Chocolate Milk - Tumblr Posts
"That Andy is a PR nightmare! What are we gonna do?"
"Let's replace him with a home-invading, ADHD version of the hypersexed, overbreeding order of lagomorphs."
(Picks up phone.)
"Hello, art department: Somebody draw me a brown rabbit, stat!"

After so many “Peeping” charges Andy was under court order not to “Posses any instrument or device that allows a clear vision of distant objects or to avoid any obstacle to viewing, including but not limited to binoculars, field glasses, telescopes, monoscopes, opera glasses, periscopes, telephoto lenses, fiber-optic viewers, television cameras, spy equipment, or any such device or equipment unknown to this court, until such time that said defendant has completed any and all necessary counseling and treatment ordered by this court.”
Parents Magazine May 1953

adopt them here! - Species and lines by @rey-drawsthings
Greetings! If you haven’t heard, the Wizard Council has voted to dissolve Quebec. This will certainly leave countless innocents dead. A tragedy.
As you cannot afford spaghetti, I have acquired quite a lot of it for you. *miniature skeletal warriors carry in a bit too much spaghetti*
Thank you for your service in recording an unbiased history of the war.
Best regards,
A vaguely humanoid skeleton in a weird-looking cape
It is a shame to hear what is happening to Quebec. My father's family was from there, may my gran-gran rest in peace. And thank you for the spaghetti. I shall use it sparingly. Which milk would you like chocolate or strawberry?

Pure happiness looking at this lad.
I was sad until I opened the Sims and made a dog called Chocolate Milk and I think you should look at him

chocolate milk | jungkook

pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: childhood friends au | fluff, humor
word count: 6.8k
warning/s: smoking and jimin’s younger than jungkook here lol.
summary: You never planned to catch some feelings for Jungkook but you didn’t know that he’s the mastermind of all these fickle thoughts. It’s all thanks to Psychology and Human Behavior.
all rights reserved © vantaenims - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
Every year you and your family go to the Jeon’s rest house for your annual summer vacation along with the Kims. Your mom is best friends with Jungkook and Taehyung’s mom ever since they were in high school – soul sisters, as they like to call themselves. So it left you no choice but to also form the same kind of friendship with their sons whom you practically grew up with.
The tradition started when you were eight when the rest house was completed the year before. Jungkook’s mom invited your family and Taehyung’s to spend the summer there. You’re in awe as soon as you stepped inside the premises of the newly built house that you thought you were in paradise.
You remember that summer clearly, your eyes immediately landing on the swimming pool where you can see Jungkook refilling his water gun as he shoots you with it, the moms singing along to the 80s music playing in the background, the dads making barbeque as they set up everything for lunch, and Taehyung putting on a sunblock on Seoyun, her little sister, inviting you to swim with them as soon as he saw you arrive.
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Why is it okay for people to have ice in their coffee but not okay for me to have ice in my chocolate milk? They are both bean milk. LET ME DRINK MY ICEY BEAN MILK! STOP JUDGING ME‼️
OMG THANK YOU FOR THE CHOCOLATE MILK :D Also I really like your persona!

Choccy milk for: @violetsees @kimb33x @paepaerest @calithecretin
@artismeyou-45 @jikothemartian-z @your-genious-artistic-girl @danik-21-15 @ostick @oncelerandgrigler @lovejaredbitch @spritefoots-hell @gloriabomfim and everybody else who has been liking and following me! :D
You guys are the best 😭
This is my persona Pink by the way!! (very unoriginal name ooof)

I think she has eight gold medals now? Yeah.
Canon vs fanon x-gaster, here we go
Wants perfection
A bit of an asshole to Chara specifically and only Chara and frisk for the most part
Manipulative bitch but only a normal amount with a tendency to manipulate skeletons.
Self fulfilling prophecy man
Drinks chocolate milk from a wine glass for the fancy
Maybe homophobic?
seeks perfection to the exact tenmillionth percentage Aka 0.0000001 percent
Douchbaggete 100,000 percent.
Ima hit you on the head for existing wrong.
Hates everyone and everything, including people who are doing everything right.
Probably does disgusting things
Drinks chocolate milk from a wine glass to fuck with you
Really shouldn’t be allowed to be a dad.
Absolutely homophobic and transphobic and everything-that’s-not-cishet-phobic
True decadence is drinking nonalcoholic beverages in alcohol specific glasses.
Soul(our system's little/sys kid) just made a horrible drink to most of us- they mixed vanilla coffee creamer in his chocolate milk- IT IS NEARLY MIDNIGHT WTF IS SHE DOING?! FSM help me, Morro.
Fuck TruMoo!
They could've been Troo, and they missed out. Like, what the fuck!
No one ever hypes me up when I want/need them to, so I've been doing myself.
I just took a boiling shower and now I'mma go get myself some well deserved chocy-fucking-milk!
Just a reminder that Chuck The Evil Sandwich Making Guy likes choccy milk!

I was taking some Ibuprofin with my chocolate milk when I remembered that blowing bubbles into your drinks is a Thing®
and so i blew bubbles into my chocolate milk, and it was literally the largest hit of serotonin ive had in months