Jon Connington - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

This is beautiful

Every Woman In The Hall Was Weeping When He Put Down The Harp. Not The Men, Of Course.
Every Woman In The Hall Was Weeping When He Put Down The Harp. Not The Men, Of Course.

“every woman in the hall was weeping when he put down the harp. not the men, of course.”

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10 months ago

“joncon is repressed about his sexuality” objectively untrue and frankly kind of silly to say “joncon is repressed about his gender but being trans is almost unspoken of and he’s 40 years old dying of fantasy aids and needs to conquer a country and put his son on the throne before that happens so he can’t really think about that right now” so real it hurts

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9 months ago

headcanoning a gay male character as a woman because he /checks notes/ cries? ground breaking.

smiles warmly. yes

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5 years ago
He Had Failed Prince Rhaegar Once. He Would Not Fail His Son, Not Whilst Life Remained In His Body.
He Had Failed Prince Rhaegar Once. He Would Not Fail His Son, Not Whilst Life Remained In His Body.

He had failed Prince Rhaegar once. He would not fail his son, not whilst life remained in his body.

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5 years ago
Gift For @gaystannis ! Hope You Like :D
Gift For @gaystannis ! Hope You Like :D

gift for @gaystannis ! Hope you like :D

Jon Connington and young Aegon, who insists he has spotted a dragon in the distance…. Jon’s hair is dyed dark because he is in hiding but i dont think he had the griff disguise yet?

+ a doodle of jon connington x brynden tully :>

bonus under the cut:

Keep reading

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3 years ago
Game Of Thrones Actors As Different ASOIAF Characters:
Game Of Thrones Actors As Different ASOIAF Characters:
Game Of Thrones Actors As Different ASOIAF Characters:
Game Of Thrones Actors As Different ASOIAF Characters:
Game Of Thrones Actors As Different ASOIAF Characters:
Game Of Thrones Actors As Different ASOIAF Characters:
Game Of Thrones Actors As Different ASOIAF Characters:
Game Of Thrones Actors As Different ASOIAF Characters:

Game of Thrones actors as different ASOIAF Characters:

Lena Headey as Catelyn Stark Natalie Dormer as Cersei Lannister Joseph Mawle as Eddard Stark Oona Chaplin as Nymeria Sand Richard Madden as Edmure Tully Iain Glen as Jon Connington Tara Fitzgerald as Barbrey Dustin Alexandra Dowling as Margaery Tyrell


For @creatorhubevent Summer 2021 Event: Day 4: Alternative:

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3 years ago
Robert Had Been Jesting With Jon And Old Lord Hunter As The Prince Circled The Field After Unhorsing

Robert had been jesting with Jon and old Lord Hunter as the prince circled the field after unhorsing Ser Barristan in the final tilt to claim the champion’s crown. Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty’s laurel in Lyanna’s lap. He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, blue as frost.    

- Eddard XV, aGoT

Upper row: Horton Redfort, Jon Arryn, Robert Baratheon, Eon Hunter

Middle row: Brandon Stark, Lyanna Stark, Benjen Stark, Ned Stark

Lower row: Jon Connington, Arthur Dayne, Ashara Dayne, Elia Martell

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I can't wait to see the reactions of all the Dany antis when Jon Con and Faegon burn KL or at least cause the destruction. Dany will still be in Essos raining fire and blood down on slavers while the antis their little hearts out.

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7 months ago

Jon Snow, secretly the son of R&L

Alleras, secretly Sarella Sand

Young Griff, secretly Aegon VI Targaryen, secretly Aegon Blackfyre

Griff, secretly Jon Connington

Arstan Whitebeard, secretly Barristan Selmy

the Gravedigger, secretly Sandor Clegane

The Knight of the Laughing Tree, secretly Lyanna Stark

Abel, secretly Mance Rayder

Varys, secretly a Blackfyre???

Quaithe, secretly whoever needs to hide her face from Dany

Pycelle, secretly a Lannister bastard

Brienne of Tarth, secretly a Targaryen (descendant) and relative of Duncan the Tall

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1 year ago

"Your father's lands are beautiful"

This, to me, is one of the saddest, and at the same time most pathetic, lines in the two delves we’ve had into Jon Connington’s head. It summarizes so much of what makes him such a fascinating character, because it gets to the heart of Connington’s painfully unrealistic expectations of Rhaegar. For all that Jon nurses his adoration of the dead crown prince, he sets as one of the foundations of this love this isolated line, so clearly not about him or Rhaegar’s relationship to him. Connington has firmly locked this line in his memory as one of the precious relics in his internal shrine to Rhaegar, seizing on it as evidence of the love he so wishes Rhaegar felt for him.

To be sure, Jon’s memory of Rhaegar was shown to be colored by his desire before this line (only two sentences separate JonCon’s first mention of Rhaegar’s name in “The Lost Lord” and his designation of Rhaegar as “my silver prince”). However, “The Griffin Reborn”, the chapter in which this line is seen, delves even deeper into Connington’s emotional memory, presenting a scene as vivid to the restored griffin lord as it was to the young Jon some twenty years ago. That Jon Connington treasures his remembrance of Prince Rhaegar's stay at Griffin’s Roost is obvious from the way he describes it: even so many years later, Jon Connington remembers key details of the welcoming feast, from his father Lord Armond’s argument with Lord Morrigen to the “song of love and doom” sung by the crown prince to the reaction of the crowd to Rhaegar’s performance. Even more cherished, though, is Connington’s memory of the journey he and Rhaegar took to the top of the highest tower of the castle; so dear is it to Jon’s heart that he emphasizes how he took “one (only one!)” such ascent with the Prince of Dragonstone, compared to the many with his lord father.

This opportunity must have seemed the culmination of Jon Connington’s hopes and desires. For once, the crown prince would not be surrounded by fellow squires, courtiers, the “gaggle of lordlings” who attended him constantly, competing for his favor. For once, it would be just the two of them, Rhaegar and Jon, in the comfort of the latter’s own family home. Jon might well have expected that, in such a private moment, the two of them could have a truly personal conversation, befitting not simply their courtly companionship but Jon’s own deep love for the Prince of Dragonstone. Again, his internal descriptions emphasize how important this moment was to him, so deeply carved into his mind: not even the small detail of how difficult the door to the roof of the tower was to open has been forgotten, nor the way the countryside and sea around Griffin’s Roost appeared.

So what does Rhaegar say when the two of them are alone at last?

“Your father’s lands are beautiful.”

His statement isn’t about Jon as his friend, or even as a person - indeed, it’s not even about any individual at all. It’s about land, and a lord’s relationship to the land, that fundamental consideration in a feudal political world. Rhaegar has looked from atop the eastern tower of Griffin’s Roost, and as far as he can see the land belongs to House Connington. His words to Jon Connington are the basic compliment of a liege to his vassal (or, in this case, a liege’s heir to a somewhat lower vassal’s heir), an acknowledgment of the power of House Connington, to rule such lovely country extending to the horizon. There is nothing in Rhaegar’s words that speaks to Jon, or indeed the Conningtons, on any level other than a simply feudal one: the prince might have offered a similar compliment gazing out from one of Highgarden’s tall, slender towers, or exploring the Sapphire Isle with his cousins of Tarth. Indeed, Rhaegar’s words seem more geared toward Lord Armond, “whose only love was land”, than they do to the young man who had been Rhaegar’s companion for probably at least the past decade. It is fitting for the prince often lost in his own dreams, unconcerned with the realities of the present hour, that his words in this close moment to a man “dear to him”, whom he had known since his squire days, are a bland, impersonal comment on the natural setting around him.

What makes this line even more heartbreaking, however, is how unique it is in Jon's POV; this is the only direct quote Connington thinks Rhaegar said to him. That Jon has seized upon this line in his mind may well mean that Rhaegar never said anything more personal to him in their time together. How sad is it for Jon Connington, so deep in his love for Rhaegar, that the best compliment he can remember Rhaegar telling him is not even about him, but about Lord Armond’s lands. Connington clings to this small scrap of acknowledgement - acknowledgement of him as the son of the man whose lands are beautiful - because it came from his “silver prince” and was directed at him in the privacy of their sole moment together. So much of Jon Connington’s relationship to Rhaegar is an invention on the part of the former, a desperate attempt to mold a handsome but emotionally distant man into the lover Connington wanted out of him, and his memory around this line reflects that effort well. Any words from Rhaegar are worthy of an altar in Connington’s mind, because they mean that Rhaegar noticed his existence and considered him worthy to address - and Connington craves worthiness in the eyes of his dead prince. He cannot see - or will not allow himself to see - how little Rhaegar truly cared for him, or how utterly dispassionate this line was; caught in painful cycle of grieving self-blame and delusional hope, Connington clutches this single sentence not for what it is but for what it represents to him - the most intimate moment he ever shared with Rhaegar.

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4 years ago
Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured On Game Of Thrones (Requested By @thorfanclub)
Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured On Game Of Thrones (Requested By @thorfanclub)
Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured On Game Of Thrones (Requested By @thorfanclub)
Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured On Game Of Thrones (Requested By @thorfanclub)
Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured On Game Of Thrones (Requested By @thorfanclub)
Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured On Game Of Thrones (Requested By @thorfanclub)
Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured On Game Of Thrones (Requested By @thorfanclub)
Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured On Game Of Thrones (Requested By @thorfanclub)

Favorite ASOIAF Characters Not Featured on Game of Thrones (Requested by @thorfanclub)

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3 years ago
Robert Had Been Jesting With Jon And Old Lord Hunter As The Prince Circled The Field After Unhorsing

Robert had been jesting with Jon and old Lord Hunter as the prince circled the field after unhorsing Ser Barristan in the final tilt to claim the champion’s crown. Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty’s laurel in Lyanna’s lap. He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, blue as frost.    

- Eddard XV, aGoT

Upper row: Horton Redfort, Jon Arryn, Robert Baratheon, Eon Hunter

Middle row: Brandon Stark, Lyanna Stark, Benjen Stark, Ned Stark

Lower row: Jon Connington, Arthur Dayne, Ashara Dayne, Elia Martell

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3 years ago
.but If Lord Connington And His Pet Dragon Can Somehow Take One Of The Great Strongholds Of The Realm

“….but if Lord Connington and his pet dragon can somehow take one of the great strongholds of the realm …”

“…the realm would have to take them seriously.”

the most hardass mom at the pta meeting and his specialest baby boy for @slavonicrhapsody happy late birthday stella! 🖤✨

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4 years ago

My favorite part about the asoiaf fandom is that everybody has spend years theorizing about who could be a Targaryen based off only small bits of proof and when grrm was like “here you go have Aegon!!” Everybody said “fake”.

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4 years ago

just saw a post on a old forum implying that if joncon is interpreted to be gay and in love with rhaegar the “real question” we should be asking is if he m*lested aegon and the fucking homophobia is just off the charts jesus fucking christ

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1 year ago
Accidentally Repainted Most Of Last Years Connington Pic :^)

accidentally repainted most of last year’s connington pic :^)

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