Helen Distortion - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Helen My Absolute Beloved
Helen My Absolute Beloved

helen my absolute beloved 💕💕💕💕💕

she could make me walk in a door that didnt exist before and make me wander seemingly endless hallways with various other doors until i go insane and id thank her

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6 months ago

I went down a hallway that was long, straight and stretching, with multiple doors that just led to more hallway. At the end, past the last door, was a dark ominous room with a single lesbian flag. I walked in, nodded, said, "Hell yeah," and walked out

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8 months ago

Missy (Doctor Who) and Helen (Magnus Archives) would absoLUTELY be the bestest of friends you can't change my mind

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7 months ago

⚠️TMP 24 Spoiler⚠️

Okay Basria- you had your minute-

Lets give my beloved- I mean----


Let's give Miss Helen Richardson a turn :).

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7 months ago


pov you're michael in another twist

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1 year ago

Helen be me fr fr

HELLO PEOPLE HEY I FINALLY FINISHED THIS THING!!! It is my biggest project yet and i'm quite proud of it I spent so many hours on this help this is what gay archivists do to your brain

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2 years ago
Some Colored Sketches Of The Crew, Partly To Figure Out Designs Partly Because I Had Some Cute Ideas
Some Colored Sketches Of The Crew, Partly To Figure Out Designs Partly Because I Had Some Cute Ideas

Some colored sketches of the crew, partly to figure out designs partly because I had some cute ideas I wanted to get down.

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9 months ago

My toxic trait is that I tried to copy the Distortion's laugh as best as I could and now I go around laughing like an eldritch horror monster

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We should lean more into the fact that Helen was a real estate agent before she got Distortioned. After Helen takes over, the Distortion hallways should start looking like a really sterile, beige, house set up to be shown to potential buyers.

Endless hallways in various different muted pastel colors. The same three generic paintings repeated over and over.

A maze of open plan kitchens that all lead into each other endlessly. Each identical in layout but with portions and angles slightly off in different ways.

Hallways lined with doors that all lead to the same immaculately neat child's bedroom stretching on and on, seemingly forever.

A living room that seems normal at first but slowly fills with more and more bowls of fake fruit and tasteful flower arrangements.

A house where every room is a lie. Everything set up carefully in a facsimile of a welcoming home but if you scratch the surface you'll find it to be cold and artificial.

That would have been a cool thing to do with her domain in season 5 too. You would easily do something with it about being forced to perform the heteronormative ideals of domestic life or something like that.

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1 year ago

I can fit two people under my skin !

I Can Fit Two People Under My Skin !

(Reposts would really help me grow, thank you :> 🙏🫶)

They’re besties, trust me

First time drawing Helen (kinda), yayyyy

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7 months ago
Uhh Hi Helen??

Uhh hi Helen??

I'm going to do the smart thing and not go down there

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7 months ago

Random Thoughts About the Magnus Archives

I feel like something's being said about your personality depending on which avatars you like and which ones you want to drop dead, I just don't know what. Like, anytime Peter showed up, I'd be like "You're a bitch ass, go away." But anytime distortion Michael made an appearance, I'd be like "That's my baby boy!" And there are a few that are kind of in between. Like with Nikola, I was like "You freak me the fuck out, but you're funny, so I guess that evens it out."

I think it's so interesting how despite a lot of the characters not getting any physical descriptions, a lot of artists in the fandom draw them the same way. Like, Melanie almost always has colorful hair, usually blue. Jon's hair gets longer with every season. Helen is almost always wearing purple. I just wonder how everyone unanimously agreed on some of this stuff.

I thought the Leitner rant was a canon thing, so I avoided anything about it 'cause I wanted to be surprised. I think near the end of the series though I finally looked it up and I was like "What!? This was a fan thing?" Totally hilarious though, I kind of felt the same way about Leitner.

The inside jokes are fucking hilarious, like the "homophobic vase." Or we have classics like "I just listened to the episode where the guy has sex with a bug." "Oh, which one?" and "Peter and Elias are definitely divorced."

Seeing what episodes scared people and which ones had people going "Actually, that sounds kind of nice" was very interesting. Like, episode 57 where the guy was stuck all alone in space? Emotionally destroyed me. But then others would be like "Yo, being able to be all alone in space with no one to bother me? Sign me up."

Also interesting to see which Fears scared people the most and which ones they think they would end up serving. I think the Buried scared me the most. Episodes 15, 132, and 195 freaking terrified me. I'd probably end up serving the Lonely, I remember thinking "Oh, that's me," with a lot of episodes, particularly episodes 159, 170, 186. It was a weird combination of "I'm in this statement and I don't like it" and "I actually feel seen." Like a weird mix of being called out and also kind of validated because I felt like my thoughts and feelings were finally being put into words and that meant somebody else had gone through the same thing.

What were some popular fan theories that ended up not coming true? I think I saw somewhere that a lot of people were theorizing that Martin would join the Web before he ended up serving the Lonely instead. People often say Gravity Falls fans grew up to be Magnus Archives fans and I remember Gravity Falls fans going crazy with some of the theories. And even if some of them ended up not happening, they're still really interesting.

I love how a lot of the characters do shitty things, but you completely understand why. Like, Melanie's wrong for blaming Jon for a lot of things that go wrong, but you understand that she feels trapped like an animal in a cage, so she's just lashing out. Or Tim is kind of an asshole in season 3, but you understand because he went through a lot of the same trauma that Jon did, he's just reacting with anger instead of paranoia.

I've been watching a lot of fan animations for this show and a lot of the comments are like "I checked out the Magnus Archives because of this video!" And the same thing happened to me too. Did you guys see any fan animations that made you decide to give this show a go?

When people draw Jon with long hair, they draw him like he’s the prettiest man alive and I love it. That or ends up looking like Jesus or Bruno Madrigal

I see every day things like a spiral shaped object or a spider and I jokingly think “Is that a Magnus Archives reference?” Or I’ll be listening to a song and think “Hmm, that could go in a Lonely playlist” or “Ooo, that so fits with the Vast.”

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6 months ago

Me: it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Throat of Delusion Incarnate, shaking and crying violently: No! It!! Isnt!!!

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6 months ago

"I knew nothing, nothing but the dream of things that sliced my who from me with claws like scalpels"


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6 months ago

nikola and michael/helen fans be like:

Nikola And Michael/helen Fans Be Like:


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