snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
What a tasty morsel you'll make!

647 posts

Trick Or Treat!

Trick or Treat! šŸŽƒ

Send ā€˜Trick or Treat! Ā šŸŽƒā€™ to my inbox and Iā€™ll give you a treat!

This could be: a promo graphic, icons, an aesthetic graphicof your muse, a drabble, a photoset of our muses together,a moodboard based on one of our threads, or some othergoodie! Happy Halloween! Ā Letā€™s celebrate!

[Note: this drabble is set in the aftermath of my RELUCTANT HERO. verse, in which Lunarre sacrificed himself, was purified, and reborn as a seraph.]

Lunarre was grateful for the seraphimā€™s lack of need for sleep. It meant he could travel far longer distances until weariness forced him to stop and rest his feet. Getting up from his latest break, the fire seraph continued onward down the dirt path, an expansive forest to his right and fields to his left.Ā 

It was autumn, and the afternoon sun made the golden leaves sparkle, and their shadows quivered in the breeze.

Lunarre smiled. Being a wanderer wasnā€™t so bad, though somewhere to put down roots appealed to him. He wanted to find that place, the place that felt like home. This was difficult for a seraph who remembered nothing of the human life he had once lived. Out of the seraphim Lunarre had lived among since awakening, he was the one of only a handful of former humans.

None of the others had a clue as to his former identity, and none his kindred spirits were especially bothered by the fact that their past lives were a mystery. They couldnā€™t understand why Lunarre was so bothered by it, and tried to discourage any attempt to reclaim those lost memories.

It was that which made Lunarre realise his time with them was over. Ignoring their warnings - tempting malevolence among them - Lunarre set off on a journey to discover the man he had once been, and the life he had left behind.

Lunarre huffed as he recalled their annoying whines, telling him he was better off how he was now. Bullshit. They were just content leading endlessly peaceful unutterably boring lives. Their bliss came from ignorance, and Lunarre was a man who hated to wilfully live in the dark.

Suddenly he spotted a figure sitting against the trunk of a tree a little further along the path, deeply engrossed in writing. He grasped a large quill in his hand, scribbling intently.Ā 

Immediately Lunnare could sense that this was yet another seraph like himself. He - or she, Lunarre was too far away to tell - had long black hair and the seraphā€™s getup (the red and white aesthetic specifically) led him to believe he (or she) was a fire seraph like himself.

Lunarre walked closer, but the seraph was so engrossed in his writing (yup, definitely male) that he didnā€™t notice.

Lunarre spoke up, raising his voice.

ā€œYo, kid.ā€

He shot the seraph a wave as the scribe jumped and looked up in surprise. Understandable, but then the seraph kept on staring, mystified, as if he had never seen another living person in his life.

Confused, Lunarre opened his mouth to ask what the matter was, when the seraph suddenly said, in a quavering voice: ā€œLunarre?ā€

Lunarre was so dumbstruck he simply gaped at the sitting figure. This seraph knew him.

ā€œY-yes. Whoā€“?ā€

Before Lunarre could get three words out, arms flung around his neck as the fire seraph threw himself bawling into his shoulder. The seraph blubbered words through his sobs but he was so overcome Lunarre could only make out snatches of information.

ā€œā€¦ your voiceā€¦Ā I knewā€¦Ā stupid, stupid idiotā€¦! Theyā€¦ they told me youā€¦ to saveā€¦ oh why didnā€™t you call me? I could ā€¦ helped youā€¦ I couldā€™veā€¦ saved you! ā€¦ idiot! I thoughtā€¦Ā  I thought Iā€™d never - oh youā€™re BACKā€¦!ā€

Unable to bear it any longer, Lunarre grabbed the whimpering seraph by the arms and held him at armā€™s length.

ā€œHey! Get ahold of yourself!ā€

The fire seraph sniffed, taking breaths to recover. Finally, he calmed down enough to look at Lunarre. Lunarreā€™s eyes widened.

The seraph was blind.

Sighing, the seraph took Lunarreā€™s hands in his.

ā€œIā€™m sorry,ā€ he said.Ā ā€œItā€™s justā€¦ been a long time.ā€

Lunarre didnā€™t know what to say. Suddenly, all the burning questions in his mind vanished and were replaced by feelings so confused he could scarce give them a name.

The seraph smiled a small, sad smile.

ā€œYou donā€™t remember me, do you?ā€

Lunarre started, but after a moment he shook his head. As painful as it was, there was no point in hiding the truth.

ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€

ā€œNo need,ā€ said the seraph.Ā ā€œItā€™s the way of things.ā€

ā€œI want to remember!ā€

Lunarreā€™s outburst made the seraph start and stare.

ā€œI want to rememberā€¦ that time. Please,ā€ he implored,Ā ā€œplease help me remember. I want to remember what you were to me. Everything!ā€

The seraph bit his lip, tears welling up again.

ā€œWe were friends. Weird friends, but friends.ā€

ā€œHelp me!ā€ Lunarre couldnā€™t stand the defeated look in the seraphā€™s eyes.Ā ā€œHelp meā€¦ā€



The seraph paused.Ā 

ā€œAlright. Iā€™ve never in all my years seen a former-human seraph regain memories of their past life, butā€¦ā€ He smiled again, and it was brighter this time.Ā ā€œYouā€™ve done the impossible before. Kicked its butt, actually.ā€

Lunarre hadnā€™t the faintest idea what Kimuri was referring to, but there was time, plenty of time, to hear all about it. His heart danced in his chest, and he couldnā€™t stop smiling.

ā€œThis is so awesome! Gramps, youā€™ve gotta tell me everything!ā€

Kimuri smiled and finally let go of Lunarreā€™s hands.

ā€œI will. Wait -Ā ā€˜grampsā€™?ā€

ā€œEr - yeah.ā€ Lunarre grinned somewhat sheepishly.Ā ā€œYouā€™re way older than me, right? Butā€¦ sorry, I wonā€™t - ā€

ā€œNo.ā€ Kimuriā€™s smile was strange. Wistful.Ā ā€œI donā€™t mind.ā€

Lunarre grinned.

ā€œOK, Gramps.ā€

Kimuri packed his writing things away and the two seraphim set off down the path together. The old fire seraph talked, cried, and talked, while Lunarre listened in awe. He learned of places and people he had known, people who would surely be waiting for him. His first port of call was Ladylake, and Kimuri knew the way.Ā 

Sometimes the seraph would touch Lunarreā€™s arm to make sure he was really there. Lunarre didnā€™t mind. He was happier than could remember being before.

More Posts from Snickering-kitsune

7 years ago

ā€œThank fuck.ā€


Send šŸ’• and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are.Ā @snickering-kitsune

snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā ā€œIt is not meant to be.ā€

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7 years ago


Autumn-esque Sentence Starters


ā€œā€¦Why? Isnā€™t it more fun to ā€¦ carve ā€™em? SetĀ ā€˜em on fire? Thatā€™s what Iā€™d do. Though, thinking about it, using them as target practice doesnā€™t sound so bad.ā€

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7 years ago

ā€œYou heard me, Shepherd. Help me get the tangles out of my hair. That storm messed it up somethinā€™ awful. Cā€™mon. Weā€™re friendsĀ now, right? Friends do good by one another. Riiight?ā€



ā› Y-you want me to do what? āœ

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7 years ago




Sorey just laughed awkwardly, eyeing the brush a moment. ā› Iā€™ll do my best to refrain from both of those. āœ He had heard the fuss that was made over the hellionā€™s bounty of golden locks though the reasoning was lost on Sorey. Sure it was nice, but it was just hair. Then again, the girls tended to be pretty serious about the stuff ( a brief flashback to their ganging up on him over being innocently ignorant over barrettes and other hair accessories ). Well, at least they had something to bond over?

He took the brush and moved to sit down behind the taller being. ā› I guess itā€™s pretty hard to brush out on itā€™s own, huh? āœ The shepherd mused the obvious, trying to figure out just where he was support to start. Lunarreā€™s wild mane was even more wild than usual, knotted from the wind and the rain. Truth be told it was a little intimidating, but Sorey was prepared to tackle the task with the determination he showed towards everything in life.

Thankfully he was considerate enough to try and be as careful as he could be. The brush began to work through the hellionā€™s hair, fingers doing what they could to try and ease the tangles. ā› Tell me if I hurt you. āœ



Part of him felt like laughing. The irony was so thick you could cut it with a butcher knife. A few months prior the Shepherd would have had no choice but to hurt him, and Lunarre would have had no qualms about a fight if it came to one. Anything to get rid of nuisances.Ā Anything to get stronger.

Now, sitting in silence as Sorey brushed, Lunarre became painfully aware of the boy sitting directly behind him. Such a peaceful scene felt... wrong. The shame and discomfort that had gnawed him since joining the group redoubled its efforts and tore at his defences.

It made him sick. Worse, it made him think about things he shouldnā€™t.

Had anything really changed? Wasnā€™t he just right back where he had been back then?

Gripping the fabric of his trousers, the hellion forced himself to focus on the sound of the brush running through his hair. It calmed him a little, but he knew what his presence did to the pure and good.

"Is it really alright for you to be so close to someone like me?ā€ he asked quietly.Ā ā€œI could corrupt you. Whoā€™ll purify the world then?ā€

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7 years ago


A small lavender haired woman stands on a box in order to make herself look taller, or at least level with the fox man. She takes a moment to clear her throat then take a deep breathe: ā€œOk so I know this might be hard for a man who is whipped beyond all belief but I need you to stop getting your ask kicked by a woman half your size for about two seconds you ok with that?ā€ she doesnā€™t wait for a response and crosses her arms ā€œHow does Rose handle the fact you have failed on literally every mission she ever sent you on? Are you even still WORKING for Rose or did she finally decide she needed a real assassin and not a little puppy dog who can barely throw a punch? Oh? Whatā€™s that? Iā€™m sorry canā€™t hear you over how much of a little bitch you areā€ she drops the proverbial mic and hops off her box. ā€œI will let you process the fact that now two women half your size have made you their bitch"Ā Ā 

You have one ask to piss off my muse; Run with it!


Luminous blue flames burned in the palms of the hellionā€™s hands as he seethed.

ā€œIā€™m not that weakling anymore, you insignificant little bitch,ā€ he spat.Ā ā€œIā€™ve changed. Iā€™m strong, and getting stronger. I can burn that smug face of yours so badly your own mother wonā€™t recognise you. If you want to keep it I suggest you fuck off.ā€


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