Guns - Tumblr Posts

He is beauty,

He is grace,


Recio & dumbbells
Massive guns.
Aaaaaand it's out! May I present Man Spaghetti.
When I made this film, I was exploring the idea of how living things are made of matter, and when we die and rot and we're returned to the earth and yadda yadda, and then that matter then goes on to build other living things. Basically I cut out the middle man, and made the matter reorganise itself into new things the moment the consciousness died. Then i put them in onesies and gave the whole thing a silly name. Hope ya dig it!

This is in no way the best way to post it but it is the only way I could get the format to stay
Jason has always been exceptionally talented with firearms, even as Robin. While Dick is great with his Escrima sticks, Tim with his Bow staff, and Damian with his sword, Jason always has guns.
All of the Batfam lily know how to use and disarm them, but Jason always loved using them. Bruce taught him the very basics, but Jason went to Alfred to learn more. Alfred was very excited to teach him and the backyard quickly became a shooting range.
He was very into them and willing to learn ANYTHING, so Alfred taught him to snipe, hunt small and large game, moving targets with a rifle and shotgun, use different sized revolvers that he has trouble lifting, and dual shooting.
(Alfred also taught him to use a crossbow and different swords found across the manor. When asked about how he knew all of this, he just smiled and told Jason ‘I’ve lived a long life, and I’ve crossed paths with many who lived shorter ones. (This was the most information Antione has ever got out of Alfred and Heading takes pride in that.))
In simulations that have scores, Jason scores ok, but go to the shooting range and he has the top score. Not just the top score, but he beat everyone by a long shot.
Like, Bruce is third with 7500, Alfred has 20000 (he was a spy so duh) and Jason has 25000.
He’s also great with a bow too, since Roy taught him the basics. He is good with knives and a kusarigama (I think?), it’s a long string/thin rope with a spike/knife on the end.
Basically the more lethal weapons that could be found in Crime Alley. He just never used them as Robin bc they were too dangerous.
To this day, he’s beaten the score but the old ones haven’t been beat. His Robin scare is 25000 but his Red Hood score is 75000.
Everyone tries to beat it but when they can’t, it’s suddenly not a competition anymore.
A nice video showing the prop mastery of the movie jurassic world. Also GUNS! also there's a really nice collection of freaky reptiles at the end of that clip.

Stephen does NOT like guns. And yes, he will continue to be obviously petty about it.
- Magic Bullets #1-2 (2017)