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398 posts

You Are Amazing, Your Story Is Awesome! The Story Is Short, Well Written And Full Of Emotions. Keep Writing


You are amazing, Your story is awesome! The story is short, well written and full of emotions. Keep writing and don’t let your skill disappear ♥ 

Thank you for participating! ~Panda Squad 🐼❤️


HIS GRIEF || Tony Stark x Reader drabble

Summary: the action happens after events from CA:CW. Tony is full of grief and anger after he had found out who killed his parents. Reader is trying to calm him down.

Words: 675

A/N: Hiya! This is my very first attempt in writing so please, be gentle with me. Also, this drabble is dedicated to my favorite blog, namely @thepaperpanda and their first writing challenge ❤

The lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night. The once salmon and purple sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the town. A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there was an adequate amount of shimmering stars to illuminate the dark, moonless night. The lake glistened, mirroring the dazzling assemblage of glittering stars and the luminescence from the restaurants and designer boutiques that lined the marina. The faint wind brushed against the water’s surface, the ripples ruffled the stillness of the surface, and shattered the reflection of the harbour.

Tony Stark was sitting at a cold jetty thinking of last events that became his share recently. He sighed deeply slipping hands in his hair.

His heart was heavy. He felt he could barely breath and was struggling for each blissful inhalation of cold marine air.

You found him like that and your heart almost ripped apart.

You’ve been looking for him for few hours. You didn’t feel weariness, your whole body was filled with adrenaline.

When you answered a call from Natasha that Tony has left in a rush shortly after their return to the Avengers Tower, you knew something was not okay at all. You didn’t pay attention to fact it was the middle of the night and you had to get up early. The only thing you did care about was to find him and make sure he was safe and sound.

You approached him slowly from behind and you crouched next to him. You placed your hand carefully on his shoulder.


He didn’t push you away but brunette also didn’t respond. He was sitting still.

“Tony.. What happened? Tell me. I’m by your side.”

He protractedly let out a sigh.

“I can’t stand this shit any longer, Y/N,” his voice has broken down before he ended his sentence. “And that fight today.. I am exhausted. And Rogers.. He knew. He knew from the very beginning..” he mumbled quietly ruffling his own bangs.

“Knew about what, Tony?” you asked stroking his shoulder.

“Who killed my parents,” he said simply like it was nothing.

You blinked.

“Who did this?”

Tony sighed again.

“Barnes. James Barnes. His beloved Winter Soldier, Y/N,” Tony crossed arms over his chest. “He knew.. And still was protecting that murderer! Can you believe it, Y/N?!”

You stayed silent giving Tony a room for reflexion.

“You good know they are friends. And I think that James didn’t do this because he has wanted it to happen. Wasn’t him under Hydra’s control back then?” you questioned.

He didn’t say a word.

“You know how huge was their influence over Barnes,” you added. “Even if it was him who…. Did this awful thing… He wasn’t himself.”

“You’re protecting this bastard!” Tony rose from his place flicking his jeans from dirt. “Y/N, you should be by MY SIDE, and all you do is defending HIM!”

Tony pushed you aside, he was so cold towards you. He simply passed you and went back to his Lamborghini.

“Tony! Wait!” you ran after him.

“Y/N, I have nothing more to say!” he didn’t let you grab his hand and in a rush he took a driver seat on his car.

“Where are you going, Tony?” you asked almost with tears in your eyes.

“None of your business,” he replied slightly.

“Just, please Tony, calm down, take a shower, maybe talk to someone in the Tower….”

He snapped cutting your sentence in a half.

“There are no Avengers anymore, Y/N. At least they are not united anymore.”

Tony pushed you away and pressed the button so door from his side has closed.

He drove away fastly leaving you alone at the parking lot next to the harbour.

“Dear God…” you felt a single tear running down your cheek. “Send us a sign.. I hope they will reunite again….”

You didn’t know then that evil forces was on their way to destroy everything you used to know…

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More Posts from Thepaperpanda

7 years ago

I Always End Up Calling You || Frank Castle x reader Smut one shot


Writing Challenge

Hello! This is my another story written for Letsimagineitall’s Fall Writing Challenge (created by @letsimagineitall​)

I tried my best and I hope you all will like the story. Enjoy!


Words: 2098

Warnings: smut, swearing, light abuse

SUMMARY: Reader has another sleepless night. She decides to call the only person she can count on. Frank Castle

Author: Cass


It was one of those nights, where you weren't blessed by a calm sleep.

Another whimper and another shiver have pulled you up from inertness.

"Oh God..." you swiped your forehead from a cold sweat and instinctively you reached for your phone. You dialed the number blindly and you put phone to your ear.

When someone on the other side has picked up, you let out a deep sigh. "How come I always end up calling you, when I can't fall asleep?"

"Don't ask me, angel. What's wrong, Y/N? Nightmares or something's happened?" Man muttered. "Y/N. Sorry, but I am... kinda busy here."

Frank muttered, holding his gun right to some man's head. Other guy was currently pinned to the ground by Frank's heavy combat boot.

"Nightmares." Your voice has broke down and you started to cry. "I know.. I know, but... Frank? Can you come? Please. I need you here."

You good knew it's fourth time in last two weeks, when you're bothering him with your own demons, but there was nothing else for you to do.

Frank let out a deep sigh. "Okay, just... you need to wait a bit. Try to calm down."

When he hung up, other man smiled. "What... Have you found someone for yourself? We will find her too."

Frank only laughed shortly and shook his head. "Shut the fuck up. She is just a friend and you won't find anyone with bullet in your head." With those words he simply shot the man. He did the same with man on a ground.

After that, he quickly left and went into the direction of your flat.

"Okay. I will wait.." you whispered quietly, then you put your phone down on the bedside table.

You knew you won't be able to fall asleep anymore, so you got up from bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. You made yourself a cup of cappuccino and you took a seat at the table, waiting at Frank.

Frank muttered something to himself, when he was on his way.

He good knew, what nightmares meant. He had those every night and every time, when he was closing his eyes.

After few minutes, man reached your door.

He banged to them few times. "Y/N, it's me, open up." Frank said in his deep voice, waiting at door.

As you heard knocking, you jumped off the chair and wrapped your lacy nightgown around you tightly.

You walked to the door, opening them. "Frank!" you didn't wait, you just wrapped arms around man's neck and you simply fell into his strong arms.

"Hey..." He caught you into his arms. Frank gently stroked your hair, hugging you. "Come on.... let's get you to bed. It's late." After those words, Frank simply picked you up.

He closed the door behind him and holding you tight in his arms, man went to your bedroom.

While he was walking with you in his arms, you nuzzled your head to his neck. "I knew you will come. You are so good to me."

His strong arms had given you kind of a peace. You felt secured. Like you'd belong here..

"There you go. Now... you should try to sleep. You are not alone anymore." Frank explained and slowly left bedroom.

He walked to your living room and flopped on a couch, letting out a loud sigh.

But you still weren't able to sleep so you got up and rubbing your shoulders, you went downstairs to look for Frank.

Frank was sitting on couch, but suddenly he got up from his seat and kicked a coffee table, growling loudly. Table, which was made from glass, smashed against the wall, falling into thousands pieces.

Hearing the loud noise in the living room, you rushed there immediately.

"Frank! Oh God, what has happened?!" you stopped into a threshold, covering your mouth with shivering palm.

"Not your fucking business, Y/N!" He yelled, looking at you with anger in his eyes. "Get the fuck out of here to your room before you will get hurt and it's not a warning... It's an order."

"Frank... But..." You took a little, shy step into the room. "Let's take a sit and talk.. What has happened? I am here for you.. Calm down..."

He walked to you and grabbed your shoulder really tight. "I said something! Most of the time I am here for you! Go to your room, now!" He screamed at you, pushing you away.

You've lost balance and you simply fell onto floor, hitting back of your head against a corner of the couch.

You couldn't help. You started to cry loudly, choking with tears.

Frank looked at you and took a deep breath.

He did this again... He was taking care of you since few months now... And you were a witness and victim of his outburst. Again. It shouldn't be like that. You let him live here, when he was doing such a brutal and bad stuff.

Frank realized, what he had done and man slowly walked to you. He got onto his knees. "Y/N... I am sorry."

At first, you've tried to push man away. But shortly after you trembled and reached your hands to him, wrapping them around his waist.

"It's okay.. You gotta fight with it.." you whispered, slowly pulling closer to him. "You know, that I'm always by your side."

You slip head under his shoulder and hugged to Frank tight.

He hugged you back really tight.

"I'm so sorry... I... I shouldn't." Frank whispered and nuzzled to your shoulder, moving his hand into your hair. "Forgive me... please.."

"I had forgiven you long time ago."

You raised your chin to look into his eyes.

"I know, who are you. I know what are you doing. I am not condemning you. Not at all. You have always been so important to me.. So are you also now..."

You leant up and you pressed your soft lips to his rough ones.

Frank blinked suprised, but he kissed you back.

"You shouldn't..." He whispered and gently stroked your hair. "Let me... Let me take you back to bedroom... I... Your head... I hope I didn't hurt you.." Frank looked at you.

You slowly rose from the ground and rubbed the back of your head. "It's been a long evening. We both need some proper rest."

He nodded, watching you.

Frank got up from the floor also and grabbed you by your waist. He picked you up and walked with you back to your bedroom.

In your room, you took off your nightgown and you put it onto the chair next to your wardrobe. "If you don't mind.. You.. You can stay here tonight, Frank."

He smiled softly and nodded. "Not couch tonight, this is a nice change. You don't mind if I will... Right?" Frank asked before he took off his t-shirt.

You simply shook your head, trying not to stare at his bare, muscular chest for too long. You quickly took your place in the bed, putting head on the pillow.

Frank took off his pants and slowly joined you in the bed. He wrapped his big arm around your waist and nuzzled to your nape

A cold shiver ran down your spine and you knew he felt, how you've reacted at his touch.

You placed your palm at his forearm. "What have you been doing at the evening, before you came here?"

Frank gently touched your belly. "You don't really wanna know." He whispered and his rough lips touched your shoulder. Man pulled you closer to his chest.

You purred quietly, feeling how sensation was building up in your abdomen.

You turned your head a bit towards him. "I wanna know. C'mon. I'm a big girl. I'll take it."

"You're stubborn, aren't you?" Frank sighed and kissed your neck gently before he raised his head to look at you. "I killed two motherfuckers." He said simply. "I shot both in the head right after your call."

You were looking him into the eyes without a blink. "I wouldn't be able to kill.." you turned at your back, still looking at him. "You're so brave. It can be taken as inappropriate, but I do know you have to do such things.."

You put hand onto his sharp jawline, pulling him into a kiss.

"I was a soldier... Killing is normal for me." He had been explaining before man kissed you back. Frank wrapped both arms around you and deepened the kiss, growling softly.

It's been a while, since you had someone in your bed. Of course, you and Frank were friends with benefits, but you both had sex very seldom. But this night you've wanted intimacy like never before.

You just pushed him back onto the mattress and you slowly straddled him. "You were working too hard lately. How much of associations have you made in last two weeks, huh?" you put hands on his chest

"Please... Let's not talk about such a stuff here." He said and put his large hands on you hips, looking straight into your eyes. It wasn't easy for him, but he needed this. This closeness and intimacy.

Frank grabbed your nape and pulled you into a rough, strong kiss.

You leant down and let him kiss you. You were running your fingertips along his muscular shoulders, gently grinding against his virility.

rank moved his hands to your butt and gently moved his hips, groaning softly. Then he pushed you off of him and got on top of you, pinning you down to bed. "I missed you..." He muttered and attacked your neck.

You opened your neck for him, while your hands traveled to his back, scratching him. "Me either."

He growled and bit your neck playfully, bucking his hips into you. "I want you.... I need you, so fucking much." Frank murmured and started to undress you.

You raised your hips so he could took your panties off. "Then take what's yours, soldier" you bite your lower lips, looking straight at him. Even through his boxers you could easily feel, how hard he got.

He took off your panties and tossed them on the floor, after this he took off his boxers, letting out his yet hard cock.

Frank kissed you deeply and without warning pushed hardly into you.

"Oh, fuck!" you screamed, spreading your legs wider for him. "Oh God... It feels amazing!" you rolled your head back.

His thrusts were strong and deep, just like his pace, which was brutal. Frank was holding you tight, close to his chest.

You scratched his shoulders with your nails. "Oh, yes, yes, fuck me, Frank! Shit, oh fuck, harder!" you were screaming and moaning into his arms.

"Shut up." He growled and closed your mouth with kiss. Frank started to thrust even harder, than he wrapped hand around your neck and squeezed it. He only looked at you.

You rock your hips to meet his thrusts. You wrapped your legs around his hips, so he could penetrate you deeper. You licked you lips and then slipped hand between both of you to rub your clitoris.

"Yea... Yeaaa, oh so good.." you rolled your eyes back.

Frank squeezed your throat even harder. "You like it... don't you, slut?" He muttered and growled loudly, feeling how he was getting closer to his climax.

You rubbed your clit faster, nodding slightly. "I fucking love it, soldier! I love, how nice your cock is stretching my tight pussy!" You moaned loudly, feeling, how your walls started to clench around his huge length. You reached to your boobs to squeeze them through your shirt. "Oh shit, don't stop! Don't you dare to stop!

His movements became a little bit slower, Frank started to thrust even deeper.

After few moves, Frank pushed his length as deep as he could and he cum deep inside you, filling you up completely.

"Fuck, FRANK!" You yelled his name loudly, biting his neck and leaving a love mark there. Your nails scratched his back strongly as you cum hardly around his cock. With legs still wrapped around him, you were squealing, trying to catch a breath

Frank panted heavily, nuzzling to your neck. "That was good." He said, trying to calm his breath.

He pulled out slowly and laid next to you, then pulled you into a hug.

Instinctively, you put your head onto his chest, feeling how you're going down from your climax.

"Everytime.. Everytime, when I end calling to you, it's worth it." You murmured softly.

Frank only laughed and ruffled your hair. "Yep, it's always worth it."

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7 years ago

What have I done !? || Bucky x reader one shot

What Have I Done !? || Bucky X Reader One Shot

Words: 1133

Warnings: major character's death, slight cursing, a lot of sadness & angst

SUMMARY: Bucky’s still in a shock after a misadventure, as a result of which Captain America has died. Reader's trying to comfort him, even when the fault is on Bucky’s side...

Author: Rouge

A/N: story has been written for the writing challenge made by @letsimagineitall

What Have I Done !? || Bucky X Reader One Shot

It was painful to see him like this. All you could do was embrace him and let the torrent of his tears to soak through your shirt. You could feel him clench his fists, not knowing whether to be mad or to give up hope all together. You could hear him silently screaming, suffocating with each breath he took holding onto his pride. You ran your fingers through his hair, time and time again, in an attempt to calm the silent war within his mind. "Everything's gonna be alright, Buck." You slowly stroked his muscular shoulder trying to comfort him as much as it was possible.

"Go away, Y/N!" Bucky pushed your hand away aa he rose from the couch and went apace to the huge window with a view on the city below. He leant his metal forearm against the glass and let out a loud sigh wiping his tears off. You hesitated. You weren't sure how will he react, when you will try to get close to him again. You good knew he was a ball of anger now. But you found a courage and slowly rose from the couch. You headed towards him. "Don't, Y/N." It sounded like an order, so you stopped immediately. "Bucky.. Darling..." "Shut your fucking mouth, Y/N!" Bucky yelled loudly and went out of the room. Instinctively, you've followed him. He slammed into the bathroom door. Bucky didn't care if you saw. He just broke down. The sobs punched through, ripping through his muscles, bones, and guts. Man pressed his forehead against the grimy stall door and began to let his heart yank in and out of his chest. His life crumbled in his fingertips. You weren't scared at that point. You knew you have to do everything. To calm him down. "Bucky" you mumbled quietly as you approached him. Your hand was placed on his nape where you stroked him. "Calm. Down. And talk with me." You were kinda surprised, when he didn't pull away from you. And when he sank onto his knees, you did same, embracing his shoulders. He sobbed into your chest unceasingly, hands clutching at your shirt. You held him in silence, rocking him slowly as his tears soaked your chest. A tiny lapse let him pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, before he collapsed again, his howls of misery worsening. The pain must have come in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths, before hurling him back into the outstretched arms of his grief. "Hush, Buck... It wasn't your fault, darling" you said in the most mild tone you could ever make. "I wanna disappear" he whispered quietly as he breathed heavily. "You should be pretending you don't know me. You should stay away from me. I'm dangerous. It would be better if you would just erase me from your life, Y/N.." "I can't just forget you. That's not how it works" you told him unhesitatingly. He closed his eyes, his head has rested on your laps. As you were stroking his nape, you let your thoughts flow at ease.

Two days before was the saddest day ever. Bucky has killed Captain America. It was nothing more but a misadventure. Both men were on the mission to Serbia. There, they branch has been attacked by enemies. They were taken by surprise. Bucky managed to escape from under the firing. Of course, he was trying to come back for Steve. He found his pal, when Captain was attacked by heavily armed enemy soldier. Trying to help his friend, Bucky took the aim and shot. He was aiming to the foe. But the other one was much faster. Guy pulled Captain ahead, using him as a shield. The bullet went straight through Captain's chest, piercing his aorta. The second man disappeared, when the chaos has reigned. Bucky, being in panic and shock, was about to do something to save his friend. But it was too late…

 “B.. Buck…”

 “Hush.. Oh God, hush, Steve. You need to stay conscious. Do you hear me? Focus. Natasha!! For fuck’s sake! Quickly!”

 Steve choked with his own blood.

 “Oh God! Steve! STEVE! Motherfucker, don't ya dare to close those eyes!”

 Steve reached hand placing it in Bucky’s metal arm.

 “Don't…. D… Blame.. Yourself..”

 “Shut up, pal. You need to stay calm. Everything's gonna be alright!”

 Steve closed his eyes.

Bucky pressed the wound on his friend’s chest with his bionic hand.

 “No! No! No! Rogers, you old prick, don't do this to me!! Natasha!!! You fucking bitch, move your fucking ass up here! Steve's dying!”

 “Buck.. Cold.”

 Huge tears rolled over Bucky’s cheeks.

 “Steve. I beg you. Stay with me. You have to stay with me, brother. I won't make this without you! We’re brothers under the Sun.. Remember?”

 “Mmmmhmm… Ah.. ..It's burning..”

Captain's voice was nothing but a quiet whisper, although his lips seemed to not move at all.

 “Hush, Steve, I'm with you, pal.. Oh God, what I've done..”

 “...mmmmm.. I've… Accepted it.. Don't…. Buck… It… Feels… Like…….. Mmm.. Home..”

 “Steve?! Dear God!! Steven!?”

 Captain's chest stopped to move.

 “I won't forget you…” Bucky, trembling all over his body, reached with his metal fingers to Steve's eyes and he slowly closed them down. “You'll never be replaced… Forgive me..”

Captain America has passed away in Bucky's arms.

"I'm a monster. How can you even look at me?" his voice has broke down. "I'm a fucking murderer. It will be better if you will forget me. Forget us." "I won't." This time you hissed angrily. "You know I love you. No matter what. We are a couple. I'll be with you for good and for bad." He nuzzled to your knees. "Look. Imma mess. I've let all those people down.. I've let myself down. I've killed Captain. I've killed my friend.. I've murdered him..." You wanted to slap him in the face. He was pissing you out with blaming himself. It was an accident. And everyone knew it. "I will never leave your side. We're in this together." As you touched his yet wet cheek, he shivered under your touch. "Will.. You won't leave?" he raised his chin to look you in the eye. "Never. And I won't forget you. You're the best thing in my life." He nodded.

You woke up in the middle of the night after a terrifying nightmare. Instinctively and blindly, you touched the second part of your bed.

You let out a sigh of relief, when your hand rested on his bionic limb. He was there. He didn't run away. It was a sign. That he was trusting you. That was the most important. You knew a hard time was about to come. But you were prepared. Not only for yourself. Mostly for him.

What Have I Done !? || Bucky X Reader One Shot

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7 years ago

The power of reconciliation || Sebastian Stan x Reader smut drabble


Words: 3543

Warnings: smut

SUMMARY: Reader is Sebastian Stan's girlfriend. One evening Sebastian forgets about important date. Will he make it up?

Authors: Cass and Beast. A/N: Hello! Cass & Beast here. We drop a little drabble we did today for our little anniversary (we're together since 10 long months). Hope you'll enjoy it ♥


You were on your way back home, it was getting late. You were tired after long day of work in hospital, now the only thing you have wanted was to cuddle with your boyfriend Sebastian and spend rest of the evening with him.


Because it was a special day, it was your third anniversary. You were expecting him to prepare a big surprise, because he was your beloved man and he loved you so much.

You jumped out of bus and putted your headphones on, slowly walking to your house. When you grabbed a handle, you were imagining.. A living room prepared for both of you? Fancy dinner? Seb in nothing but his boxers waiting at you at the other side of the door? Your head was full of ideas.

However, your imagines have been quickly blown away by the view you noticed after opening the door…

House was full of people, people that you barely knew and some people, that you saw for the first time in your life. Everyone were talking, dancing and drinking. They had a great time.

You went inside, feeling a rage increasing in you, to find your boyfriend. It was hard, because there were too many people, but finally you have found Sebastian. He was talking with few of his friends, and you could easily see he was drunk.

“Sebastian?! What the hell is this?!” You asked with voice full of anger.

Sebastian slightly turned his head into your direction, almost choking himself with a beer he was sipping from the bottle.

"Y/N?! You... Here?? Why so early.. I thought you will be back later.." man mumbled under his breath, trying to sound soberly. "Well.. Hehe... I threw a little party. I got that role we've been talking about last week."

You could feel, how rage was growing inside you. You were thinking, that you'll spend a nice evening with your boyfriend. Alone. Not surrounded by alcohol and other people.

"Sebastian... I'm so, so happy, but we have talked about TODAY. We had to spend this evening alone... And look, even if everyone will leave, who will clean this place?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes theatrically. "Oh, Y/N..." he was about to say something to defend his idea with a party, when two young girls walked to the room, amd one of them just approached him and kissed him without hesitation.

"Seb! Thanks for invitation! It's one of the best parties thrown in NYC today!" girl giggled happily, wrapping her arms around his waist.

You blinked, observing both girls. "Are you kidding me? You two, better move away from my boyfriend, please, or someone will have to call 911, because there will be a two dead bodies!" You said with kind of calm voice and then you smiled. Than you looked at your boyfriend. "Sebastian.... Still.. What the hell? It had to be OUR evening!" You growled.

The girl, who had kissed Sebastian, looked over you, smirking rudely. "Oh... So it's SHE" young woman checked your body from the bottom to the top. "Nice.. But I was expecting someone... Else" she shrugged.

Sebastian pushed the girl back and looked at you. "Sorry babe, you know, how important it was for me to get this r... Ro..... Bleeeeeeh!" before he could do something, Sebastian had just vomited on your shoes.

You only rolled your eyes, listening to these girl. "Cheap sluts." You muttered and looked at Sebastian.

After his speech-alike statement, you blinked, looking at you shoes. This was too much, right now your rage was on a level bigger than whole Eiffel tower. "What the hell, Sebastian?! Why you always have to destroy everything! Do you even know what day is today?!" You screamed as loud as you could. Everyone, who was around you and Sebastian, looked at both of you.

"Do you know? Do you know, what DAY IS TODAY!? It had to be a wonderful evening! Just for US and NO ONE else! But you had to destroy it with a party because of some STUPID ROLE!" You yelled with tears in your eyes.

Sebastian wasn't even trying to stop you from yelling. He good knew he messed everything up. "Sorry.." he only mumbled. "I wanted.. What day are you talking about?" he rubbed his beard before he heavily had sat on the couch.

"What day... What day?!" You growled and quickly found his phone, than you opened the calendar. You saw "Our anniversary " in his calendar. "Maybe now you will know." You threw phone at Sebastian and quickly left the house, pushing people off of your way.

~ Two days have passe.  ~

Sebastian had silent days with his girlfriend.

He was trying to call you, not to mention thousands of mails and messages he had sent to you with his apologies.

Sebastian was thinking hard, what to do to make everything up. And a little idea came to his mind...

You spend this two days In your best friend’s house. You ignored him, even when it was hard for you, He forgot about such a important day for both of you. Your best friend was the biggest support for you now. “Hey, don't worry. I'm sure he didn't did this on purpose.” She was trying to make you feel better, but you still felt terrible.

You have spent this two days in your best friend’s house. You ignored him, even when it was hard for you. He had forgotten about such an important day for both of you. Your best friend was the biggest support for you in that hard time. “Hey, don't worry. I'm sure he didn't do this on purpose.” She was trying to make you feel better, but you still felt terrible.

Sebastian forced one of his best friends, Charles, to help him with you. The plan was simply perfect, but the question was if you will catch the bait... ~~~~~~ Charles looked at Sebastian one last time before he had dialed your number. "Y/N?! Hey! Charles' here! Listen, we have a problem! A huge one!"

You picked up your phone, seeing the strange number on display.

"Charles? What had happened? Is everything okay?" You asked a bit scared.

"No! Y/N! Seb had an accident! Oh my Lord!" Charles covered his mouth with hand to stop himself from laughing, when he was looking at Sebastian. "You need to come here! I will be after you in fifteen minutes!" then Charles had just hung up.

You blinked and looked on your phone with disbelief.

You really quickly packed your stuff to the bag and ran out from your friend's house. You were walking around, scared and worried, waiting at Charles to show up. "Where is he?!" You growled to yourself.

Charles came after several minutes, driving his black Porsche. "Hey, Y/N. I suggest you to change your outfit.. As I heard police will want to interrogate you. You can't go there like that."

You looked at yourself. "Um... What's wrong with shirt and pants... this is normal outfit." You sighed. "What should I put on."

"I think something more serious.. Maybe a dress?" man suggested.

As he was watching, how you came back to house to get changed, he texted Seb. "DONE. GET READY BRO. WILL BE ON OUR WAY IN 10 MIN"

You returned to Charles, wearing red dress. You sat on passenger seat and looked at the man. "Can we go now?" You asked. He gave a slight nod, then he started the engine.

It took you more then.20 minutes to get at the place. Charles parked his car in front of Sebastian's house and then he helped you to get out of the car. "Follow me."

You only nodded and followed him.

You were scared. Yes. Sebastian hurt you, but this didn't change fact, that you loved him and you were afraid of losing him.

Charles stopped at the porch and he gently pushed you ahead. "C'mon. Get in."

You looked at Charles really confused. "And you? You are staying here?" You asked but you ignored his response.. You were too scared of Sebastian's health.

The door has been suddenly opened by Sebastian himself. He was wearing black tight suit with a red tie, his bangs was combed up. The silver cufflinks were glowing in the light of last sunrays as he stepped ahead to meet you at the porch.

"Hi, Y/N."

Now you were even more confused. "Sebastian... But he said... that... something had happened to you. What?!"

You watched him softly and bit your lips. You were really mad at him now, but you had to say, he looked so hot and handsome.

Sebastian gave a nod to Charles, with it giving his friend a sign to leave you two alone.

Stan's hands reached yours. "Please.. Let me make everything up. Just give me a chance, Y/N." His voice was deep and gentle as he was speaking. "Please" he offered you his arm.

You looked at him sadly. "You forgot... you forgot of such an important day, do you know, how it had hurt me?" But you took his arm and nodded. "Okay, you have one last chance, Stan... don't fuck this up."

Without a word, Sebastian led you to the living room. "Wait here" he asked quietly and walked out of the room.

When he came back, he had a huge bouquet of red roses in his hands. "This is for you, Y/N. Roses.. Dame de Coeur.. Your favorite.." he whispered quietly.

You took the bouquet and smiled at him gently. "Oh my God... Yes... They're beautiful, Sebastian. I love them." You said, your voice was now filled with happiness. Not because you just got the flowers. You were happy, because he tried his best now. This made you happy.

"I'll bring the vase" he said and after a while the bouquet was set to the water. "Now.." man whispered, taking you by your hand.

He led you to the garden. There was a table with two plates, wine glasses and candlestick on top of the table.

You looked at table and than at Sebastian. "Wow... you really prepared this... for us?" You asked and slowly walked to the table with soft smile on your face. "God... Sebastian, it's so beautiful."

Brunette helped you with a chair, then he took his seat. "Yes. I've set this all for us" he said.

"Oh my God, you are amazing, Sebastian." You said and sat on your seat. "God... this food looks so good." You smiled at Sebastian, you were proud of him, that he set such an amazing dinner for both of you.

~~~ He didn't know, when those hours have passed by. You both had a great time together, talking, drinking wine amd eating. Sebastian was truly happy for the opportunity you had given him. Finally, when second bottle of wine was gone, Sebastian got up amd offered you his palm. "Can I ask you to dance, Y/N?"

"With pleasure." You took his palm and slowly got up from your place, you wrapped one of your arms around his shoulder. "You are amazing today... you know that?" You whispered into his ear and started to dance slowly.

He put his hand on your waist and leaned his forehead down to rest ot on your own one. "I do love you, Y/N."

You moved you hand from his shoulder to the back of his head, you started to gently stoke his nape. "I love you too. Sebastian, I love you so so much." You whispered and pulled him into a soft kiss.

His rough lips met your soft one. The kiss was incredibly gently and full of emotions. Sebastian took your free hand in his as both of you were swinging together in the rhythm of voiceless song that was only in your heads.

You purred into kiss, it felt so good. You smiled and him and pulled him into a deeper, rough and full of emotions kiss, you simply wanted to feel him.

The last two days were hard for you, nights were the worst. You missed the feeling of his body by your side. "You look really handsome today, you know that?"

Sebastian broke the kiss and looked into your eyes. "Did you know you look like a real princess today, Y/N?" he asked simply, pulling you closer. "And forgive me that idea I've got with Charles. I had to bring you here, no matter with costs."

You gently rubbed yourself against him. "You look like a real prince today, Sebastian." You smiled and kissed his lips quickly. "I forgive you, but don't do this anymore. I was really scared." you touched his cheek gently, looking into his eyes.

Sebastian smiled at you. Without unnecessary words, he took you by your hand and pulled you as close to himself as it was only possible. Kissing you, blindly, we led the way back to the house for you two.

You giggled and kissed him back, purring happily you followed him slowly back inside. "Sebastian... Sorry that I'll kill the mood... But I need you... I missed you so much." You whispered and grabbed his tie, pulling him into another kiss.

The Power Of Reconciliation || Sebastian Stan X Reader Smut Drabble

He only mumbled something into the kiss, before he had picked you up, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. "You don't even know, how much I've been missing you.. The bed was so empty without you" man said, walking upstairs with you in his arms.

You wrapped your legs tight around him, you could feel how wet you got already. "I know what you felt... the bed was so cold without you and I missed the filling of your body against mine... fuck... Sebastian." You whimpered quietly and kissed his neck.

He was still kissing you, all kisses were messy, but he didn't stop even for a moment. It wasn't until you walked into the bedroom, where he gently placed you onto your common bed. Sebastian slowly kissed your neck, stroking your knee and slowly moving his hand up, straight under your dress to rub over your inner thigh.

You loved those messy kisses, you were purring into every of them. Watching him carefully, you moved your hand to his shirt and started to unbutton it, looking at him with smile on your lips.

"Oh, my baby is so eager tonight" Sebastian giggled loudly, moving to your pulsepoint. He slowly sucked its skin, with his hand reaching your panties. "You're so beautiful.."

"Yes, I'm, I missed my man." You purred and moved your hands under his shirt to push it off of his shoulders. You smiled and gently touched his chest. "God... I missed this body."

Your hands traveled to his pants. "You are handsome and you are horny. I think you really missed me."

Sebastian with one movement took your panties off. "I am and yes.. I missed this so much." He slowly pulled your dress up and he placed himself between your legs. He kissed both your thighs, moving slowly into that one specific point.

You purred happily and moved your hand into his hair. "Such a good boy." You whispered and placed your legs on his shoulders. You watched him and your body slowly has relaxed.

Sebastian gave you a look, then he slowly licked you from the bottom to the top. Only once. He used his index finger to rub little circles around your pussy. Then he buried his bearded face between your folds, licking you passionately.

The feeling of his finger and his tongue were enough to make you moan, but your moans were soft and quiet. You also let out other soft sounds of pleasure. His every lick made you even wetter and you only wanted more and more.

With expert's precision, Sebastian was swirling his tongue around your hot, slick folds, looking up at you from time to time. He moved his free hand to play with your breasts, which still were covered by your dress. "You taste so delicious.." he purred.

You whimpered and one of your hands moved to his hair, while other moved to one of your breasts. You started to play with it, whimpering and moaning quietly. "And you are great in eating me out." You purred, looking down at him.

Sebastian only smiled, still eating your pussy out. He licked two of his fingers and then.slowly slipped them into your pussy. He was still teasing your clitoris with the tip of his tongue. He took his hand off of your breasts, seeing that you were having fun with yourself and he started to undoing his belt and pants.

You moaned a bit louder, feeling him pushing his fingers inside your pussy, in this moment you rolled your hips, purring loudly. You smiled at him and started to play with both your breasts. "Fuck... Sebastian. Your fingers feel sooo good inside of me."

He hummed happily, sucking hardly on your clit while fingering you. Brunette took his yet hard cock out of his pants and boxers and he was slowly pumping along his shaft. His tongue was swirling quicker around your clitoris.

One look at brunette's cock, made you moan loudly. You wanted to feel him, you wanted Sebastian to fuck you, you wanted to feel him close. "Sebastian... please... I need this." You whispered looking into his eyes.

He slipped his fingers out of your pussy. He used your wetness from his fingers to make his cock slick. Sebastian tugged his pants and boxers down, he also helped you to get rid of your dress. Then he parted your legs and holding his cock in his hand, he rubbed his tip over your entrance.

You bit your lips, watching him. "Fuck... Daddy..." You whimpered with smile and your hand traveled to his cock. You gently stroked it, slowly pushing his thick shaft into your warm, tight pussy. This made you moan his name.

Sebastian closed his eyes, hissing slightly. "Fuck, Y/N, you're so fucking tight and wet for me.." He slowly pushed himself as deep as it was only possible, then Sebastian started to buck his hips in steady pace. He leaned down to lick your hard nipples.

"Always tight and wet for my daddy." You whispered into his ear and moaned, playing with your clitoris. You gently grabbed Sebastian's hair and pulled them a bit.

He moaned your name, closing his eyes shut, as he increased his pace, pounding hardly in you. "Oh my God... Oh my God.. Sweet Jesus.. So tight.." he was whimpering with each move.

You smiled and kissed his neck, while your hand was stoking his cock every time when it was out of you. You purred and looked at Seb, than you kissed him and using fact, that he was so overwhelmed by his feelings, you used all of your strength to push him onto his back. You got on top of him and started to ride him, holding his shoulders tightly.

"Woah! Y/N!" he blinked, surprised by the way you took over control. "Shit..." he placed his hands on your hips, bucking his own to meet your moves.

"You like it, don't you?" you growled and started to move faster. "Come here..." You purred and kissed him deeply.

Sebastian pulled up and wrapped his arm around you, he closed his rough lips on your nipple, swirling his tongue around it. With free hand he started to rub over your clit in the place, where you both were connected.

You moved your hand into his hair and pulled them, moaning loudly. "Fuck... Sebastian... I'm so close." You whimpered.

He fell back on the pillows, holding your hips with strong grasp. Sebastian grabbed your waist and forced you to lay down on his chest, then he started to bucking his hips fast and hard, slipping his entire length in and out of you.

"Baby... Fuck.... I'm gonna cum... So fucking tight..." he kissed your cheek, spanking your butt.

"Mmmm ah... fuck Sebastian!" You whimpered and wrapped arms around his neck. "God... I'm so close... please, cum inside me, daddy." You moaned and kissed him deeply.

You didn't have to repeat twice. Sebastian's cock was already throbbing in your pussy and within few moves, Sebastian cummed inside of you, screaming your name.

You cummed hard around him. changing into whimpering mess. "Fuck... Sebby..." You gasped and nuzzled to his neck, trying to catch a breath.

He kissed your sweaty forehead and he slipped his cock out of you. Then Sebastian reached for a blanket and wrapped it around you two. "God.. That was a bliss.."

"Yeesss... it was." You smiled and kissed him. "I love you, Sebastian." You whispered, stroking his cheek.

"I love you too, Y/N" he smirked. "But I have something to admit. All the food at our dinner.. I ordered it in the Italian restaurant."

You blinked and laughed loudly. "I knew it!" You giggled and nuzzled to him, with smile on your lips.

Sebastian pulled you closer to his chest, he shifted your bangs from your forehead. "Sweet dreams, Y/N. Good to have you here again."

"Good night.." You purred and closed your eyes. "I love you." You whispered before you fell asleep in his arms, feeling safe like never before.


Gif X X-found it in my folder Songs: ♥ ♥

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie  @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls  @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle​

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7 years ago

Great, amazing and well-written story. Thank you so much for your participation.

~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️


Important files || Bucky Barnes x reader

A/N: story’s been written for @thepaperpanda writing challenge.

Summary: in the stormy night reader visits Bucky to share the fact of finding important files with him.

Words: 1265

Important Files || Bucky Barnes X Reader

The storm has come.

Bucky looked out of the window at the blizzard the weather-man had promised. But it was stronger. He watched as his driveway disappear in the sure knowledge that he’d only have to dig it out again in the morning. When the power winked out he raised his eyes to the heavens with a sigh and went for the flashlight, feeling his way to the cupboard only to find it missing. He vaguely recalled lending it to Sam. With a spark of relief he remembered there was still some life left in his laptop battery. From the light of the screen he could at least do some work. Already the temperature in the house had dropped so much he needed the duvet from his bed, but in the familiar glow of the screen and the clack of the keyboard, he could at least ignore the storm.

It wasn’t often for Bucky to do paperwork, however he didn’t want to step into next argument with Stark, so he reluctantly agreed to prepare some reports for him.

He was tired after exhausting day at the Tower. He had few trainings, including one with new recruits. He liked to share his knowledge with others, especially some regarding martial arts, but this new group was the toughest one.

Later, Bucky had a meeting with Steve and Sam. They were chatting over coffee. Bucky found himself enjoying moments like that. Steve was his pal, Sam could be counted like one, too.

Bucky smiled at the memory from few hours earlier.

Steve. His Steve has changed so much! Now, he was no longer a helpless man who needed to be protected. He “grew up”. He became strong and confident. Bucky liked that change, although he didn’t show he do.

Something pulled him out of his thoughts. Knocking.

He rose from his bed putting laptop on the night table. He rushed to front door and opened them.

“Y/N?” Bucky cocked his brow up seeing you on the porch. You were soaked from the snow and rain.

“Can I come in?” you didn’t ask, you only managed to jingle your teeth.

He blinked but nodded quickly.

“Sure, come in,” he shifted a bit to make a space for you to enter.

You eagerly stepped in, and smiles when Bucky helped you with your coat.


“No problem,” he responded. “What brings you here so late?” Bucky asked.

You put your bag on the floor, and you crouched searching through it. After a while you pulled a red briefcase. You looked up at Bucky handling it to him.

“I thought you may want to know..”

Bucky frowned a bit but he reached out and took the folder in his metal hand. He walked to the living room, and you followed him carefully.

Man took a seat on his couch. You didn’t know how to act, so you stood in the hollway just peeking into the room, and waiting at his reaction.

“C'mon, Y/N, I won’t bite,” he chuckled softly in a deep voice of his, then Bucky pointed at the armchair standing on the opposite side of the room, “please, Y/N, take a seat and tell me what’s that exactly?” he put up hand in which he was holding the folder.

You gave a nod.

“I started to work for Stark recently after they moved me to his department,” you started, “he left his office earlier today leaving me the keys. I had to lock his office and our open space,” you continued, “so I did. But before that I went to his office to put some important reports into his cabinet.”

You stopped to take a breath.

“Water?” Bucky offered.

“Yes, please…” you agreed.

He gave you a smile and he left the room. Bucky came back within two minutes, with two glasses of water in both of his hands. He handled one to you and you took it thanking him.

“So I opened his cabinet and few briefcases fell out of there. He always has a mess in documents,” you rolled your eyes, but when you noticed the cocked brows of Bucky, you shook your head, “forgive me that digression. And when I was gathering them, I found your name…”

Bucky frowned and looked at the briefcase he was keeping in his hand. Indeed, his name was written with capital letters. Man frowned even more looking briefly at you.

He quickly opened the folder and pulled a handful of documents. He started to read them.

The silence was insupportable. But you waited politely.

When Bucky ended reading he lowered his head down simply putting documents at the couch.

“I… I am in shock,” he mumbled in thoughtfulness. “I didn’t know they cut off all informations about me. They just erased the fact I exist. That’s why Steve was never truly looking for me… S.H.I.E.L.D. has made him believe I was dead…” a tear ran down his cheek. “Fuckers!” Bucky hit the table standing in front of the couch with his metal hand clenched in a fist.

“Bucky…” your voice was nothing more than a whisper.

“How do you think, Y/N, did Steve know? Did he have any suspicions that they could be lying?” Bucky addressed this question more to himself than to you.

Shyly, you got up and walked to him, you knelt in front of him and took his both hands into your palms.

“If he would have a single sparkle of suspicion, he’d do everything to find you, Bucky” you said firmly. “Don’t you doubt in this.”

You stroked his palms looking him straight in the eye. You knew he needed support now. You both could be only colleagues from work, but still, he was very important for you.

“Why…” his vocie broke into a stutter. “Why… You.. Helped…. Why…”

“I wanted you to know the truth. I’ve heard a lot about your conflict with Stark. And how it has influenced your relationship with Steve,” you explained shortly. “I saw that you were torn apart.”

He swallowed rubbing his temples.

“Now it does have sense,” he chuckled darkly. “I bet Stark knew about whole situation, but did literally nothing to clarify it.”

Bucky got up from the couch and went to huge window. He leant his forehead against the cold glass letting the sorrow overcome him.

You approached man and dared to put hand on his shoulder.

“Forgive me if I made you sad with those informations, but I felt you should know.”

He shook his head.

“I understand and appreciate what you’ve done. I was looking after those documents for so long. It hurts, but I feel kinda calm by now,” Bucky turned his head to you and gave you a smile. “Thank you, Y/N. Well, I’d like to do something in return…” his sentence hung between two of you like a sharp knife. The atmosphere became dense.


“Would you mind if I would ask you for a lunch or something?”

You smirked. He definitely wasn’t good in talking. Especially to women.

“Sure, but I don’t want to cause you any inconveniences.”

“Y/N, hush girl,” Bucky smiled sadly. “At least let me do something for you. You did something for me, too.”

You nodded happily.

“Sure, Bucky. Thank you.”

He led you to the door and helped you with your coat.

“I thank you. It means a lot, Y/N.”

When you left his house you didn’t notice, that Bucky was still glancing at you through the window smiling softly.

And the power hasn’t been switched on yet.

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7 years ago

Talk on the Bifrost || Thor x Loki drabble


Words: 492

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: Thor brings Loki back to Asgard to be judged and punished for his crimes on Midgard. After they land on the broken Bifrost, Thor has a little talk with Loki.

Author: Ailo


In a matter of seconds, the Avengers became only a shadow amidst the span of light-years, a last image ripped from their sight before they slammed into the broken Bifrost of Asgard.

 Loki released the Tesseract with a grunt and tumbled to a halt in a jangle of handcuffs. A few yards away, Thor slowly rose to his feet and with a wearied stride crossed the bridge to where his brother lay motionless in the gloom. “I want to know why, my brother” he growled, lifting Loki by the lapels of his long coat. There was a wicked glint in Loki’s eyes, though it flickered in and out like a sputtering candle. Thor reached up, released the lock on the metal muzzle and pulled it from his brother’s face. | “Tell me!” “‘Gone but not forgotten. Do you know what it is to be forgotten, Thor?” “You were not...“ “Oh, but I was!” Loki snarled rolling his eyes in a theatrical way. “I could scream my name from the pinnacle of Asgard and still Father would hear you better.” “You called him ‘Father’.” Thor hung up his voice.

 Loki pulled away as if struck across the cheek, but said nothing. “Why did you try to take Earth, of all the realms?”

 “Humans will kneel and listen to raw power. They care nothing for pretty speeches in banquet halls or drunken boasting before conquest. They see that they are weak, and become prey to it” a mischievous grin crawled on Loki’s lips. “They became prey to you. Father will have you executed for this” Thor said, leaning Mjolnir against his shoulder.

 A fleeting pang clouded Loki’s brow before his face hardened into a mask of twisted amusement. “Then kill me, Thor. I know you were thinking about it.” “Do not make such jests!” His brother cried hoarsely as he tightened his grip on Mjolnir. “You know I will not..”

 “I will not be a prisoner in Asgard again” Loki hissed between clenched teeth. “So kill me and spare Father the burdensome effort. See how easy it will be, to be the hero that strikes down a luckless villain!” “You will be silent!” Thor roared back as he held the muzzle just inches from Loki’s face. Loki smiled and cocked his head to the side, looking the contraption up and down. “You truly think a bit of metal can tie my tongue? I allowed you and your friends your little moment of triumph. Oh no, Thor, I was not helpless! There are wheels that race forever in my brain, though I seem to stand subdued. But I am no longer concerned with Earth at present, so by all means drag me back to the throne that was once mine.”

 “Let Father decide”.

Thor locked the muzzle onto Loki’s jaw with a jerk of his wrist before wrenching his brother to his feet and prodding him down the darkened Bifrost with Mjolnir to his back.


Pandies🐼:  @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9  @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila

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