superdumbfan - Just a Really Dumb Super Fan
Just a Really Dumb Super Fan

he/they genderfluid pan/bi I make a lot of art especially fan art. As of now, I'm making an analog/digital horror ARG called Fostering Kids!! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~

95 posts

So I Wrote A Fic And Someone Commented About Megami's Roll In The Book And In The Game Series.

So I wrote a fic and someone commented about Megami's roll in the book and in the game series.

I started thinking about it and actually did some research. So basically I looked into a couple of points of information about Megami, her family, and her point of view on Ayano. So here's some of the stuff that I collected.

Video on the computer:

“Do you even know who I am?”

“My father won’t let me attend while you are still…active.”

“He has a reason for tolerating your presence at this school. I don’t.”

“... only allowed to exist because you serve a purpose.”

“...every last one of you would be exterminated.”

“If you and I ever cross paths…”

So I have a few things I can take away from this video. First, Ayano and Megami haven’t officially met yet. And I assume from the fact her family also knows about Ayano, and presumably her family line, that Megumi learned about the Aishi’s through her own family. Second, her family, aside from Megami herself, find a purpose or reason to have Ayano around. That reason is unclean but is also backed up by the call the headmaster gets at the end of the week. And finally, “...every last one of you…” is a very important detail because that implies two things. Either a: She knows that its the Aishi family lineage of being “yanderes” or b: there are multiple families like the Aishi. The second is a stretch but I can’t deny how cool it’d be.

Official Character Bios

From bottom to top

Student council:

No real useful or new info.

Kencho Saikou:

Immediately talk about Megami having an objective, and that she will be replaced, if she dies or leaves, by her younger brother.

Side note I hope he is used in a future elimination.


Father is a psycho, making Megami a hypocrite. Ngl the parallel to the father and nazi mind set are there, dont bring up that though bc there are already enough controversies. Jesus christ they literally call him out on eugenics. The wife of the son is a spy?? Who is she?? What's her motivation?

Ichiko Saikou:

Sister of father,aunt, she was the first heir but ran away. The school is a high school in name but college in concept? The “Twin Girl” who went missing. I assume whoever is reading this already knows of the twin theories.

Ichirou Saikou:

Father. Megami apparently likes art and animals. He is also described as “Soulless” and “Robotic”. Does the Saikou family have the same problems as the Aishi’s? Is this why Megami hates Ayano, because she hates her dad and the Aishi’s are similar to her father? Is this also why the father knows so much about Aishi’ condition? Because Ayano is described as being “activated” and if they only knew of the Aishi’s based on the court case they wouldn’t know about the switch that happens why the Aishi’s find their “Senpais”.

Saisho Saikou:

Grandfather and founder of Saikou corp, just as tyrannical as father. Past military volentr also possible nazi sympathizer. Ot much info in bio itself but info sprinkled in other family members Bios.

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More Posts from Superdumbfan

2 years ago

So I was looking at the Mario chart and I wanted to figure out everyone's height. So I use the official height of Jumpman himself of 5'1 or 154.94 cm. Considering that it takes six notches on the board to get to Mario's height I divided 154.94 cm by 6 giving me that each notch is about 25.823 repeating. The first character I calculated the height of was Luigi, he is about half a notch taller than Mario so I took my to 25.823 and divided it by 2. Then added that to Mario's height giving me a height of 167.8516 repeating. Or about 5'6. 

The character that I calculated for was Bowser. The tricky thing about Bowser though is that his shell is slightly higher than his actual head so I did two measurements for him. Going up to his shell because it is twice the height of Mario and a lot easier to calculate, he is 309.88 cm or a bit taller than 10'1. However, that height includes his shell, not the top of his head. The top of his head is about a notch and a half shorter than his shell so I calculated for this, about 271.145 cm or about 8'10. Which is interesting because there's a man in the Guinness world record book named Sultan Kösen who is 251 cm or about 8'2. 

The next character I calculate for is rather easy as well, Peach. Not including the crown, she's an entire notch taller. This makes her about 180.763 repeating cm or about 5'9, with the crown though she is about 189.37111107 cm for about 6'1. By the way the crown is about 1/3 of a notch.

The next character on The chopping block is now toad. He stands about 4⅓ notches tall, meaning I can multiply 4⅓ by the height of each notch. Which gives me about 111.901 repeating cm or about 3'8.

This one that I'm going to cover is Kamek. He is another tricky to calculate character because of his hat. The first thing I'm going to go over is his hat included height, which is 129.116 repeating cm or around 4'2. Now this is where we get into a bit of assumptions since we have no models of his hat actually being off but I would assume that he's about four notches high because that's where his hat begins to actually taper into a triangle shape and it's also where you can see the most wrinkles in the hats material. If that is his actual height, then he is about 103.293 repeating cm or just about 3'3.

I didn't bother to calculate the heights for the other two cuz not only are both of them very similar in height but their background characters are not really main characters. I don't think anyone's going to be really shocked if I say that's like 5 ft whatever. If you're curious though you can use the measurements that I used, it's very simple I use desmos.

The thing that I'm still thinking about is Bowser and if his height actually affects him in a physical way because I'm thinking of like the health problems I've very tall athletes usually have. Or if you can think of the episode from the film theorist where they were looking about ant-man's ability to change his height and how that affect him on a physical scale I wonder if the same can be applied to Bowser. Though I don't know he is a fire breathing dragon so I don't know if real world physics would affect him at all. And hell now that I'm thinking about it I might post this on the game theorist subreddit or send this to Matt Pat on Twitter I don't know yet.

So I Was Looking At The Mario Chart And I Wanted To Figure Out Everyone's Height. So I Use The Official
So I Was Looking At The Mario Chart And I Wanted To Figure Out Everyone's Height. So I Use The Official

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2 years ago

Okay so like I remembered that there was that one boss from paper Mario that was like not really Luigi but like Luigi theme that I have like a mixed theme of clown or jester. So I started drawing up basically Luigi as a clown, and I realized something. Why is no one using this as an opportunity for a king x jester Bowuigi. Like that is the most missed opportunity and I'm almost contemplating writing it myself the only thing is that I'm like working on literally six other fanfics right now.

Also I thought I'd be cute if he was holding like a little balloon animal of Bowser. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

Okay So Like I Remembered That There Was That One Boss From Paper Mario That Was Like Not Really Luigi
Okay So Like I Remembered That There Was That One Boss From Paper Mario That Was Like Not Really Luigi
Okay So Like I Remembered That There Was That One Boss From Paper Mario That Was Like Not Really Luigi
Okay So Like I Remembered That There Was That One Boss From Paper Mario That Was Like Not Really Luigi
Okay So Like I Remembered That There Was That One Boss From Paper Mario That Was Like Not Really Luigi
Okay So Like I Remembered That There Was That One Boss From Paper Mario That Was Like Not Really Luigi

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2 years ago

The American school system is getting dumber and dumber and if it wasn't a federal crime I threaten half the people on it. How are you going to block Google docs seriously what kind of brain tumor does someone have. I am so mad it doesn't even stop that the fact that I can't write my stories are right for myself personally for fun but it also stops the stories I write for you know class my work the days that I spend writing stuff now it's down the drain. So if anyone has seen my previous post and is waiting on updates on that story you're going to have to wait a little while as they try to fight the urge to kill my principal. I am so worried for the kids of the future if these people are the ones that run our school system the people who literally block school websites from being used on school computers then the people in the future that get to work are going to be some of the stupidest people I'll have to deal with.

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2 years ago

So did I stay up so late that in a sleep deprived, mind rotten state I drew bowuigi spicy art? Specifically reference the copyrighted Bowser dong? No, what am I, crazy?

(the answer is yes)

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