65 posts
Ugh, Don't You Hate It When You're Half Asleep, But You Remember You Need To Write Down A Daily Journal
Ugh, don't you hate it when you're half asleep, but you remember you need to write down a daily journal abt something or else the science experiment you are currently doing will be useless Because YOU SKIPPED A SINGLE DAY AND ALL YOUR DATA IS RUINED
no, just me? Aight
More Posts from Tyrantking31
All Things Go
is it bad that I'd do just abt anything to go to this festival??? Forget propriety,,, ugh
Hey Gravity Falls theory-
we all know the one we've all basically accepted as "canon", where the fact that Grunkle Stan, got memory wiped to get rid of Bill Cipher and then Bill was "defeated", then the kids got grunkle stans memory back- therefore meaning that Bill would be "alive"
but what if the kids didn't do it and it was Bill, "invoking the ancient axolotl so that he may return", making sure that he would come back that opened the door for grunkle stan to regain his memory.
"craving a food means your body needs something that food can offer" now what the fuck does my body need with an ice cream
Sorry, political rant.
I agree with not voting for either of the two main presidential options. but if we are going to vote someone else in, everyone needs to agree with who- Markiplier? great. Bo Burnham? love it. John Mulaney? sure, why not. But everyone needs to agree to put one person down, so that it actually counts.
Also, an amendment needs to be pushed through declaring a maximum age for presidency. like a minimum of 35, maximum of 60. people just wouldn't go for it because they don't have americas best interest in mind and thats sad.
if not a maximum, then potential presidents need to go through a sort of sanity test to make sure they are of sane mind. why are men that are literally out of their goddamned minds running???
asking my parents, the only good thing about trump was that groceries weren't so expensive. but thats not the presidents fault, its the 1%, and any bills, laws, whatever need to pass through them to be accepted.
it's not just the president thats screwing this nation over one day at a time, its everyone in power. vote not just in the presidential campaign but for local problems, for state wide problems.
people in the senate and house of representatives dont have our best interests at heart? fucking change it.
assassinations need to come back istg
lmao who else hates it when their mom is like generally a good parent but has become a trigger for suicidal thoughts just because of all the trauma that you've gone through that she's been there for.
Like, wtf no King your mom isn't going to hit you or berate you for cleaning the wrong way? she isn't going to yell at you or hit you for being in her line of sight?
she was frowning at you? no, don't kill yourself she was just thinking or zoning out.
its literally the *funniest* thing whenever she moves too fast near me or pops up in my line of sight I will flinch, jump away, and just generally move farther away from her