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For Ophiou Pls
🍎🍄🌹♣️🦐🦑For Ophiou pls 💕💞👀
🍎 — They don't really know each other much but are well-acquainted enough due to Raneus dragging Ophiou out often and sometimes even dragging the gorgon all the way to the Pomefiore dorm whenever Ran has to meet with Vil.
🍄 — A bit wary of Jade (mainly due to being Floyd's twin brother), but tries to give him the benefit of the doubt. Funnily enough, they ended up becoming kind of friendly enough slightly (mainly due to the fact that Ophi joins Jade's "Mountain Appreciation Club" along with Bel, surprisingly).
🌹 — Initially intimidated by Riddle, but Ophiou can see that Riddle is genuinely hard-working and relatively nice... so long as you don't break the rules, thus he's quite fine being around him. Riddle, on his end, is curious about Ophiou, but because of the fact that they're not in the same class and rarely get the chance to interact with each other, their relationship remains as "acquaintances".
♣️ — Thinks Trey is super really reliable and Ophiou wishes that he could be more like him. Trey meanwhile thinks that Ophiou could definitely need more self-confidence, as well as trying to trust in others too, so he often looks after the Gorgon on occasion.
🦐 — Wishes to have nothing to do with him, but alas Floyd is Floyd so he can't escape often (lol). Floyd meanwhile thinks Ophiou's both fun and boring at the same time, but that's what makes him interesting to the eel (thankfully they're not in the same class otherwise it would give Ophiou more reasons to also not attend classes physically). Ophiou just wishes Floyd would stop messing with him and then MAYBE just MAYBE Ophiou could actually try to talk to him.
🦑 — Surprisingly on well-acquainted terms, mainly due to Idia and Raneus being the bridge in establishing the relationship. Ophiou knows better though than to ever agree to a deal with Azul, but besides that, they actually have made a pretty good "partnership" (along with Ran, and Levi).
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More Posts from Randomikemendegen
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What is the vibe your character gives off to the world? How does the world view them? Is this aligned or in disagreement with how your character feels internally?
*confused scream*
Imma assume this is like-- how my OC appears to other people and how they think of said OC VS how my OC actually is if that's ok hhhhhhhhh
To most people, Hokusai seems to be an affable and well-mannered person. Someone who likes to taunt and play with others and even act somewhat immature to an extent, but he is quick to prove others that he's quick-witted, capable, and mature when handling most situations, especially when things get serious. If one spends enough time around him, they notice how he can act pretty cunning and secretive, along with the fact that he knows more than he lets on- though there is suspicion in regards to his shifty behavior, Hokusai still proves everyone that he has no malicious intent whatsoever and is merely doing what he thinks is "best". He's well-liked by the students of NRC and is even on close terms with a lot of them, but because he also likes to nag and tease them, they can't help but be mean back towards him (and he lets them all get away with it since it's all just harmless fun).
... Funnily enough, Hokusai himself HEAVILY disagrees with everyone's opinions regarding himself. After all, the one who hates Hokusai the most is himself. He considers his current self a "mask that became himself to hide his [sins]"; Hokusai basically thinks that he's simply a monster wearing a humane mask. He's not going to ever deny that. He acknowledges that he's done a lot of horrible things in the past out of misguided anger and hatred born from delusion, along with taking pleasure in doing such things because, from somewhere deep in his heart, he hates the entire world for taking the things most important to him.
Hokusai knows that there is no salvation for something as heinous as him. But with this new life that he has been given, this third chance, he'll try to do things better. He doesn't wish to ever return to how he used to be.
All he wants now is to be a better father and a good teacher to the kids.

hahaha own Yuu reveal go brrrr
“Let’s all... get along great... okay~...?”
Their name’s Yuuya!! (Male? Female? Yuuya doesn’t really care about gender/sex, so they’re fine being “mistaken’ for either a boy or a girl~)
They’re kind of airheaded and spacey but genuinely mean well and like to interact with others... but they also like to go off on their own without telling anyone!
Is kind of forgetful at times (especially when it comes to small things such as where they placed their stuff and whatnot), but still reliable!! Is practically afraid of nothing and seems to always have a lackadaisical smile on their face.
Easy to distract, but hard to get rid off-- (Leona experienced this firsthand; second “victim” was Idia; Malleus was also going to be a “victim” of this but he proved to be far more elusive than expected)
Looks innocent, but can surprisingly say mean things with a straight face!!
☆~ Please reblog/like this if you'd like an occasional visit from the Random Oc Questions Fairy! ~☆
Reblog if you're okay with people just sending in random asks. Mutual or someone you've never interacted with!
23 and 24 for anyone? 😳
23. Do they get lonely easily?
Seisear Marchare: Yes and yes-- Seisear gets lonely easily; rather, not so much as the feeling of "loneliness", it's more of like "I don't want to be left behind (anymore)".
He may have a quirky and cheeky and somewhat rascal-y attitude, and it isn't noticeable due to him being in the presence of other people more often than not, he actually DETESTS being on his own. It's because whenever he's on his own, he finds himself getting shifty and his mind starts drifting and floating... and he begin to remembers things that his mind refuses to register which then causes him to experience a steady breakdown until he finds someone, ANYONE to latch onto.
(It's another reason why he and Quintin can often be found together if Seisear isn't with anyone else.)
24. Do you know their MBTI type?
Raetel Gura: ISTJ.
Despite his delinquent-like appearance and his somewhat angry disposition, Raetel is actually pretty rationale and prefers to think first on what to do before taking action. Despite what his furrowed expression might come across, he's actually pretty understanding and is someone you can actually rely on in a lot of things; though if he notices you're becoming dependent on him or anyone else, he WILL (rather harshly) reprimand you and say to your face that "you need to get a grip".
He values doing things on time and even makes mental notes of what things to do starting from the most important to the least important (or even which has the closest deadline to the furthest deadline). As such, Raetel H A T E S anyone who slacks off from doing their tasks as early as possible; sure he can forgive you if you delay only for a day or two, turn it into three days or more however and he becomes legitimately angry because you're only wasting precious time.
Honestly this is why he has absolutely ZERO respect for Leona, and why he somewhat pities Ruggie. Bel from Diasomnia also frustrates him for this exact reason, but it irritates him all the more because Bel still gets high grades despite his slacking.
Raetel also values honesty no matter what, and is the type to tell the truth even it might come across as a bit mean-spirited towards others; his opinions are intrinsically tied in with facts that he knows and has learned. He also prefers to work alone since that means less to no disturbances/unknown factors that can mess up his efforts.