summerbummin - Summer☀️

She/Her • Writer • Autistic • Bi Pride • AO3: SummerBummin • Currently Obsessed with Batfam, ATLA, Pokemon, & Mythology

321 posts

AU Where After Yue Gives Back Her Blessing To Save The Moon Spirit, The Ocean Spirit Blesses Her In Thanks,

AU where after Yue gives back her blessing to save the moon spirit, the ocean spirit blesses her in thanks, so Yue lives and is able to waterbend now

She continues where Katara left off and fights to institute feminism in the North Pole, later becoming its first female chief

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More Posts from Summerbummin

1 year ago

Batfam’s Pokemon Teams

Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Damian, & Duke

Batfams Pokemon Teams

[Batgirl: Noctowl, Metang, Zubat]

Batfams Pokemon Teams

[Oracle: Rotom, Metagross]

[Barbara Gordon: Noctowl, Elgyem, Rapidash]

As Batgirl she used Noctowl, Metang, and Zubat as her pokemon

She also uses Noctowl as her civilian pokemon, but thankfully no one connected the dots, largely due to Babs erasing all the info about Batgirl she could find

After her spinal injury, she was given an Elgyem as a service pokemon. It uses its psychic powers to help with her mobility

She also has a Rapidash with a special saddle she can ride around on. It’s a retired mounted patrol pokemon her father requisitioned to assist her

Babs gave her Zubat to Cass when she became the next Batgirl and it flourished under her care

As Oracle she has a Rotom who infiltrates electronic devices for her, and her Metagross who acts as her body guard/muscle

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1 year ago

The first time Kon spends the night at Ma and Pa Kent’s

The First Time Kon Spends The Night At Ma And Pa Kents

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1 year ago

When the batkids get annoyed at Bruce they call him “Miss Hannigan”

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1 year ago

Batfam Pokemon Teams

Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Damian, & Duke

Batfam Pokemon Teams

[Red Robin: Swellow, Gallade, Dragapult, Flygon, Zorua]

Batfam Pokemon Teams

[Tim: Dragapult, Aurorus, Zorua disguised as Jangmo-o]

Tim was given a Dreepy by his parents. Drake Industries uses dragon types as a marketing tool, saying their business is “dragon strong”

Dragapult is with him as a vigilante and a civillain as a way to hide in plain sight. Because do you really think if he was a vigilante he’d be stupid enough to go around with the same pokemon in public? Plenty of people can have the same same type of pokemon Ms Vale

As a kid he befriended a Zorua when he was skipping class, they both rebels lol

Zorua almost always disguises itself as other pokemon, when its with civillain Tim in public it pretends to be a Jangmo-o for the dragon branding

Tim caught Tailow as his trademark Robin pokemon

As Robin he also befriended a Ralts

Bruce gifted Tim a Dawn stone as an adoption gift so he could evolve his Kirlia into a Gallade

Aurorus came from a fossil his parents unearthed on one of their digs. It was Janet’s pokemon, but after she died it went to Tim.

Flygon rescued Tim and Pru from dying in the dessert during the Red Robin events. After that it followed Tim around until he caught it.

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1 year ago

Batfam Pokemon Teams

Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Damian, & Duke

Batfam Pokemon Teams

[Black Bat: Froslass, Greninja, Lucario, Crobat]

Batfam Pokemon Teams

[Cass: Kirlia, Umbreon]

Cass showed up in Gotham with Greninja and Riolu

Since Riolu evolves via friendship/happiness, it wasn’t able to evolve until they escaped David Cain’s abuse and found a safe home with the Bats

Cass can sense aura like the Riolu line, it’s what helps her read people so well

Babs gave Cass her Zubat from her time as Batgirl when Cass decided to continue her legacy and became the next Batgirl

Cass found a Kirlia lurking outside her dance studio and caught it. Now they dance together

As a civilian she also befriended an Eevee who later evolved into Umbreon under her care

As Batgirl she caught a Snorunt during a mission in the mountains. Bruce gifted her a Dawn stone to evolve it because gifting evolution stones is his love language

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