7 Warlords - Tumblr Posts
It's really interesting and intentional that of the original 7 warlords, at least 4 of them are amongst the pirates with the most atrocities committed against them by the hands of the world government (celestial dragons) the system they used to work (liberal use of the word) for and occasionally defend.
obviously, Doffy's situation as an outsed celestial dragon is distinctly very different from Boa, and Kuma who were previously slaves and the oppression of Jimbe’s entire race* but it also raises the interesting pattern of all the former oppressed* warlords eventually in some way allying or helping Luffy because they just sense the freedom Luffy embodies while Doffy as a Celestial dragon is threatened by it.
I wonder what this means for Crocodile and Mihawk the only Warlords with still vague origins and arguably the most complicated relationships to the strawhats.
The Seraphim & The Concept of Self
I wonder who picked the Seraphim's outfits cause at first glance when you only look at S-Hawk and S-Snake it feels like there's a standard uniform. then you see the whole group and there's definitely some individuality going on; like S-Bear just wearing a mini kuma outfit, S-Shark with the gi, my man Moria got a little suspender situation going on over there. S-mingo wearing a whole ass hawain shirt. So there's definitely some variety though they all incorporate white in some way. And I wonder if maybe they got some input into what they wore one of the only acts of "free will" they were allowed was choosing whether they wore shorts or long pants which is as adorable as it is sad.
Because think about the implications that they are dressed to the taste of their adult counterparts, right down to how doffy and mihawk like to open their shirts (except for S-Snake which thank god) but yeah what if it wasn't an allowance of free will but a test to see just how deep DNA ran. If it could influence something as simple as choice of clothing, just another fact for Vega punk to marvel at.
Or maybe the clothes were chosen by one of the Vega punks (I can imagine Shaka doing it) or one of the other various lab assistants. And it's just another way to get them to embody the warlords, to reinforce who they were cloned to be, impressing on them that they are not their own people, their lives are not their own. They are already predetermined; from what powers they get, to what weapons they use, even down to what clothes they wear. Everything reinforces that they are not people, just "better" "stronger" versions of someone else.
Either way, and It might have not have been purposely meant that way because I'm pretty sure Vega punk doesn't really register them as human (which is weird cause he treats stussy very humanly and a whole other can of worms seeing as they seem to be aware and possess a personality to some capacity) it's another way of dehumanizing them, reducing them to the people they are meant to become. They have no "free will" no illusion of choice; they have a predetermined destiny, a pre-determined order, there was never any room for choice even down to the shirts on their back.
I wonder how the marines got the blood of the warlord or their genetic materials to even make clones.
Like is this why they always had a spread during the meetings? Rooting through the trash trying to collect their precious saliva-filled cutlery.
Something about Vegapunk using the dna and blood of a caged and experimented on child to create more caged child experiments and the cycles we perpetuate.
Because what does it mean that all that King has left as proof, that the lunarians were real, that they existed as a tribe, as a people, are seven manufactured children he doesn’t even know about, enslaved as weapons to the government that wiped out the culture they’ll never get to be a part of, and Alber himself another enslaved child lost to something he’ll never fully know.
And what of the warlords? Already young once and hurt by their government, young again and slaves to it. Boa looking at a version of her practically pulled out of time stuck in her worst nightmare or Jimbei looking at a version of himself living out a past he escaped by the skin of his teeth but so many he loved didn’t, even Doffy once again at the mercy of the people that already abandoned him, has Kuma not suffered enough? Given enough, is this child version of him doomed to repeat the same path he already could not escape from . Property of the world government, beholden to the celestial dragons, this version of me that cannot go free?
It’s interesting that Vegapunk joined the government so that he could do the most good, but look at the long line of people right infront of him that he’s hurt with his own hands.
Lux's connection to the 7 Warlords?
Lux has had minor interactions with several Warlords during her time at the marines, this is mainly due to her heritage.
Lux idolised Mihawk as a child, her father was friendly towards Mihawk in a very similar way to Shanks. However, Lux's father instead used this to create alliances over friendship. Since joining the marines, Lux often checks on Mihawk by checking his bounty posters when they came out. It was her way of keeping distant as a marine while making sure her dad's old associate was alright.
Lux has had very few interactions with Doflamingo, she finds him to be unsettling, reminds her too much of her dad. She keeps her distance from him, avoiding any encounter she can unless she is required to be around him.
Lux has again, not had many encounters with Kuma, but she knows her father sees him as a good friend and so keeps an eye on him when she can. She wants to one day befriend Bonney and tell her how cool her dad is. Lux wishes she could've helped Kuma more.
Gecko Moria.
Lux has not interacted with Gecko Moria, she finds him greatly irritating from rumours she's heard. Any attempt to put Lux on a mission where Gecko Moria is involved will result in Lux putting out her fire and therefore making herself bedridden until the mission has passed.
Trafalgar Law.
Lux has interacted with Law a few times, she attempts to relate to him through comics from her homeland of Kholodon, though she's not much a comic person, and has no interest in his comic knowledge. She tries to make friends since they're within the same age range, however it usually fails.
Boa Hancock.
Lux has not interacted with Hancock, however it is well known among the marines that Lux is a huge fan girl of her's. Lux is most definitely crushing, though she will never say it out loud.
Lux has never interacted with him, and wants to keep it that way. She finds him childish and immature, and that's rich coming from her. She has a distain for him, just from what she's heard by word of mouth.
She hates him, refers to him as 'a man with a personality like his physical body, dry.' Lux has interacted with Crocodile on several occasions, usually being alongside Smoker when the two clash. Lux was also in charge of handling paperwork during Smoker's promotion.
Lux used to get along quite well with Teach when she was younger, even seeing him as a possible friend. Now that she is older, Lux has a disdain for Blackbeard, she would spit in his face if given the chance. Lux wishes she never interacted with Teach.