Kuroo Tetsurou x GN! Reader
Tokyo Ghoul AU
Genre: Angst
Warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH! heavy angst, gore, blood
this took a lot of time and i am so sorry... I had irl stuff and tests too. hope you enjoy this :D
Chapter I

Tetsurou laughed coldly at the man struggling below him. Pathetic. The man knew he would be eaten any second, but he still fought back. Tetsurou ignored his pleas and clicked his tongue, deep in thought. Humans were interesting. They struggled and struggled until last, knowing it would be less painful if they just give up.
All that thinking had made him curious now. He loosened his grip on the man. He pulled his head up by the hair and leaned in close to him. "Hey. Tell me," the man's face was a bloody mess. He didn't smell that tasty. Middle-aged, bald people never did. "Why are you not giving up? You're gonna die in the end anyways. So, why do you want it to be so painful?"
"P-Please. Let me go, please," the man stuttered out. He was shaking in Tetsurou's hold and had probably soiled his pants. Tetsurou tsked, annoyed for not getting answers and snapped the man's neck in half.
His appetite was gone now and no way was he eating a gross old man who stinked of shit.
Tetsurou turned and found Kenma typing away on his phone. He smirked. It was rare to see Kenma outside.
"Were you worried I got caught by the CCG? Is that why you're here?" Tetsurou said, wiping a fake tear.
Kenma sent him a look of disgust. "Shut up. Yaku wanted to talk to you about something important, I don't know. He sent me to come get you."
Yaku? Something important? Tetsurou instantly regretted not hiding the expensive coffee he stole from Yaku. And Kenma agreeing to even step out of the building was news too. "About what?" he asked.
"You'll know when you get there."

"Mr. Hayase!"
The elevator's doors had started to close. You ran, yelling at the person inside, Mr. Hayase, to hold it open. Thankfully, he did and you were able to get in. Panting, you thanked him and leaned against the wall of the elevator.
"Jeez, L/N!" Mr. Hayase hissed. "Why are you in such a hurry?"
You took a moment to control your breathing before answering him. "I have an important meeting in 2 minutes."
He hummed. "You got promoted recently, right?"
"Yeah. I'm a Senior Investigator now."
Mr. Hayase flashed you a grin. "Be careful out there. Promotion means more danger."
You grinned back. "I know. I didn't get promoted for nothing, you know. I'll be able to handle it."
You were on your floor now. You bowed quick and low to Mr. Hayase and rushed to the meeting room. Mr. Hayase was one of the scientists who worked for the CCG. He was also the one who made you your quinque.
You were lucky the meeting had not started yet. Apologizing, you sat down in your place.
"First day as a Senior Investigator and you're pathetically late." Nakamura Yuuichi, smirked.
You raised your eyebrow. Checking your watch you said, "Actually, I'm 17 seconds early. Well, it's 16 now."
"Don't act smart L/N," Nakamura hissed. You and Nakamura always had a sort of enmity since your trainee days. Always, trying to mock each other, insults would be thrown around without actually meaning them. Why it was like this, you had no idea.
"I'm not acting, Nakamura. I am smart."
Nakamura looked like he wanted to strangle you then and there. It was your turn to smirk.
"Now, if you both could shut up so we can actually start with the meeting," Ms. Rei said, voice deadly serious.
You made a show of pursing your lips and Nakamura clenched his fist and leaned back on his chair.
Ms. Rei eyed the two of you before beginning the meeting. "We received reports of a new ghoul organization," she started.
"Actually, it's not new. We got to know about only recently. The ghouls have been doing a good job laying low. They call themselves Nekoma. They're like Fukurodani—the one which was brought down by the CCG only recently."
Fukurodani was a pain in the ass to subdue. Their leader, Bokuto was an S-rated ghoul with immense strength. His mood swings–a blessing to the CCG–would slow him down. But, ever since Akaashi, an A-rated ghoul, joined their ranks, Bokuto's mood swings were lessened. The pretty ghoul knew how to control Bokuto.
"We don't have much details on the leader or members of Nekoma. We need to find their hide out and hunt them down. We can't let them take over Tokyo." Ms. Rei sat down and rummaged through the pile of files.
"Excuse me," you spoke up. Ms. Rei stopped and looked at you. "Do we have any info on the ranks of the ghouls?"
She sighed and shook her head. "Like I said before, Nekoma has laid low for a long time now. Some investigators caught one of their underlings and managed to get some information out of him. That ghoul only knew the name of the organization and nothing else. Not even the names of his fellow members."
You nodded a thank you and looked down at the file placed on your desk. This investigation will be hard, you thought. You opened the file and found the picture of a man-ghoul-staring back at you. He was a B-rated bikaku, according to the details below his picture. Satoshi Kimura, the ghoul, was caught near one of the garbage dumps in the outskirts of the city. Satoshi was in his late twenties, a few years older than you.
Ms. Rei cleared her throat and everyone turned to look at her. "Nekoma's investigation will be handed to L/N and L/N's squad. Senior Investigator L/N, you can visit Cochlea, where the ghoul from Nekoma is being kept, to gather more information. You will also be assigned a squad of 5 members. I wish you luck on this investigation."
You stood up from your place and shook hands with her. "You will not be disappointed." She gave you a red colored file saying that it had the most details about Nekoma. You thanked her and sat down. Excitement was coursing through your veins. You were going to be a squad leader! You refrained yourself from doing a victory dance.
You were going to find out Nekoma's base and capture all of them.
"Now," Ms. Rei started. "Moving on to the age old case of Itachiyama. Nakamura, like Y/N, you will also be assigned a squad. You are to bring Itachiyama down."
Mr. Minamoto, Assistant Special Investigator spoke up. "But, Rei! Even the Assistant Special Investigator Nishimura and his squad weren't able to kill them. How can you assign this to a Senior Investigator? That too Nakamura was promoted not long ago."
A cold shiver ran down your spine. Ms. Nishimura's squad was brutally murdered by the ghouls of Itachiyama, Ms. Nishimura being the only survivor. She had retired after the incident and had left the country. You couldn't blame her, though. Watching your squad, your comrades die in front you was the bad enough. But, being the only survivor was the worst.
Ms. Rei nodded. "You're right Minamoto. But, that was 2 years ago. Itachiyama has weakened since then. Since the two S-rated ghouls, Sakusa Kiyoomi and Komori Motoya, left Itachiyama and joined another organization. It's safe to say now that Itachiyama is easy to take down. There's mostly A to B-rated ghouls. No S-rated either. That's why Nakamura and his squad are assigned with this."
Mr. Minamoto didn't look convinced. Yet he nodded and looked at Nakamura, silently asking him if he was okay with it.
Nakamura wasn't fazed in the slightest. Instead, he bounced in his seat with pure enthusiasm. That was so Nakamura-ish. Always getting excited at difficult challenges. You had to suppress a smile.
"However," Ms. Rei looked at Nakamura, eyebrows raised. "If you don't want to do it, we can give it to some-"
"I'll do it!" Nakamura bounced up from his seat.
Ms. Rei took a step back. "Alright, then." She said and handed him the files.
Nakamura smirked at you. I'm gonna win Y/N, he mouthed.
Not if I kick your ass first Yuuichi, you mouthed back.

The café was warm and cozy. You placed your order and sat at your table, in the far corner. You would be meeting your squad tomorrow and you were nervous. Very nervous. After collecting the necessary files you had decided to get some coffee before heading back home. So, here you were, in your favorite cafe, files tucked neatly in your bag, waiting for your coffee.
The waiter called your name saying that your order was ready. You got in a hurry and grabbed your bag. You didn't want to leave it alone and risk the files getting leaked. Thanking the waiter, you walked out of the cafe while adjusting your bag on your shoulder. You took a sip and the next you knew was that you had collided into something and were on the ground, coffee spilled, files askew. You had zipped the bag, right?
The files spread across the café's floor said otherwise. You mentally kicked yourself, and scrambled up. You shoved the files in your bag and stood up straight, ready to apologize to the person you collided into.
"I'm sorry!"
"I'm sorry!"
The person–a man–was apologizing with his head bent low. He looked up and spoke.
"I spilled your drink. Let me buy you another one."
You shook your head no. You were disappointed that your coffee was spilled, but you didn't want to trouble a stranger.
"I insist, please," the man said. He looked like he just woke up and put on whatever he had in his closet. His unkempt hair was spiky and fell over one of his eyes. His hazel colored, cat-like eyes scanned you up and down.
"Uhh, okay. If you insist." You agreed.
The man smiled, satisfied. "I'll get you your coffee."
After getting the drinks (he took coffee, too) he sat in front of you. Thanking him, you took the warm plastic cup and were about to leave when he stopped you.
"What's your name?" He asked.
You blinked. "L/N Y/N." After a beat, you asked, "What's yours?"
"Kuroo Tetsurou."
Work by: @smolbean12
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More Posts from Smolbean12
pls. when part II for Omi's red string of fate 🥲🥺 part I already broke my heart I need part II to step on it and kick it away 😂
i dont think there will be a part 2 for it, i wrote it as a stand alone fic. i will be posting some fluff tomorrow so soothe your heart with it... the next angst fic will be heart breaking :D

Mending A Broken Heart
Jean Kirstein x Mikasa Ackerman
Genre: Angst and fluff
Warnings: MAJOR MANGA SPOILERS!! prolly a few curse words
this is for my fellow jeankasa shippers. idc if the ship was not made canon but to me they fell in love got married and lived happily ever after. and i also wanted to see mikasa move on and not just stuck on eren you know? anyways hope you like this!!! :D

Jean checked himself in the mirror for the nth time. He searched for any hair out of place, looked for boogers, checked if he had anything stuck between his teeth and made sure his breath didn't stink. He had to make a good first impression. Well, technically, not a first impression but... whatever.
"Yo Horseface! How long are you gonna take?" Connie yelled.
"Coming!" Jean answered.
He was both excited and nervous. He was going to see Mikasa after 3 long years. He wondered what she looked like, she was in her early twenties after all. She's gonna be beautiful as ever, Jean thought.
He checked himself in the mirror one last time and jogged to where his friends were waiting for him.
Armin smiled and waved at him, sweet as ever. Reiner and Annie nodded at him.
"Took you forever. What, are you getting ready for your marriage?" Connie punched Jean, to which Jean kicked him in the shin.
"Come on, let's go. Don't want to keep Mikasa waiting now, do we?" Jean grinned.
"Yeah, let's go!" Armin agreed.
Mikasa stared at the sky. It was cloudless and a bright blue. Her hand rested atop the small headstone next to her. She can't be mourning forever, she knew that. She had loved Eren since she was nine-she probably still does, she's not sure. Letting the man, who taught her to live, go was no easy task.
Her hand went up to her scarf. Eren's scarf. He'd told her to put it away and forget about him. Find someone else who would love her and move on. He'd said it like it was as easy as getting a new dress after the old one tore. Mikasa couldn't move on. She didn't know how to move on.
"Eren," she called out, hoping against hope he could hear her. "How can I forget you?"
The walk up the hill where Eren was buried was quiet. The air felt thick with emotions and Jean almost considered going back. Eren was your friend, dumbass, he reminded himself and kept walking. He would never admit it but he missed Eren dearly. That suicidal blockhead was one of his closest friends and though they argued all day everyday, Jean would readily give up his life for him and Eren would do the same for Jean.
Jean spotted Mikasa sitting next to a small stone staring at the sky. Jean's heart did a somersault when he took in her features. She had become more beautiful, as if she wasn't already. She had let her hair grow and it reached past her shoulders.
Instantly, he was reminded of the day he had complimented her hair. But, she had cut it short not long after on Eren's word.
"Mikasa!" Armin yelled with joy.
Mikasa looked down to see Armin and smiled. "Armin. Everyone. How are you?"
They sat round the tree and talked about the past three years, filling Mikasa in on everything she had missed. Mikasa smiled and nodded. She seemed to be looking at everyone, mentally noting the changes in their appearance and personality.
Jean realized he was staring at her when their eyes met. He blushed and gave her a wobbly smile. Man up Jean, he told himself. Go talk to her.
He stood up from his place and walked over to where Mikasa was seated. He hesitated for second before sitting beside her. What was he supposed to say to his crush of almost a decade who lost the man she loved?
Before he could think anything he blurted out: "I'm sorry."
The talking came to an abrupt stop and everyone stared at him. Mikasa blinked. "About what?" She asked, clearly confused.
Jean, at that moment, realized that he brought up a topic everyone was avoiding. He mentally cursed at himself. Since he had already messed up, he decided to continue with it and mess up his already messed up life.
"About Eren," he answered.
Mikasa opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She tugged at her scarf quietly. After what felt like forever she said, "I'm trying to forget him. I'm trying to move on."
Jean was taken aback. "Mikasa," he started. "You don't have to forget someone to move on."
She stared at him like he had told her the sky was green. But he continued.
"I know it's hard, after all you've known Eren for most of your life. It's okay to feel sad, you know. Take your time. But, don't push yourself away from others. It'll just make the pain worse. And-And I lost Marco and Sasha, too. I've moved on, see? And I didn't forget them."
Mikasa's eyes were wide. She looked down at her hands. "I know, I know. It's just that everyone was telling me to just forget. It's been three years and I-I couldn't-"
She broke off. Jean noticed her hands were shaking. He took her hands in his and gave a reassuring squeeze. He tried his best to ignore the way his heart was beating out of his chest.
"Mikasa," Armin said, his voice was soft and caring. "Jean is right. We'll be with you from now on. So, you won't have be alone anymore." Armin flashed her his brightest smile.
"I'll be with you. We'll be with you," Jean said.
Mikasa looked down again. "Thank you. All of you."
Jean's hands felt wet and he realized that Mikasa was crying. Daringly, he put his arm around her shoulder and brought her close to him. He looked up only to see Armin, Connie and Reiner smirking at him. His face felt hot as he sent them all a glare.
Jean gave Mikasa his whole heart. Mikasa gave him the shattered remains of hers. Jean would damn well help her piece it back together. It wouldn't be the same as before, he knew that. But, who cares. He knew she would love him with all she has.
The first step towards the future Jean imagined was by mending a broken heart.
I won't forget you Eren. Mikasa looked up at the sky. But I think I found someone who will love me.

Work by: @smolbean12

my header is kuroo, my pfp is kuroo
i have written nothing about kuroo
i am planning on something dw,,, it's some yummy angst
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