5 Things - Tumblr Posts
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (⌒‐⌒)
Hmmmm five things? Art and music for sure! My partners and friends too, and researching ^^
So the list of what makes me happy goes:
My partners
My friends
Thanks for the ask btw! This was actually really fun to do ^^
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your followers, mutuals and all the wonderful people on here!
five things that make me happy-
1) Cats
2) Art
4) the games i play (Genshin, twst, ikevamp, rev. 1999, hsr, mystic messenger, etc)
5) last but not least- and the one i hold most important; My friends (including moots on here) - who are the family that I wish I had growing up.
Oh hey, thanks for the tag! I'm quite flattered ^v^
Now let's see here, some things I like about myself....
My artistic abilities I guess it's a bit of a no-brainer considering my blog's main subject matter, lol. I think it's just pretty cool that I have the ability to think of a thing and make it tangibly exist, weather that be on paper or in cuddly 3D form.
My creative mind Yes I'm counting this as a separate point, mainly because I'm specifically referring to all the little stories and scenarios I create i my head with all the characters I hyperfixate on. Seriously, I've practically fleshed out an entire world in my brain and I'm highly considering rambling about it on my blog sometime.
My empathy (mostly) Despite the fact that I'm hyper-empathetic and my empathy often works to my detriment, I'm still glad that I have the ability to care for others. I know for a fact that there's at least one person in existence who's expressed directly to me that they feel like I care about them in a tangible way, and that feels quite rewarding in it's own right.
My singing voice While I wouldn't consider it a proper hobby of mine (I'd say it falls into more of a "vocal stim" category) I think my singing voice is quite pleasant.
My scars This may be a bit strange paired with the other things in this list, but I like the odd few scars on my skin. In this case, specifically the stretch marks across my hips. I just think they're pretty neat. Kinda like battle scars from merely existing.
Sorry this got a bit long and rambly, I hope you guys don't mind too much ^^"
Anyway, here are the people I've decided to tag! (But no pressure if you don't feel like responding!)
@luminesnake, @kingborb, @spooky-noodles-04 (I've noticed you popping up regularly, your presence is appreciated :D) @lemonmatronics (Sorry I haven't been interacting with your posts as much lately, but I still wanted to include you because you were one of my first moots!) @craftiestsloth, @wittymumbledon, @celestite-caroline (Cool people with cool art) @heartbroken-hitman, @redsea8me, @galaxyforu (Shout out to my fellow Gobots fans! (who also do cool art)) @motormusker (Writer extraordinaire, and my beloved partner <3)
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)!!
still can’t believe u follow me jeez ur art is cool…
Hmmmmmmm ok. I'll tag em. And thank u :3
I like my ability to win every single time in every single way because I'm spiteful. ❤️
I like my pookie @blitzedwing3576 (not about me, but still UwU)
I like the little beauty marks on my body. They look like inverted stars :)
I like my face because I'm an unsettling amount of perfect blend of features from my parents, like, upper face is dad, lower face is mom.
I like the fact that I'm a bit batshit. It spices my head up UwU
And anyone else!
💌List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :3💌
Oh hii!! Tysm for this ><
1. My followers 💕💕
2. Baking 🧁 <3
3. Books 📚 <3 (Especially romance nd very naughty books ><)
4. My plushies 🧸 <3
5. Shopping 🛍 <3
Tysm again for this ml 💕
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)!!
I got this twice so.... I'll just do the most recent one?
I have two tabby cats named Cinnamon(orange) and Misty(brown and grey)
2. Im a theater Junkie
3. My dream is to move to Scotland and open a book store (I <3 rainy weather and books)
4. my biggest goal in life is to learn how to drive (I cant because of medical issues ICK)
5. Autism.
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. :)
1.) My family2.) Drawing3.) Music4.) Writing5.) Singing :)
5 Things That Never Happened to Stephanie Brown
When Stephanie Brown put on the Robin suit that Batman gave for the first time, it felt so good. The smell of fresh kevlar, the stiffness of something not yet worn, the knowledge that this was hers and hers only.
And when she’s flitting from building to building, flipping in the places were others have been before, the Robin suit has never felt more right.
When Batman first placed his hand onto her shoulder and told her “Good job” after her first successful night out, Stephanie felt above the world.
And when the first civilian she saves beams at her and says, “Thank you Robin!” she feels warm to the core.
When she’s Spoiler and he’s Robin and they’re out patrolling together, swinging past buildings and kissing on rooftops, she feels ecstatic. When she’s Robin and he’s Tim Drake and she sneaks into his room and she gets to kiss him while looking into his beautiful blue eyes, she thinks she can live with it.
And when she’s Batgirl and he’s Red Robin and they move together with an ease that others would be jealous of, it only feels right that she reaches up and he leans down and they meet in the middle.
When her dad comes back home with the happiest look on his face and announces that he booked Bruce Wayne for his show, Stephanie and her mom jump up to congratulate him. And when he says that he can bring her onto set and introduce her to him, she thinks she has never felt happier in her life.
And when she’s finally on set, she finds that her eyes aren’t on Bruce Wayne but the younger boy following him in, who is totally her type. She thinks her heart melts when he smiles at her and introduces himself as Tim Drake.
When Dr. Stephanie Brown finds Red Robin bleeding out on her door step, she rolls her eyes and pulls out her kit, already used to the common occurrence. She silently stitches him up, and leaves some pain meds waiting for him.
And if she lingers slightly to brush his hair out of his face and her eyes stare a little too long, well, that’s nothing.
5 More Things That Never Happened to Stephanie Brown
Part two of 5 things that never happened to Stephanie.
1. The Even Number Robins When the doors of her cell blow down and a guy in a red helmet comes in guns blaring, mouth swearing, the first thought that pops up in Steph’s mind isn’t cool entrance or even damn, this guy’s ripped.
She’s not thinking any coherent thought actually, just that she’s never coming back to Japan.
But those thoughts kind of disappeared when the guy stepped in front of her and snorts, “Who the fuck are you?”
And so, the even numbered screw up robins meet.
Her last regret before she dies is that she’s eaten less than a thousand waffles her entire life.
She likes to think she snorts back something smart but to be honest, she’s a little out of it so maybe her account is a little skewed up.
But the basics are there and that’s what matters.
Then he takes her somewhere and gets her healed and tells her to enjoy the couch, he’s taking the bed.
Who says chivalry is dead?
And years later, when she’s calling him, warbling a heeeeeey Jacion and he’s picking up with a sigh and a grunt and plea to have her extracted from his life, she knows that they’ve really formed a bond.
2. Harmony Stephanie remembers when she had a voice.
When she would skip around and laugh and joke and words would fall from her lips like water drops and all gone all gone.
Stephanie remembers when her father took them all away.
Stephanie remembers the fear, Stephanie remembers the smell of beer, Stephanie remembers the jeers.
Stephanie remembers when she had harmony.
Stephanie remembers mute mute mute.
Stephanie remembers ugly and clashing and anger and warring emotions and then.
Stephanie remembers the blue eyed boy who brought so much light into her life, who made her smile like no other, who helped her find harmony again.
When Stephanie finally steps up onto the stage to play her piano piece, her eyes only see Tim.
And when she allows her fingers to gently rest upon the keys and create a flowing melody, she remembers Tim gently encouraging her to keep playing.
When she’s done and breathing heavily and smiling with absolute delight and applause is ringing all around her–
She only sees Tim.
(Years late she’ll sit him down and start playing, placing all her emotions into the song until Tim hugs her and repeats her message back to her ten times over and she leans up and he leans down and she learns another form of harmony.
3. Beware the Spoiler Batgirl was hers. But with her legs out of commission, Batgirl is a distant spot in the horizon.
It’s time to move on. It’s time for a new name.
She’s always liked Spoiler.
Years later when she’s ruthlessly hacking into Jason’s phone and Tim’s games and Dick’s laptop and Lex Luthor’s company, she gets a grim feel of delight as countless of people are stumped by the Spoiler.
4. Meet the Family “Are you nervous?” Tim asks her gently, as he guided her up the stairs.
“I’m about to meet my boyfriend’s family, who just happen to be one of the richest families in the world, and could buy my family without blinking an eye. No. I am not nervous. In fact, I am the epitome of not nervous,” Steph rambled, apprehensive. She knew she shouldn’t have gone for the shy boy sitting in the corner, reading.
Tim just laughs and guides her gently in and she pretends that she’s not clinging onto Tim’s hand like a lifeline.
Years later, when she screaming after Damian and chasing after Jason to get her phone back, she wonders how she could have ever been scared of them.
(And when Tim finally kneels on one knee and pulls out a ring, the only answer bursting from her lips is yes yes always.)
5. Hope Shines Bright Stephanie Brown is a dignified ambassador of the Blue Lantern Corp. She does not get angry with a little upstart named Damian makes fun of her chest, she does not throw a car at Sinestro Corp Bruce when he angers her, and her heart does not skip a beat when Green Lantern Tim Drake smiles at her.
(But damn his eyes are so blue and his muscles are just-)
She does not blush when Tim presents her with a flower, she does not get distracted by his mouth when he’s talking, and she does not feel warm inside when he wraps her up in his arms after pulling her out of the way from a life threatening hit.
She does not feel ecstatic when she and Tim are partnered up, her heart does not speed up whenever he tenderly dresses her wounds, she does not feel warm fuzzies remembering that she makes him stronger.
Stephanie is in denial and very much in love.
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!
Five Random Happy Things
Well written fan fiction. I want to get drawn into your fantasy!
A happy interaction with a stranger. I usually avoid strangers.
A really nice pen. A nib of 0.5 and a smooth line.
A friendly dog.
A nice hot shower.
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers 💗 (No pressure, only if you want to.)
Ah, the legendary 5 things question. Thanks for this. A lot of things make me happy, and most of them are odd. But aren't we all?
Being right
Like, when you correctly guess an ending to something or predict what a character is going to say next, even just randomly saying it's going to rain and it does. Those little 'hey, turns out I was right' moments give me little mood boosts (and anego boost as well, let me be honest).
Quirky Pencils
I do a lot of my writing on my phone or tablet, but a fair amount I do by hand. And I don't use pens, that a big no. I use pencils. They just feel more personal, you know? Less like I'm doing an assignment or taking notes in class and more like my writing is just for me. I love finding pencils with odd shapes or colours or that have anything special about them . Happy me.
I love my socks. I like to dance around awkwardly in my room and socks are a requirement for achieving maximum spin velocity. I have socks of different colours, designs, lengths, fabrics and more. I love my socks. They make me happy
Rediscovering my thought process
I love it when I go back to something I once wrote, be it a WIP or something completed, or even just a note, and I can remember what I was thinking as I wrote it. When I read a scene I wrote and remember the song I was listening to while I wrote it, as well as my plans for another scene I imagined while writing it. That makes me happy.
My Fandoms
Whether it's a new one or an old one, I'm obsessed with these worlds and communities I escape to. I have so many that I can just pick a fandom to suit my need at the moment. And I love the people in them. I love the writers and the artists and the people who make wild and wacky comments on everything. It makes me happy that I'm part of that.
Hello 👋🏻 List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! ✨
1. Coffee
2. Hearing laughter
3. Dogs
4. Wearing my husbands shirt
5. Reading Pedro character smut
slides in with question
List 5 things that make you happy, and put this in the ask box of 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you!
(btw you dont have to answer on the spot :3) (btwbtw: LOVE YOUR WORK /POS)
Things that make me happy? I have a lot but if it comes to here I guess I can think of some things.
1: I like it when people reblog my stuff, especially the things that aren't overly popular. Like half of my art that has a shit ton of attention are of the smiling critter things and then I look at my OCs that have... Like 2 reblogs and maybe 4 likes. So I like it when people look my OC art because I worked a lot on those (even the lore bits)
2: I enjoy getting comments and asks about little things about myself, it's fun to write about the things I like.. And maybe getting asks for my OCs? I LOVE WRITING ABOUT THEM PLEASE SOMEONE ASK CECE SOMETHI-
3: I don't know why people use the tags to comment on people's posts when they reblog things but sometimes it can be so funny to see their reaction, and it's unironically the funniest thing. Also some of the messages of the reblogged posts are so funny 💀. The McDonald's Gabriel thingy I did that kinda blew up has so many people being like "yes I'll have (a food from the restaurant)" but yeah. Now I'm kinda just rambling lol.
4: These last two are kinda tricky because these never happened (yet) and I'm sure any artist can relate to the sheer volume of happiness that can suddenly materialize within you, but it's when people comment about my art and how much they love it, I know that I'm good at art it's just sometimes I kinda doubt my ability or get down on myself when things don't get attention but I gotta remember it's the stinky algorithm.
5: For this, I hope one day it'll happen. But I love getting fanart of my OCs, so far it's really only been my small friend group whose been drawing for each other, and even from them I get happy about seeing my OCs in their art styles or just doing stupid shit. Or with their OCs.
But yeah that's pretty much what I can think of.
I don't know how to do the askbox shit so I'll just ping 10 people here and hope I don't explode from doing things wrong, please don't drag me into the shadow realm.
@angelcat123 @aprosin @clownpalette @cameraclown06 @gardensofcanaan @little-miss-impersonator @handhourgalleries @callie-flower @purpletrashsnake @izel-scribbles
(Also this totally isn't a promotion for my mother but guys please follow @handhourgalleries , she's my mom and she's very cool, her art looks so edible I'd eat her art as a late night snack. Do it now/j)
Thanks for tagging me redwolfink
5 things I can talk about??.. Uhh
5) Maybe some games/movies/series I'm interested in?? Like TMC, Pokemon, and BaTIM ect.
4) Talking about my favorite characters from said media and their lore I love coming up with theories about them and such, and having an excuse to talk about them lmao.
3) The process of how I draw things and or possible designs and lore for them, since drawing is my favorite thing besides writing I do like talking about my art and how I drew some of them, that and who the people are in it.
2) My own OCs. My OCs are my everything, if you ask questions about one of my OCs I will never shut up about them my guy I love talking about them (subtle nod to the ask blog to Cece is open pls ask her something 😭😭😭)
1) Headcanons and possible AUs for my OCs, Also especially Cecelia because I love her/j
@aprosin @handhourgalleries @angelcat123 @cameraclown06 @egratuey @little-miss-impersonator @kaymeewise @callie-flower
I saw this meme going around on twitter and I think it'll be perfect for this account.
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.
@aprosin @cameraclown06 @angelcat123 @egratuey @kaymeewise
Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favorite.
Tagged By: @nixalegos and @captzexx
Tagging: @aglitchysylveon @duraxxor @lightandwinged @saltsparkle @videtur-existentia
Share 5 songs you listen to and then send this ask to 10 of your fave followers!! (If you wanna) [Copy and pasted :))]
Songs that I listen to?? Uhh okay. (Share 5 songs you've been listening to then tag 10 people to continue the chain)
1, Couture by Epstyle
2, Untrust Us by Crystal Castles
3, Fighting with The Melody by Jimmy Urine
4, Neon Blade by Moon Deity
5, As Above So Below or Half God Half Devil by In This Moment
@aprosin @cameraclown06 @egratuey @bunnelain64 @gaberat @pugufish @kaymeewise @angelcat123 @theweirdnessfunny @handhourgalleries
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :)
1. Listening to music
2. Playing the piano
3. Books
4. Rain
5. Watching movies and series