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Reblog if you're okay with people just sending in random asks. Mutual or someone you've never interacted with!

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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

3 years ago

🍎🍄🌹♣️🦐🦑For Ophiou pls 💕💞👀

🍎 — They don't really know each other much but are well-acquainted enough due to Raneus dragging Ophiou out often and sometimes even dragging the gorgon all the way to the Pomefiore dorm whenever Ran has to meet with Vil.

🍄 — A bit wary of Jade (mainly due to being Floyd's twin brother), but tries to give him the benefit of the doubt. Funnily enough, they ended up becoming kind of friendly enough slightly (mainly due to the fact that Ophi joins Jade's "Mountain Appreciation Club" along with Bel, surprisingly).

🌹 — Initially intimidated by Riddle, but Ophiou can see that Riddle is genuinely hard-working and relatively nice... so long as you don't break the rules, thus he's quite fine being around him. Riddle, on his end, is curious about Ophiou, but because of the fact that they're not in the same class and rarely get the chance to interact with each other, their relationship remains as "acquaintances".

♣️ — Thinks Trey is super really reliable and Ophiou wishes that he could be more like him. Trey meanwhile thinks that Ophiou could definitely need more self-confidence, as well as trying to trust in others too, so he often looks after the Gorgon on occasion.

🦐 — Wishes to have nothing to do with him, but alas Floyd is Floyd so he can't escape often (lol). Floyd meanwhile thinks Ophiou's both fun and boring at the same time, but that's what makes him interesting to the eel (thankfully they're not in the same class otherwise it would give Ophiou more reasons to also not attend classes physically). Ophiou just wishes Floyd would stop messing with him and then MAYBE just MAYBE Ophiou could actually try to talk to him.

🦑 — Surprisingly on well-acquainted terms, mainly due to Idia and Raneus being the bridge in establishing the relationship. Ophiou knows better though than to ever agree to a deal with Azul, but besides that, they actually have made a pretty good "partnership" (along with Ran, and Levi).

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4 years ago

93 fun OC asks because why not


1. What is their gender? 

2. What is their sexuality?

3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?

4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with? 

5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?

6. What would they give their life for?

7. Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet?

8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?

9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?

10. What are some of their talents/skills? 

11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be? 

12. How old are they? When is their birthday?

13. What do they do for fun?

14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it?

15. What was something their parents taught them?

16. Are they religious?

17. Where were they born? 

18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages? 

19. What is their occupation?

20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them? 


21. What is their favorite thing about their personality?

22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?

23. Do they get lonely easily?

24. Do you know their MBTI type?

25. What is their biggest flaw?

26. Are they aware of their flaws?

27. What is their biggest strength? 

28. Are they aware of their strengths?

29. How would they describe their own personality?

30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?

31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?

32. What is their self esteem like?

33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?

34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives? 

35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?

36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.

37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?

38. What do others admire most about their personality?

39. What does their happily ever after look like?

40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?

Physical Profile:

41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh? 

42. What is their favorite thing about their physical appearance?

43. What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance?

44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars?

45. How would they describe their own appearance?

46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?

47.  What’s their pain tolerance like?

48. Do they have any tattoos? What are the stories behind those tattoos?

49. Do they have any piercings?

50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?

51. What is their height? Weight?

52. What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc?

53. What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone?

54. What is their current hairstyle? What have been some of their past hairstyles? Which was their favorite hairstyle?

55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?

56. What do they smell like? Why do they smell like this? (Is it the things they’re around or a perfume they wear?)

57. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin?

58. What is their most noticeable physical attribute?

59. What does their resting face look like? Do they have RBF?

60. Describe the way they sleep. 


61. Which season is their favorite season?

62. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others?

63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?

64. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily?

65. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick?

66. Where do they live? Do they like it there?

67. Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room?

68. How did their environment growing up affect their personality?

69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?

70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?

71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?

72.  Would they rather have stability or comfort?

73. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors?

74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms? 

75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?

76. How organized are they?

77. What is their most prized possession?

78. Who do they consider to be their best friend? 

79. What is their economic situation?

80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?


81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?

82. What is their handwriting like?

83. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim?

84. Which deadly sin do they represent best?

85. Do they believe in ghosts?

86. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays?

87. What is something they regret?

88. Do they have an accent?

89. What is their D&D alignment?

90. Are they right or left handed?

91. If they were a tweet, what tweet would they be?

92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.

93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?

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3 years ago

Hahahah wouldn't it be funny if I redraw this with Yuuken and Yuuya(my Yuu)--

i would like for Yuuken to hold my mc/yuu ever so gently while also attacking people with his Kendo stick.

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3 years ago
Hahaha Own Yuu Reveal Go Brrrr

hahaha own Yuu reveal go brrrr

“Let’s all... get along great... okay~...?”

Their name’s Yuuya!! (Male? Female? Yuuya doesn’t really care about gender/sex, so they’re fine being “mistaken’ for either a boy or a girl~)

They’re kind of airheaded and spacey but genuinely mean well and like to interact with others... but they also like to go off on their own without telling anyone!

Is kind of forgetful at times (especially when it comes to small things such as where they placed their stuff and whatnot), but still reliable!! Is practically afraid of nothing and seems to always have a lackadaisical smile on their face.

Easy to distract, but hard to get rid off-- (Leona experienced this firsthand; second “victim” was Idia; Malleus was also going to be a “victim” of this but he proved to be far more elusive than expected)

Looks innocent, but can surprisingly say mean things with a straight face!!

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3 years ago

🙌 Quintin in the Hourglass Station academy school uniform. If you wanna


(hhhhhh the coloring might end up looking off due to the graphics of whichever gadget you’re using to look at this art im so sorry aaaaaaaaaa)

“Wearing another school’s uniform... hrmmm... as expected, it’s a bit of an awkward feeling. Though I guess it’s more of... the fact I’ve gotten used to the Heartslabyul dorm outfit? Perhaps? .... T, This feels like I’m cosplaying to be honest, ahaha~...”

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