weirdo-in-charge - that's me blog
that's me blog

warning: stupid shit ahead

16 posts

Weirdo-in-charge - That's Me Blog - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago

Not if you eat it by bitting around until only the middle is left

Taking a bite from a burger decides which side is the front

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2 years ago

So i was thinking

I'm a leo

My ascendant is leo

My chinese zodiac is tiger

According to my zodiac I should be really fucking annoying

I've never more identified to my zodiac in my life tbh

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4 years ago


I was thinking


But its the seaweed that catches you

You're trapped

It's dragging you down and you can't breathe


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4 years ago
4 years ago
I Feel Like My Personnality Can Be Resumed By The Fact That I Play Rock Paper Scissors With My Best Friend

I feel like my personnality can be resumed by the fact that I play rock paper scissors with my best friend by text

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4 years ago

Spook-a-doodle bitch 👻👻👻

weirdo-in-charge - that's me blog
5 years ago

Me, drawing : ok last time we went for feathers and it was hard so lets go for something easier to draw this time

Brain : fish!

Me : good easy

Brain (a fucking dumbass really) : with a gradient on each individual scale!

Me : why do you hate me so much?

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6 years ago

A brief summary of last week's temperature in Quebec

Winter wonderland

Winter wonder why is it so fucking cold

Winter wonder where's the fucking road

Winter wonder why is everything ice

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6 years ago

I am both the mom friend and the anti-mom friend

Please send help

New Friend Archetype

New Friend Archetype

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6 years ago

University is like when you've been sitting in a librairy since 7h30 am and it's 10 am by now you don't remember your own name, your "good night of sleep" consist in a power nap of 2h30 but words like "trigéminothalamique" make complete sense to your sleep deprived brain

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6 years ago

Me and 2 friends at a school supplies store some time ago

Friend #2 go look at some stuff while I go in a different alley. Friend #1 follows me

After like 5 minutes of looking at some stickers, pens and some other shits:

Friend #1 *looking around* : Did we lose friend #2?

Me: We didn't lost him we just went away without him

Friend #1: I'm fucking done with your shits

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6 years ago

*bias do something*

Me: Awwwnnn!! So cute! *jiggle, clap hands and roll on bed*

*bias wrecker do the same thing*

Me: No! Stop! You have no right to do that to me! OMG!*scream then die*

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6 years ago

To defeat

The huns

Lets Get Down To Business

Let’s get down to business

6 years ago

Jade: I have something to show you.

Rox: If it's about jackson I don't wanna know.

Jade: ...But he's bae!

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6 years ago
This Is Me 100% Of Time

This is me 100% of time

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6 years ago

*Rox dying and complaining about homework*

Jade: stop that and study

Rox: not called stu-dying for nothing

Jade: I'm f*cking done with your sh*t

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