Eat Something - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Hey, Are You Sad?

Hey, are you sad?

That's okay! Sometimes things just happen and it's important to understand how they affect you. Don't ignore your bad feelings just don't let them control you.

Be angry, be sad, be frustrated, be dissapointed! Don't be scared to feel. But know that things pass, and that they will get better in time.

So keep going. You're doing great♡


Hey, Are You Sad?

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5 years ago

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to say that, for those who were wondering, I'm not dead :D School is just taking most of my time.. as it always does, but I'll try to post some of the stuff I already have saved soooo, yeah!

Also, Thank you all for the lovely messages on my drawings!♡ I don't directly say anything about them, but you better believe that I see all of them and they always leave a smile on my face :D so thank you so much for that!

Stay safe and have a wonderfull day/night♡

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11 months ago

Reminder that you are valid, you are loved, and there is always somebody waiting for you. There is always somebody who would miss you.

You deserve to be loved. Even if you think there's nobody to love you, there is.

Relax your shoulders and unclench your jaw. Take a deep breath and get something to eat/drink. You deserve it. You deserve to eat, drink, and relax. You don't need to earn those rights - you have them as a human being already.

If you've been working for a while, take a break. Even just five minutes of staring at the wall to reset your brain is good. Take care of yourself.

Good luck, friends <3

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2 years ago

Don't forget to eat something if you're hungry! 💕

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