Abby Clark - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I just realised that Alec Benjamin’ most recent single “The Way You Felt” really suits Buck from 911, specifically season 2 Buck where they were picking up from where Abby left.

“The way you felt in my arms

Our chemistry was sacred

Oh, I fell for your charm

I was so infatuated

But you left me in the dark

And my heart completely vacant

Now I don't know~”

These two lines in particular stick out to me: “I was so infatuated” and “But you left me in the dark, and my heart completely vacant”

Abby leaving and constantly ghosting Buck, although he was still “so infatuated” with her because he felt like he loved her and she loved him back and nothing would end their relationship, that this was the the relationship. For the sake of the gods, he was still living in her apartment nearly halfway through season 2. He remained so loyal to her even despite their lack of communication and that she didn’t give him anything in return, no letters or texts, not even bothering to tell him “hey, I’m not into you anymore, we’re over. I am not your girlfriend and you are not my boyfriend anymore” - hence the “my heart complete vacant” parallel.

“How you could look me in the eye

And tell me that you love me

When you knew it was a lie

I was headed for Kentucky

When you called to say goodbye

How did I not see it coming?

Now I don't know~”

“How could you look me in the eye and tell me that you love me” - now I genuinely cannot remember if the words ‘I love you’ was said by Abby to Buck, or vice-versa because I have a really shitty memory, but if they weren’t it probably unsaid. I definitely feel like this is like, Buck’s initial feelings right after he fully accepted that he and Abby were practically over the moment she stepped into the airport because I believe that the whole reason he stayed so faithful to her was because he felt like he genuinely loved her and she loved him. I mean, if I were him, I would see it as betrayal and that is exactly what these lyrics are saying. Also the “how did I not see it coming?”, that’s full Buck to me. Like, I feel like with a personality like his, he’d probably be going how did I not see this coming, why didn’t I see it coming? because he probably really deep down knew that their relationship ending was inevitable, and he knew that literally everyone else knew that it was over for them, and that he was the only one not accepting it.

Did I really need to explain all of this and post it for literally all of tumblr to be able to find and disagree with me? No, but I did it anyways and none of y’all can change my mind. I’m just gonna leave it at this, there’s probably a couple more bits I can piece together and delve into but I’m too lazy and only wanted to get this little bit written down before I forget it.

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2 years ago

911 canon has such solid bones for a The Great Gatsby Buddie au. Like, can you imagine? Buck as Gatsby (casting away Evan like Jay Gatsby does James Gatz), Abby as Daisy (love lost for many years), and of course Eddie as Nick (“I don’t judge” *is judging*). Add the others in where you want, no au is exact.

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3 years ago

Y’all, I’m either very blind or oblivious because I didn’t realize us Madney fans were being called annoying. I was so confused, I mean I know not everyone is going to like the same ships or characters, but dang, to start attacking people or sending disheartening messages and such is not okay. I cannot stress that enough.

But people really think we are the annoying ones? Nope, not in the slightest.

When are people going to finally open thier eyes and see it’s okay for people to like who they want, and it’s okay that others may hate that character? Why can’t people just appreciate that everyone has a ship or character they like and stop the drama and attacking? I really can’t fathom why fans in a fandom work against each other.

Yes I’m saying this from a Madney point of view because that is my favorite ship, and yes Maddie is my favorite character; it was just going to be a given. Jennifer is the whole reason I started watching the show, because I watched Ghost Whisperer first back in 2020 and then wanted to watch something else with her in it. Just because I love Madney though doesn’t mean I don’t like other ships and characters. I’m not gonna lie I’m 50/50 on Buddie, like I wouldn’t be mad if they got together in the show but I’m also not going to be mad if they don’t. I really don’t mind Buddie, and I even include the ship occasionally in the stories I’ve been writing for Madney; I’m not shoving any other ships aside—same with Bobby/Athena and Hen/Karen.

But I do have to say some Buddie fans out their are hella crazy. I’m sorry, but you guys really need to stop and just take a moment to revaluate. I’m obviously not naming names, I would never do that, but I literally saw a comment under a Buddie story, the writer hating Ana, and the commenter hating Ana saying they hope she gets punched in the face because she deserved it—probably from whatever happened in the story, that was written out of character. Like, what? Y’all are really that extreme? Ana never did anything on the show but ruin the fact Buck couldn’t get with Eddie. That’s really how I see it. But that is how tv works. Sometimes your ships work out, sometimes they don’t, and sometimes it takes seasons of building up a relationship and the characters being with other people before you can finally see them together. (For anyone who watches NCIS: LA, think of Kensi and Deeks, who weren’t official until season 6 but you could see the sparks fly in the 3rd season? I think, Idk if it was 2 or 3. One of them.)

I’m not saying you guys should stop shipping, I would never. I am personally glad that everyone has a ship they like, even if it isn’t canon yet.

If you like Eddie with Buck, good for you.

If you like Eddie with Ana, good for you.

If you like Eddie with Shannon, good for you.

If you like Taylor with Buck, good for you.

If you like Buck with Abby, good for you.

If you like Bobby with Athena, good for you.

If you like Hen with Karen, good for you.

If you like Maddie with Chimney, good for you.

If you like Buck with TK, good for you.

If you like Buck with Bobby, good for you.

If you like Buck with Albert, good for you.

If you like Buck with Josh, good for you.

If you like Buck with Jay Halstead from Chicago PD, good for you.

If you like Buck with Kelly Severide from Chicago Fire, good for you.

If you like Buck with Tim Bradford from The Rookie, good for you.

If you like Buck with a reader insert, good for you.

If you like any mismatch of characters with any other character, either in 9-1-1 or not, good 👏🏼 for 👏🏼 you.

(I believe these are the main ones I’ve seen, I’m definitely missing some, but you guys get the point.)

There are a few ships on this list which I could never see in a million years, but, does that mean I don’t support you liking that ship? Hell no! I like my ship and I scream it, but I’m also sitting at the sidelines screaming for all of you as well, because I’m happy everyone has found a pairing they enjoy.

So please stop going after people who either don’t like your ship or the characters you like. I know it can get agitating and annoying because you just want to see your ship on the screen, and I hate to say for some it won’t happen, and that’s why we have fanfic in the first place, but please don’t attack anyone. It may be especially upsetting to some fans that maybe just don’t like Madney, and that’s okay, that us fans have our ship on screen and you don’t, and I’m sorry for that. If I could give everyone their ship on screen I would, in a heartbeat.

At the end of the day guys we may not have the same like in characters or ships, but we all love the show they put together. Isn’t that enough, that we get to have this amazing show in the first place?

I’m sorry for the long rant, but I just wanted to get my opinion out because there have been certain things bugging me since I got into the fandom and started seeing/hearing things.

I also just want to address really quick there is a difference in asking and attacking. It’s okay to genuinely be curious and ask someone nicely why they don’t like your ship or certain ships/characters, and I think most of us would be happy to have a civil conversation about why. It’s another thing to go on the defense and be rude and start name calling. Not okay, very disrespectful, and it shows who you are as a person.

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3 years ago


High achiever, don't you see?


Baby, nothing comes for free


They say I'm a control freak


Driven by a greed to succeed


Nobody can stop me


'Cause it's my problem if I wanna pack up and run away


It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway


It's my problem, it's my problem if I feel the need to hide


And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die


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