side blog of @pipartuuli
35 posts
Pipartutorials - How 2 Draw Gud - Tumblr Blog

So it occurred to me that ‘grawlix’ is sort of an obscure and specialized word, but what I didn’t know until I was googling around just now is that it was actually invented by cartoonist Mort Walker in his 1980 book The Lexicon of Comicana, in which he categorizes (and invents terminology for) all kinds of visual cues and shorthand commonly used in comics

In other news, this is now right up there with The Meaning of Liff as ‘books of made up words I desperately need to own”
✧・゚playlists to help pass the time *:・✧
hi everyone! it’s been a while since i made a huge playlist masterpost, but i thought that right now when we’re all stuck inside wondering what to do with our time i would make a list of all my playlists. listening to music is so calming and definitely helps me pass the time…so enjoy! - cam
songs that remind me of a fashion show
a mix of songs that remind me of driving down the coast
a playlist dedicated to paris
songs that inspire me
a dreamy mix
songs to listen to when you feel carefree
a super fun workout/running playlist to keep you pumped up
songs to listen to during golden hour
a mix of songs to listen to on a sunny day
a playlist full of songs that make me feel alive
songs that remind me of my teenage years
a study/coffee shop playlist to keep you calm
songs to listen to on the weekend
songs that make me feel like living in the moment
a friday kinda mix !
songs that remind me of a warm spring evening
a mix dedicated to nature
my all-time favorite songs all in one playlist
songs that remind me of flowers and sunshine
a 12-hour long playlist of songs that make me feel nostalgic
songs that remind me of going back to school
my ultimate summertime playlist
songs that make me feel like i’m in a movie
upbeat songs to get ready to in the morning
songs i’m currently loving & listening to right now
a playlist dedicated to italy and all its wonders
songs that are soft and delicate
a mix to listen to while watching the sunrise / sunset
a playlist for a rainy and stormy day
songs to listen to when you wake up !
another nature playlist because why not?!
a monday playlist to make your monday more enjoyable
my springtime playlist
songs that are bittersweet
my girl power anthems playlist
for the daydreamers
songs that remind me of the spirit of traveling & exploring
a mix to listen to before bed
songs to listen and dance to in your kitchen
a super fun 70s playlist
relaxing songs for a sunday
songs that remind me of wintertime
for people who love the east coast
for people who love the west coast
a mix of lo fi beats
songs to listen to in your car at night
fresh finds (new songs every monday!)
the ultimate sing along playlist
an indie playlist
the perfect road trip / daily commute mix
a super studious playlist to keep you extra focused
songs that remind me of the beach
a mix of songs to listen to when you’re j chillin
songs that remind me of a trip to outer space !
listen to this when you’re in love
songs for stargazing…
the perfect autumn playlist
songs that make my heart flutter
a mix of carefree & happy tunes
the grooviest 80s playlist around
a mix of golden oldies
listen to this if you like rap / r&b
another workout playlist !
a mix of fun, upbeat songs to dance to
a playlist inspired by call me by your name
a coming of age playlist
a mix of songs that deserve more hype
My how 2 make comics is out now, for anyone that wants to start a comic but has no idea how or where 🤓
Get it here! ☀️

Somebody out there, please, build the Excalibatar, or the Swiss Armatar and post photos for the rest of us…The Ant-Farm Guitar and the Crucitar would be good too.

two (2) people asked how i did the matchbook thing so take this
this is just a simple idea but if you spend some more time you can get real krazy with it:

making fake prints is so fun please do it immediately free resources under cut xoxo
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Welcome to BDSMber

Welcome to BDSMber. Every day for the month of November, you have been challenged to draw, write, or otherwise create one work of art that celebrates the world of kink. This is not whump, this is not porn, this is not smut… necessarily. It’s what you and your twisted kinky minds make of it.
Adhere to the theme of each day, but feel free to interpret how you see fit.
We’ll take submissions and post them if we want. Remember to tag your posts with #BDSMber so we can see it and share, and as always tag with appropriate trigger and content warnings for the happy browsing of all your followers. Enjoy!

Charles is such a hard character to draw, I figured I'd make some studies. These are all based on stills from the show but I took some liberties here and there. Not quite loving them, but I did learn a lot.

I was unsure about whether to post this or not because I'm not confident enough in my skills to post tutorials but I find these methods on how I draw water and smoke pretty useful and easy to do so maybe this helps someone. I hope I explained everything in an easy to understand way, forming sentences is tough. All brushes I used are pre installed except for the unhelpful eraser tool, which you can find here: Link edit: if you use any of these tipps I would love to see the result so feel free to tag me :)

I head back to the real world today. Loads of drawings in the works.
I’m hosting a Kickstarter live event tomorrow night… I’ll post the link here and on Patreon
My pose sets are posted on Patreon first and this month, NSFW poses arrive reach week, exclusivly on Patreon
Art commission “signal-boosting” Please, keep an eye out for those commission posts from artists looking to make a little extra money. Give them a like and a re-blog, it’s a terrific way to support them.
I’m still counting likes and re-blogs on the commission posts and at 1,000 I’ll give away another signed copy of one of my books… So check them out and help signal-boost
How is your art coming along? Keep drawing. Share your stuff. We love seeing it
Or tag is “inspiredbyposeref” if you want me to check it out
Keep drawing, I know I will
- Justin

Toki’s Doomstar flying V repaints.