the-missann - Miss Ann
Miss Ann

Got locked out of my original acc, so I took a while off and now I'm back feeling even worse than I did before. I've written a few stories, check them out if you want~ 🍊 A Website I built from the ground up - 🍊 Wattpad - 🍊 Dumb Ideas and other random stuff -

213 posts

Snippit Saturday [3]

Snippit Saturday [3]

From: Tales That Were Lived

Looking out, Cassie saw Tachi making his way through the dancers and over to where she was. No one else was even in this area so it only made sense to assume he must have been coming over to see her.

Quana was raging inside of Cassie at the bullying her human half faced and this feeling was only met with Cassie’s own emotions as she stared Lia in the face.

“You better tell him you’re not interested and that someone else wants to talk to him, okay?”

Cassie kept her mouth shut, but once her arm was let go, Lia and her friends quickly walked off away from the area. Cassie didn’t even sit back down.

“The hell is their problem?”

 relax, okay?”

“Relax? How do you expect me to do that?”

Tachi made his way over with a smile on his face.

“Because we’re leaving.”

His smile slightly faded. “Oh, you are? Well, can I at least walk you out?”

“Why?” She asked.

“Just because I don’t feel right leaving you. I tried to find you earlier, but I’m okay just walking you out.”

Cassie shook her head. “No, that’s okay.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure
” Her voice trailed, but she remained looking at Tachi.

Cassie felt her heart beating rapidly again. She wasn't upset she was being bullied, she was upset that the entire night people had been giving her attention for reasons she disliked. One for being dressed up and two because of jealousy.

Was she so irrelevant on her own
? Her only means of respect was on the arm of a boy or in the eyes of suitors. She did have her own strength and Tachi or her clothes weren’t the gauge of what she could and couldn't do.

The girls had awakened something deep within Cassie and she felt as if she needed to prove herself now.

So, her mind was made up.

"Cassie? You're really warm." Quana now had a quiver in her voice.

Cassie didn't respond. She took Tachi’s hand and pulled him over to a more crowded area. The small clearing on the dance floor made them more visible to anyone who happened to be looking their way.

"Hey, what are you-"

Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down. There was only a split second where Tachi couldn't tell what was happening, but the second he felt her lips on his, the rest moved as suited. He was only shocked for a second, as this didn’t feel like the Cassie he was so used to. As they kissed, it didn’t occur to him that that this was the shy girl who barely made eye contact with him. This felt like any other kiss he had and he was eager for more.

Despite the teachers watching out for this exact thing, they—alongside the others making out—were left to do what they wanted. Being vastly different heights, Tachi was leaning down quite a bit to reach Cassie, her own body stretched to ease the difference; but at some point, Tachi pulled Cassie upward a bit, her delicate flats almost lifting off the ground.

Cassie's own hands moved through his hair, making the intentionally messy look he came with more mangled. Tachi's hands were more experienced and brought her body closer to his, but the moment she felt him against her, she pulled away; leaving him wanting more.

This wasn’t the dream moment her memories would hold onto, no, this was a testament to her ability to do what she knew she always could. When the realization hit her that she was actually kissing, Tachi she started to move away.

“I'm going home,” she said, her lips barely ghosting his.

Tachi’s eyes opened, breaking the moment, but Cassie slipped out of his grasp before he could stop her.

“Hey, wait.” Tachi’s shoulders were grabbed. He was pulled back by a few members of the baseball team.

"Dude, is this your way of saying she's yours?"

"You never do anything like that at school!"

"That shy girl's a freak!"

Despite being clamored, he was able to get out of the group, run out of the room and into the hallway looking for Cassie. Knowing he probably wasn't going to find her, he tried to feel around for Quana and found where they were headed.

With fast steps, he jogged over to the back of the school. He was just able to catch Cassie before she exited through the back entrance.

"Cassie!" He yelled, which made her stop.

Right as he was about to get closer, it was like a wall appeared in front of him and he could no longer move.

Cassie let out a small sigh. "I told you I'm going home, just stay here and have fun."

Tachi couldn’t understand why he couldn’t move, but it was like his body and mind were fighting against one another and he remained standing there while Cassie continued to walk out of the school...

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More Posts from The-missann

10 months ago

In my recent slump, I was able to extend one finished story and now it's a novel!

In My Recent Slump, I Was Able To Extend One Finished Story And Now It's A Novel!

As for this story, I'm still not finished with this self edits, but the story is done and I can say I never expected it to get anywhere close to 50k â˜ș

As for the other story I'm still writing, it just reached.... 100k!!

In My Recent Slump, I Was Able To Extend One Finished Story And Now It's A Novel!

Truly, this story was just a random idea I got and it's still baffling to me it had 100k because it doesn't even feel that long.

I'm still working on it, so I'm curious to see the final word count đŸ€ž

Anyways, that's the post, thank you for reading about my excitement 🍂

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1 year ago

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Now, it's time to introduce the characters!

First up, is my main main character

Larson "has a last name but doesn't want to share it"

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Larson is a young man who regularly hates people. At first he thought these were just his normal feelings, but he finds out it's actually because he's not even a human, so of course he hates humans!

Well, Larson hates everyone but humans have a special place at the top. His high school career has him spending most his time trying to find any information about his real species.

When his work is left stagnant, that's when he meets someone he didn't expect to.

Previous Post

Here's a scene to showcase his wonderful personality

At the moment, they were at lunch ready to discuss their ideas. Cassie was sitting at the lunch table with her plate full of foods that weren’t good for anyone, including herself. She wiped her hands clean of the bright orange grease from the pizza she finished and now, she was currently eating a sandwich from her lunch bag.

She munched on this food while Larson told her their best odds.

“I don’t know if you can hear me over all that noise you’re making, but if this is screwed up, I won’t think to leave you in a heartbeat.”

Cassie swallowed what she was eating and spoke. “You must really think I’m not in this the same way you are. Look, just because I’m not frowning and getting my big girl pants on doesn’t mean I’m not serious.”

“Could have fooled the hell out of me.” Cassie ignored that and moved her tray over to him. “Why?” Was all he said.

“I’m offering you some. You don’t eat at all, at least whenever I see you, you’re not.”

“Because we don’t get hungry often.”

“I know, but we still have to eat so why not just eat anyways?”

“I eat when I have to. Nothing more.” Larson stated.

Cassie snickered. “You must eat like a salad and some water huh?” Larson grabbed her wrist right before she was about to eat something causing Cassie to drop it. Her other hand grabbed it before she complained to him. “I must be right if you thought to do that.”

He let her hand go and rested his head in his hand. “You’re so fucking annoying.”

“Thank you!” Cassie returned to eating, but stopped suddenly and looked behind Larson.

He turned his head—curious by what she was looking at—and he saw a girl smiling at them both.

Larson groaned. “What do you want?” He turned back to face Cassie.

Cassie looked at the girl and offered her an apologetic smile.

“Uh, well, I wanted to invite you two to a party I’m throwing
” she trailed, “it’s kind of far from here so if you don’t have a ride-”

“We’re good,” Larson said cutting her off.

“B-but, you can bring each other if you want!” The girl pleaded.

Larson opened his eyes and looked at Cassie. Cassie just kept eating without saying a word. He then sighed and got up facing the girl.

“I know what kind of angle you’re trying to pull here, but I’m not interested in spilling my seed in some worthless being. Not even her,” he said pointing behind him at Cassie.

“Ew.” Cassie mumbled.

The girl's eyes widened. “I-I wasn’t asking you to-”

“Really?” The girl pressed her lips together to Larson's comment. “I mean besides the fact that you always stare at me, you’ve slept with pretty much half the school. So I must be next on the list, huh?”

The girl’s mouth opened and she just took off to the door of the cafeteria. Larson scoffed and sat back down.

Cassie stared at him for a while and eventually Larson let out a groan. “I’ll gouge your eyes out if you keep staring at me like that.”

Cassie clicked her tongue. “See? Like that.”

“What are you talking about now?” He was exhausted.

“You could have declined her in a more
 human way.”

Larson watched as Cassie reached for more food. He sighed and spoke while putting his elbow up to rest on the table. “If I did that, then I’d be leading her on and I don’t have the slightest intention of doing that.”

“You wouldn’t be leading her on if you just said you’re not interested.”

“Yes I would. Humans always think there’s a chance for them to get one in just as long as you’re not taken.”

Cassie just shook her head, “speaking of which; not that I want that, but why aren’t I ‘worthy’ of your seed?” She then laughed at herself after saying that, Larson just stared at her. “Okay, I’m sorry, but I still want an answer.”

Larson sighed. “It’s pointless either way. So I told myself I’d never reproduce.” He simply stated.


“I just said why!” He grew agitated.

“Okay, maybe it’s pointless, but wouldn’t you want to see what a little you would look like?” She spoke happily at the idea.

“Yeah, my parents have baby pictures.”

“Boo, you’re no fun.”

Next Post

Not so fun fact: That friend of mine told me Cassie was annoying and I should change it, someone else did as well and it made me sad (though I never told them that) but then I thought about other characters like this and realized they only thought she was annoying because she was a girl. Prime evidence: Spongebob from season 1-4 was "annoying" but we liked him for that. Also, they didn't find Larson in need for a change despite my intent to make him unbearably mean sooooo idk I think their bias was showing.

Fun fact: Larson gets some scars on his face at the end of the 1st book, so if I ever draw more, he's suppose to have scars, but I forgor sometimes.

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1 year ago

Not sure if I shared this already, but this is pretty much just a reblog if I did :p

Anyways, this is actually a drawing I'm not afraid to shared!

It's from a old unfinished dystopia in which Cassie (left) has the ability to shape reality. Curil (right) ends up involved by a means he doesn't fully know or understand.

Neither of the two get why they were chosen after the world essentially ended, but their journey should answer some questions.

Not Sure If I Shared This Already, But This Is Pretty Much Just A Reblog If I Did :p

Best thing about this is the fact that the lack of color work here. When I was writing this story, it appeared in black and white or monotone for one reason or another.

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1 year ago

It's confirmed, I can only draw decently when I'm pissed off.

For no reason at all, this is exactly how I wanted to draw this monster and I couldn't draw it for shit until now.

But, if anyone's curious who this is, this is a monster from my story Tales That Were Lived and his name is Jubell.

He's a leaf monster that attacks people who don't play in his pile of leaves. (Maybe I'll have an extra snipit of this guy)

I really like how it came out â˜ș

It's Confirmed, I Can Only Draw Decently When I'm Pissed Off.

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1 year ago

Some people don’t understand and/or recognize the immense amount of strength it takes to pull yourself out of a dark place mentally. So if you did that and defeated depression, anxiety, or self-hate I’m so proud you.