tiredbaby29 - Bored Poet
Bored Poet

one writes when one can no longer handle the voices in their head demanding to be heard

21 posts

Valentines Day Blues

Valentine’s Day Blues

Like most

Little girls

I had daydreams

Filled with 

White roses

And chocolates

Small stolen kisses

And midnight rambling

As the credits roll

Movie long forgotten

As we snuggle closer

On a couch

That’s a little too


Why did love

Have to be so cruel

I wanted

Happily ever after

I didn’t need

A prince charming


Damsel in distress

Wasn’t the role for me

I can slay

My own dragons


The hellfire

That threatens my heart

But the emptiness

A simple void

Beautifully dark abyss

Where love

Is supposed to reside

In my person

A body

With a soul

But no heart

Is no better

Than a walking corpse

Playing in fields

Of rotting flesh

Dead flies

Buzz in my ears

As I whisper lies

To myself 

Like always

Trying to comfort

The beast within

Claws scratch

At scarred skin

Vibrant rubies

Exposed on charred meat

Crystals of pure agony

Stain hollowed features

Crisp ivory flashes

Under dim moonlight

The canopy above

Blocking view

Of the heavens

Dancing in cerulean flames

Licking at my pelt

As bones creak

Under the pressure

Of shockwaves and despair

Isolation is a beauty

Long snow hair

Trailed behind her

Weaved with flowers

Eternal blooms

Radiating life

Well death

Wilted petals

Sucked dry

As the demon herself

Walks the earth

Grass withers

Skies darken

Clouds heavy

With unspoken trauma

Fires spark

Engulfing entire trees

Ancient and mighty

Reduced to ashes

In mere moments

Elegance glazes 

Her tribulate eyes

Where earth and heaven meets

Pain will rise

Cruel reality

Slips from her lips

Poison to my weakened heart 

Such a sweet melody

That she sings

Just for me

Misery dressed lullaby

Love dressed lust

Hope dressed death

I cry out

Broken howls

At the smirking satellite

That watches me

The world burns around me

Yet the room 

I lay

Is barren

Reflecting my heart

Next episode

Flashes on the screen

As tissues 

Lay scattered

On a floor

That seems so far

Yet close 

My grave calls me

The pain in my cries


A choked song

Escapes my lips

Dear love

Why must you be so cruel

I didn’t mean

To be so damaged

I tried

I will still try


Give me 

Another chance

Nothing more

Than a ghost

Wrapped in life

Devoid of 

Happy Valentine

  • sinnamonrollkitten
    sinnamonrollkitten liked this · 3 years ago
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More Posts from Tiredbaby29

4 years ago

Love’s Game

Trusting someone

To stay

The idea that they

Have the simple human decency 

To at least wave

Before disappearing

Into the skyline

The blinding sun

A mask

For the thieves

That escape

From love’s grasp once more

Heartbreakers and heartbroken alike

Wait in distress

As they stare

Into the vast sky

Shimmering stars

Highlighting the moon’s 

Crooked smile

Gasping for air

The ethereal beauty

Of the night oasis

Crystalline stained rose cheeks

Flushed from exhaustion

Of chasing after a dream

That they will never capture

Unrealistic hopes crushed

By reality’s cruel game

Playing with the hearts

Of those who abandon

And who have been abandoned

Lovers are no more fools

Then the lonely cries of the isolated soul

A. Simone

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4 years ago
We Hold On To The Memories Of You And Me Dancing In Open Fields Overflowing With Daisies And Roses. We

We hold on to the memories of you and me dancing in open fields overflowing with daisies and roses. We hold on for the fear of losing our childhood innocence. We play our parts in a broken society that forces kids to grow up too fast. We are one in the same; two sides of the same coin. I am the sun and you are the moon but together we make the world go around.

~K. Sin

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8 months ago

i cant believe i found it

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4 years ago

Foolish Lover


Times were ok

But it's not

How longing for you

The simplest of conversations

Have rendered the mind immobile

Staring at the ceiling

Of a room

Dimly lit

By the faded light

As it passes

From the tv screen 

To pale walls


As a heart breaks 

It's always


Forcing down

These damned crystalline tears

Streaming down rosy cheeks

Flushed features accented 

By choked sobs

Desperate cries

Muffled by drenched pillows

The moon tries

To shine light

Through tight-lipped blinds

But it's muted 

Constantly silenced 

As the body

Collapses into itself

The heart shatters 

And the soul grows bland

But that heart

Belonging to a fool

Still chasing love

Hoping one day

That maybe

Love will be kind

And the heart can rest

Arms wrapped around a fool

Since the fool

Has found home

In the arms of their lover

A. Simone

Tags :
4 years ago


It’s so hard to love someone

When you don’t even know

How to love yourself

Each passing moment

You daydream

Of falling off bridges

Nose dives off skyscrapers

Eternal plunges into the abyss

Hoping that one day

The voices

Will be quiet

You keep screaming and screaming

But no one hears

Each shallow breath

More suffocating

Than the last

I’m trying my best

To understand

Where I went wrong

Because clearly

I hurt love

So bad

That it chooses to abandon

My blatant cry

As darkness washes over me

Cleansing my sins

In waves of ruby rose

Stained glass

Obscuring the view

Of my dismantled body

As it lays

Before the alter

Praying to gods

That don’t bother

With the likes of me

I’m trying hard

To run away

From these frantic feelings

That keep me fleeing

From a world

Of the unknown

I fall in love so easily

But I fall out

Just as quick

It fluctuates with the phases

Of my snow moon

Waxing and waning

Right before my eyes

My own heart

Shattered glass

Embedded in my soul

Stained from my past encounters

With each passing second

I lose a piece of me

My mind

Slowly deteriorating

As the sun sets

On yet another day

Full of silent suffering

Unexplainable anguish

This undeniable yearning

To be held

Dressed down

With the fear

Of being touched

My sins are great

And now I know

Love is no match

For my desperation

The tears I cry

Are those of a whore

Whose body

Finally lost its appeal

Nobody listens

To the vacant moans

Hollowed out

In the vast church cellar

As I face my demons

With a gleaming smile

Painful lust

Ingrained in my eyes

As I remember

That I

Have no use

Good only for my body

Which isn’t even ideal

No relationship

For bitter souls

I’m growing tired

Of this pointless fight

It isn’t relenting

Any time soon

And I’m sleepy

Let me lay

In my pink coffin

Covered in white roses

Stained red

With my blood

And darkened

By my soul

As it escapes my body

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