A Reminder - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

My blog regularly touches on male supremacy and misogyny. I want to make clear that this is all done as a fantasy between consenting adults. Whilst it's hot to play around with dark fantasies involving subverting feminism and feminist concepts as kink I am strongly against laws and systems of oppression and concerned about the increasing legal threats to the rights of women and trans people. Trans people and women deserve bodily autonomy and access to healthcare.

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11 months ago

Once you start harassing people over their tastes in fiction, you've gone too far.

You should not be sending anon hate.

You should not be telling people to kill themselves.

You should not be contacting people's family members, job, or school.

You should not be sending people gore.

You should not be telling people that they deserve their trauma.

You should not be attacking people over liking something fictional. At that point, you're the problem. Not the person making things you don't like, YOU. Harassment is never acceptable.

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8 months ago

Men can be:



Stay at home dads

Maternity nurses

Makeup artists

Fashion designers


Beauty gurus

Candle makers




Nail artists

Child carers

House cleaners

Cake makers


Men can’t be:

Held back by your nonsensical notion that being a certain gender dictates what you are able to do and enjoy as a career or hobby

Stopped from being awesome at any of the above

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7 months ago

Friendly reminder that while our shared interest is the literal fetishization of pregnancy, the fantasy world is not reality. Pregnancy is not a gift nor a requirement to be forced upon people. Consent must be our most valued principle. Someone who does not want to be pregnant should not have to be. No matter how it happened.

We as a community owe pregnant people respect, and we as a society owe all people who can become pregnant the right of choice to prevent, terminate, or carry a pregnancy to term as they so desire. Fuck governments that say otherwise.

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7 months ago

If you're new to me yelling about this: my neighbors feed a feral cat colony but provide no other care to the colony like neuter/spay or vaccination. They free feed the cats, which attracts skunks, and they have (at the moment) about 20 cats in the colony, which attracts coyotes.

My dog has been skunked twice, she can't be outside in our yard unsupervised for even a minute because otherwise she'll try to eat cat shit because there's cat shit everywhere in my yard because the neighbors also haven't provided litterboxes or a sandbox for their ferals (their entire yard is paved) and if she has to go outside at night I need to clear the yard for coyotes before I let her out even in the small fenced area by our bedroom.

Also there are fleas fucking *everywhere* and even though my dog is on medication to prevent fleas I need to de-flea her twice a week in the summer; this is the case for every dog owner on the street.

The street I live on has a speed limit of 25mph but I hear cats getting hit frequently, so frequently that we have a resident group of crows who hang out and wait for them to become roadkill.

I have a collection of photos on my phone that show kittens with broken legs, kittens with missing eyes, kittens with horrible ear mite infections, and I have a dedicated shovel that I use for moving cat corpses that show up on my property. The cats that die on my property die from abscessed wounds from fights with other cats, respiratory infections, renal failure, and injuries from being hit by cars.

My spouse is immune compromised, and while toxoplasmosis is not a serious risk for most people, it IS a serious risk for people who are immune compromised (as are all the other infections that cats can potentially carry), which means that it's unsafe for me to grow vegetables in my yard for us to eat and it's unsafe for him to work in the yard.

I'd love to maybe open my windows at night and keep down the electricity costs of using the AC, but I can't because the entire side of my house that faces my neighbor's yard reeks of cat shit and piss year round.

Those are my next door neighbors.

Last week I was walking my dog as a neighbor around the corner was pulling out of her garage; she paused and rolled down her window and pointed at the cats on her lawn and said "Head's up, my cats are weirdly aggressive about small dogs and they just got let out so they're full of energy right now" and I nodded and crossed the street and didn't yell at my neighbor but *the temptation was there* because A) why are you letting your aggressive animals roam and B) Why are you letting your cats shit all over the neighborhood and C) Why are you exposing your owned cats to the risks of the large and territorial feral colony that is a literal stone's throw away from your house?

Anyway, and as always, Keep Your Fucking Cats Indoors.

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1 year ago

A cute reminder 🥺💜

ahgasegotarmy116 - Luna

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3 years ago

i had to correct someone on twitter because they headcannon tj kippen as bisexual i had to told them that he wasn’t bi he confirmed gay luke confirmed tj sexuality in a interview he did after the final so here is a reminder to everyone and to everyone that still headcannons tj as bisexual he not he is gay don’t erase his sexuality even when you write fics about him 

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5 years ago

don’t ever let anyone make you feel ashamed for not going down a conventional path (e.g. not finishing college or starting college later in life, doing an internship in your late 20s, not having a "career” by a certain age). all of this is arbitrary. do not create a life that aims to satisfy everyone but yourself. you worked hard as fuck to get to where you are. don’t you dare let others including yourself diminish those efforts. you do not deserve that. especially if you did it all while battling mental illness. 

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3 years ago

I really just got very emo and I think this maybe solidified my next tattoo. 🥺😭

And You Gonna Be Happy
And You Gonna Be Happy

“and you gonna be happy”

— 00:00, bts

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4 years ago

gentle reminder: one day at a time. take baby steps. every little thing you achieve is important and will lead to something good.

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3 years ago

Find meaning. Distinguish melancholy from sadness. Go out for a walk. It doesn't have to be a romantic walk in the park, spring at its most spectacular moment, flowers and smells and outstanding poetical imagery smoothly transferring you into another world. It doesn't have to be a walk during which you'll have multiple life epiphanies and discover meanings no other brain ever managed to encounter. Do not be afraid of spending quality time by yourself. Find meaning or don't find meaning but "steal" some time and give it freely and exclusively to your own self. Opt for privacy and solitude. That doesn't make you antisocial or cause you to reject the rest of the world. But you need to breathe. And you need to be.

— Albert Camus, from Notebooks, 1951-1959

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3 years ago

One day you’ll sit in the sun and things won’t feel so bad

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2 years ago

Guarda "A Reminder (Remastered)" su YouTube

If I get old remind me of this 

That night we kissed and I really meant it 

Whatever happens if we’re still speaking 

Pick up the phone Play me this song.....

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2 years ago

Growing up is actually all about realizing people don’t inherently dislike you and it’s a bit odd to assume they do

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5 years ago

During the most poor and homeless period of my life, I had a lot of people get angry with me because I spent $25 on Bath and Body Works candles during a sale. They couldn’t comprehend why the hell I would do that when I had been fighting for months to try and get us on our feet, afford food, and have an apartment to live in.

Those candles were placed beside wherever I slept that night. In the morning, I would move them and set them wherever I’d have to hang out. At one point I carried one around in my purse - one of those big honking 3-wick candles. I never lit them, but I’d open them and smell them a lot.

I credit that purchase with a lot of my drive that got me to where I am today. I had been working tirelessly, 15+ hour days with barely any reward, constantly on the phone or trying to deal with organizations and associations to “get help at”. It’d gone on for almost a year by the end of it, and I was so burnt out, to the point that I would shake 24/7. But I could get a bit of relief from my 3-wick “upper middle class lifestyle” candles. They represented my future goals, my home I wanted to decorate, and how I would one day not be in this mess anymore.

When we moved into the apartment, and our financial status improved, I burned those candles every single day. When they were empty, I cleaned them out, stuck labels on them, and they became the starting point of my really cute organization system I had ALWAYS planned to have.

So whenever I hear about someone very poor getting themselves a treat - maybe it’s Starbucks, maybe it’s a home deco item, maybe it’s a video game… I don’t judge them. I get it. I get that you can’t go without anything for that long without it making you go crazy. You need to pull some joy, inspiration, and motivation from somewhere.

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3 years ago
This Has Been A PSA

this has been a PSA

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