Aegon Targaryen VI - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Jon Snow, secretly the son of R&L

Alleras, secretly Sarella Sand

Young Griff, secretly Aegon VI Targaryen, secretly Aegon Blackfyre

Griff, secretly Jon Connington

Arstan Whitebeard, secretly Barristan Selmy

the Gravedigger, secretly Sandor Clegane

The Knight of the Laughing Tree, secretly Lyanna Stark

Abel, secretly Mance Rayder

Varys, secretly a Blackfyre???

Quaithe, secretly whoever needs to hide her face from Dany

Pycelle, secretly a Lannister bastard

Brienne of Tarth, secretly a Targaryen (descendant) and relative of Duncan the Tall

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