was very un-Tony like behavior.
The mechanic walked towards Jason, slowly raising his pointer finger as he poked the kid. Hard.
Jason scrunched his eyebrows, looking like a confused puppy.
Clint turned back to Tony, who was still looking at Jason in amazement… before it quickly turned to confusion.
“When did I adopt another vigilante?” Tony whispered to himself. “FRIDAY.” The man called out, “Who was the last person I adopted?”
“Peter Parker,” the AI easily answered.
Jason looked up in surprise, looking around as he tried to look for the voice.
Huh, Clint thought. He knew he forgot to mention something.
Tony opened his mouth but before he could speak, Steve walked in. “Have you guys seen To…” his voice trailed off as he spotted Jason.
Steve’s eyes flew to Tony and Clint right after and he sighed. “I thought that we talked about adopting more kids without consulting the team first.”
“I’m not-“ Jason tried to say, “No ones adopting-“
Steve sent Jason a smile that practically screamed you-poor-kid-you-have-no-idea-what-you-just-got-into, “The first step is always denial, kid. You can ask Pietro and Wanda that.” He grabbed Tony’s hand, “I’ll talk to you later. I have to put this genius to sleep first. Who knows when that last time he even laid down was.”
Clint watched as Steve led Tony away from the room. When he turned to face Jason, he saw the kid staring down at the cleaning bots.
“Tony made them,” he explained when Jason looked up at him in confusion. “With the amount of people living or even visiting the tower, he thought that having bots clean up our messes would be a lot more comfortable than having a random person do it.”
“Oh.” was all Jason said.
No one said anything for a while and Clint suspected that was because Jason was still processing his interaction with Steve and Tony. The kid was probably still confused.
He gave Jason a small nudge. “So,” he grinned. “Welcome to the Avengers Tower.”
After around four months of no updates, guess who’s back.
I am so sorry for taking so long to write this chapter. I know that I replied to a lot of comments saying that I was releasing this chapter a lot sooner than I did but things came up.
I hope you guys like this chapter!! I feel like it could’ve been a lot better but I really wanted to update this fic. Especially since my life’s gonna start picking up once again. With finals around the corner and volleyball tournaments about to start soon, life’s gonna be super busy once more.
Like always, please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to reply to every single one of them. It also helps that they motivate me so much! Let me know your thoughts, reactions, or anything!
If you don’t wanna leave a comment, that’s fine. If you liked this fanfic, please hit that kudos button though.
And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for a specific fanfic I’m writing, just leave it in a comment down below. You can also message me here at Tumblr as well!
Have an amazing day and wish me luck for finals!!! I’ll try to update as soon as I can!