I Wish People Cared About The Things I Care About Because I Just Want To Info Dump But I Can Never Find
I wish people cared about the things I care about because I just want to info dump but I can never find someone who will just let me info dump without either interrupting to say they don't care or give input when i don't want any
And if you think I can just ask for that, need I remind you that I Cannot
sunray242 liked this · 1 year ago
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As someone who lives in America, I complain about America all the time. I complain about the history, the presidents, the gun laws, safe to say I'm not very patriotic..... Until someone from a different country insults America online. (It's usually Brits that I see though I don't wanna generalize) It goes like this.
Me: *hates on America*
Some prick online: *Makes tasteless complaint about the USA*
Me: *spontaneously combusts and transforms into a middle aged white guy on the 4th of July decked out in all American flag attire and an eagle coming to land on my shoulder* USA USA USA USA!!!!!!!!! *Cue American Rage Yell*
I need some Harry Potter accidentally adopting younger students in fan fictions and I need them now.
Any suggestions?
I'm not picky about ship's so don't worry about that. I really only read on AO3 but if you have some from other sites I'll figure it out. I just need some soft teenage almost parenting. It's all I desire
There has got to be a website like thesaurus where you can input an entire sentence and it dumbs it down for you. Like please tell me. I understand all those words separately but the sentence isn't sentencing
Listen-I just think a lot of our problems could be solved if everyone shut the fuck up, took a chill pill, and just had a discussion.
Not a fight. Not an argument. Not even a debate. (Though those last two are still healthy) just a normal discussion.
"Here's my opinion. This is why i think that. I found this evidence that helps to prove my point further."
"I hear your opinion, here is mine and all of my gatherings."
"I'm not telling you you're wrong but that source comes from a blog and doesn't have a reliable source connected to it, do you have a better source? I can't form my opinion without a viable source."
I know it sounds stuffy but jeeze just fucking talk to each other???? It's not that hard????
(This obviously doesn't pertain to every circumstance. I believe everyone deserves rights and such but this isn't about that. It's about unnecessary aggression and drama)
Just sit the fuck down and chill out.
Last night I had a dream that I was at a family gathering and for some reason Elon Musk showed up and someone asked him to choose the music to play and I was so offended, I woke up