Blaise Zabini - Tumblr Posts

Fan art for the fic A Very Slytherin Harry by geoffaree on AO3. It hits so many yes buttons for me. It has severitus, snupin, amazingly fleshed out OC’s. Ah just, words cannot express.
Starting from the top left we have Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Ezra Jacobi, Millicent Bulstrode, Harry Potter, Jax the snake and Blaise Zabini.
Theodore Nott x reader
Catagory: Angst, fluff
Warnings: Mentions of wounds and blood. Booth of them are complete dumbasses. Reader is a tiny bit sensitive, but rightfully so.
Summary: Theodore is lonelier than ever, especially after receiving the dark mark. So he tries to find peace in new things. Like Choirs.
Words: 7.2 k
OBS! I gave reader a last name. Oak, but her first name is still your own but just so everyone knows
A/N: Uh, it's long. I don't know if I love it or hate it, but I'm also really tired so I don't have the energy to think. But also, what writers like what they write? So here you go.

(I'm not religious, but god seriously has his favorites)
His room couldn't contain the warmth that it used to hold during the summer. The fire from his fireplace couldn't keep up with the autumn's chill breezes and cold rains. The heat easily simmered out through the cracks of the old windows, leaving Theodore with stale fingers and cold toes.
On a normal day, he might've complained. When he was younger, he used to despise the cold, always missing the summer rays during the quiet winter. But now? He wasn't sure that he disliked it anymore. The chill air became the only thing that understood the echoing emptiness in his chest.
"I'm joining the Choir." He said absentmindedly. A quick decision he took during the dark hours layered itself with pity and sadness.
"That's rash. I thought you hated Choirs." Blaise mumbled from his seat on the carpeted floor.
Theodore shifted in his soft duvets." I don't hate them, I just don't understand the point of it."
Blaze's face scrunched in confusion and he looked away from his book to watch the other young man mindlessly play with the corners of his sheets." Then why are you joining one?"
Theodore only sighed. He didn't intend to answer Blaise. He wouldn't understand. Blaise had yet to receive the itching curse on his wrist and therefore hadn't been tied to bad things for the rest of his life. Or perhaps, Theodore had become selfish during the quiet days of his suffering.
"Well, I don't care if join or not, but maybe keep it quiet from Draco... and the others." Theodore hummed absentmindedly. If Malfoy would ever find out about Theodore joining something so 'muggly' as a choir, he would stuff Theo in a box and send him straight to the doorstep of Voldermort.
"I know."
Blaize looked at Theodore for any reaction but turned his attention to the book in his lap when Theo only continued to stare at the ceiling.
"Have you packed? We're leaving in two days." He easily rerouted the conversation.
The smell of food made Theodore sick to his stomach. Before he left, he hoped that his appetite would return when the warm food that the elves of Hogwarts made entered his nostrils, but his hopes were all in despair.
Classes had been going on for six days and focusing had already been proven to be a task.
Professor Flitwick stopped him in the corridor the earlier day to speak to him about the request for joining his 'Frog choir', as it was called. Professor Flitwick had thought that it was a mere prank. So Theodore stood in the corridor for 10 minutes explaining to the professor that he didn't pull a prank on him.
And now, he sat by the lunch table, idly waiting for the clock to tick to its designated hour. The choir lesson. He had been asked by Blaise at the beginning of the lunch if he were alright, and he had lied with a clump of nerves stuck in his throat.
He wished to believe his nerves only existed to tease him. But his nerves seemed to be right, for it seemed that wherever he went, eyes followed him. Whether it was Draco, who always appeared to be in the same room as Theodore. Or Professor Snape, that read over his shoulder whenever they had positions class.
Theodore shook his head, a small pain making its way into his head. He stood up, and curious glances was thrown his way.
"Why haven't you eaten? You always eat?" Lorenzo asked with his arms tied behind his head. Only for a second, Theodore stiffen.
"Must've eaten something bad yesterday." He barely mumbled before quietly gliding out of the grand Hall.
Her eyes shot up from her note page when the door slammed open. The murmur carried throughout the dark and dusty classroom came to halt, and (Name) eyed Theodore Nott suspiciously when he strode into the room. Professor Flitwick tapped his wand against the podium he stood by, effectively gaining everyone's attention again.
"Oh!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed when he saw the tall boy standing by the entrance. "I seem to have forgotten to inform you. This term, Mr. Nott here will join us."
She didn't feel good about a new person joining the choir. Especially not him. The boys from Slytherin had never been nice, and in her luck, she hadn't been the object of their harassment. Which is probably something that she should thank Harry Potter for. But didn't mean that she was entirely safe from their harassment.
If he decided she were to be his next target, it made sense. Not many people knew about her. The students didn't blink an eye when she walked by, and the teachers barely knew her name.
She never believed herself to be quiet or shy. But the lack of attention she received left her believing that she needed to be more interesting to speak to for them to enjoy her company. They thought she didn't want to go with them, so they excluded her from their plans.
It made her think, maybe being interesting didn't belong in her nature.
"Have you ever been in a choir before Mr. Nott?" The professor asked.
He timidly shook his head, and briefly wondered where his old, confident self went. "No Professor."
Professor Flitwick gave him a nod before taking a glance over his small class.
"Well then, grab your notes from the table, and then Miss Oak will help you."
Theodore looked around after this 'Miss Oak', and he believed the young lady looking at Professor Flitwick with eyes popping out of her skull would be the girl that the Professor inquired about.
The old paper felt scratchy in his hand when he grabbed the note-filled sheets, and his body heavily trudged to stand by Miss Oak. She didn't say anything, nor did she look at him when he placed himself beside her.
She tried to not pay attention to the boy on her side, but it became a problem since he radiated off his body heat by how close he stood. Perhaps, she should have offered him her help with the notes. But after a while, it seemed he figured it out and she relaxed at the thought of not needing to interact with him.
The lesson came to an end and she wasted no time packing her things so she could catch the Professor before he turned to the next class to teach.
The rest of the students filed out quickly, and to her luck, the professor didn't.
"Professor Flitwick?" She asked.
He turned around and smiled. "Yes dear, what can I help you with?" He answered, before once again turning back to collect the remaining papers.
"I was wondering if you maybe could have someone else help Mr. Nott with his notes." She stood tall and spoke calmly when the professor turned his full attention to the girl. But inside her, a turmoil of emotion rolled around, making her dizzy and anxious.
"Why is that?" She swallowed when his calculated gaze met hers and tried her best not to tear eye contact.
"Well, because I'm afraid that helping him might disturb the focus on my studies." A small humorous scoff sounded through the room, and Professor Flitwick continued to track down the classroom with (name) hot on his tail.
"I must say that I believe that you are wrong." He started, and (name)'s eyebrows scurried together." I think that you need to socialize yourself, to meet new people. Mr. Nott is a kind young man, who I think will get along great with you."
A sigh of descent escaped her, and she trudged out of the classroom in defeat, beginning the lonely track toward her next class. Which unfortunately for her would be divination.
Theodore is an utterly and completely helpless man. He'd met the girl once, one smell, one touch, and he dared never stop thinking about her. The realization had almost knocked him off his chair, for wherever he went, his brain lost control over his eyes and they began to wander, searching after the girl.
For the next Choir class, he made sure to be late again, only so that he could guarantee a second of attention from her. Flitwick had come to warn him about bad habits, but why care? Theodore didn't know. For her eyes flickered to his, and only for a second, the mark on his arm didn't burn his skin.
He slowly walked towards his self-chosen place by her side and didn't let his eyes leave her once. She radiated with caution and apprehension, but Theodore didn't incline to stop staring. At least not until she showed signs of being even mildly uncomfortable.
Her eyes scanned the notes of the Christmas Carol more than she could count as an attempt to not give in to his staring. Because even though she felt tempted to stare at his angel-like face, a fear still presented itself in the back of her mind.
She winced as the floorboards creaked at her nervous shuffle, and once again, felt herself becoming the attention of Theodore's eyes. He opened his mouth, and she made herself ready for anything that could leave his mouth.
"Oh, buggers. I seemed to have forgotten my papers." (Name) watched carefully when the professor rummages through his bag, hoping that his papers are there so he doesn't leave the classroom, risking that someone with dark hair and brown eyes will start a conversation with her.
But to her downfall, Professor Flitwick quickly announced that he would be back soon, and no one had the time to blink before he walked away.
She swallowed the anxious lump in her throat and took a breath through her nose.
"Nervous?" He asked, fully aware that she had been shuffling around and taking unnecessarily deep breaths ever since he situated himself on her side.
"No." She answered, too fast for her liking, before quickly focusing on her paper again.
Theodore wanted to sigh in disappointment when she wasn't up for a conversation, and at the same time felt a stream of pettiness run through his fingertips.
He clenched his pale fist in frustration and looked away. A gust of air passed his lips in a desperate attempt to not let his hopes sink. To be so obsessed with a person in such a so short time felt strange. So strange he started to suspect that a love potion had been involved. But the way she shut herself away from him, he supposed that it would be strange for her to pour a love potion into his drink.
Professor Flitwick's footsteps were loud before he came in sight, and Theodore cursed his chance when it faded into nothing.
But on the other hand, it could turn out to be for the best. He knew that the capability of making a fool out of himself lingered.
Professor seemed to have noticed the shift of emotions on Theodore's face.
"Are you alright, Mr. Nott, you seem to be a bit pale over there?" He wanted to laugh at the coincidence.
"I'm alright, Professor." He answered politely, gently clearing his throat as he tried to brush off the awkwardness of the professor's notice.
But oh to be held, he took notice of a small, inconvenient, soft laugh. His head snapped towards her when he heard who it came from, and she quickly covered it up with a cough and a small apology.
He scoffed quietly, and she pursed her lips as he looked away.
"Everyone ready?" Professor Flitwick asked, and a chorus of positive answers echoed in the hall. And with four flicks of his wand, the choir let their voices out. At first, Theodore believed that no one in this room had sung in a choir. The different voices jumbled together, but it seemed that after just a countable second, the different voices blended into an angel melody.
He could hear her voice perfectly, and he never wanted to have no one else singing in his ear, quite literally. And he let himself bask in the warmth of her tone until a crack reaches the surface. He cringe at the miss of a note in (Name)'s voice, and she did the same.
Theodore struggled to cover up the small chuckles that escaped his mouth, and he blushed in shame to be laughing at her. She didn't seem to mind or hear him. Her face bore a confused scowl, making a wrinkle appear between her eyebrows. Suddenly he felt himself wanting to reach out, to smooth the area out with his thumb. But it would've been ridiculous if he did, possibly ruining all his chances with her in the world.
The harmonious tune took an end, and a murmur broke out, asking each other for the right notes and laughing at each other's wrongs. Theodore listened in curiosity as she hummed the same part over and over again, still getting the same note wrong even though she tries.
"It's an f-sharp, not f." He instructed, and she paused. Patiently waiting for her answer, Theodore hummed the tune for her, showing the correct way. Before the tune ended, he looked towards her to make sure that she was listening, and met her eyes. Theodore felt his heart drum against his sensitive ribs when she watched him with idle eyes.
When it once again took to an end, Theodore masked his madness with raised eyebrows and a look in his eyes, that asked her if she understood.
The eye contact broke as she looked away.
"I knew that, I'd just forgotten." She explained, and the left corner of his mouth rose.
"Sure you did." Sarcasm dripped from his voice, and he feared he'd taken it too far, for he didn't know her limits, how much she would be able to take nor how sensitive she might be.
But his fear easily melted away when he saw the slightest twitch of her lips.
For the first time in a long time, she left the classroom with a content look on her face. The conversation that appeared, is something that she had missed happening. Like an old conversation with the rain.
And she almost wished that her next Choir lesson would be today so that she had someone to talk to again. But it was albeit a bit intimidating. She is afraid that if she spoke too much, or shares too many feelings, he would get bored of talking with her. And she wouldn't have a potential friend anymore.
She sighed at her overcalculating thoughts and decided that she would keep basking in his attention as long as it would last.
Until her Transfiguration class with professor McGonagall the next day. Usually, she was fully aware of where everyone was so she could sit alone and not risk getting a desk friend. As said, except for today. Maybe it was to blame on the bad night's sleep, but she hadn't given a second thought about where she sat down.
And once again, Theodore stormed into the class, ten minutes late. He didn't apologize for being late, instead, he took the closest empty seat he could find and sat down.
(Name) could feel the looks from the rest of the Slytherins when Theodore sat beside her and she straightened her spine and directed her eyes forwards again, not wanting to pay attention to them.
"Fashionably late, as usual, Mr. Nott?" McGonagall questioned, amusement in her tone, but stone-set face.
"Sorry, Professor." He mumbled, and McGonagall nodded, intending to start the lesson again.
Theodore could feel the burning gazes of his friends as he opened up his book. At first, he didn't intend to give the bloodsuckers their craved attention, because he knew what it would an about, and he was also well aware of who he was sitting next to.
But he could hear Blaise whispering his name, and he still didn't want to seem rude, so he turned in his chair, and was met by the eyes of his Slytherin classmates. Draco raised an eyebrow at him, before nodding his head towards (Name).
Theodore knew exactly what he enclined and shrugged. His friends didn't need to know everything, and he didn't need to be around them every minute of the day.
A warm feeling, but strange occupied her chest when Theodore turned back, a half smile on his pink lips and relaxed eyes looking upon her.
And she wanted to beat the butterflies in her stomach with a stick.
During the lesson, there were not many words exchanged between them, and at first, it was a maladroit pressure on (Name)s chest to say something or to make him, anything of the sort. But she realized quite soon that she didn't need to speak, for it was both comforting and nice to have him sitting beside her, carefree of what was around him as he wrote on his parchments.
She hoped and prayed to merlin that it would stay like this and that it wasn't just a fortunate stroke of serendipity.
Something changed with him. She could both see and feel it, and never had she doubted her senses when she felt as if something was wrong.
In their choir lesson, he acted differently against his usual sarcastic but nice persona, which would help her if she was wrong, or speak to her about professor Flitwick's ridiculous beard.
But today he acted strange, only chuckling at her when she did wrong, and when helping her, he sounded up stuck.
He was almost being competitive.
And it was onerous, and burdensome to have such an enthralling person seeing you as a competition. Especially when she was aware that he was more sharp-minded, wittier, and more ambitious than she could ever wish to be.
So therefore she tried to ignore it, playing it off as if had a bed day instead so that she could protect her feelings.
But it only continued and got worse too.
She was slouching in a chair, wand in hand as she tried the same spell over and over again, but the pair of dice weren't even close to becoming chocolate pralines with passion fruit filling. Theodore had gotten it multiple times and embarrassment was beginning to crawl over her cheeks in the form of warmth.
She flicks her wand once more, and when she finally thinks that she has succeeded, she is disappointed to only see a small patch of melted chocolate. A deflected sigh left her lips, and her body slouched even more in her seat.
A chuckle rang out from the side of her, and she bit the inside of her cheek in anticipation of what he was going to say.
"It's going well I see." He remarked, and (Name) felt her ears getting hot from his sudden attention.
"No, obviously not." She mumbled.
"What am I doing wrong?" The question wasn't directed to anyone in particular, but Theodore answered it anyway.
"That, you have to figure out yourself Oak." He scoffed, moving out of his wooden seat and gently picking the pralines up to place them in his palm.
"Because, unlike others, I do have pralines instead of..." he looked quizzically, but in amusement at the chocolate mush on her table. "... that."
(Name)'s face scrunched as she listened to his almost berating words that were thrown, and was about to say something but he had already started walking up to McGonagall with his paper and sweets. She took a long, calculating glance at them, and then nodded, permitting him to leave the classroom.
And he did just so, collecting his books and taking a last glance at the frustrated witch before making his way.
It left (Name) in hassle. The way that Theodore's behavior changed so quickly, and so out of context. But perhaps she's the one to blame. The hope in her heart maybe made her think that he was the nicest out of them all, that he wanted to be her friend. Perhaps -one day- to be even more. She realized that it is her younger self talking through, the child that didn't wish for anything but true love.
She decided that it was a naive thought, and hastily closed her book before walking away from the class.
The next time it happened, it was during choir. (Name) did try her best to stay civil and rational, but how could she do that when Theodore was somehow effectively getting on her last nerves? And she was usually a calm, down-to-earth person.
"What do you mean I'm doing it wrong, I sing it exactly like everyone else." She argued exasperated as she glared at monstrous holes in the side of Theodore's head. She found it strange that he could get on her nerves so easily, even if his presence were able to make her knees weak.
"You're not singing it like like everyone else, sweety." The nickname threw her off immediately, and she felt ashamed as she spluttered out excuses and arguments against it, trying to act as repulsive as possible.
"Mr. Nott and Ms. Oak, interested in sharing your conversation with the class." Professor Flitwick interrupted, and both Theodore and (Name) realized that the room was almost completely quiet, and cringed in embarrassment.
"Sorry, Professor. But I just have a question." Theodore started, holding one of his fingers in the air as he threw a side glance towards the girl on his side, who was watching him with a curiously raised eyebrow.
"But could you just tell me how this part goes one more time?" He asked, with patronize dripping from his voice like sweet, sticky honey.
The sour face that Flitwick carried quickly morphed into a lighter one.
"Why of course." His older voice rang out the words perfectly, and (Name) shrank into herself as the realization hit her that she did indeed sing wrong. Shame crept up on her from behind, and it was humbling when it came to her that Theodore, who had only been participating for two weeks, already seemed to be more intelligent and cunning than her.
"I won." (Name) didn't look at him, didn't say anything back as a strange, unknown emotion buried itself in her mind. She couldn't decide if it was jealousy, or if she was being hurt by his actions. It didn't make sense for her as to why he would need to be so right, and to mortify her like that, just to illustrate a point. Or maybe she was just being sensitive.
But right now, she didn't believe that he ever wanted to be her friend. That this was just an act to maybe relieve himself of stress, to have someone that he could compete against, knowing that he would win. It could also have something to do with power, that he felt out of control and needed something that he could manipulate. It would make sense, she supposed. (But did it though. Why would he pick her of all people to mess with? She hadn't done anything to him.)
As every single afternoon after choir, she trudged towards her house, lining up for the common rooms, more specifically, the comfort and consoling of her bed.
When she entered, it was pleasing to find that it was only one person present in the dormitory, and she hopefully could rest peacefully during the entire evening and night, and for once wake up with a good night's sleep and possibly a better mood.
Though she would be missing dinner, sacrifices were made and if it would guarantee sleep, she felt confident in taking that risk.
And with the last thought that maybe, she would just have to ignore Theodore if he continued with his confusing advances. Even if it meant that he wouldn't become her friend. And she fell asleep. A deep, undisturbed, peaceful sleep.
The next morning, she felt as fresh as the morning dew on her favorite flower. Nothing could ruin her mood was the famous words, but she truly felt it today. The day began with Magic of the Dark Arts, which she sure wasn't the brightest when it came to that class. But after that, she would practice quidditch, and then she would be able to find a dark corner in the library and bury her nose in a book, possibly one about the magical creatures of the north. It sounded interesting enough. (And who would she be to say no to new information and facts?)
As usual, dark arts sucked all the energy out of her eyes and brain but were lucky enough when the energy returned after the intense quidditch practice. The shower she took softened her stiff and sore limbs, and the grime and dirt watched down the drain slowly as she massaged her body with her flower-scented soap bar. It was almost a luxurious feeling.
Her robes had also been washed, which ended up with her smelling like a spring field and newly washed linen. It was something that oddly enough boosted her confidence.
The corridors were fairly empty as she began her quite a long walk towards the library. It was nice, the only thing echoing in the corridors bring the whining wind that carried new crystalizing snowflakes to the ground.
She turned corner after corner, walking by the great hall and resuming towards the moving stairs. But as she turned a corner, she stopped. Not voluntarily, but her body seemed to have control over her mind.
Lit by the flames of the corridor, was Theodore, sitting on the dusty stone floor and leaning against the wall with one of his legs stretched out before him, and the other bent towards his stomach. He didn't see her, for his head rested against the knee of his bent leg, and one of his arms clutched the side of his stomach. Almost as if he felt pain. She stood awkwardly and silently, waiting for him to notice her.
It went against what she promised yesterday night, that she wouldn't interact with, nor acknowledge his actuality. But her promises seemed to become empty every time they circled the Brunett.
So she gently cleared her throat and that seemed to do it for Theodore's head snapped towards her, his face showing that he became startled. But that wasn't the only thing that his face showed.
(Name)'s brows gently furrowed as she scanned his face. His left eye was bruised, along with his sharp cheekbone, and blood continued to drip from his nose, messily running down his lips and over his jaw.
"My my, what do we have here?" The surprised face that he carried slowly turned into a teasing smirk, but she found it easy to look past his confidence to know that it was all a mask, a trick to not let her see him in a state of weakness.
"By Merlin's beard, who did this to you?" she knelt by him to get a closer look at his face.
Theodore hoped that it didn't show, but his face had begun to heat up as her big, concerned eyes stretched over his face.
His heart beat faster, and his own brown eyes got stuck on her face, more exactly on her lips. He didn't want to stare, he didn't want to make it obvious but he had no power over his brain at all.
"Malfoy and Crabe. Maybe Goyle too. Don't remember." He said, shaking his head as he smiled with tired eyes. It was a wonder that he was still sitting up, especially after the hard kick that Crabe had delivered to his stomach.
"Why would they beat you? I thought you were friends?" She questioned, staring intently at a particular wound by his eye that looked like it surely needed medical attention sooner or later.
"I wouldn't say friends, merely acquaintances." He chuckled lightly before he shifted and turned serious." And they were saying impolite things, about someone-someone that I-" He stopped himself and pursed his lips." someone that I guess I care for." He forced that part out as if he had trouble saying it out loud. It probably contributed to the vulnerability, and it had probably torn on his ego to get beaten.
And that's why (Name) didn't ask any more questions. She wasn't usually someone to care about someone's ego, but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
She pursed her lips and stretched her legs which created an obnoxious sound in her knees before she stretched her hand towards him.
"What?" He asked skeptically.
"If you want, I can help with your wounds and the swelling." Theodore still looked doubtful, so she sighed and lightly rolled her eyes at his mistrust. "Don't worry, my mother used to work as a doctor back in a muggle hospital and has taught me much, so you can trust me."
Theodore seemed to relax at that and slowly grabbed her hand with a steady grip. It was an odd feeling, to have his hand in hers. It felt different than she thought it would. Instead of the cold, rough skin that she expected, it became a surprise when a warm hand with soft skin latched onto hers instead.
With a strong arm, she pulled Theodore up to his feet and she could hear a small groan leave him as he used his power and might to get up.
His face twisted in pain for a second and (Name) stretched her arm forwards when he almost fell against the wall again. Bit Theodore seemed to collect his strength with a big breath before standing straight, wincing slightly as his probably bruised ribcage stretched.
He must've felt her nervous gaze because he looked down at her with a reassuring face and said "I'm alright."
They began to track down the corridors.
They choose to walk to Theodore's room instead of (Name)'s, since he had a single room all by himself, and also because the girls wouldn't be too fond of finding Theodore in the girl's dormitory. They slowly descended the marble stairs that led to the dungeons, both of them walking much slower than before because of the pain in Theodore's stomach.
"Are you sure that we shouldn't go to madame Pomfrey instead?" (Name) asked for the third time as she heard the heavy breathing that came from Theodore, but he once again shook his head in denial.
"I'm fine, promise." He tried to persuade her, but she didn't feel fooled.
"No, I don't believe that you're fine." She argued and stopped in the middle of the stairs in protest of his hardheadedness. And when he noticed that she wasn't by his side, he stopped too and leaned against the wooden stair railing
"Please." His face showed only pleading, and the foreign display of emotion made her desire to fall to her knees for him right then and there, to take him in her arms and baby him for the rest of his life. It scared her to know that the smallest display of weakness that Theodore showed could manipulate her into doing anything. But it would be inevitable to avoid him because of such a -what she thought was- unimportant cause.
"Alright, but at least let me help you walk." She requested almost timidly, afraid that he would protest. But to her delight he nodded, so she walked to him and took his arm over her shoulder before circling her own around his slim waist, and then with all her power, she took a part of his weight onto her shoulders before they began to move, slowly limping to the edge of the old stairs before they walked down the dark dungeon to the entrance of the Slytherin house.
When they stopped in front of the dark wooden door, (Name) turned to look at Theodore for him to understand that she couldn't say the password since she didn't know it.
His cheeks pinked as he realized and he cleared his throat. "Pureblood." She would be flattered by the fact that he dared to say it loud in front of her, apparently trusting her with the password, if it weren't for the fact that her face scrunched in dislike at the password. She didn't say anything about it.
Theodore seemed to gather strength and nearly pulled her with him as he tried to cross the common room as fast as he could, like his injuries suddenly didn't hurt anymore.
(Name) wanted to stop and gape at the Slytherin common room. The first thing that stood out was the large windows on the opposite side, which allowed a view into the depths of the dark lake that you couldn't get anywhere else. There were also small desks placed against the walls and two round tables on the stone floor. And in the middle two black leathered couches took place in front of a hefty fireplace in the wall. By the thought of walls, (Name) turned her eyes up, and there she saw the stone decorations that had been carved into fetching eye-catching glamors.
Theodore pulled harsher at her arm when she slowed down, and she grumbled as he stressed her towards a high-roof corridor, that had another big window by the end that was framed by long green curtains. She believed it to be strange since the corridor wasn't parted into girls or boys as it was in hers. And there were also arguably more than two doors on the walls.
She counted every door they walked past, and ended up with the number 16 when they stopped between the last pair of doors. The door they were facing had two familiar letters engraved on them. T.N, and had been filled in with silver which she believed fitted him well.
Her free hand grabbed the handle and twisted, opening the door into his dark room. Then she stumbled inside. Her body had become tired from carrying Theodore the length of the stairs and corridors, so she walked towards his made bed and gently sat him down before closing the door. And then rolled her shoulders to leverage the pain.
She tried to look around for some kind of lighter or anything that she could use to gain sight. But it turned out to not be needed when all the candles lit up by the flick of Theodore's hand. And also a small fireplace in the corner that cast a warm hue over the room.
"Medical kit is in the top drawer." Theodore's voice was pained, and it made her hurry to the place he pointed so she could get working on his wounds. It was scary to have him sitting there in pain, labored breathing and his expression tight as he attempted not to show his discomfort. A particularly loud groan made her turn around from the desk where the medical things lay.
Theodore was now leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and teeth clenched. And she wondered how he persuaded her into keeping him away from Madame Pomfrey. She also regretted offering her help to heal him in the first place, since the injuries now seemed to be beyond her expertise. His face showed nothing but discomfort and (Name) started to feel nervous. Her medical skills were good but by how Theodore looked at the moment, she seriously started to doubt her skills.
But she didn't say anything and took a cotton pad soaked in anti-bacterial and plasters to cover the wounds with.
When she stood by the edge of the bed she concluded that she would not be able to reach him when he leaned back as he did, and gently poked at his arm to gain his attention." I can't reach you, you need to sit up."
He hummed lowly, (Name) almost missing the sound before he slowly dragged himself to the edge of the bed, his legs dangling off the side.
She didn't hesitate then and positioned herself between his legs before slowly cleaning both around in the open cuts on his temple and lip that she discovered after wiping away the blood that dripped from his nose.
The position they were in made (Name) almost dizzy with nerves, and she longed to get closer. But it was only longing and she didn't dare to do anything about it and therefore stayed at an arm's length. The new feelings made her weak. Made her feel vulnerable, and that too was scary. Extremely scary.
He suddenly hissed as she slipped with her hands. It didn't take a second before an unusual amount of guilt in her chest.
"I'm sorry, I lost focus."
He nodded. A way of showing that it is okay. But his jaw still clenched when she proceeded with the plasters.
"I need to look at your stomach too." There was quiet as she stood in front of him, waiting for him to raise his shirt. But he didn't seem to be compliant. "I only need to check for anything broken."
He seemed to let down his guard when she added the reason, and her body warmed in shame when she understood that Theodore thought she wanted to see his bare skin.
Also because Theodore had started to lift his shirt, revealing his bare skin to her. She felt almost flattered that he trusted her enough to undress like this. But she knew he didn't have much of a choice.
"Lay down please." He once again did as she said, and slowly leaned into his bed, stretching his upper body when his back hit the mattress. It was quiet in the room, the only thing that you could hear being Theodore's uneven breathing and (Name)'s airy gasp when her eyes landed on his bruised ribs.
"By Merlin, what did they do to you?" she asked him while she took a closer look. The left side of his ribcage had been beaten to the point where the bruises turned yellow and green instead of blue and purple.
"What? What is it?" he moved his hand toward the bruises, trying to feel after the thing that had gotten her stunned but she quickly grabbed his wrist so that he wouldn't cause himself any unnecessary pain. Especially not when she had already made him feel enough pain for the rest of her life.
She swallowed and rested Theodore's hand by his side. He stared at her tensely as she brought her hand up, letting it float over his ribcage. This time, his entire body unknowingly tensed as he waited for the pain that would come when she laid her hand on him. But she never did. Instead, she closed her eyes.
Warmth flowed in waves from the palm of her hand and Theodore's body began to slowly un-tense.
Theodore would trust her with his own worthless life if it came to it, and it wasn't why he felt so on edge. To have her fingers, her flesh so close to his own given his heart something to work for and his brain something to think of. And if he weren't in such agony, he would've begged her to touch him. To lay her warm palm upon his beaten skin, to kiss it, to caress it.
His pathetic thoughts were happily interrupted as the pads of her finger accidentally made contact with his sternum, and a delighted shiver crawled its way over his body.
"Sorry." She apologized, thinking that she had caused him pain.
"It didn't hurt." She looked at him with an unbelieving frown, a frown that made his tongue twist when he tried to stutter an answer.
"Or it does hurt, but your touch... doesn't hurt." She barely heard the last part. Barely, but she still did. Her body heat skyrocketed, and she bit the inside of her cheek to hide her flustered expression, and also to stop the dancing butterflies that made their way up her throat.
He didn't know what came over him at that moment, but a sudden urge to tell her everything limped its way into his mind. It was a long time since he felt this vulnerable and was okay with it. An old memory of him as a child in his mother's arms flashed before his eyes, but he quickly locked it away once more.
But he bit his tongue.
He was sure that she thought he looked pathetic. Here he lay, half-naked, beaten bloodied with tears in his eyes and a frown on his face. He didn't know if he enjoyed the thought or not, because while he enjoyed being vulnerable for you, he still didn't want you to think he was weak because of the touch of the woman he had been obsessing over.
"You must care for this person, hm?" She awkwardly laughed as she smoothly changed the subject. She didn't want to know who he fought for, nor why he did it. But it started getting harder and harder for her to keep to the promise she made herself. To keep him at a distance. Both physically and emotionally.
Theodore didn't have time to answer, both because he was overthrown by the complete change of conversation, but also because she spoke again before he even opened his mouth.
"Who is it anyway. I honestly didn't know you could care about someone that much." She joked harmlessly, but the comment made his mouth feel like paper.
She stopped her magic, fingers retracting into her palm and her head snapped up to meet his eyes, to see if he lied. But she saw only honesty. No side smirk, no crinkle by his eyes, no pursing lips as a way to hide a mischievous smile.
His eyes were peering at her through his lashes, innocent, brown eyes.
"What- What do you mean?"She carefully asked, knowing exactly what he meant. But she needed confirmation.
"It was you who they spoke ill about." He murmured, staring into the abyss of her eyes. Her body burned like it was on fire because of the nerves that he created within her. And she wanted to look away so that she could catch her breath but she deemed it impossible.
A glaze was cast over his eyes, a glaze containing something akin to admiration.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" The question slipped before she could think about stopping it.
Once more, he didn't say anything. But she could feel how he moved. His arm slowly encircled her and the other hand, he raised to her cheek. His fingers danced along her cheekbone, spreading a fire on her skin that she didn't know to be possible until now.
But the moment changed, as did the energy in the room as he carefully leaned closer with big, hopeful eyes. She stood frozen, one part not believing what was about to happen and the other knowing that if she valued herself, she would have to remove herself right now.
Before he took the next step, she pulled her face away.
Deep in her gut, there was a sour scorching feeling that began to spread like poisoning, killing all happiness that was present before and taking the form of angry tears in her eyes. It was unfair, how he could treat her however he liked, be as awful as he wished. And still have her here, sitting in his sheets and bandaging him with gentle hands.
It was unfair.
"You are so contradicting Theodore." Tears were stuck in her voice and she quickly raised from the bed. She didn't want him to see that she was hurting.
"What?" There was a pang in her heart. He sounded small, like a wounded animal.
"You are mean Theodore." She started, turning around to look at him." At first, you treated me like an equal, like a friend. Until you didn't."
He couldn't meet her eyes anymore, regret eating its way from his heart to his skin. She sniffled and cleared her throat when it became harder to keep her tears at bay.
"I thought that I'd done something to make you hate me, and I was sure you did. But then you kept insisting to sit by me, or to be around me and I couldn't understand." Her voice became small, and her tears became uncontrollable. The embarrassment of sobbing in front of him made her stomach churn, and all she wanted was to shrink into herself. She wanted him to laugh at her, to mock her so that she could get over it and move on.
But that wasn't what Theodore wanted at all. He made her feel hated by him when all he wanted was to be loved by her. And he now felt adamant to change that.
However, it's hard when he slowly crumbles as her tears continue to fall.
"I'm sorry."
And he needs to go to her. So he raises himself off the soft bed and limps toward her. But before he gets too close she turns her back on him, hiding from his fierce gaze. He sighed, saddened by her shyness, the one that had worked hard to get through, only to mess it up either way.
She wrapped her arms around herself and bowed her head to the floor when her sobbing turned into hulking and gasps for air. That was when she felt something different. Theodore had enclosed his hands on her upper arms from behind, giving them gentle caresses with his thumbs. And once more, the caresses spread the wildfire. Her body warmed and her breathing calmed as if the comfort worked.
She didn't know why she doubted that his comfort would work in the first place. Maybe because she wanted to think that he wasn't anything special to her. That love didn't do any difference when it came to a person. But he was, and it did.
Suddenly, before she could blink he turned her around and gently tugged her into his bare chest, enclosing his arms around her in an embrace. The hug didn't last long, but it didn't have to because it brought comfort either way. When he pulled away his hands immediately reached for her cheeks.
When his hands cup both sides of her face, she flinches back. But she doesn't get anywhere for his grip is unmoving. His thumb suddenly touched the space between her eyebrows and began slowly stroking the space, evening out the frown on her face.
She swallows hard. "It was never my intention to make you feel this way." He sighed. A deep heartfelt sigh." I just wanted your attention. And your laughs and your love. But my so thought to be efficacious methods didn't seem to be as efficacious as I believed them to be."
A humorous chuckle rumbles through his chest when a tiny, watery smile tugs at the corner of her lips. And then (Name) feels the aftermath of her sobbing catching up to her body, and a headache grows in her skull. And that's why she lets her forehead rest on the space in between his collarbones.
"Can you ever forgive me?" He asks while letting his fingers push her back from her tear-stained face. She makes a sound in the back of her throat.
"How can I not."
Her voice still had a watery touch to it but sounded more optimistic than she had the entire day. And Theodore tightened his arms around her. But the action sent a jolt of pain through his stomach, and therefore staggered into as he tried to lean some of his body weight on her. But since she wasn't ready, she stumbled against the wall.
"Sorry." He mumbled and pulled away from the embrace.
She chuckled while looking towards the floor, before slowly dragging her eyes up to his face. And then, out of pure instinct, she kissed his cheek and his entire body flared up. "You don't have to apologize."
She hoped he realized the double meaning behind her words. And that she truly did forgive him. Perhaps it would be a stupid decision she would come to regret. But it would be a future problem.
A gentle smile licked her features when he once again cupped her cheeks in his warm palms, and she was on top of the world when he slowly leaned closer.
But he moved so slow, and (Name) wanted to feel him and therefore rose to her toes to gently connect the kiss. It was only a peck, and also short-lived. But it was also her first kiss which meant that it still felt like a thousand suns burned in her chest.
But Theodore seemed to think differently, and with a breath, connected their lips into another sweet, blissful kiss. Although this one not only was deeper but also felt like it was. Her heart beat inside her ribs, more alive than ever when Theodore continued to angle her to meet his lips as he wished. As of the moment, he was pushing her into the wall with his chest, trying to feel as much of her as possible. But since he pressed into her, she had to angle her head up so that he would reach her lips.
Her lungs were burning, and her head spun and she had no choice but to pull away. When she did, Theodore quickly tried to connect their lips again, but she didn't let him. It wasn't that she didn't want to kiss him because she did. But she also wanted to look at him. To see his brown eyes, his pink kissed lips, and rosy cheeks.
"You look pretty." She whispered, and lightly kissed his nose. It was out of her character, but it felt right to do so. Especially when she saw the surprised face that he wore.
And at that moment, Theodore felt at peace. There was no itching on his arm, no pain and she was officially his known addiction. He would never let her go now.
I'm so lonely. Anyhow, hope you enjoyed, and that it wasn't to long;)
Quick question, do you prefer 1:st 2:nd or 3:rd pov?
I can't belive that for most ppl Drrary makes more sense than Blairon like I get the enemies to lovers
but like drrary's enemies doesn't make too much sense, Draco hated Harry because he didn't want to be his fried //'cause draco was an ars// and 'cause his family belive in voldemort's bulshit;
BUT Blaise and Ron both came form old wisarding families & had extremely opposit belives and were vocal about it //well Ron was, Blaise not as much but u get the point//
I feel like Blairon just makes sense
Same for Dron (Draco/Ron) to be honest
do you accept request for Blaise Zabini??
yes of course!
hiya i’m the blaise zabini anon, can I request a blaise zabini x gryffindor reader where she comes down to hogwart’s kitchen for a late night snack just to meet blaise there, she was hesitant of course because she’s not in a mood to be taunted at such a late hour but blaise turns out to be a total gentleman and they even discovered their shared love of food and just spoon feed each other before professor snape discovers the two of them and forced them to go back to their respective dorms
Late Night Snack | Blaise Zabini x Reader
Word Count: 1,521 words
Warnings: slight cursing, tons of fluff
December 12th, 1996. The Gryffindor Dorm Rooms. 11:56 pm.
You cursed at yourself after you had tripped going down the stairs, hitting the wall quite loudly. Stupid fluffy slippers, looking at your poor outfit choice closing the portrait door behind you running down the stairs.
You had snuck out of the Gryffindor Tower countless of times, whether it was with the twins, with Harry or even sometimes when Hermione needed some caffeine to stay awake, so this night wasn’t any different.
You were craving something sweet, something salty and just needed something in your mouth.
The evening air felt cool on your skin, shivering lightly as a gust of wind washed over you hurrying your pace to the kitchens.
At night, the castle looks just as haunted as you would expect any castle to look, which didn’t help when there would be ghost just laying around everywhere nearly giving you a heart attack.
You grinned as you came in front of the portrait, proceeding to tickle the pear waiting for the giggling of it as it cracked open. The tickling of the pear made you smile every single time because of how silly it seemed, opening the door parting your mouth to greet the elves before coming face to face with a Slytherin who looked to be rather happy eating his pudding. His face looked just as surprised to see someone come in, his hands halting mid air setting the pudding filled spoon back into the bowl.
“I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t think anyone would be here, I’ll just come back once you’re gone.” You rambled, feeling your face turn a light shade a pink already turning on your heel to walk out the door.
“You can stay. I’m not going to bite,” Blaise hummed, scooping some chocolate pudding into his mouth staring up at you with his big doe eyes.
Nodding at his words, shutting the portrait door as you took a seat on a stool nearby immediately being swarmed by 3 elves who looked giddy to serve you.
“Hello, Miss! What can Winky get for you?”
“I’m not entirely sure,” You hugged the short elf, who was beaming up at you, “I want something sweet, but I also want something salty. Do you guys have anything along those lines?”
They stood pondering for a moment before a soft voice broke the silence.
“Get her a yogurt bowl with a bunch of fruit mixed in it, along with some granola. Oh! And some dry pretzels to dip into the bowl.”
“Yes, Mister Zabini. Coming right up!”
They hurried off, huge smiles on their faces. The clattering of them moving around the kitchen was all that was heard, as you eyed the boy out of the corner of your eye before you turned to face the Slytherin who flashed you a small smile setting his empty pudding cup down wiping his hands off onto a nearby white napkin. “Thank you. That actually sounds perfect. How’d you know what to ask for?”
“I come here quite often. On days when I’m not sure what in the world I want, Winky would usually prepare me a fruit bowl with no granola. But since you wanted something other than sweet, I added that and the dry pretzels.” You let out a soft chuckle, moving your tousled hair away from your face resting your face on your palm as you focused all of your attention on the boy whose voice sounded like honey. “How come you’re out of bed, love? Is everything alright?”
“I’m good! Thanks for asking, but no, I just really needed a little late night snack,” You smiled your skin hot from the nickname, feeling your heart soar as the Slytherin boy laughed at your comment adjusting his position on the stool facing you his eyes flickering down to your glossy lips. “I um... what about you? Were you also hungry or were you unable to sleep?”
“Draco is an absolute nightmare to sleep with. He has hundreds of girls in his bed, it’s kind of impressive. Tonight, he brought Pansy, again, and I just couldn’t even bear to be in the same room as them knowing they were going at it like rabbits,” You choked on your water, nearly spitting it out as you let out a snort.
You broke out into a laughing fit at the thought of the two of them going at it, shivering in disgust downing the rest of your water. Blaise hummed in agreement, taking a sip out of his water as well just as Winky showed up with your food a little freckle of yogurt on her cheek. Your small fingers wiped off the pink stain, giving the elf a small thank you setting your bowls down careful not to spill them.
“This looks delicious. Wow Zabini... you have good taste who would have known,” You teased the boy, who had gradually ended up at your table as the two of you had talked instead of several feet away nudging him playfully. He tossed you a joking glare, stealing one of your pretzels and dipping it into the pink yogurt happily eating the desert. “Hey, you asshole.”
“Well that isn’t very lady like,” Poking fun at some of our professors, a snort leaving your lips.
“Oh sod off, Zabini.” You chuckled trying to cover your bowl, scooping a spoonful of the yogurt that was blended nicely with the blueberries and the granola so you didn’t have too much of the other. Moaning at how creamy and tasty it tasted, shoving another spoonful into your mouth.
“That good, huh?”
“This is bloody orgasmic, what the hell did you ask her to put in this?”
“Oh you know, just a little bit of my heart.” You rolled your eyes at his statement, the smile on your lips growing wider as Blaise relaxed as the night drew on. It was around 3 am, after the pair of you had began playing a game of hide and seek, where you guys had gotten a bit loud. Zabini currently had you thrown over his shoulder, having ended up there after he caught you hiding in the pantry loud laughter leaving your lips.
"Blaise! My ass is hanging out of these shorts,"
"Oh really? I had no idea, " He chuckled at the sound of you whining, letting out a yelp as you smacked his bottom at the sarcastic jest he made adjusting his grip on your waist. "Ouch! That hurts a lot more than you think, love."
“Mister Zabini! Put her down this instant,” Blaise practically threw you onto the ground his face going red as he came face to face with Professor Snape who looked like he was about to explode. You adjusted your shorts, shifting your weight out of habit as you waited to see what the dark haired man would say.
“15 points from Gryffindor. Get out of the kitchens before I double it,”
“Professor? I find it only fair if you remove points from our house as well. She’s not the only one found out of bed after curfew,” You and Snape both shared the same ridiculous look, eyeing the boy who was staring rather intently at Professor Snape. The professor looked conflicted, letting out a heavy sigh.
“20 points from Slytherin. Now... get out.” You grabbed your scattered wand, hurrying out of the kitchens walking alongside Blaise who looked like he had just won the lottery.
“Zabini, you are unbelievable. You purposely lost your House Points? What for?”
“I was pissed off. I understand that Slytherin is his house but that shouldn’t stop him from punishing us. Especially after punishing you in front of my face. If he wouldn’t have taken those points, I would have stomped on his foot.”
You felt your heart swell, eyeing the flustered Slytherin boy who was currently walking you to the Gryffindor Tower. Once the pair of you had arrived in front of the portrait, you spun on your heels to face Blaise giving him a warm smile.
“Thank you for tonight, this is the most fun I’ve had in weeks. Even though I still think you’re absolutely crazy for asking for House Points to be taken, I think it’s the sweetest thing anyone has done for me.”
Zabini grinned his award winning smile, taking your hands in his larger ones pulling you close to his tall frame, the height difference between the two of you seemed almost comical as you barely came to his chest having to peer up at the boy.
“It was my pleasure... I have one question before you go.” You nodded, feeling your chest flutter at the millions of questions racing through your mind, “How would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?”
“I would love nothing more, Blaise.”
You practically beamed up at him, pressing a soft kiss onto his cheek waving goodbye to the boy as you squealed to yourself after you shut the door behind you.
Blaise felt his face flush, grinning down at the floor cheesily as he rushed back to his dorm in a hurry for tomorrow to hurry on by so he could take you out. The night was unexpected, and you had never in a million years expected it to happen but you were glad it did. You had a date on Saturday, and for once, you weren’t dreading for the weekend to end. Thank the heavens for me and my late night cravings.
send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if any of you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :))
a/n: this was so much fun to write! i’ve never written for blaise, and i wish i could have done a whole fic on him so i might start working on one. thank you for requesting this! i think i fell for blaise zabini just after this <3 i hope you like this, don’t be afraid to send feedback or specific details if you’d like. lots of love :’)
hi! i've written you another request just now. soo how about another one where the gryff reader and draco are enemies -i just love angst i cent help it- everyone is at a party slytherin is hosting and some guys decide to bully y/n and call her a mudblood and maybe jinx her or curse her but she doesnt have her wand and draco comes to help her and maybe takes her to his room and FLUFF
Jinx Me, Why Don't You? | Draco Malfoy x Reader
word count: 1,693 words
warnings: some foul play, cursing, some scenes that might make certain people uncomfortable, fluff!
December 16th, 1996. The Slytherin Common Room. 1:46 am.
The loud chattering of your friends surrounding you was almost unrecognizable, rolling your eyes at their drunken giggles and jabbering. There were currently a group of Hufflepuff girls near you throwing up into a hopefully empty satchel, their slurred giggles making you laugh quietly to yourself taking a sip of your soda. You decided against drinking considering you had to get up early the next morning for an early studying session.
One of your close friends, Blaise Zabini had invited you to his 'All Houses Party' that Slytherin had wanted to host as an end of the year celebration. When you arrived, your friend was chugging the biggest bottle of Firewhisky you had ever seen, practically having to hoist him up as he drunkenly showed you all around the Common Room before rushing upstairs to the bathroom. You weren't sure if it was because he really had to use the restroom, or maybe it was because his face was growing a sickly shade of green.
You shook your head, lifting your cup to your lips not to long before someone smacked it out of your hands harshly, the cold drink going all over your shirt and over the floor leaving your skin tingling from the cold. Locking eyes with a pair of Slytherins who were currently smirking down at you, one of the boys, known as Goyle was taking slow steps towards you.
"Well don't you look out of place, little Gryffindor."
"I don't think so. Last I checked, they didn't allow roaches on campus, so if anything you're out of place.” You replied rather snappy, trying to wipe off some of the soda off of your shirt with some nearby napkins. You were beyond annoyed, you had worn one of your favorite shirts considering the baby blue fabric complimented you nicely. That bitch, I just got another refill. Goyle grabbed a hold of your hands, tugging you closer a mischievous look in his eye. "Let. Go. Of Me. Or so help me-"
"Watch who you're talking to, you filthy mudblood,"
"I know exactly who I'm talking to, Goyle." The grip on your arm tightened, feeling your breathing growing heavy as you finally took notice of how far off to the side you had wandered off, taking in all the guys currently surrounding you. Vincent Crabbe, Cassius Warrington, and Graham Montague were also eyeing you struggle in Goyle's grip.
"Seems like we need to teach her a little lesson, don't you reckon?" Cassius hummed, his fingers reaching into his robes pulling out his wand a smirk resting on his face. The other boys followed pursuit, watching as Goyle shoved me into an empty nearby dorm room locking the door behind them. You scrambled backwards patting yourself down in search for your wand, cursing at yourself as you came up empty handed. The tight feeling on your chest never ceased, your chest heaving up and down as you kept your eyes on all four guys. You prayed to god they all had the smallest amount of dignity left to where they would't take advantage of you.
"You guys are a nothing but a bunch of pansies-"
"What did you call me?" Graham hissed, his cheeks turning a slight red lifting his wand up to hit the underside of your chin forcing you to look up even further. His sneer was evident, practically snarling at you as you stared him down.
"I called you a little bitch, Warrington-" You barely managed to choke out his last name as a jinx hit your chest, crumbling to the floor as your screams were muffled by Cassius' quick thinking. The sharp pain coursing through your body was nothing like what you had ever experienced, whatever the hell it was, was a close second to feeling like the cruciatus curse. The second you thought the pain had faded, Cassius and Crabbe both hoisted you onto your feet practically having to hold you up as your knees kept buckling underneath you.
"Did you really think we wouldn't do anything?"
"I never thought you even had the balls to hold a wand, Goyle," You smirked through the pain, noting his face growing red as he threw another jinx at you making you grit your teeth in pain as you felt an unbearable heat wash over your already burning frame. The heat felt unreal, burning every little inch from your fingers down to your toes, letting out a small hiss at the small flame on the tip of his wand making his way closer to you.
"Goyle... what in the world do you think you are doing?" The sound of a familiar voice brought instant relief to you, but it didn't last long considering the two frantic boys dropped your body onto the hard ground making room for the blonde. A loud whine left your lips, resting your sweating forehead on the cold ground, every muscle in your body aching even with the smallest of movements. This is for sure going to bruise tomorrow...
"I was just teaching the mudblood a lesson-"
"Don't you dare call her that," All four guys stopped their snickering, a look of fear evident on Goyle's face as Draco got in his face his eyes narrowed. Goyle nodded stiffly, his eyes flickering down at you stuffing his wand into his robes motioning for the rest of the guys to follow him, hastily making way from your crumbled body. You choked out a cough, attempting to use your shaking limbs to lift yourself off of the ground.
"Love... let me,"
The touch of his cold hands on your burning skin felt refreshing, wanting nothing more than to let him just scoop you up into his arms. Malfoy wrapped his toned arms around your waist, letting you wrap your arms arounds his neck feeling your legs trembling underneath you.
Draco and you had an interesting friendship to say the least.
No one really knew that you guys had even known each other, let alone been friends all this time.
You guys had started talking after a small incident in your 1st year, where you had accidentally fallen during training and he happened to be the one to help cushion your fall. Ever since then, you guys had an acquaintance-ship, as Draco liked to call it.
Spending late nights talking over stupid little things.
Teasing one another over childish crushes, and practicing new spells to improve on together.
He always helped out during Potions, while you helped him in Charms and History. He didn't mind it. He enjoyed your annoying comments at every jab he had made towards anybody. He always rolled his eyes and pretended he hated it.
But, he knew deep down he loved every second of it.
Your hands automatically went to grip onto Dracos shoulder as he helped you into his dorm room, trying to set you down on his bed without hurting you. A loud hiss left your lips as he helped you into the cooling material of his bed, happily letting yourself fall back closing your eyes tightly. "Thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am for you."
"You have no reason to thank me. If I was just paying closer attention to you, this wouldn't have happened." Draco angrily spat, knocking over one of his dorm mates cloaks off of their dresser in a haste. "Merlin... I never thought they would ever stoop that low."
The silence between the two of you was scary. For the years you had known Draco, you had never seen him as angry as he was at this very moment. His jaw was clenched, his hands gripping onto the frame of his bed tightly his knuckles a stark white. The sound of Draco seething by your feet was all that could be heard throughout the room, that and the sound of your small whimpers as you tried shifting into a more comfortable position. Failing miserably.
"Here, let me." He mumbled, making his way over to you pulling his wand out of his robe muttering a small charm over your body. And as quickly as he had uttered those words, it was as if someone had thrown warm water over you. Every ache in your body disappeared, along with an injury you had sustained earlier in the week from falling down the stairs. A small gasp left your lips at the strange sensation, your eyes fluttering close at the immediate sensation of bliss that engulfed you. "How do you feel?"
"Blissful... where in the world did you learn that?"
"My mother. I'm taking that it helped?"
"Yes. God yes. You're a saint, Draco." You hummed softly, peering up at the blonde whose bottom lip was currently being gnawed on. You reached over and grabbed ahold of his hand, squeezing it softly as a way of saying thank you. Draco cracked a small smile, letting out a sigh as he eyed your relaxed features. "Come- sit down.. Don't worry your pretty little head about this,"
You gestured to the open spot beside you, scooting over to make more room for him. Draco gladly sat alongside you wrapping his arm around your shoulders pulling you close, to which you happily hummed. Sneaking your arm around his torso, holding him by his waist pulling him closer to you reminiscing on how warm he always felt against your cold frame. Inhaling his soft scent of freshly picked mint and the cologne you had gotten him for his birthday which he never failed to wear every single day, feeling your body relax in his hold.
"Mmm... we haven't done this in so long. I’m sorry that this had to be the reason it brought us together."
"Don't. You know none of this is your fault." Draco scolded, using his free hand to find its way into your hair running his fingers through it softly. "Nothing you could do, could ever ruin my night, or my anything for that matter… besides, I missed you.”
"I missed you too, darling," You tightened your hold on his torso, nuzzling closer into him. "Did you want to spend the night tonight?" He hummed, trailing his fingers alongside your arms chuckling softly as he spotted goosebumps follow behind the trail he made.
“You truly are something Malfoy.”
"So is that a yes or...?"
authors note: thank you so much for requesting this lovely, sorry it took me so long to get back to you! i only just now started picking this back up again, i was a little bit preoccupied with my job but i should be back for good now! i got a little carried away with this but i do hope its to your standards. thank you and enjoy!

Credits to @anitalenia for dividers!
🕯️= NSFW
🩰= Fluff
💭= Angst



• SPARK OF JEALOUSY - Lorenzo Berkshire x hufflepuff!reader | something inside enzo sparks when he sees McClaggen flirting with his girl. He can’t help but act before he thinks, whatever it takes to save his girl.

• SLYTHERIN BOYS ROYAL AU - slytherin boy x reader | different royalty tropes i think fit with the slytherin boys.
• SLYTHERIN BOYS SUPERNATURAL AU - supernatural!slytherin boys x human!reader | Different supernatural creatures I think fit with the slytherin boys and how I they would treat human!reader.
ok so slytherin boys and female / nb reader royal au 😩 (separately?)

Different royalty tropes that I think fit with the slytherin boys!

DRACO MALFOY — servant x prince
“Good evening, my prince.” You said as you began to make up his messy bed, as he had just awaken from a long night of council meetings with his father and lords that resided in the kingdom.
“Evening, sweet girl.” He said with a smirk as he tugged on a robe to give him some modesty as he was only wearing sleeping shorts.
He poured himself some wine and sat down beside his fireplace and watched as the flames flickered and burned the wood.
“How was your sleep?” You asked, fluffing out the pillows before organizing them on the big bed.
“It was fine, though that council meeting was exhausting.” He mentioned.
“Well, it will prepare you to be king.” You added. You picked up some of his dirty clothes off the floor and tossed them in a linen basket to clean.
He only huffed at your words. During your affections, he would mention how he didn’t think he would be a good king, how the people loved his father too much.
You set the basket on the bed and stepped towards the man in the chair. You stood in front of him and watched as he looked up at you, his blue eyes meeting yours.
You sat yourself down onto his lap, taking his face into your grasp, “you will be a good king, I know it.”
“When I am king, I will marry you.” He said, pressing a kiss onto your palm.
“You cannot marry me, I am merely a maid.” You said with a saddened expression, your brows furrowed.
“That doesn’t matter to me, the only thing that matters is my love for you.” He placed a hand over yours.
You smashed your lips onto his, his hands traveling down to your hips to pull you closer. If only he could become king quicker so you both could be each others.

MATTHEO RIDDLE — arranged marriage
“Hello, husband.” You said as you walked into your husband’s rather large office. He was studying books and accounts of other lords in the country.
“Hello, sweet wife.” He said as his attention stayed on his studies.
You approached the back of his chair, you hands found their way to his shoulders. You began to massage his tense shoulders, he let out a huff, tossing the pen down and relaxing into the chair, letting you work your magic on his sore muscles.
You both had been married for a few months are he had courted you for a few months before that. Your family was wealthy and as was his, that’s why your fathers had decided on the marriage.
You had become good friends and grown to care for each other. That had blossomed into love soon after the marriage ceremony, making both of your families proud that the marriage wouldn’t be a fail.
“You must come to bed with me, it is late.” You said as you rubbed out a knot in his muscles.
“I will, my love. I just have to get this done.” He said before picking up the pen again.
You took your hands away and pulled him from the chair. It took you a minute to actually get him out of the chair but you did.
“Our fathers would be quite upset if you weren’t giving your wife the attention she deserves.” You smiled.
“You love using that against me,” he said as he pecked your soft lips, his hands trailing down to your hips.
You only smiled as you pressed another gentle kiss on his lips.

THEODORE NOTT — princess x stable boy
“Good morning, princess.” Theo, the stable boy, said with a wink. You approached him as he was brushing one of the many horses the stable held, as your family could afford so many.
“Good morning to you, Theodore.” You said with a smile. You move towards the basket of carrots behind the man, grabbing one for the large brown horse.
You bring it up to its mouth, offering the carrot as a treat. The horse takes the vegetable and chewed it up into small pieces. You pet the top of the horses muzzle.
“She likes you.” He said as he stared at you, his thoughts telling him you were the most beautiful girl he had ever come across.
He continued to brush the horse, with a smirk on his lips as you gazed at each other.
You turned around, looking to see if anyone was nearby. Thankfully, the stable area was empty, leaving the two of you alone.
You stepped closer to him, “I have missed you, Theo.” You shyly played with your fingers.
He took one of his fingers and tilted your head up to look him in the eye, “I have missed you too, sweet princess.”
“We have not had a lesson in a while,” you pointed out.
“Perhaps we should have one soon.” He said, pressing a soft kiss on your lips, remembering the times you both shared falling in love.

BLAISE ZABINI — princess x knight
“Come back, princess!” Your personal knight, Blaise shouted as you ran through the halls of your family’s castle.
You giggled at the sound of him huffing and picking up his own feet to chase after you.
You raced through the corridors as the men in armor ran after you, you liked this game of cat and mouse, it excited you.
“Princess!” He called out down the hall, his exasperated expression only made you giggle harder, your dress flowing behind you in the wind as you ran.
You found your way to a small and empty hall, which overlooked a Great Lake, a beautiful sight to see in the sunset.
You panted as you saw the sun reflecting off of the gorgeous waters, the mountains in the background giving the view an everlasting beauty that you have never seen before.
“Princess, you must not run from me.” Blaise huffed, hands on his hips as he began to scold you.
Before he does, your lips smash onto his. Since the halls were empty, you could show your affections without judgment.
His hands gripped your waist and pulled you in, pressing himself into you and your lips touched in the most sensual way before slowly pulling away.
“You are…such a pain!” He cried.
“But you love me,” you smiled.
“That, I do.”

LORENZO BERKSHIRE — princess x baker
“I’m in need of pumpkin pasties, treacle tarts, sandwiches, and pumpkin juice.” You said as you read off the list you had written earlier on parchment.
Enzo wiped off his hands with a rag after he had finished washing them, “anything else, princess?”
You shook your head, handing him the piece of parchment before grabbing your basket that you brought with you. You scanned through the shelves full of fresh fruit like apples and berries, picking out the best looking ones for your picnic with your friends.
The Berkshire’s were bakers for the castle, they baked every pastry and sweets for events and whenever the royal family wanted.
What your parents, the king and queen, didn’t know is that you and the bakers son had a secret relationship you had hidden away.
You felt a pair of lips on your neck, startling you. A pair of strong arms crept around your waist and pulled you against their chest.
“Enzo!” You giggled at the ticklish feeling of his lips on your skin.
“You’re supposed to be baking my sweets!” You said as you playfully pushed his face away from you.
He huffed, “but you are the sweetest thing in this room.” He smiled as he spun you around and took your chin into his grasp, placing a delicate kiss on your soft lips.
“You charm me, my love.” You smile.

my request was for Mattheo, Enzo and Blaise separately, cause those three are my faves, but you can do whoever you want!! :) just your thoughts on what they would be in a supernatural au, so like what creature or similar! and how they would treat reader that's a human👀🫶🏻

Different supernatural creatures I think fit with the slytherin boys and how I they would treat human!reader.
Disclaimer: photos used are to describe the aesthetic, not attributes about reader!

Angel!Draco shuts you out whenever he transforms into his angel form, due to the pain he has to endure whenever his wings practically rip out of his back.
You do anything in your power to help him.
The first time you witnessed him transforming, you were shocked. You hated to see the pain your boyfriend had to go through. You ran over to him immediately after his wings fully emerged from his back and you held him in your arms as he cried due to the pain, that was the only time he let you see him like that.
He comes to you as soon as he’s finished with his transformation for comfort(he transforms once a month.)
It’s more of a curse than a blessing, ironically.
He loves nothing more than your touch after those rough nights, you help him with the scars on his back from the wings and bandage him up.
He appreciates you so much, and he’s so happy you didn’t leave him after finding out what he is.
He calls you his angel.
One time, after many days of begging, he let you come along to the astronomy tower to help him with his transformation. You held him and comforted him during the process and he took you out for a flight, it was pretty scary but he held you tight to his chest, process style.
After that, he makes it his routine to take you to the best view nearby, which is also the highest.

Werewolf!Mattheo is so cuddly and clingy, especially before full moons.
You help him get to safe places and prepare him before full moons as well.
After full moons, you help him clean up any wounds or bruises he obtained from the night before.
He definitely loves head scratches as much as you love giving them.
Just like Draco, he comes to you for comfort after his transformations.
He loves those early mornings in your dorm when he’s laid up on his bed and your sat on his lap, bandaging up his cuts and kissing his bruises.
Nap dates!!
He’s definitely the type to surprise you with some wildflowers he found in a field.
He never lets you witness his transform because it’s too much of a risk for your safety
He only wants to meet you safe :(

Merman!Theo is so playful and he loves to mess with you.
Whenever you guys are swimming at the black lake, he would flick his tail and drench you with water.
He also goes under the water and pulls you under when you least except it to scare you.
At night, you both hang out by the dock while he’s in the water and you’re laying by the edge just chatting away in the moonlight. Your head is laying on your hands just before the edge of the dock while he’s gazing up at you in the water (kisses definitely occur in this position).
He collects shells and cool rocks from the bottom of the lake to gift to you, as well as he makes jewelry with the shells for you.
Swimming dates 24/7!!
You both stay in his dorm whenever it’s raining and cuddle up under the blankets, the coziest thing ever.

Vampire!Blaise is extremely careful around you, since your human, he has the so much self control because he doesn’t want to hurt you.
He’s so polite and sweet with you.
He goes into London at night to feed off of the muggles, since they’re useless in his eyes anyway.
He definitely steals the money off of them and buys you gifts with the stolen cash.
He spoils you so much!!!
He adores placing small kisses on your neck and shoulders.
You’ve definitely asked him to turn you a few times, to which he denies because he doesn’t want you to turn into a monster like him.
“You’re too sweet, my love. I do not want you to feel the way I do.”
Since he doesn’t sleep, he wakes you up in the morning with tea or coffee.
He loves to just stare and admire you from up close or afar, he just loves you so much!

Ghost!enzo is literally the sweetest most precious man to ever exist.
He goes ghost when he’s shy or whenever he’s flustered, it’s adorable.
“You’re so handsome, Enzo.” And poof, he’s gone.
Unlike all the other boys, his transformations are more random, but he can force it as well.
He mostly only uses his powers to sneak out of class to see you or leave earlier to walk you to your next class.
Also, he loves to sneak up on you and scare you. it’s so annoying.
Since he’s a ghost and can literally go through walls, he can sneak in the girl’s dormitory, which means he always gets to wake you up by pressing a thousand kisses all over your face.
He sneaks over to hogsmead late at night and buys you so much candy from honeydukes every week, so you’re always stocked up.
Even though he’s a ghost, his love language is physical touch!!
He gives the best hugs.

| i have no idea where he came from, but i know i love the hp fandom so much cuz like damn thanks now i got another comfort character
Theo Nott x Reader
+ his friends x reader <3
some of these are angsty bc let’s be real, a relationship with him wouldn’t be a happy sailing all the time
» masterlist
🐍 theo mr. possessive nott — he’s not very talkative, not very outgoing, not very showing, until someone tries to lay a hand on you
“i fucking hate it when he looks at you,” he says every time someone looks at you. he lost a lot as a child, he’s over-protective and overly needy when it comes to you, because finally he has a person he feels love towards — he doesn’t want to lose you too.
so someone even thinking about becoming close to you? no.
🐍 gets into fights a lot… like a lot
🐍 doesn’t know how to handle his anger so he’d often take it out on you (ends in either unfortunate fights or fortunate make outs, or both)
🐍 either rly chill or rly angry
🐍 he loves his friends, wouldn’t ever say it out loud, of course, but he’d die for them, or kill for them, they are his family — super happy you get along with them well <3
🐍 sometimes a bit too well — you and mattheo could tease him for the entire day and say stupid shit and jokes and he’d grow extremely annoyed over it (he loves you both)
🐍 mattheo being super protective over you whenever theo’s not there, he’s like a brother to you
🐍 trusts his friends around you buuut will kiss you every now and then just to remind everyone 🙄
🐍 the train ride to school at the beginning of the year goes like this; theo, mattheo, blaise, draco, enzo and you, but the cabin’s only made for four people, so it’s you on theos lap and enzo squeezed between mattheo and draco because you all refuse to separate… you all listen to dracos complains the whole time
🐍 you and him couldn’t care less about dracos fights with potter and his friend group; theo genuinely does not give a fuck and finds it a waste of time, and you don’t mind the potter group that much so you just don’t participate and often disappear to spend some time together in the forest
🐍 both of you see thestrals and come to deep forest spots to just sit in the grass and watch them
🐍 he notices a lot of things — notices when you are cold and will give you his jacket, scarf or his school robe, he notices it when you go quiet, and just makes sure he’s there with you until you are okay again, he notices when someone makes you uncomfortable and he’ll make sure to make their day a living hell, notices when you like something, when you mind something, when you sound happy or really sad, usually knows what to do to help you
🐍 neither of you is a fan of parties and it usually ends bad if you end up going; theo gets too wasted OR gets himself into another fight, and you don’t handle big groups of people well
🐍 he doesn’t actually enjoy parties at all, he just goes for his friends and status… and you just go for him
🐍 blaise being the hero and distracting you with jokes and his witty remarks so that you wouldn’t focus on the big loud crowd and the fact that theo disappeared somewhere (enzo is clueless and tries to drag you to dance with him — blaise almost punching that guy bc he’s just so dumb)
🐍 theo having the audacity to get mad at you after he returns with a bloody nose and a split lip and seeing you laugh at blaises jokes
“yeah whatever, spend the night with him for all i care”
🐍 you end up crying, he ends up finding you after like five minutes after he said that bc the guilt was eating him alive (also he didn’t want you to spend the night with blaise and he did, in fact, care)
🐍 jealous makeout that night and later on just laying in bed, while you both stare at the ceiling and play with eachothers fingers and hands, and explaining to him how him leaving you alone in a big crowd made you feel anxious and how blaise actually helped a lot, and him agreeing on not going to parties any time soon
🐍 already called you “my girl” “mine” “my baby” a lot but uses it a lot more after that party, especially during heated moments
🐍 might sound ironic but he gives off extremely calm energy when you get to know him, that guy that gets into fights and has bruised knuckles all the time and gives everyone a death glare, is the calmest person you’ve met when you are alone with him
🐍 he likes books — reading together is a big quality time and comfort for him <3
🐍 book shopping dates where he’ll get you the books you want
“oh, i’ve read this, it’s a classic in muggles world,”
“oh,” you keep reading the back of the book for a while, “it sounds interesting,”
he smiles and just takes it from your hands to get it for you, and does this every single time you look at a book or talk about a book
🐍 staying up late in the slytherin common room reading and talking and listening to the fireplace
🐍 he likes to lay on your chest
🐍 you like to wrap your arms around him, and he loves it when you do that, makes him feel safe
🐍 tired studying sessions where you both go “screw it” and lay in bed, cuddle, make out and play with some silly spells like letting your patronus run around (the only happy memories he uses are with you and his friends)
🐍 sneaking off at night just bc it’s thrilling to make out in dark halls full of ghosts
🐍 getting caught and losing house points only to do it again the next night
🐍 astronomy tower dates sound cool at first but everyone goes to astronomy tower to have dates, so eventually you find your own secret spots
🐍 he’s horny 24/7, it had to be said
🐍 doesn’t know how to talk about his emotions so he’ll either show it by being affectionate physically or by protecting you all the time
🐍 will just grab you and start kissing you passionately whenever he feels like it
🐍 you missed so many classes because of him… but oh well
🐍 definitely has a thing for risky makeouts, the danger of getting caught and getting in trouble turns him on
🐍 does that thing where he’ll put a hand on the table corner just so you wouldn’t accidentally hit yourself
🐍 stands in front of you whenever there’s a bigger group of people (especially after what you told him after that one party, he just does it subconciously now)
🐍 mattheo knows too and they’ll just both shield you with their bodies
🐍 switching ties together <3 it doesn’t matter, the student ties are all the same but it’s the feeling that counts
🐍 wearing his scarf as well
🐍 stroking your thigh in class, during dinner, lunch and breakfast in the great hall, mf will sometimes leave a little peck on your neck and have no shame
🐍 doesn’t care about other people, at all, he’s careless when it comes to anyone beside his few friends or you, makes you feel special <3
🐍 he has a lot of mental breakdowns, especially from all the death eater stuff, and won’t allow you to comfort him (eventually he will, but it’s hard for both of you — takes him ages to open up to you)
🐍 yeah, death eater bf — it’s not always easy
he even tried to push you away when it came down to it, but he just couldn’t, so now he tries to keep you away from all these things as much as he can
🐍 he’s good at potions, helps you out a ton
🐍 “hey nott, pair with me?” cuz they all know he’ll save their asses in potions assignments
🐍 “nah I’m with y/n” automatically 🥰🥰
🐍 again, library dates sound cool until you realise everyone goes to study dates in the library, so you’ll end up borrowing books and studying in your room together, undisturbed
🐍 with that being said, there’s usually not much studying…
🐍 “hey, uh— about yule ball,”
“yeah i don’t really care,” he’d mumble while reading a book.
“oh...” your voice would drop. his eyes would look up and study your expression. he’d end up asking about suits and which one to get later that day.
🐍 yule ball actually being a lot of fun <3
🐍 idk but like matching all black outfits to yule ball with his friend group >>>>>
🐍 he’d eventually get bored of the event and drag you out to the quidditch stadion to sit on his lap in the cold night and make out. he’d mumble how perfect you look and how lucky he is, and he’d make sure you feel good (skilled fingers bf)
🐍 ron tried to flirt with you once and he broke his nose
🐍 a guy from ravenclaw tried to flirt with you once and he broke his whole face
🐍 neutral on PDA — he doesn’t see the appeal but he also doesn’t care about others so if he feels like kissing and touching you, he’ll kiss and touch you
🐍 you’re not like him, if someone tries to flirt with him, you don’t go around breaking peoples faces and yelling, rather you shut off and drown in anxiety, he notices so he keeps his role of the “mean guy thats friends with other mean guys” and straight up tells the girl to fuck off (holds your hand right after and shows a bit more PDA that day)
🐍 he doesn’t smile much, which only makes his smile prettier. you love it when you make him smile or chuckle
🐍 holding eachothers hands a lot — it’s just a reminder that you are both there, whether it’s in class, during lunch, watching quidditch, walking down the hall, he likes to feel you are there with him
🐍 his friends just call him nott and people that he’s not close with call him theodore, so you calling him just theo feels somewhat special, and it makes him feel warm inside
🐍 does a thing where he’ll stare at you calmly and make you blush and go “whatt?!” and he’ll just chuckle and say “nothing, my girl’s just pretty”
🐍 all six of you hanging out around the castle or the forbidden forest at night and him squeezing your hip or leg whenever it’s really dark so others wouldn’t see
you teasing him back by pretending something scared you and hugging him real close and ‘accidentally’ brushing your body against his
you both end up frustrated as fuck
🐍 doesn’t say i love you often but when he does he really means it

i love him sm it’s not even funny anymore.
also do ya’ll think lorenzo knows he’s now completely out of nowhere a face of some random slytherin character? 😭 like that thought of him finding out is just funny to me idk
Can someone draw Blaise Zabini with long dreads and hair jewelry? All I've seen is him with a shaved head or soft curls. His family is very high fashion, and his mom is a fabulous black widow. That man would be decked out.
I loved his actor, but in fanfictions and fanart, where the artists have a lot of liberty, I feel like he's done so dirty. Especially when he's a pivotal story character in the fanfic, and he's written or drawn as an older version.
Isn’t it weird that OG canon popular slytherin boys are Blaise and Draco yet half of the people don’t include Blaise in their videos/threads like??? why’d you do that
the other day I saw tiktok creator that replied that they “forgot” but next videos were without him as well 😭 idk it feels personal to me
i got so used to fanon Blaise Zabini that’s been in my head since I was like 6 that I was shocked to read his personality page in canon. What do you mean my pookie was just as vile and cruel like others 😖☹️
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Friends? - Theodore Nott
Warnings: English is not my first language,sorry for any spelling mistakes. Underage drinking,bit of angst, Cormac Mclaggen
Pairing:Theo Nott x fem!reader
Summary: You and Theo have this situationship, where you like each other,but don't know how to say it,so you stay as "friends".
a/n: this is my first imagine,I didn't like it that much,but I hope you guys like it<3

It's not a secret for anyone that you and Theo have something going on between you too, everybody know that you guys like eachother,but when will you two finally realize that your feelings are equivalent?
You were in the Slytherin's common room,there was a party going on, Slytherin won a quidditch game against Gryffindor. Theo was by your side,one hand in your thigh and the other on your waist. Now you're talking with Pansy.
"Did you see Potter's face? It was hilarious" "I know right? Draco really did a good job today" you said as you feel Theo tightening his grip on you.
"Only Draco did a good job,love?" You feel Theo whispering on your ear,"You know you did a good job too, Theo! I'm proud of you" you whispered back and then pansy said"I will get a drink now,bye lovebirds "
Theo starts kissing you at the same time as Pansy go away "I missed you,cara mia" " I missed you too Theo,but you can't just keep doing things like that in public,y'know? We're not a couple,and acting like that will make people think that we're dating"
"And what is the problem in that?" "The problem is that we aren't dating Theo! We're nothing more than friends and you have to put that in your mind" Theo's face gets serious and then he says " Alright then,if you don't want me to do it in public,I won't do it,but I think we should stop this, y'know "
"What do you mean stop this?" "We should stop kissing and etc,y'know,that's not really a thing that 'friends' are supposed to do" "Alright,if that's what you want. I'm going to crab a drink"
2 weeks passed since you and Theo had that argument,and still you two haven't talked with each other,even your friends thinks this is bullshit and that you two are being stubborn,but you two don't seen to care. You try to show you don't care,but you've been distant of your friend group recently,and at this point,you think everyone in the group already knows what happened between you and Theo, after telling Pansy about,you knew all the group would know about it too.
This days you even avoided eating with them in the lunch, actually, you've been avoiding going to the great hall.
Now you're in potion class,you're sitting with Cedric,your best friend,even if he's a hufflepuff, you've been friends since forever.
"I think you two like each other,but don't admit it,and keep saying 'oh we're friends,and nothing more' and all this shit,but deep inside,you guys know you're made for each other. You haven't been smiling that much,since you two had that argument and in my opinion,you should talk to each other"
"I know Ced,I like him,but we're just friends and I bet he doesn't even think of me that way"
"You're a dummy for thinking like this"
More weeks passed by,and you still haven't talked with Theo. You're always looking at each other from across the room,but none of you would say a word.
Today it was having another party,but this one was with the all the Hogwarts's houses.
You were with Cedric,but you got thirsty "Ced,I'm going to grab a drink,okay?" "Okay,I'll be here" "Don't worry,you can go to Cho" "Alright,if you need anything,I'll come as fast as I can"
You went to the kitchen,got your drink and when you were going back to where the party was going on, someone stopped you. "Hello there, beautiful" Cormac smiled at you "Uhm.. hi Cormac,do you need something?" "Just thought that maybe we could hang out some time,love" he says as he get closer "I don't want to, Cormac" "Come on beautiful,you know you want me too" he put his hands on your waist "Get off of me, Cormac " "Oh,come on lov-"
"She said to get off of her" "Come on,mate! You haven't even talked in weeks,so don't bother us"
Theo punched him and said "get out of here before I kill you, idiot"
You and Theo watch as Cormac get out of the kitchen "are you okay?" "Yeah,uhm... I think I'm fine,thank you for helping me" you smile at Theo "Anytime... I missed you "
"I missed you too Theo"
"Your smile is beautiful"
You chuckle "Thank you"
"Listen,I love you,okay? There isn't a time at the day that I don't think about you,you're beautiful,not only your the way you look,but your personality too, you're funny,gentle and very sweet to other, which don't match with Slytherin 'mean personality',and that shows that we don't necessarily need to be mean,and I love the way you smile,I love your hair,and I love your eyes,I love everything in you. And say that we're just friends,but I'm catching across the room,always. You're always in my mind,and I don't know if you feel the same way,you probably don't,but I don't see myself without you"
"Theo,I love you too,so so much,I didn't tell you sooner because I thought you didn't feel the same way I did,and I didn't want to finish what we had,because for me,it was better to stay like that,than lose you forever"
"Your not going to lose me,your the most precious thing I have in my life and I will not let you go"
Theo kisses you while pulling you by your waist,he grabs your thighs put you on the counter,while the kiss get more heated as he pulls you closer. You put one hand in his neck and the other under his shirt.
"Wow,looks like you finally spoke to each other again,huh?" Pansy said chuckling
Literally them in my DR 🖤🐍

Memories of the Black lake:
Includes: (Implied) Fem!Reader x Mattheo Riddle, Angst, some fluff, mentions of drugs and sleeping around. Let me know if I missed anything!
Summary: Reader goes to the black lake to clear her head and ends up reminiscing about good times before she meets up with the golden trio. 
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The fresh air, cold and soft, blew against my face. It’s funny because the last time I was at the black lake things were different. Being at the black lake now tends to bring back a feeling of nostalgia but also pain.
The last time I was here, it was almost dark. The sun was setting and instead of being on my lonesome, I was with my group. My friends. We had all snuck out of the castle to have a late night bonfire and swim.
We were all happy and laughing, forget about all problems, oblivious to how things would change in the matter of weeks.
“Hey Theo! Bet you can’t make a bigger splash than me!”
“Your on mate!”
Theodore and Mattheo were jumping from a tree into the lake, trying to make the biggest splash while Draco, Blaise and Lorenzo judged who won.
Pansy, Astoria, Daphne and I were on the pattern blanket, next to the fire as they watched the boys jump into the water.
“Boo, come on Matt, even Professor Snape could do better than that!”
He got mad at me for that and chucked me in the lake. It was good fun.
Tom instead sat quietly with us reading and watching, and for once in a long while I saw a small smile on his lips.
Everything was perfect.
A week after that the boys started to avoid us girls.
Draco became distant. From everyone. He and Astoria got into a fight not long after his cold behaviour started and he broke up with her. He only ever interacted with the boys on occasions and never with us girls.
Theodore fell back into his smoking habits and started being really toxic and moody towards everyone. He got into fights alongside Mattheo although those two rarely interacted.
Lorenzo skipped class and stopped showing up for meals. His grades went to shit, he went to lots of parties and slept around. He only hung out with Blaise and was always on high alert from some of the drugs he took.
Blaise never participated in class and was always quiet. He became more nonchalant than before. He and Lorenzo hung out and did drugs together often. He and Pansy stoped talking when he drove her away by sleeping around.
Mattheo started drinking a lot. He became abusive. He was constantly angry and tired. He got no sleep and it became rare to see him around the castle unless he was smoking or getting into fights. The last time we spoke he was yelling and smashing things.
And Tom. He was like a ghost. No one ever saw him.
The boys quit Quidditch and any other activities they did. Us girls tried to help them but they did everything in their power to keep us away and if we got too close they would be hurtful and nasty towards us.
Then it was us girls.
After the break up, Astoria was heartbroken. She became a wreck. She didn’t care about anything anymore. She became so depressed she begged her mother to move her with her cousins at beauxbatons.
Daphne felt sick in the stomach. She went to comfort Draco about how heartbroken her sister had become. She couldn’t believe how cold and nonchalant he was about it. She chose to move with her sister to beauxbatons.
Pansy started to get involved in dark magic. She became really shady and started hanging out with some of the boys again. Every time I tried to talk to her she would ignore me. We had a massive argument and had a fallout.
And then there is me. I started hanging out with Potter, Weasley and Granger. They are really friendly. Mattheo found out and started to yell, smashing things, saying that it was either him or them. I never chose, so, he chose for me. That was the last time we spoke.
It’s been 4 weeks.
Daphne, Astoria and I are still in contact.
There is a war coming.
The fresh air, cold and soft, blew against my face. It’s funny because the last time I was at the black lake things were different.
It’s now early in the morning. Last night Hogwarts was invaded by death eaters. Dumbledore died and I’m supposed to meet Harry, Ron and Hermione on the astronomy tower in a few.
I hope my friends will come back to me.
I hope my boy will come back to me.
I wish that they stay safe in the war.
bad idea!

was such a bad idea, im totally fucked.
request by @lovetaylorrussellgrr
contains: fluff, angst a little bit
summary: when childhood bestfriend!mattheo wants to make his ex girlfriend jealous, and fake date you, you decide to go along with it. however, his ex might not be the only jealous one…
warnings: swearing (as usual), kissing, i dont think anything else??
“please?? can you just do this one favour for me? we’ve been friends for like, forever!!!” mattheo whined to you.
you were in the library, putting away some books you had used for your revision.
“no way! im not fake-dating you so you can date pansy again.” you say, finding the idea ridiculous.
“pleaseeee?” he suddenly grabbed your shoulders, shaking you roughly as he begged over and over again.
“oh my god, fine!” you say, as he lets go of you.
“you’re such a dick.” you put your final book away, walking out of the library, as he follows beside you.
“you know you love me.” he prods you, smirking smugly, as you roll your eyes.
“whatever. how are we gonna play this out? i mean, are we just going to make out infront of everyone or something?” you ask.
“okay, here’s the plan.”
you’re hanging out with enzo, draco, theodore, mattheo, and blaise in the courtyard, just before your first period. its not unusual to hang out with them, since you’ve known mattheo for such a long time, and theyre his best mates.
you fidget uncomfortably, listening to lorenzo’s new ludicrous story that happened to him one time, as thoughts race through your head.
how is mattheo so comfortable with this?
isnt it weird to him? i mean we’ve been bestfriends since our childhoods..
is he as nervous as me?
this seems like a bad idea..
you snap out of your daze, once you realise its time for class. you walk towards mattheo, your nerves fizzing and popping inside you like fireworks.
“hey, i’ll see you later okay? i gotta get to class.” you stick to the “script” as mattheo calls it, and lean in.
then, you two kiss. it starts off soft and slow, before he wraps his arms around you as it becomes more passionate. time seems to slow down as you become entranced in the embrace, before you come back to your senses and pull apart. that was definitely not part of the script..
“what the fuck?!” enzo shouts.
“jesus, you didnt have to eat her face off, she’s just going to class!” blaise exclaims.
“when did this even happen?” draco chimes in. the plan was working.
mattheo gives you a smile, with a glint of a smug look in his eyes as he nods his head to the side. you follow his gaze, and see pansy parkinson glaring at you both, as she stands with her new boyfriend. you feel glad that the plan is working, as you walk off towards your class.
it had been a month since you and mattheo’s “relationship” started up, and god, word spreads FAST in hogwarts. the whole of slytherin and gryffindor knew by the first day, ravenclaw and hufflepuff following behind after the second day, and the teachers on the fourth day. you had gained a lot of popularity and attention, and you didnt mind it most of the time, but sometimes it made you feel uneasy.
that month was full of makeouts, holding hands, going on dates (making sure pansy was where you guys were of course) , hugs, and lots more. and it seemed to be working!
you were sitting at a table in the great hall, during a study session with snape. you sat next to mattheo obviously, and the rest of his mates. you wondered if it was too obvious, what with how much time you’d been spending with him. you’d had like no break with eachother, every day was spent together.
“hey, matty?” you whisper, in order to not get caught by snape, who was in a bad mood (as usual).
“dont you think we’re being too.. obvious?”
“you’re just anxious, y/n. trust me, everything’s fine.” he whispers back, placing a hand on yours, as butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
you startled at the feeling, trying to shake it off.
this was your bestfriend, that you’d known since you were 5… there was nothing going on between you and him. and you didnt have feelings for him!! you couldnt… right?
you frowned. it seemed like the only thing he cared about was getting pansy back. this was the deal though, and you had to go along with it.
“y/n?” mattheo whispered again
“theres a party in the slytherin common room tonight, and we should both go, is that okay?”
“yeah, sure.” you reply, before a book slammed down on both of your heads, as you winced. snape swiftly walked away, and you both looked at eachother, stifling a giggle.
green lights blinded you, as music played at an ear-splitting volume, while you pushed through the crowd, trying to get to mattheo. you had another script you had to act out, and you took several shots of the probably very strong alcohol on display before it.
the thing is, you’d.. caught feelings. you knew it, and the only way you could push them away was being totally consumed by alcohol. that way, the sting of being broken up with in a fake relationship would hurt less to you.
every slight touch, every entrancing kiss, every fiery makeout made your feelings build up until you couldn’t take it anymore. you had to remind yourself that this was all an act, it meant nothing to mattheo. and.. that hurt. this whole thing was such a bad idea.
to be honest, you’d always known he was your crush. i mean, how couldnt you? he would always hug you when you were crying, and watch films with you whenever you wanted. you’d both fall asleep together, tangled up by the morning. he’d buy you your favourite foods and cravings when you were on your period, and kiss you softly on the forehead everytime he left the room or hugged.
and you guessed you’d been his crush. you were wrong.
you reached mattheo, shaking the thoughts and memories off, and he looked kind of.. unsure? his demeanour had changed a lot, and he seemed like he wanted to leave.
“okayyyyy, letsss do this.” you slur your words, grabbing him so he faces you.
“y/n, are you drunk?”
“i’m breaking up with you!!” you shriek, not caring to answer him.
he doesnt answer. he just looks at you plainly.
has he forgotten his script? you think.
“i just dont think its working. im inlove with… lorenzo!” you say in your drunken state.
the room erupts in gasps and hushed whispers. enzo whoops and high-fives blaise behind the crowd, before they come closer and see who is actually speaking. his jaw DROPS.
suddenly, pansy rushes forward to mattheo, crashing her lips onto his, as he’s taken by surprise. your eyes widen, and you frown, not processing the situation, since youre hammered.
“and you’re cheating on me?!” you scream.
you snatch a drink from someones hand next to you, throwing it all over him, before dropping the empty cup and walking out of the room, satisfied. you take some water with you, and sit down in an empty corridor, taking a few sips and sighing.
half an hour later, you hear the click-clack of footsteps getting closer to you. you’d sobered up quite a bit (after throwing up in the bathroom nearest to you), and looked around the corner expectantly.
“what the fuck, y/n? most of that wasnt part of the script. and why were you so drunk?”
“can you stop calling it that? im your girl- bestfriend, not an actor. anyway, you’ve got pansy now. im just tired of being dragged around and told what to do all the time.” you blurt out, praying he wouldnt catch the slip-up.
he sat down beside you.
“im sorry, y/n. i basically used you, and im a dick.”
“told you that already, many times.” you say, as you both laugh.
“i realised that at the party. i wanted to call it off, but you started saying stuff. i also realised something else-“
“im inlove with you!” you shriek. you didnt even know where you’d gotten that confidence from.
that was such a bad idea, im totally fucked.
he just sits there, dumbfounded. you fidget uncomfortably, wanting him to atleast answer you.
then, he puts his hand on your cheek. a soft kiss follows, and you can feel the love in this one. it wasnt like one of his put-on ones for pansy. no one was looking here. it was real.
“i love you.”
“really?” you ask.
“yes, you idiot.
“i love you too.”
“i mean, could you not tell?? all those films we watched, all the snacks i bought you, the valentines gifts that were ‘friendly’, etc etc. ive loved you since i was little.” he kisses your cheek as you smile.
“maybe this wasnt such a bad idea.”
when he writes your name in his notebook with theodore nott
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- theodore nott
a/n: thank youu for requesting, ik this has been lying there forever and i am so sorry for not doing it sooner. I've been quite busy and lost my will to write for a while but i'm back and i love youu. I'll probably start writting these from the back and it'll take some time cause there are over seventy but not to fret, please continue requesting, i'll answer as soon as i'm able
requested- yes
warnings- hopeless romantic is all i have to say

Theodore nott was one to always jolt it down. it didnt matter if was a number, a lyric in the back of his head, people's conversations or random ingridients, he'd just write it down till all its memory was shifted to the ink of his quill.
but no matter how many times dear theo has scribbled your name down, he could'nt have peace from your thoughts for more than 27.43 minutes (which pansy volunatrily counted)
his notebook had your name scribbled everywhere, in different fonts, different colours of ink, in hearts, in his study notes, it was everywhere.
No matter how hard he tried, your name was the smallest echo in his head that never failed to catch his ears
"whatcha writtin down?" you'd ask every once in a while when you see him write down something relegiously. You did'nt want to know but it brought such joy watching the ever so mighty nott stumble and stutter making up an excuse for himself.
"none of your fuckin buisness"
j e a l o u s y
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- theodore nott
a/n: this isn't the best but it's something i wrote to one of my favourite bois, requests are forever open, luv, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- none i think-

Theodore Nott, the king of the hearts of the innocent with all his pride which no one could strip from him, all the power which no one could touch, the one so high from all, that no one would play against his will.
then why oh why was everything he had built for himself, his charm, his walls, his cool, all fumbling and crumbling beneath him when you arrived?
you weren't his girlfriend, why should he care what you did or with who you did. he shouldn't be bothered.
But it did
the music blared, and the common room was fully alive but his eyes never left you for the two hours in the Slytherin party after a excellent match as a bloke tried so desperately to talk you up. So desperate to get just a smile from his girl. its as if he actually thought she would want to be near him or his drunk antics which just seemed to light the fire in Nott more.
At this point he was stumbling attempting to twirl a strand of your hair as you tried to gently move away from getting beer spilt over your dress.
"touch her and i'll break your neck"
A hand slid through you waist, but it was the hand with a snake coiled ring you recognized by touch. the arm dragged her away into the crowd, leaving the bloke confused and high.
"how many bloody times have i told you not to that Nott?"
"as if you'd be caught anywhere near his pants"
"what if I did? atleast he shows consistent interest"
I shouldn't have said that
you thought he would be frustrated, or at least mad. instead he did the most unexpected thing expected from Theodore Nott. he revealed a smile spread out on his face. an absolutley stunning one where it showcased its dimples and made your heart do leaps.
"you're so cute, but not in a I wanna pat you head but in a I wanna push you up against the wall, and show that balding bitch who's name you'll be screaming for the rest of your damn life"
"And my darling, i will do everything in my power to show you that i am the only man you will ever lay eyes on as long as i live and breathe."