welcometothemaraudersspam - gravity's holding me back
gravity's holding me back

deni (21/she/her) • i kind of have a thing for boys who dont know i exist • masterlist

111 posts

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

Cinnamon, Chamomile and Cedar Part 1

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

word count: 2,483 words (i got kind of carried away, whoops)

warnings: mentions of smut, cursing, and some cute shit so enjoy <3

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

Azalea Albrecht.

She was everything that Erwin Smith couldn't be.

She was sweet.

Too sweet.

Her smile was so-

So genuine and it made everyone around them smile along.

The way her eyes could barely be seen from how wide her smile was, and her laugh... god

Her laugh could be on repeat and he would never tire of hearing it over.

And over again.

Azalea joined the Scout Regiment alongside Levi all those years ago. At first glance, he assumed that the brunette was Furlan's youngest sister, but whenever he brought it up they had gone into a fit of laughter. It took him a while to come around to the idea that she wasn't as young she looked.

Unfortunately for Erwin, shortly after that he started to gain some sort of feelings for the girl. The moment he realized he had some interest in her was the second he had seen her red faced from running laps without a sense of remorse in her eyes.

She had just finished sticking up for some of her fellow comrades, who she knew in her heart had done nothing wrong but she wouldn’t allow them to go punished. His respect for her only grew from that point on.

She never put herself first.

It was always everyone else, even if she hadn't gotten a chance to gotten close to them.

In her eyes, they were always first. Which he admired, considering that was something that he could relate to as well.

Erwin didn't want to make a move because he's convinced that she was head over heels for the short raven haired boy. The one whose stoic expression was something that everyone had grown familiar with. Well, everyone but her. Which he could understand. Who in their right mind could ever get mad at that sweet girl?

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

A big part of Azalea couldn't figure out why she had the impulsive idea to throw the Scouts a party, but here she is, surrounded by herd of rowdy people who have had way too much to drink.

She brought it upon herself to make some of her favorite 'juice' which was just several, several bottles of vodka and a couples jugs of juice to hide the rancid taste. 

Not one of her brightest ideas, considering they were drinking it as if it were water but it seemed to be doing its job quite well. Everyone was currently playing limbo with a broom Connie had magically found.  

I don't remember there being a broom in this room...

The brunette laughed loudly, shaking her head at the way Sasha couldn't quite figure out how to make her way around the broom, in turn bringing tears to the auburn haired girl. Mikasa had to console the sobbing girl, moving her out of the way so they could let other people through.

Azalea let out a cheer as the group of drunk Scouts had somehow managed to convince Commander Erwin to go under the broom at least once, his stern facade washing away a smile tugging at his lips.

Even Captain Levi seemed amused to see the Commander absolutely killing it at bending his back backwards that low. Azalea and Hange both let out a couple of cat call whistles to the Commander his cheeks flushing pink.

A round of applause came from everyone as he made it all the way through, to which he bowed earning an animalistic howl from Hange. 

Azalea shook her head at how quickly they moved from doing limbo to dancing to their own makeshift song, the sight of Reiner doing some weird dance move with his hips caught her off guard making her burst into a fit of laughter.

"This was rather nice of you to do, Lieutenant."

A soft husky voice spoke into her ear making her jump, leaning her head back to face Commander Erwin with a cheesy grin covering her face.

He shook his head at the girls antics, pushing her head forwards gently sitting down next to her, taking a sip from his glass.

"Thank you Commander. I figured they might need a night to just let loose a little. They've been through a couple hard things as of late." Azalea sipped on her drink humming at the fruity taste, eyeing Eren who was once more was turning red in the face, which was a sign someone else had made him angry again. Judging by the smug look etched on Jeans face, she quickly put two and two together. "Eren, not so much..."

Commander Erwin let a small chuckle slip past his lips his eyes never leaving the brunette, the sound of the two boys arm wrestling catching his attention forcing him to look away from her. "That boy truly is something," Her sweet laugh reached his ears, his smile widening fiddling with the cold glass in his hands.

"You've got that right," 

"I haven't been able to see you in a while." Erwin muttered under his breath, his hand managing to find its way to her knee sending chills down her back. Azalea shot him a cheeky smile, trying to make sure none of the other scouts were looking over in their general direction. "I assumed you were having second thoughts about...you know- the other night,"

"After what you did to me that night, phew- I would never." Erwin flashed a bright shade of pink, trying to cover his face with his glass holding back a smirk. Azalea winked at the blonde, scooting an inch closer to him, the warmth radiating off of her made him nervous. His thoughts flickering back to that night during the summer, his heartbeat skipping lightly. After a long night of drinking, he had accidentally let it slip that he had feelings for the brunette who he left stammering for her words. 

"Erwin, I-"

"Shit, I know I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let that slip. I know that you and Levi have something going on, I guess I was just hoping that it wasn't-"

"Wait, what? Levi? Commander, respectfully, you're kind of daft at times." She scoffed, standing up from her seat making her way over to the blonde whose eyes were glossed over. Azalea didn't know what came over her, maybe it was the alcohol talking, but she just needed her lips on that man and as fast as possible. "Levi and I don't have anything going on. He's my best friend... nothing more."

"Then- but what about- I swear-"

"You're talking too much, Erwin." She breathed out, grasping his tie and pulling him close to her crashing their lips together. Erwin felt his eyes flutter close, not hesitating to wrap his arms around her waist pulling her onto his lap. A soft moan left her lips as she pressed up against his firm chest, running her nimble fingers into his hair tugging softly.

"Don't you dare hold back on me... I want to feel what I've been missing out on, Commander."

Erwin practically pounced on her after that, making sure he showed her exactly how he felt about her. They spent all night screaming each others names without a second thought, not wanting to stop. He covered every last inch of her in love marks. From her neck, her chest all they way to the smallest birthmark on her thighs. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't forget about that night for as long as possible.

Throwing back the rest of her drink, enjoying the small burn it left in her throat. Scanning the room noticing that Levi was swirling his drink around, his silvery eyes assuming their usual form. He was currently sitting on a bench in the corner, with one of his knees propped up leaning his arm on his slender leg. Judging by the lack of pink coating his cheeks she assumed the raven haired boy was drinking water, a small smile tugged at her lips knowing how Levi is around alcohol, moving to stand up to grab another drink were it not for the hand holding you down.

"Commander? Did you need another drink?"

The glossy look in his eyes told her that he might have already had enough, a small hint of red coating his cheeks. "No actually... I was gonna ask you a small question. It's kinda silly, so you can say no if you would like." 

"Of course I wouldn't, Erwin-"

"You're so beautiful you know that," Erwin stuttered over his words, removing his hand from her sleeve and shakily placing it over her dainty hand. The brunette just about stumbled over her feet at his sudden comment. Maybe there was a little too much vodka. Her once tiny flutter turned into a giant stampede in her chest as he tightened his hold on her hand, feeling her heart beat pick up a little more with every passing second. "I was actually wondering if you possibly wanted to relive that night,"

A flash of heat made its way to her face, a smile lining her pouty lips. "You're gonna regret this, Commander. I promise to make sure you don't end up begging too much," She trailed her fingers up his arms a small shiver making its way down his back.

The tension between the two of them grew, as she made her way over to Levi to go accompany him for a couple minutes, until Commander Erwin made his way outside feeling the tiny flutter make its way down.

Maybe it was the alcohol talking but his baby blues had never looked any better.

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

"What do you mean you can't? " Azalea spat, whispering into Reiners ear from behind the tall man who had halted his movements the second he heard her speak, swiveling around on his heels coming face to face with the brunette who was looking up at him.

She was making direct eye contact with Reiner, glaring at the boy her body boiling with rage.

His face was frozen in shock, having not expected Captain Azalea to overhear his conversation with Bertholdt.  

"I-I... I didn't mean anything by that Captain."

"Oh really? Cause to me it sounded like you couldn't be bother to train with Sasha, because she was quote on quote a girl."

"Ma'am with all due respect-"

"If the words coming out of your mouth are anything other than an apology to half of your comrades and myself, then I'm going to have to have you run double the laps you're receiving."

"I'm sorry for the words that came out of my mouth, I didn't mean to offend anyone or yourself, Captain." Reiner spoke, with his hand over his chest a small hint of pink coating his cheeks.

Azalea eyed the blonde, the anger radiating off of her a small sound of disapproval leaving her mouth. She didn't mean to gather the attention of every Scout but they had all managed to overhear the altercation, their eyes wide.

"And just to think that you had finally gained my respect, Braun... your laps start now. Don't stop until every last one of us are off the training ground. Go." Reiner broke out into a sprint, making his way towards the hills managing to make his way up the steepness even with the ground being slightly muddy. She wasn't sure why, but that pissed her off even more. Azalea clapped her hands to snap everyone out of their trance, a smile gracing her lips. "Alrighty everyone! Back to training. And if we could all split up into even groups of 3 and try practicing taking on two people. Break!"

The Scouts all scrambled to form groups of 3, being quick to start taking each other down. Azalea let out a loud sigh as she eyed Bertholdt who hadn't made a move from beside her, his eyes frozen as they stared down at the floor. "Bertholdt. Hey, you okay?"

"I-I'm sorry, Captain. I promise, I wasn't agreeing with Reiner in any way, shape or form. I don't know where in the world that comment came from. I think he's just mad because he got his ass handed to him by Annie the other day-" Azalea eyed the blabbering boy, a small smile creeping onto her face. She let out a small giggle, which made Bertholdt stop his rant.

"Bertholdt, I promise. You're okay. There's no need to worry. As long as you're keeping him in check, I'm not gonna punish you for his actions just cause you two are friends."  Bertholdt let out a sigh of relief, allowing his shoulders to relax. She nodded her head to the right, pointing towards Connie and Sasha who were lacking a third to which Bertholdt immediately went over and joined them. 

"I never thought you were capable of scaring anyone,  but judging by the look on Bertholdt's face, he just about shit his pants."

A soft voice uttered, recognizing the cold tone of his voice right away rolling her eyes at Levi's comment. Azalea kicked his foot jokingly, her eyes flickering over to the boy on her right a playful glint evident in his silvery gaze. "It's probably cause you're like the size of his leg,"

A gasp left her lips at the joke he had made about her height, punching his shoulder hard a huff leaving her lips. Everyone judged Levi for his height, that made her even more susceptible to it considering he was four inches taller than her. So whenever they would tease him he would turn it towards Azalea which made her wanna drop kick the boy. 

Jokingly of course.

"You know that's not true, you and Furlan were scared shitless the day that you guys had scared off my date. I was absolutely livid. "

"It's not my fault that guy was a prick-"

"He was late by 2 minutes! It was pouring out, which I think is a perfectly reasonable excuse as to why anybody would be late-"

"Well, if it was 'pouring out' what were your plans for the evening going to be? Cause it sure as hell wasn't going to be a stroll in the town," Levi retorted back, brushing some stray hairs out of his face as he turned to face her as he awaited for an answer. A small pink tint coated her face, knowing full well her answer was not appropriate whatsoever. She tried distracting herself by shouting some words of encouragement to Armin who was currently being pinned by Mikasa, his face a bright red. "You're disgusting,"

"Don't be rude. It wasn't our first time either-"

"Azalea. You're the worst."

A look of disgust had been itched into his face, shaking his head at the thought of one of his closest friends doing that sort of thing.

"Now I'm glad I scared that little bitch off... he didn't even bring any flowers. Which let me know it wouldn't have lasted." Azalea scoffed, crossing her arms against her chest.

"You don't know that,"

"Maybe not, but I know you, Azalea. You're a diehard romantic. He was anything but that... and he wasn't even good looking."

authors note: ah! i’m so excited to be starting this series, please let me know if y’all have any concerns or comments! thank you lovelies 🤍

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More Posts from Welcometothemaraudersspam

hi! i've written you another request just now. soo how about another one where the gryff reader and draco are enemies -i just love angst i cent help it- everyone is at a party slytherin is hosting and some guys decide to bully y/n and call her a mudblood and maybe jinx her or curse her but she doesnt have her wand and draco comes to help her and maybe takes her to his room and FLUFF

Jinx Me, Why Don't You? | Draco Malfoy x Reader

word count: 1,693 words

warnings: some foul play, cursing, some scenes that might make certain people uncomfortable, fluff!

December 16th, 1996. The Slytherin Common Room. 1:46 am.

The loud chattering of your friends surrounding you was almost unrecognizable, rolling your eyes at their drunken giggles and jabbering. There were currently a group of Hufflepuff girls near you throwing up into a hopefully empty satchel, their slurred giggles making you laugh quietly to yourself taking a sip of your soda. You decided against drinking considering you had to get up early the next morning for an early studying session.

One of your close friends, Blaise Zabini had invited you to his 'All Houses Party' that Slytherin had wanted to host as an end of the year celebration. When you arrived, your friend was chugging the biggest bottle of Firewhisky you had ever seen, practically having to hoist him up as he drunkenly showed you all around the Common Room before rushing upstairs to the bathroom. You weren't sure if it was because he really had to use the restroom, or maybe it was because his face was growing a sickly shade of green.

You shook your head, lifting your cup to your lips not to long before someone smacked it out of your hands harshly, the cold drink going all over your shirt and over the floor leaving your skin tingling from the cold. Locking eyes with a pair of Slytherins who were currently smirking down at you, one of the boys, known as Goyle was taking slow steps towards you. 

"Well don't you look out of place, little Gryffindor."

"I don't think so. Last I checked, they didn't allow roaches on campus, so if anything you're out of place.” You replied rather snappy, trying to wipe off some of the soda off of your shirt with some nearby napkins. You were beyond annoyed, you had worn one of your favorite shirts considering the baby blue fabric complimented you nicely. That bitch, I just got another refill. Goyle grabbed a hold of your hands, tugging you closer a mischievous look in his eye. "Let. Go. Of Me. Or so help me-"

"Watch who you're talking to, you filthy mudblood,"

"I know exactly who I'm talking to, Goyle." The grip on your arm tightened, feeling your breathing growing heavy as you finally took notice of how far off to the side you had wandered off, taking in all the guys currently surrounding you. Vincent Crabbe, Cassius Warrington, and Graham Montague were also eyeing you struggle in Goyle's grip.

"Seems like we need to teach her a little lesson, don't you reckon?" Cassius hummed, his fingers reaching into his robes pulling out his wand a smirk resting on his face. The other boys followed pursuit, watching as Goyle shoved me into an empty nearby dorm room locking the door behind them. You scrambled backwards patting yourself down in search for your wand, cursing at yourself as you came up empty handed. The tight feeling on your chest never ceased, your chest heaving up and down as you kept your eyes on all four guys. You prayed to god they all had the smallest amount of dignity left to where they would't take advantage of you.

"You guys are a nothing but a bunch of pansies-"

"What did you call me?" Graham hissed, his cheeks turning a slight red lifting his wand up to hit the underside of your chin forcing you to look up even further. His sneer was evident, practically snarling at you as you stared him down.

"I called you a little bitch, Warrington-" You barely managed to choke out his last name as a jinx hit your chest, crumbling to the floor as your screams were muffled by Cassius' quick thinking. The sharp pain coursing through your body was nothing like what you had ever experienced, whatever the hell it was, was a close second to feeling like the cruciatus curse. The second you thought the pain had faded, Cassius and Crabbe both hoisted you onto your feet practically having to hold you up as your knees kept buckling underneath you.

"Did you really think we wouldn't do anything?"

"I never thought you even had the balls to hold a wand, Goyle," You smirked through the pain, noting his face growing red as he threw another jinx at you making you grit your teeth in pain as you felt an unbearable heat wash over your already burning frame. The heat felt unreal, burning every little inch from your fingers down to your toes, letting out a small hiss at the small flame on the tip of his wand making his way closer to you. 

"Goyle... what in the world do you think you are doing?" The sound of a familiar voice brought instant relief to you, but it didn't last long considering the two frantic boys dropped your body onto the hard ground making room for the blonde. A loud whine left your lips, resting your sweating forehead on the cold ground, every muscle in your body aching even with the smallest of movements. This is for sure going to bruise tomorrow...

"I was just teaching the mudblood a lesson-"

"Don't you dare call her that," All four guys stopped their snickering, a look of fear evident on Goyle's face as Draco got in his face his eyes narrowed. Goyle nodded stiffly, his eyes flickering down at you stuffing his wand into his robes motioning for the rest of the guys to follow him, hastily making way from your crumbled body. You choked out a cough, attempting to use your shaking limbs to lift yourself off of the ground. 

"Love... let me,"

The touch of his cold hands on your burning skin felt refreshing, wanting nothing more than to let him just scoop you up into his arms. Malfoy wrapped his toned arms around your waist, letting you wrap your arms arounds his neck feeling your legs trembling underneath you.

Draco and you had an interesting friendship to say the least. 

No one really knew that you guys had even known each other, let alone been friends all this time. 

You guys had started talking after a small incident in your 1st year, where you had accidentally fallen during training and he happened to be the one to help cushion your fall. Ever since then, you guys had an acquaintance-ship, as Draco liked to call it.

Spending late nights talking over stupid little things.

Teasing one another over childish crushes, and practicing new spells to improve on together. 

He always helped out during Potions, while you helped him in Charms and History. He didn't mind it. He enjoyed your annoying comments at every jab he had made towards anybody. He always rolled his eyes and pretended he hated it.

But, he knew deep down he loved every second of it.

Your hands automatically went to grip onto Dracos shoulder as he helped you into his dorm room, trying to set you down on his bed without hurting you. A loud hiss left your lips as he helped you into the cooling material of his bed, happily letting yourself fall back closing your eyes tightly. "Thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am for you."

"You have no reason to thank me. If I was just paying closer attention to you, this wouldn't have happened." Draco angrily spat, knocking over one of his dorm mates cloaks off of their dresser in a haste. "Merlin... I never thought they would ever stoop that low."

The silence between the two of you was scary. For the years you had known Draco, you had never seen him as angry as he was at this very moment. His jaw was clenched, his hands gripping onto the frame of his bed tightly his knuckles a stark white. The sound of Draco seething by your feet was all that could be heard throughout the room, that and the sound of your small whimpers as you tried shifting into a more comfortable position. Failing miserably.

"Here, let me." He mumbled, making his way over to you pulling his wand out of his robe muttering a small charm over your body. And as quickly as he had uttered those words, it was as if someone had thrown warm water over you. Every ache in your body disappeared, along with an injury you had sustained earlier in the week from falling down the stairs. A small gasp left your lips at the strange sensation, your eyes fluttering close at the immediate sensation of bliss that engulfed you. "How do you feel?"

"Blissful... where in the world did you learn that?"

"My mother. I'm taking that it helped?"

"Yes. God yes. You're a saint, Draco." You hummed softly, peering up at the blonde whose bottom lip was currently being gnawed on. You reached over and grabbed ahold of his hand, squeezing it softly as a way of saying thank you. Draco cracked a small smile, letting out a sigh as he eyed your relaxed features. "Come- sit down.. Don't worry your pretty little head about this," 

You gestured to the open spot beside you, scooting over to make more room for him. Draco gladly sat alongside you wrapping his arm around your shoulders pulling you close, to which you happily hummed. Sneaking your arm around his torso, holding him by his waist pulling him closer to you reminiscing on how warm he always felt against your cold frame. Inhaling his soft scent of freshly picked mint and the cologne you had gotten him for his birthday which he never failed to wear every single day, feeling your body relax in his hold.

"Mmm... we haven't done this in so long. I’m sorry that this had to be the reason it brought us together."

"Don't. You know none of this is your fault." Draco scolded, using his free hand to find its way into your hair running his fingers through it softly. "Nothing you could do, could ever ruin my night, or my anything for that matter… besides, I missed you.”

"I missed you too, darling," You tightened your hold on his torso, nuzzling closer into him. "Did you want to spend the night tonight?" He hummed, trailing his fingers alongside your arms chuckling softly as he spotted goosebumps follow behind the trail he made.

“You truly are something Malfoy.”

"So is that a yes or...?"

authors note: thank you so much for requesting this lovely, sorry it took me so long to get back to you! i only just now started picking this back up again, i was a little bit preoccupied with my job but i should be back for good now! i got a little carried away with this but i do hope its to your standards. thank you and enjoy!

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word count: 4.1k

warnings: grinding, drinking, cussing, plz lemme know if i forgot anything else :3

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the first thing people took notice of when they looked at you -

that mesmerizing smile.

the way you carried yourself was so profound, as if every bad thing thrown your way would just bounce right off.

your bubbly energy enraptured everybody around you, feeding off of your wide grins, and constant laughter bringing a sense of joy into their life.

earning your nickname; sweet girl.

everyone loved you from the moment they laid their eyes on you.

i mean... who wouldn't?

₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊

part 2 here!


"Sweetheart, you have got to get ahold of yourself."

"I do- I don't know what makes you think I don't."

A scoff left Garcia's stained lips, as she stared at your frantic fingers messing with your hair, trying to apply everything all at once. Reaching for your signature perfume, spraying a good dosage on to ensure it stays on the whole night. The blonde had come over to get ready for a night out in the town with her fellow co-workers, including a certain brunette that you had a soft spot for.

Your hair was not cooperating with you. Not. In. The. Slightest.

Does this dress make me look- too much?

Who the hell made this damn mousse-

"If you touch your hair one more time, I will personally make it my life's mission to get rid of your existence." She grabbed a hold of your arm, tugging you out of the bathroom despite your protests. "Spencer won't care what your hair looks like when he's got you underneath him."

A gasp left your lips, smacking Penelope's giggling behind as she ran away from you towards your front door. "Or above him- whatever you're into sweet cheeks."

"Oh! I'm going to get your ass, Pen."

"Run that by my boss first!"

Penelope ripped the front door open, revealing a startled Hotch who had just raised his fist to knock on your house door. A smug smirk graced the blonde's lips, sticking her tongue out at you as she ran towards the SUV where Morgan was waiting. You stood there with a pout on your lips, grabbing your purse from your entrance table. Hotch eyed your dressed up figure, feeling his heart rate pick up as you made your way over to him your perfume engulfing his senses.

"Hiya Hotch." Wrapping your arm around his waist, giving the older man a tight squeeze letting your free hand lock the door behind you stuffing your keys into your purse. Penelope and you might have had one too many shots, the constant cheesing on your face giving you away. 

"Hello sweet girl." Hotch had known you long enough to see you in every situation imaginable, including your drunk side. He chuckled as you left your arm around him, not minding it for a second as you guys walked down the steps to the car. "Are we sure this isn't the aftermath of the bar?"

You let out a small giggle, knowing he was partially right. Hotch opened up the car door for you, helping you into the lifted vehicle a small thank you leaving your lips as you scooted further in as he squeezed in behind you.

The car smelled like people who had were planning on getting laid.

Hotch’s cologne smelled of leather and cinnamon. Discretely trying to hide the fact that you were inching closer to him like a dog sniffing out a treat.

Whilst Morgans cologne smelled of coconut and sugar; not enough to be irritating to the nose.

Both you and Penelope's perfumes smelled nice and sweet, contrasting with the guys.

Penelope was blasting Kesha through the SUV, while Morgan attempted to turn it down without her noticing. Either she noticed or didn't care, allowing her voice to do the work for her as she embodied Kesha.

"We are just getting started, I promise. You should join us! Didn't Morgan draw the short stick for tonight? Leaves you perfectly able to get wasted with us,"

Morgan gave you a glare in the rearview mirror, not letting your mocking affect his driving as he tried his best to follow the law with his boss as his passenger. Hotch just shook his head as you unzipped your purse showing him the contents inside.

His eyebrow raised, he saw several colorful shooters clinking around in the small accessory adorning your body, a smile gracing your warming skin. You took out a bright green shooter, shoving it into his hands.

"What in the-"

"Pen. Catch." Penelope didn't even have to move, her hands expertly catching the pink shot you had picked out just for her. You opted for a blue one, knowing this flavor in specific masked the taste as best it could making it easier to down.

You raised your eyebrow back up at Hotch cracking your drink open, a soft sigh left his lips knowing you wouldn't back down. He proceeded to crack his open, whoops leaving the girls lips. Clinking your shot against his. Your arm moving to wrap around his bringing the cold glass to your lips, allowing the burning sensation to trickle down your throat. Hotch felt his breath hitch at your touch, downing the shooter back.

Hotch was used to harder liquor, but something about the neon colored vodka was already making him feel a little warm. Shaking his head at the taste, putting the lid back on the drink as he watched you reach for another.

"Woah, sweet girl... you sure you can handle another?"

Your rolled your eyes at his concerning words, easily tossing another shooter back as you opened your mouth to show it was gone. Hotch felt a small smirk tug at his lips at the sight, adjusting himself in his seat subtly.

"I almost flunked out of college my freshman year because I was getting drunk every weekend. I learned my handful of tricks- I would put Dr. Reid to shame." Morgan whistled, making Garcia laugh as she reminisced on some of the stories you had told her. An ever-growing smirk graced your lips, re-applying a generous amount of lip gloss to your lips. 

Hotch eyed the bubbly girl, as she made herself comfortable against the taller man. He spread his jean cladded legs as she plopped her purse on his lap, using him as a table rummaging through the contents. Choosing to ignore the sensation of her nimble fingers ghosting over his dark wash jeans, adjusting his position on the leather seat. She pulled out another shooter and mingled it into his hands, a small chuckle bubbling in his chest.

"You're going to have to show me one day, sweet cheeks.”

"Wouldn't you love to see that, sweet boy?"

Morgan smirked up at you as he pulled up to the valet who were excited to take the keys from your favorite Agent, sending a wink to the blushing girl holding the keys. You were about to open the door, almost jumping as you saw Hotch had already beaten you to it. Looking back and forth between the door and your now empty seat beside you, the grinning raven haired man made your heart skip a beat.


"Your intoxicated state is making your reaction time slow," His deep voice hummed into your ear, his hands splaying across your back allowing his warmth to keep you from shivering. Hotch lent his arm out, grasping onto his bicep firmly as you made your way into the bar. The shooter you had given the tall man tucked away in his jeans, holding your body close to ensure you wouldn't run off.  His cologne smelled even stronger up close, allowing yourself to engulf the scent a soft sigh leaving your glossed lips.

It didn't take long for Hotch have to glare at the wandering eyes of plenty of men who were attempting to undress you with their nasty eyes. He knew men were absolute garbage as time had gone by, but he knew that he would never let these ones especially anywhere near you tonight. 

It didn't take long for you to find your other co-workers even in all of the chaos, the place bordering a club atmosphere. The bar was currently playing one of your favorite songs, allowing the music to guide your body. You let your grip loosen as you made a beeline towards JJ who was smiling widely up at you, a bright pink coating her cheeks. Your heels clicking mesmerizingly against the stone floor, having mastered the art in running in those strappy shoes.

"JJ!! I missed youuuu," You hurriedly wrapped your arms around her neck, pressing a sticky kiss onto her cheek. She let out a muffled laugh as she held you tighter. "Where is-"

"Spence? Right behind you, honey." The giggling girl whispered into your ear, you spun on your heel making eye contact with the man you had been thinking about all night. A smile made its way onto your lips, taking a seat beside the brunette. 

As if he couldn't get anymore attractive.

The sight of his dark green cardigan bringing out the green in his hazel eyes, hidden behind his god forsaken sexy ass glasses. His cologne wafted over to you, the soft scent of coffee and something sweet. The smell was enough to make your mouth water.

What kind of test do they have to pass to work at the BAU? It seemed like every man and woman had to make your knees buckle to work there.

"Hiya Spence."

The flustered boy tucked his hair behind his ear, turning in his seat to give you his undivided attention. Your perfume infiltrating his nostrils, before having heard your voice. A smell he was all too keen on knowing, wetting his bottom lip nervously. "Oh h-hi!"

The conscious part of your brain attempted to send signals to your body to be smart, your drunk limbs ignoring it as you allowed your legs to entwine with his slack cladded leg closest to you. His breath hitching the smallest of gasps leaving his pink lips. 

The sound of someone hollering behind you made you turn around in your seat, waving excitedly at the dark hair girl approaching. Elle feigned a dramatic hand over her chest, her dress showing off her curves in all the right places. The girl walked over to you, your smile having not left your lips since getting in the car. Smacking a wet kiss on your dark haired friends cheek who just wrapped an arm around your waist. "We were about to send out a search party. We thought Morgan got you guys lost again,"

"Oh he most definitely did, I think the aftershave has made him lose some brain cells over the years." You teased the burly man, who shot you a glare reaching over the table to flick your forehead a gasp leaving your lips. You detangled your legs from Spencers missing the warmth almost as soon as you detached, sending a harsh kick to Morgan who hissed at your heels.

"Son of a bitch. Watch your back, sweet cheeks."

"Want me to kiss it better?" A small twinkle shone in his eyes, his usual flirty smirk making its way onto his face. You turned on your charm, resting your face on your hands as you batted your eyelashes at the man your glossy lips parted open. Everyone at the table watched in amusement as Morgan practically melted at her doe eyes looking up at him, leaning closer to her face. 

"I would love nothing more-"

"I call dibs first, Chocolate Thunder." Penelope butted in, making her first appearance at the table a tray full of drinks. She handed you your signature drink, the vibrant color matching her outfit. Clapping your hands as you blew a kiss to the blonde, wrapping your lips around the straw humming happily at the cold liquid making its way down your throat. 

"No need to call dibs when I've already kissed you, baby cheeks."

"You're not special, Derek. We've all kissed, sweets." All the girls threw in their words of agreement, a chuckle leaving Spencers lips as he watched the look of disbelief on Morgan's face. "Sweet as her name, she is." 

"Don't make me kiss you on the mouth again, Pen."

"Maybe that's what I'm hinting at, sweet girl."

A burst of giggles left the girls mouths as they all grabbed ahold of the shots Garcia had bought everyone. 

Well, everyone except Morgan. 

Penelope had grabbed something strong; wanting to ensure it did what it was intended to do. You had seen Spencer had also proceeded to throw back a shot a small wince leaving his lips. "You would think after 9,006 years, that we would know how to mask the taste of alcohol."

"I like the pain. Gives a little thrill, don't you think?" Tilting your head at the doctor whose eyes widened a little, his cheeks flushing pink. A small giggle left your lips placing your hand dangerously close to his thigh, turning your attention to the raven haired man beside you.

"What are you nursing there, Hotch?" He turned to his left, eyeing the flustered girl a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he showed her his glass. "Mind if I have a sip?" 

"Of course. Go ahead." The girl gently took the glass from his hands, taking a small sip of the drink a soft hum leaving her lips. He felt his chest tighten at the sight of her lips on the same glass his were just on. She just grinned at the man, handing him back his jack and coke. "Not bad- too Hotch for me." 

Gently rising from your chair at the table, gaining the attention of everyone at the table a grin already plastered on your face. Spencer eyed your radiating body, his brain turning to mush as he tried to focus on the words leaving your pretty lips. Chugging the rest of your cocktail, the cold feeling nice on your warming face. "Time to dance!"

Penelope wasted no time, dragging a more than ready Morgan onto the swarm of people on the dance floor. JJ and Elle had already partnered up, their swaying bodies entwined together. Leaving you in between Spencer and Hotch. Both who looked absolutely delicious-

Hold on- what?


I mean... 

Hotch's black polo did absolute numbers for his muscular body. His biceps just about bulging out of the shirt, snug around his lean torso. Wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around his waist. And don't even mention his gorgeous eyes, with their specks of green becoming visible the closer you got to him.

And then Spencer.

That boy looked like straight out of a rom com. His puppy eyes staring at you intently like nothing around you existed. His chiseled jaw and those puffy lips were all you could think about at work. His button ups fitting him just right, the cardigans about to swallow him whole wishing you were in them as well.


The sound of Hotchs raspy voice speaking broke you out of your trance, blinking away your borderline wet dream about your co-worker and superior. Taking notice of Spencers empty seat, turning to Hotch with a confused look on your face. "He went to the restroom. Everything okay? You were unresponsive there for a second."

"Y-yes. Sorry, I was- I don't even know. You guys both looked so good, my brain started short circuiting." The words were spewing out of your mouth like muscle memory, a shocked expression filtering over the usually furrowed mans face. "How about that dance?"

"Oh no, I don't-"

"Hotchner, don't start. I was promised a dance,"

"-I think that was you doing the promising." You grabbed ahold of his wrist, tugging the protesting man whose eyes had grown soft. "You're awfully strong when you're drunk. Did you know that?"

"I think it's similar to when crack heads do crack, except without the crack." You shouted into his ear, the music practically making it near impossible to hear. Hotch just let a laugh slip out, his hands having found their home on your hips barely touching you, afraid he would mess it all up.

Pitbull had begun to blast through the club, your body swinging to the beat having known the rhythm a little too well for your liking. The clubs lights had gotten dark, except for the strobe lights and stage lights lighting up the crowd every now and then. You could see Penelope shouting the words at Morgan who bared an amused stare at the blonde, dancing with her drunken form the pink spotlight lighting up her blonde hair perfectly.

A whine left your lips at the lack of contact with your dance partner, pressing your body against the towering man above you knowing this exact situation must be written somewhere on what not to do with your boss. He almost halted his movements if it weren't for your hands finding his and wrapping his arms further around your waist. Hands finding their home around his neck, chills going down his spine as he felt how close you were to him.

The music took ahold of your body. Every beat sending your hips to follow half a second later, memorizing the way Hotch followed your every move. As if your bodies were made just for one another; you moved in sync with each other, neither of you having to give cues as if you guys had been doing this for years.

Hotch felt this body growing hotter the longer you were grinding up against him, a small line of guilt bubbling inside but his body seemed to be doing all the thinking for him. His hands tightening their grip on your hips as he pulled you impossibly closer to him a soft gasp leaving your lips. Your body swaying and turning in his grasp pressing your ass against his growing member, Hotch's head leaning into your neck.

You rolled your head back leaning against Hotch's muscular body, trying to see if it was your mind playing tricks on your or if it truly was what you thought it was poking against your ass.

Every touch felt- electric.

The pawing at your body from Hotch made your body writhe in his grasp, feeling yourself getting drunk in his touch. Shaking hands reaching behind you to find his head full of hair and run your fingers through his gelled hair, enjoying the soft rumble against his chest. Turning back around to face him, wondering what was running through his head right now.

Hotch knew he must have looked as crazy as he felt. Scanning every inch of her face, cupping her face in his warm calloused hand tucking her hair away from her face.

He could see every tiny freckle, and scar on your face.

The sparkly gloss coating your lips enticing him the longer you mouthed the words close to his chest.

Every one of his senses was focused on you.

Your perfume.

Your body.

Your gorgeous eyes.

He couldn't look away-

"If you wanted to kiss me Hotch, you could have just asked,"

Before Hotch could lean down and press his awaiting lips on yours, you spotted a tall lanky figure looking around detaching your limbs from the man a giant grin gracing your features. Waving at the approaching figure, tugging the brunette closer to you. The older man almost rolled his eyes, keeping his hands tucked into his pocket his fingers knocking with the shooter you had gifted him earlier.

"Spence! I was about to send out a search party,"

The blushing boy tried to stammer out a response, his eyes locking with Hotch's.

His boss- correction. His friend was staring at him as if he had just came out and told him he was the unsub on a case. Wiping his clammy hands against his dark slacks, wondering what he had interrupted.

"The line to the bathroom was long. If it weren't for the fact that I had to-"

"Did you know that Aaron is a good dancer?" You shouted in Spencers direction, the name slipping off your tongue sweet like honey.

Hotch turned to face the girl replaying the sound of his name falling off of her lips over and over again, hoping she would say it again. Spencer raised a surprised eyebrow at the cheesing girl, whose hold on him hadn't faltered.

"I'm not too surprised. His stature and athleticism point him in the direction of having better coordination than the average person."

"I have no idea what you just said! Maybe Pitbull is having some affect on my hearing," 

"Maybe we should go sit down, hm?" Hotch whispered into your ear, his breath fanning over your face. Nodding along to his words, grabbing ahold of his unsuspecting hand tugging them over to the back corner table you were sitting at. A soft sigh left your lips, as you reached for Hotch's glass tossing the rest of the drink back. 

Spencer eyed your hand that was still holding onto Hotch's practically burning a hole into his much larger hand, a million thoughts coursing through his head. "Next one is on me, Aaron."

"Don't worry about it, sweet girl. Let me go buy another drink, I'll order you a water."

"What! I'm not even close to being done, please..." A pout found its way onto your face," Just one or two more."

Hotch couldn't say no to that face. "One more. Reid, want anything?"

"Can I just get a water, please?"

Hotch untangled your hand from his, his retreating figure hard to miss even with all the people surrounding him. Spencer took this chance to try to erase any progress Hotch had made, his figure seating itself right beside you. His shaking hand found its place on your thigh, a choked sound leaving your lips eyeing the nervous boy standing before you. Your heart just about dropped into your stomach, a fluttering in your stomach as the guy you had been crushing on had made a move.

Please move it higher-

"I wish we could have had our dance, Spence... I'm sure you've got some more tricks up your sleeve I haven't seen."

"I don't think I would have been able to keep it professional if I got my hands on you,"


"What if I didn't want you too?"

You were playing with fire. 

Knowing full well you had just basically had sex with your boss out on the dance floor, but your brain wanted them both. 

And bad. 

Spencers face heated up, his face leaning closer to yours feeling your chest tighten as he almost brushed his lips against yours his warm minty breath burning your eyes slightly. Holding your breath as you felt him pull back a confused look on your face, taking notice of a looming figure coming your way. The feeling of your blood rushing to your already burning face made you feel a little faint, fanning your face to try to cool off.

Morgan raised an eyebrow at the pair of you a knowing look on his face, clapping Spencers shoulder with a smirk on his lips. "My man. I never knew you had it in you,"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, okay. I didn't know it was a secret, sweet girl. Does this mean the nicknames are off limits now?"

You giggled at the reddening of Spencers face, nudging him playfully. "Not at all, baby. But, Spencer is right. We have no idea what you're talking about."

"What is Spencer right about again?"

"Oh, him and our sweets are-"

Spencer had read your mind, sending a swift kick towards Morgan who let out a yelp turning around and giving the brunette a harsh punch to the arm. Hotch felt his face tense at the words Morgan was insinuating, hoping Morgan was just playing a joke on him taking the seat closest to you leaving you sandwiched in between your two wet dreams once more.

"Don't tell me you're all out of dances, sweet girl. I still haven't gotten mine."

"Oh trust, I'm not. I was just waiting on a good song to come on-"

As if someone was listening in on your conversation, Club Can't Handle Me came on a fan favorite between you and Morgan. A loud laugh leaving both of your mouths as he made his way over to you dragging you over to the huge crowd that you had just escaped. Morgans hands expertly found their place on your hips, having danced with the famous flirt many times. 

The way he grinned against your body had you almost a mess, allowing your legs to slip around his thigh dancing on him as if your life depended on it. By this point there was a layer of sweat on both of your bodies, making you look pornographic on the dance floor. His tight v-neck showed off his muscles well in the dim lighting of the bar, his arms practically engulfing you. 

"You're too hot to be here by yourself,"

"Shut up, Morgan."

The pretty boy leaned into the cusp of your ear, his lips brushing up against you. "If looks could kill, your two lover boys would have killed me tenfold." 

Peeking over his shoulder, noticing the evident glares of Hotch and Spencer who looked like they were 2 seconds away from walking over. "Want to help me make them make the first move?”

"You're an absolute minx, you know that?"

You knew Morgan was right, but the alcohol in you just wanted them to walk over and make you theirs. The music had changed to a slow sexier song, knowing if you were to do anything it would have to be now when the music would show everything off.

Closing your eyes allowing the music to guide you, putting every ounce of your being into grinding against Morgan. It didn’t take long of Morgan putting his hands closer to your ass before a cough interrupted the pair of you.

“Mind if I but in, Morgan?”

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

a/n: guys this came to me in the middle of the night and i did NOT stop writing until 5 am. it just kept coming out. and FUCK, i am gnawing at the bars of my enclosure rn. this is my first criminals minds fic pookies.

a/n: GUYS WHAT THE HECK! i am literally writing part two right now, you guys have been so nice to me :,)

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amen 🙏🏼

The real barbie is Y/n.

Y/n’s a doctor, a cop, a scientist, an agent, vet, hero, villain, astronaut, lawyer, spy, criminal, artist, chef, engineer, psychologist, architect, journalist, firefighter, event planner, mechanic, photographer, musician, actor, interior designer, bartender, fashion designer, barista, florist, forensic scientist, flight attendant, profiler, tour guide, translator, etc.

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Draco Malfoy and his Rose Pt.3

Draco Malfoy And His Rose Pt.3

Word Count: 2,227 words

Warnings: cursing, making out, some fluff

November 16th, 1996. The Room of Requirement. 12:36 am.

Hope tugged her hair into a low ponytail, trying to make sure none of her curls were hanging out giving Draco a dirty look. The blonde looked irritated, running his ring cladded fingers through his gel free hair eyeing the angry looking girl as if she had grown two heads.

“A Death Eater!? Malfoy, are you out-of-your-mind?! What in the hell is-”

“Keep your voice down!” The blonde hissed, slapping his hand over her mouth his eyes wide.

Hope parted her lips not hesitating to lick a stripe up his palm, which made him pull away from her wiping his hand on his trousers an annoyed look etched on his face. The small witch felt tears pricking her eyes, looking up at the ceiling in an attempt to stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks.

Draco had never felt so broken, and so lost in his life then he had at this very moment. He was watching his best friend having a break down at the thought of him being a Death Eater.

He let out a shaky breath reaching a hand out, having it moved away by Hope who just snapped her head at him a harsh glare set on her face.

“Don’t. You. Even. Dare.”

A loud sob managed to escape her lips raking through her body, closing her eyes shut as everything started making sense.

The reality of the situation just now hit her like a ton of bricks, feeling her whole body shaking as more heartbreaking cries left her parted lips sinking onto the floor. She covered her face with the sleeves of her hoodie, the hot tears seeping through the grey material as more and more tears streamed down her face.

Hope had never felt so broken. She lost her best friend, in more ways than one, and she knew there was absolutely nothing she could do about it, “Draco... p-please just hold me,”

Draco didn’t hesitate for one moment, letting his knees rest on the stone floor scooping the sobbing girl into his arms tightening his hold on her. He whispered sweet nothings into her hair, rocking her back and forth as he rubbed small circles on her back. The trembling girl clutched at the black button up of his shirt, resting her forehead on his chest as she hiccuped a few gibberish words.

“Lovey... I swear to you on my life. I did it because I had no choice. Besides, nothing will happen to me or you-”

“Draco. The Dark Lord could ask you to kill any of us without a second thought, what would you do then, huh?” The blonde struggled to answer, knowing she had proved a point with her statement.

“You’re telling me,” She pulled away from his chest to lock eyes with his soft stare, “You would not hesitate to kill any of your friends? What if it were Blaise? Or how about a ‘lousy Gryffindor’ like Ron? Or better yet... what about me, Mal?”

A shaky breath left her as she stared intently at his face searching for an answer, feeling her heart shatter as she saw nothing but sorrow and a darkness that wasn’t there several months ago when she saw him up at the Astronomy Tower. 


“Malfoy, you didn’t do it because you had no choice. You always have a choice... if they had tried to do you harm I would be there in an instant. Anyone at this bloody school would stand in front of you, regardless of what you’ve done. You are loved, Mal. Always have been. If Narcissa and Lucius refuse to see what they are doing to their only son, then they really need to re-think each and every single decision they have made up to this point.”

“Is this your way of saying you’re leaving?” He angrily spat, this glare in his eyes sending dagger at the girl who was currently sprawled across his lap. Hope shook her head cupping his cheeks, sensing the boy visibly relax.

“Of course not. I am... I am going to help you through this. This is too much of a burden to carry all on your own. But, if things start involving the harm of any of the students here in Hogwarts, I will not hesitate to turn you in a ferret and leave you in this dingy room.” She tried to make light of the situation, making the blonde turn a shade of red at the statement nodding to her words. Hope leaned down pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek, holding him tight as he hummed appreciatively.

“I love you, Rose,”

“I love you too, Draco,”

November 17th 1996. The Great Hall. 1:16 pm.

Hope let out a chuckle as she saw the Golden Trio making their way over to her, a flushed expression on their faces. She popped a few grapes into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully as they took a seat on either side of her, with Hermione on one side of Ron flashing a quick smile. Unbeknownst to the smiling girl, there were a pair of grey eyes already watching her, stabbing rather angrily at his salad. 

“Hi Hope,” The redhead breathed out rather heavily, his cheeks almost as strikingly red as his full head of hair. You pursed your lips, fighting off a smile as you eyed the pair.

“Hello, Ronald... Why do you guys look like you’ve just finished running from a herd of Hippogriffs,”

“Harry thought it would be a bloody good idea to go on a rant about a certain toad. She happened to turn the corner at the same time, but since there were several other kids in the hallway we decided it be best if we hurried here as quickly as we could so she wouldn’t remove any more house points.” He choked out, taking a swig out of Hope’s cup, some of the orange juice making it’s way down his chin. After Hope smacked him upside the head, all she heard after that was Hermione scolding him for being a pig, before they got into a heated discussion off to the side. She rolled her eyes, facing the dark haired Gryffindor her cheeks flushing pink as she caught him staring at her. A teasing glint gleamed in his eyes, wetting his lips as he caught her growing flustered at his small action.

“Hey, H,”

“Hi... you look really pretty today,” Harry smiled at the brunette, reaching up to brush a stray curl out of her face her grin growing wider. Feeling her breath getting caught in her throat as she felt Harry scooting in closer to her on the bench, attempting to get as close as possible without being weird.

“Thank you, H. I don’t think I can say the same about yourself-”

“Oh sod off,” Harry laughed shoving her playfully, sending her into a fit of giggles as she almost bumped into the redhead behind her, “You love me, Lupin,”

“You are very much correct about that,” Hope sent the grinning boy a sly wink, fiddling with the hem of her skirt as she leaned in close to the boy whose eyes had widened, “Remember that morning in your dorm room-” At those words Harry felt himself growing flustered, nodding tentatively, “And what we talked about when we went down to the Common Room.”


“I made up my mind. If the offer still stands, I would love to go out with you, Potter.” Harry practically beamed at her words, cupping her face eagerly pressing his lips against hers as he poured all the emotions he could into that kiss. Hope gingerly place her hands on his chest, melting into his touch before pulling away from the heated kiss. She failed to notice the bickering friends behind her had stopped arguing, now sitting gaping at the action they had just witnessed.

Draco dropped his fork onto the table, making it clatter rather loudly a wave of rage washing over him. He felt sick to his stomach watching Potter and his dear Rose lip locked, nearly gagging at the sight focusing on his salad having lost all of his appetite. The sound of Draco fuming beside her had made Pansy shut her mouth turning to face Goyle instead as she watched Draco, anxiously awaiting his next move.

“I don’t think you understand how happy those few words made me,”

“Well, I mean... I could take them back-” Hope teased, letting out a giggle as the boy recaptured her lips in his, laughing into the kiss as she caught sight of pout resting on his face, “You’re a big baby, Potter.”

“Ummm... hello?! When in the hell did this happen?” Ron exclaimed, a shocked expression on his face eyeing the pair who just sat there looking flustered.

“Remember that day where Seamus, Dean and Neville were making fun of me very early in the morning, and we woke you up?”

“Uh huh...?”

“Well, the reason they were making fun of me was because they had caught Hope in my room, a-and the curtains happened to be shut around my bed,” That sentence caught Ron’s attention, a cheeky grin spreading across his face eyeing the couple who just blushed. The red-head 

“Oh you dirty dog,”

“Ron! You’re one to talk. What about you and Lavender? You guys were horrendous at least they had the decency to do it behind closed doors,” Hermione scoffed, slapping the red head upside the head making him sulk as he rubbed the sore spot, “But I’m happy for you guys, truly. You guys are cute together-”

“Lupin. Professor Umbridge would like to speak to you. At once,” The sound of someone practically hissing her name caught her attention, looking up to see an angry looking Draco. She flashed him a soft smile, picking up her hoodie off of her lap giving a quick wave to the group making her way to follow the blonde. A hand wrapped around her wrist, stumbling backwards into a broad chest.

“Hold on,” Harry cupped her face, pressing his lips against hers holding her close to him. Hope’s eyes fluttered close, feeling her chest tighten at his intoxicating touch, her nimble hands clutching his robes before she hear someone scoff behind her forcing her to pull away from him.

“10 points from Gryffindor. Lupin unless you want Umbridge to hear about this, then I suggest you hurry,”

“I’ll see you later, H,” Hope mumbled, briskly following behind a seething Malfoy whose pace only seemed to increase struggling to catch up to his long strides. “Slow down there, buddy,” She rolled her eyes as she felt him grab a hold of her arm, dragging her into a nearby empty classroom locking the door with the flick of his wand.

“What-in-the-hell, Rose-Anne?” He growled, turning on his heels facing the brunette who had taken a seat on top of one of the desks, setting her books and wand on the open desk beside her, “How long?”

“You know, people think you’re crazy every single time to call me Rose, considering they all know me for my name; Hope.”

“Lupin, I have called you Rose-Anne since I knew what words were... If it bothers you that much then I’ll quit-”

“No, no. I find it cute,” You made the blonde blush, his already reddening cheeks growing a shade darker shaking his head at your comment. Attempting to ask you the previous question he had asked you, wanting to know when you and Potter had grown all lovey dovey.

“Potter and I? Not long. I guess we always just had slight attractions to one another since the beginning, but we didn’t do anything besides hang out and hang out a few times on our own until like a couple weeks ago. Since then, we’ve just been testing the waters,” Draco angrily ran his fingers through his hair, throwing his head back rolling his eyes at her words. Potter. Of all the guys in the Hogwarts, she chose the scummiest of the scum. He thought to himself, swiping his tongue across his lips wetting them in the process. 

Hope hopped off the desk, making her way over to the boy who looked like he was going to burst in any second. She tentatively rest her hand on his shoulder, his body stiffening before relaxing at her touch. He let her wrap her arms around his waist, her head resting on his chest humming softly at his warm embrace. They stood there for a few moments, enjoying one another’s presence, before he parted from her holding her a few inches from him. His light grey eyes scanned her face, trying to see if he found any sort of sign of her lying to him.

“Does he make you happy?”

“Yes... he really does.”

“Then... as much as it pains me,” She giggled, messing with his black robes peering up at him, “I’m okay with it. If you’re happy, then that’s all that matters. But, if he lays a hand on you in any way, or if he even dares to dream of hurting you. I won’t hesitate to hex him,” Draco teased, a serious underlying tone in his words making her smile nodding her head.

“Thank you, Mal. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, I don’t really think I could considering we just made it official about...10 minutes ago,”

“About that, if you start snogging like that anywhere where I can see you, I will not even begin to second guess myself before taking points.”

“Oh shush. Let’s go back and finish lunch, I didn’t even get to eat all of my grapes,”

a/n: this took me 5397394 years to finish. please lemme know if you guys have any questions, or if you have any feedback. my requests are always open. thank you lovelies <3.

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hi lovelies! i currently have some time off from work, so if you would like to request anything feel free! if you would like me to use your name, your hair color, your eye color then let me know. thank you lovelies! <3

also! if you guys would like to read my work and give me any feedback or criticism i would greatly appreciate it :)

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