Cosmere [Wax & Wayne], Girl Genius, Genshin Impact, Yuri on Ice. cosplaying / fic writing · 30-some / a-souping
638 posts
Steris Had Calculated When Wax Needed To Make His Jump, And When The Time Comes To Remind Him, She Does

Steris had calculated when Wax needed to make his jump, and when the time comes to remind him, she does so. She had expected that he would need a couple minutes to disengage from whatever he was doing, but as fate would have it, he had just returned from the john, so he's out the door practically immediately.
Steris calls him back with a "Wait!" because he's early (even though she knows it won't matter to a Coinshot when there's so much rail to Push off of). He looks back, and Steris plants one on him.
Wax kinda has a moment of oh my wife and she has to push him off the train to keep him on schedule.
[Inspired by this]
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More Posts from Shavynel
completely lost it when wax and steris named their son maxillium, because of *course*
but imagine if we got nuliana (goes by nu) and gilbillius (nickname gibbus because nu had a hard time saying gilbillius at all growing up and it stuck) (he prefers gil but it's far too late)
we can throw in a crescent or something for good measure too

@girlgeniusevents theme week day 5: kid fic
Something ive been obsessed with for quite a while now is the idea of gg as an 80s baby cartoon. Like it has haunted my nightmares, dreams, and every waking thought. I think it's really fucking silly and funny. Id be sitting there at work thinking of baby agatha warping the laws of physics and making god cry
Baby Girl Genius AU is about the cast as talking baby/toddler people in the Baron's school, where they are learning how to be good sparks/minions/rulers/monsters under the teachings of Mistress Von Pinn, the only adult ever shown on screen. She is literally exactly the same with no changes. Their parents can be mentioned or alluded to, but they can not directly guide or interfere with the plot past "dad says I have to get better grades at poison detection if I want to rule Europa." EVERYONE shown has to be a baby including clanks, constructs, and animals (except Von Pinn). Nearly everyone is in the school except for few exceptions. The school has uniforms (that may be familiar) because I like uniforms. This AU can NOT feature swearing, or references to sex or drugs. Romance is extremely limited and the focus is more on friendship, sharing, compassion, and getting along. References to some violence are fine, because no one can escape the horrors of war, and also because Bang is there. Krosp is a little Kitten who wears a huge coat that's too big for him, and the Jagers are some little fuzzy things I haven't figured out how to draw right yet
I was going to say this is so incredibly unfair. WHY would you pit jägers against each other? And then I realized, no no, 100% fair to have jägers fight. THEY'D LOVE THAT.
VOTE OGGIE! Oggie wins this one for me simply cause of this supremely casual moment of I bite a hat.

(What? Deja Vu? I posted about this last week? Caught me red-handed you did. But then you'll understand my bias and why I'm landing with Oggie this fight.)
BUT HOKAY. MAXIM wins The Hat off Ol' Man Death mit de sottle no less!

(From Maxim Buys a Hat)
Poll Administrator... I'm realizing now you've caught them without their hats on... and I'm here posting about them getting hats... Which means there's only one way to end this post!

Look at how proud they are of their new hats. LOOK AT THEM! LOOK AT THEIR SWAG!
(Is this post actually hat acquisition propaganda?)
(Yeah, yeah it is ...)

Round 1