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multi-fandom chasm phantasm *NOT a "safe" grown-up*

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I Asked ChatGPT To Write More Pokmon Blueshipping Fic.

I asked ChatGPT to write more Pokémon blueshipping fic.

The results were much less disturbing. Wholesome and fluffy, even.

(Prompts/what I typed are in bold)


Please write a Pokémon fanfiction in which James and Meowth realize they are in love with each other. The twerps overhear them.

James and Meowth had been partners in crime for years. They had been through thick and thin together, and they always had each other's backs. But lately, something had changed between them. They had started to see each other in a different light. They had started to develop feelings for each other, feelings that they couldn't quite understand.

One day, as they were wandering through the forest, James and Meowth found themselves alone. They sat down under a tree, and James turned to Meowth.

"Meowth, there's something I need to tell you," James said.

"What is it?" Meowth asked, looking up at him.

"I think… I think I'm in love with you," James said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Meowth's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

James nodded. "I know it's crazy, and we've been friends for so long, but… I can't help the way I feel."

Meowth smiled at him. "James, I feel the same way."

They leaned in and kissed each other, the world around them fading away. They had always been close, but this was something different. Something deeper.

Little did they know, the twerps had been following them, hidden behind a bush. Ash, Misty, and Brock had been suspicious of their antics for a while now, and they had followed them to see what they were up to. But they never expected to witness this.

"Did you hear that?" Misty whispered.

"I think James and Meowth just confessed their love for each other," Ash said, looking shocked.

Brock nodded in agreement. "We should probably give them some privacy."

The twerps quietly snuck away, leaving James and Meowth alone to explore their newfound feelings for each other.

As they sat together, wrapped up in each other's arms, James and Meowth knew that their lives would never be the same. But they didn't care. As long as they had each other, they could take on anything that the world threw at them. Together.


Thank you. I have another task for you. Please write a follow up scene where Jessie finds out about their love for each other and very aggressively convinces them they must hide it from the other members of Team Rocket, especially the boss (since it would likely be dangerous if this secret were to get out).

After James and Meowth's confession of love to each other, they tried their best to keep their relationship a secret. They knew that revealing it could have serious consequences, especially since they were members of Team Rocket, an organization that didn't take kindly to anything that didn't involve their pursuit of power.

But one day, Jessie found out.

She had been suspicious of their behavior for a while, and after doing some investigating, she found out the truth. She stormed into their room, slamming the door behind her.

"What is this I hear about you two being in love?" she demanded.

James and Meowth exchanged a worried glance. They knew that Jessie wouldn't take kindly to their relationship, especially since she had always been so focused on their mission.

"It's true," James said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jessie's eyes widened in disbelief. "You two are ridiculous. You know that, right? This is dangerous. We can't have any distractions."

"We know," Meowth said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Jessie paced back and forth, clearly agitated. "We can't let the boss find out. If he does, who knows what he'll do? He might see it as a weakness, and then where will we be?"

"What should we do then?" James asked.

Jessie turned to them, a fierce look in her eyes. "You two need to keep it a secret. Don't let anyone find out. Not the boss, not anyone. If you slip up, who knows what will happen."

James and Meowth nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"We'll be careful," James promised.

Jessie nodded. "Good. Because if anything happens to compromise our mission, it'll be on your heads."

With that, she stormed out of the room, leaving James and Meowth alone once again. They wrapped their arms around each other, knowing that they had to be even more careful from now on.

Their love was strong, but they knew that they had to hide it from the rest of Team Rocket, especially the boss. They didn't want to risk everything they had worked for, and they were willing to do whatever it takes to keep their relationship a secret.


I like that ChatGPT "knows" exactly who I mean when I say "the twerps" (Ash, Misty, and Brock; not Tracey).

But I don't think AI will be replacing me as a writer anytime soon.

More Posts from Olddirtybadfic

2 years ago

More of Team Rocket's Life in Wilow Creek

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

James and Meowth roast marshmallows with Liberty Lee, who clips through James.

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

Jessie also roasts marshmallows. They did this repeatedly, despite having a perfectly good fridge that works off grid and the ability to just pull hot dogs out of the ether to roast.

"If we're dressed like marshmallows and we eat the marshmallows, does that count as cannibalism?"

"Quit huffin' campfire fumes, Jimmy."

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

I got them a bee box. James bonded with the bees.

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

I also had him get started on the garden. Note the garlic, since Vlad will likely be lurking around.

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

Jessie was surprisingly unbothered by the outdoor toilet.

"It really does smell like roses!"

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

James, having had the misfortune of using it last (after Meowth), did not share this opinion.

"Why me?"

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

I think Human Meowth ended up kind of cute. (The markings on his face are supposed to imitate whiskers.)

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek
More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

I think Jessie and James turned out pretty nicely, too.

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

Kitty Meowth got bitten by a squirrel (nothing fatal, since this is the Sims).

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

So James took him to the vet's office.

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

Meowth got some new headgear.

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

He looks like he wants to cut a bitch, but he no longer has opposable fingers.

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

Jessie took up painting.

"Turn up your nose all you want--now that you have one--but the Sims around here call this 'High Art.'"

"More like, 'Are You High' Art."

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

They devolved into a verbal slapfight about Meowth's lack of taste. James wondered if maybe he should just sleep on the bench in the vet's office that night.

Also, a family portrait:

More Of Team Rocket's Life In Wilow Creek

They're so cute.

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2 years ago

Forgive me, oh daddy, for I have sinned against the laws of Canon

I rebuke any form of shipping, AU, and fusionfic in my life. I rebuke every kind of darkness that I have allowed Fanfic to work in my life, my OCs, and my blorbos, in the Creator's mighty name!

O Creator, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Content and the pains of Development Hell. But, most of all, because they have offended Thee, Creator, Who art all good, and deserving of all my eyeballs. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy Grace, to confess my sins, to do penance (whip me), and to question my life and choices.

just so you know, you have some followers who enjoy/write fanfiction. not saying their urls rn bc i don’t wanna air out dirty laundry in public but if you want them so you can block and report, just say the word and i’ll dm you a list

Just So You Know, You Have Some Followers Who Enjoy/write Fanfiction. Not Saying Their Urls Rn Bc I Dont

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1 year ago

James's Special Delivery: Tab A Plus Slot B Equals Kitten (part two of three)

There is a three-sentence sex scene in this. It's three sentences too long and it's also too short.

If you're going to write James/Meowth slashfic, you'd better go all in on it.

Part one

This fic contains:  Pokémon/Human romantic relationship; unexplained mpreg/male pregnancy; shaky grasp of the realities of pregnancy and childrearing; lack of medical and scientific knowledge; possible out-of-character moments for Jessie, James, and Meowth; odd ideas about romance; Dr. Fuji is miraculously alive somehow; ridiculously easy resolutions to problems; attempts to rehabilitate James's mother (she totally approved of Jessiebelle's bullshit she deserves no mercy); divorce; IKEA erotica that's somehow way too graphic and under described at the same time; dialogue that can't decide if it wants to be humorous or suspenseful


Meanwhile, back at James’s hometown, his parents were getting a divorce.

“I’m tired of the way you’re treating our son!” yelled Bethany Morgan, James’s mother.

“That boy is just hopeless. He won’t marry a proper citizen like Jessiebelle. He’s even dating a talking Meowth who used to be a criminal. How disgraceful!” Jacob Morgan, James’s father, yelled.

“This is the year 2002. Things are changing. Besides, he’s really in love with him. Maybe he ran away because of you. You drove James away, both you and Jessiebelle.”

“How dare you talk back to me!”

“Someone has to. I want a divorce.”

So Bethany and Jacob got a divorce. Since Bethany was rich before she married Jacob, she didn’t end up in the poorhouse. Both of them took only what they brought into the marriage.

Bethany was happy. She was free to visit her son and write to him without drama.


James looked at the pill in his hand.

“Am I really sure I want to do this?” he thought.

James decided he was ready and he would’ve done this sooner or later. It might as well be sooner.

He swallowed the pill.


That night, James and Meowth did it.

James felt very invigorated by Meowth’s thrusting. Meowth loved James with all his heart and put his love in every thrust.

Needless to say, both of them were very happy (as well as tired) when they went to sleep.


The next morning, James woke up feeling nauseated. He ran into the bathroom and started vomiting.

Meowth realized James wasn’t in bed with him and woke up. He went into the bathroom. James was kneeling with his head in the toilet.

“James, what’s wrong? Why are you vomiting?” he asked.

“I think I’m pregnant,” James said.

Meowth took James to the doctors at the lab. Sure enough, James was right.


After eating just bland food and resting, James thought he’d gotten over his morning sickness in three days.

But morning sickness was the least of their problems.

“How are we going to tell Jessie?” James asked Meowth.

“Let’s tell her in the most subtle way possible,” Meowth said.

That day, after Jessie came back from the anger management sessions, they tried to be subtle when telling her about the experiment.

“Jessie….The experiment worked,” Meowth said.

“What experiment?”

“James is….er….‘fertile.’”

“What are you talking about?”

James, who was sitting next to Meowth, was massaging his temples. This was going to take a long time.

Jessie was getting impatient. “What. Is. Wrong. With. JAMES?!” she screamed.


“Why didn’t you just say you wanted to catch another Meowth?” Jessie said.

“Not like that,” James whispered.

“Then, like what?”

James whispered in her ear.


James whispered it again.


“I’M PREGNANT WITH MEOWTH’S KITTEN, OKAY?” James finally yelled.

“Freaking finally.” Then she realized what he said. “You’re what?!”

“It was an experiment,” James said. “Dr. Fuji made us do it for Team Rocket.”

“And we love each other,” Meowth said.


“That’s it?!”

“Yeah, I don’t really have a problem with that.”


James and Meowth went into the bedroom. They had gotten lucky.


Moral of the story: Lusting and thrusting leads to tin roofs rusting.

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2 years ago

This is sort of how I feel about Rocketshipping in Pokémon. I don't hate that ship (I do enjoy it when it involves mpreg, which is rare); it just really doesn't do anything for me.

My favorite characters are James and Meowth (Jessie's fine, too), but sometimes things are labeled Rocketshipping when it merely includes Jessie and James in the same frame, so filtering out the tag isn't really worth it.

Also my OTP (blueshipping) is pretty much heresy.

Fandom Problem 3838. Rest of text on image is in the post.

Anyone else ever experience a ship that is so popular in the fandom but it just bores you to death? It does not spark joy. In fact, it does not spark anything. I don't even hate it but everyone keeps insisting that it's the best thing ever and I just.. don't see it? I am tired of getting it shoved in my face (and not being able to say no without getting some choice replies). I might start hating the ship just out of spite

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2 years ago

a fanfic dream I had

A black and red tombstone carved with eldritch symbols. Somehow, I could read the epitaph and it said:

"Here lies the ashes of Darkonogoth, a most powerful and dastardly demon. Drove Giovanni, High Priest of the Rocket Cult to utter madness. Reigned over a dark army of ghost Pokémon with Lord Commander Jessica Romanov at its helm. Sired several demonspawn on Warlock James, whom he considered little more than his magical mortal plaything. Ultimately defeated by a modified shitpost spell at the hands of a talking Meowth."

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