Hot Jonas In 1888 To The Town People: Ladies And Gentlemen, Please Join Us In The Church Every Sunday
Hot Jonas™ in 1888 to the town people: Ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the church every Sunday to discuss the true meaning of Time & God, the life cycle of Jesus being equal to 33 years and facing the fearsome consequences of any of your actions.
Ladies in 1888: What a dashing and charismatic gentleman! He also has God is his heart, and have you seen his beautiful eyes? Whatever this meeting is about, I'll be there!
Man in 1888: Have you heard? We should come there too, all the ladies are going to be there!
This is how I imagine the beginning of "Sic Mundus".
Important note, please don't join any sects, even if their leader is charismatic and good looking!
Though, if it would be Hot Jonas™ I wouldn't follow my own advice either.
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More Posts from Roddy-yu

A tribute to a tremendously talanted German actor Andreas Pietschmann, widely known by his role of the Stranger in Netflix's "Dark".
(part 2 of ∞)
Which Jonas took Mikkel to the caves?
(Dark S2-S3 thoughts)
Usually there are two opinions - either it is Jonas after his trip to another world or it's Jonas from his travels with Claudia.
We know that time is linear within the loop, if you travel with a help of the passage or the time apparatus. Only the God's particle can break the rule of linearity, and can take you whenever you want /to some random time. And we still don't know how Martha's golden sphere works, and what can it do.
Ok, let's jump into the "which Jonas..." discussion.
In my opinion, Jonas who got Mikkel through the caves is probably Jonas from his year with Claudia. Let's briefly recall the events supporting this idea:
So Jonas 2020 returns on 20-21 June of 2019 through the Dark matter bubble. He kisses Martha, already being 1 year older than her at the time (if it's safe to presume they were born in the same year). He causes Jonas 2019 and Martha to make love and then goes to save his father. That idea fails, as Michael tells him that Jonas from very near future gets him through the caves. Claudia appears, and Jonas 2020 leaves with her to linearly travel in time by 33 years cycles. So I assume that in 4 and a half months he returnes to show Mikkel the way and then continues his travels with Claudia. When he returnes home in the day of the Apocalypse, he still is at least 1 year older than he should have been if he would not traveled in time. Then Martha finds him, Adam finds them, Martha 2 finds them too (Seriously, Jonas, were you even hiding??) And they travel to another world to which we have 1001 questions to ask. We don't know how the time-space traveling works there – do they have a loop, and how can you time travel, linearly or not? We still have no idea for how long Jonas is going to stay there, or when it will be safe to come back.
That's why I think the Jonas from his "travels with Claudia" time is the one who gets Mikkel to the caves.
So, untill proven wrong by season 3, it seems like a solid theory to me:)
Let me know your thoughts in the notes section:)
The one and only reason I need.

Dark is a "Brilliance in a nutshell".
And it really is the best show of 2019.

According to critics on Rotten Tomatoes Dark 2 is so far the best TV Show of 2019 👏🏼
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 98%
I don't care if it's forbidden or moraly questionable.
They are a perfect match. Never think anything else! ;)