; pfp cred = ﹫lillycrew on Picrew ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ; pfp id: a picrew of a white person with short dark brown hair and headphones, he's smiling brightly and flapping his hands. The background is patterned purple wallpaper, right behind him is a white spiky circle shape framing him. :id end
745 posts
; Below The Cut Is Me Rambling About Me And Romance / Possibly Being On The Aromantic Spectrum Somewhere
; below the cut is me rambling about me and romance / possibly being on the aromantic spectrum somewhere but very ungrammaticality correct, and with little to no sense. Sorry in advance. /gen /lh
; what would you call it when I like the idea of romance, reading romance, etc. And I also still feel attraction to ppl who I think are attractive- but it's not necessarily romantic. It's more " oh my god they're so pretty I'd love to date them but not actually it'd js be cool because they're so hsvshsvsh " ..
; but I've been in romantic relationships and romantically liked them but then it kinda always dwindles away ?? And also it didn't necessarily take long for that romantic attraction to appear in the first place, but like I didn't even " notice " its presence until they confessed then I was like oh wait me too what !??
; but also some days I look at pictures of people who I used to absolutely jsbshsvs and suddenly they're js a person, and then the next day oh my god they're so pretty date me now ahhhhsgsvsh but not really js more of be my really close probably married best friend but like only once we're close, you're pretty but also not ?? But I wouldn't mind other common relationship things, even sexual things maybe sometimes one day idk ( grayace btw !! ), but it doesn't mean anything but also wait it does !?? But also it sometimes goes away then comes back ahhhhh
; help because that sounds like so many arospec identities all at the same time and like HELP !??? HELP MEEE /gen
hex12345678910 liked this · 8 months ago
More Posts from Thatonegaybrit
; a very tired ( for multiple reasons ) queer over here 👋
I’m ace, aro and tired
Reblog if you are also LGBT+ and tired
; when you're presenting femininely and get called handsome:

; image description begin: a white square background with a blurred cartoonish circle with a face in the center, the face has an open mouth going from the bottom of the circle to the eyes, the eyes are ovals with large black pupils. There is bold italicized red text on the top and bottom of the square, the top reading " AGGRESSIVE " and the bottom " GENDER-NOISIES " :image description end
; ☹️ you. You are.
hey as a local aroace, i want to specify something.
were no strangers to love. you know the rules and so do i (do i). a full commitments what im thinking of. you wouldnt get this from any other guy. i just wanna tell you how im feeling. gotta make you understand. never gonna give you up. never gonna let you down. never gonna run around and desert you. never gonna make you cry. never gonna say goodbye. never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
wisenerdlove is a documented scammer profiting from the genocide, use the search bar to look up their username, their paypal account name jeff owino, or the script they use!
would you mind deleting their scam from your blog, or at least clearly labeling it as a scam so it doesn't spread to others?
; not again- :']
; thank you for letting me know !! I think next time I'll try be more careful and do more research, as awful as it is that people are profiting off of such a horrendous thing .. I've updated the post now
white people go like “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman evil character as a poc?” and not wait for an answer