5 Things That Never Happened To Stephanie Brown - Tumblr Posts
5 Things That Never Happened to Stephanie Brown
When Stephanie Brown put on the Robin suit that Batman gave for the first time, it felt so good. The smell of fresh kevlar, the stiffness of something not yet worn, the knowledge that this was hers and hers only.
And when she’s flitting from building to building, flipping in the places were others have been before, the Robin suit has never felt more right.
When Batman first placed his hand onto her shoulder and told her “Good job” after her first successful night out, Stephanie felt above the world.
And when the first civilian she saves beams at her and says, “Thank you Robin!” she feels warm to the core.
When she’s Spoiler and he’s Robin and they’re out patrolling together, swinging past buildings and kissing on rooftops, she feels ecstatic. When she’s Robin and he’s Tim Drake and she sneaks into his room and she gets to kiss him while looking into his beautiful blue eyes, she thinks she can live with it.
And when she’s Batgirl and he’s Red Robin and they move together with an ease that others would be jealous of, it only feels right that she reaches up and he leans down and they meet in the middle.
When her dad comes back home with the happiest look on his face and announces that he booked Bruce Wayne for his show, Stephanie and her mom jump up to congratulate him. And when he says that he can bring her onto set and introduce her to him, she thinks she has never felt happier in her life.
And when she’s finally on set, she finds that her eyes aren’t on Bruce Wayne but the younger boy following him in, who is totally her type. She thinks her heart melts when he smiles at her and introduces himself as Tim Drake.
When Dr. Stephanie Brown finds Red Robin bleeding out on her door step, she rolls her eyes and pulls out her kit, already used to the common occurrence. She silently stitches him up, and leaves some pain meds waiting for him.
And if she lingers slightly to brush his hair out of his face and her eyes stare a little too long, well, that’s nothing.
5 More Things That Never Happened to Stephanie Brown
Part two of 5 things that never happened to Stephanie.
1. The Even Number Robins When the doors of her cell blow down and a guy in a red helmet comes in guns blaring, mouth swearing, the first thought that pops up in Steph’s mind isn’t cool entrance or even damn, this guy’s ripped.
She’s not thinking any coherent thought actually, just that she’s never coming back to Japan.
But those thoughts kind of disappeared when the guy stepped in front of her and snorts, “Who the fuck are you?”
And so, the even numbered screw up robins meet.
Her last regret before she dies is that she’s eaten less than a thousand waffles her entire life.
She likes to think she snorts back something smart but to be honest, she’s a little out of it so maybe her account is a little skewed up.
But the basics are there and that’s what matters.
Then he takes her somewhere and gets her healed and tells her to enjoy the couch, he’s taking the bed.
Who says chivalry is dead?
And years later, when she’s calling him, warbling a heeeeeey Jacion and he’s picking up with a sigh and a grunt and plea to have her extracted from his life, she knows that they’ve really formed a bond.
2. Harmony Stephanie remembers when she had a voice.
When she would skip around and laugh and joke and words would fall from her lips like water drops and all gone all gone.
Stephanie remembers when her father took them all away.
Stephanie remembers the fear, Stephanie remembers the smell of beer, Stephanie remembers the jeers.
Stephanie remembers when she had harmony.
Stephanie remembers mute mute mute.
Stephanie remembers ugly and clashing and anger and warring emotions and then.
Stephanie remembers the blue eyed boy who brought so much light into her life, who made her smile like no other, who helped her find harmony again.
When Stephanie finally steps up onto the stage to play her piano piece, her eyes only see Tim.
And when she allows her fingers to gently rest upon the keys and create a flowing melody, she remembers Tim gently encouraging her to keep playing.
When she’s done and breathing heavily and smiling with absolute delight and applause is ringing all around her–
She only sees Tim.
(Years late she’ll sit him down and start playing, placing all her emotions into the song until Tim hugs her and repeats her message back to her ten times over and she leans up and he leans down and she learns another form of harmony.
3. Beware the Spoiler Batgirl was hers. But with her legs out of commission, Batgirl is a distant spot in the horizon.
It’s time to move on. It’s time for a new name.
She’s always liked Spoiler.
Years later when she’s ruthlessly hacking into Jason’s phone and Tim’s games and Dick’s laptop and Lex Luthor’s company, she gets a grim feel of delight as countless of people are stumped by the Spoiler.
4. Meet the Family “Are you nervous?” Tim asks her gently, as he guided her up the stairs.
“I’m about to meet my boyfriend’s family, who just happen to be one of the richest families in the world, and could buy my family without blinking an eye. No. I am not nervous. In fact, I am the epitome of not nervous,” Steph rambled, apprehensive. She knew she shouldn’t have gone for the shy boy sitting in the corner, reading.
Tim just laughs and guides her gently in and she pretends that she’s not clinging onto Tim’s hand like a lifeline.
Years later, when she screaming after Damian and chasing after Jason to get her phone back, she wonders how she could have ever been scared of them.
(And when Tim finally kneels on one knee and pulls out a ring, the only answer bursting from her lips is yes yes always.)
5. Hope Shines Bright Stephanie Brown is a dignified ambassador of the Blue Lantern Corp. She does not get angry with a little upstart named Damian makes fun of her chest, she does not throw a car at Sinestro Corp Bruce when he angers her, and her heart does not skip a beat when Green Lantern Tim Drake smiles at her.
(But damn his eyes are so blue and his muscles are just-)
She does not blush when Tim presents her with a flower, she does not get distracted by his mouth when he’s talking, and she does not feel warm inside when he wraps her up in his arms after pulling her out of the way from a life threatening hit.
She does not feel ecstatic when she and Tim are partnered up, her heart does not speed up whenever he tenderly dresses her wounds, she does not feel warm fuzzies remembering that she makes him stronger.
Stephanie is in denial and very much in love.