NOT Atheist, newly Catholic in order to feel peaceful and loved. 17 and agender female. God Bless You!
59 posts
That Feeling When You Want To Talk To Someone But Youre Too Unconfident To Start A Conversation Because
That feeling when you want to talk to someone but you’re too unconfident to start a conversation because what if they don’t want to talk with you?
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Shy Echidna Booty
!Important Reminder!
Agreeing to disagree is one of the most important things you can do as a person, especially as a Christian! Jesus Christ loves all and while we might struggle with that we should aim to do the same despite our differences. Unless someone is being inherently evil then there is no point in arguing with them.
For example:
I hate Trump, but one of the kindest and funniest people I know is a Trump supporter. I am pro life but my own mother is pro choice and I still love her deeply. I am Catholic, but my best friend is atheist and we get along very well. I strongly believe in evolution and have a scientific background, but many good people don’t and that doesn’t make me superior or inferior to them. I am against cosmetic surgery and body modification of any kind, but does that mean that I go out of my way to harass a trans person who’s had affirmative surgery or a someone with a nose job or a tattoo? No! We are all God’s glorious creations and we are commanded to love by Christ himself!
For more, see Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 19:12, Isaiah 56:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, Galatians 3:28, Acts 10:28, 2 Corinthians 5:19, Romans 8:38-39, 1 Corinthians 13:4-6, John 15:12-13.
Rant over and God bless!
Very informative video. Remember to love everyone as Christ does, for we are all sinners!
!!TW Demonic Imagery!!
I found my old travel journal and thank the lord I have grown and matured and found God because 9 year old me had problems…

Like…what even is this? I’m glad I’m healed from whatever tempted me to draw such violence.
Hey, please pray for Chloe, she hasn’t been eating much lately and lost some fur around her eye and stopped hanging out under the fish tank table. We’re going to get her in to a vet soon so please pray for her.

Update: my dad and I think it might be a tooth ache, so I took some of her pellets and oatmeal and soaked them into a mash, I gave her a bowl of mash and she is nibbling on it.