Aegon Vi Targaryen - Tumblr Posts
Queen Elia Martell

In the Chapter Nine of my fic The Queen and Her Bastard
"You don't know me. Don't attempt now to get to know me." Raising her hand Elia stopped the woman, "There is no meaning of duty if it's not for the people you love. Love was what kept me standing all these years, love for my family, love for my house, love for my children, love for my husband. And now when it's all crumbling down, so am I."

I have said it before and I'll say it again, I am no artist but I LOVE to draw!

It's been a while since I hosted one of these!
Following are the prompts! Please use the tag #sundragon2024 on here and on AO3, there will be a collection as well there!
I have no other rules other than for you to please have fun!
I hope to see you all in August. Until then please check out @martellspear's elia week countdown challenge as well as elia week itself!
August 17th - Rhaenys August 18th - Aegon
Family Westeros Canon Prophecy And They Lived! The Prince/ss was Promised Ships Friends Tropes AUS (any and all!)
thanks to @sunsetstarrogue for the banner!

House Targaryen of Dragonstone in 302 AC [the queen and her bastard au]
From left left to right ->
Princess Rhaena Targaryen (4), Crown Prince Aegon Targaryen (21), Lady Aeolian Dayne (21), Princess Viserra Targaryen (4) and Prince Aemon Targaryen (7)
![House Targaryen Of Dragonstone In 302 AC [the Queen And Her Bastard Au]](

to aegon, 300 years from now.

i saw the ghost of a king today

Aegon VI Targaryen • Young Griff • The Prince Who Was Promised • House Blackfyre
inspired by these tags:

Prince Aegon Targaryen, the Son of the Sun

Hello! Can I request Jon with his happy siblings Aegon and Rhaenys being alive and happy? Thank you! And hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

for the record, my nicknames for the Aegons are as follows
Aegon I: Raw Egg
Aegon II: Cracked Egg
Aegon III: Softboiled Egg
Aegon IV: Rotten Egg
Aegon V: Egg On Toast
Aegon VI: Poached Egg

aegonsa + instagram au

“There’s a whole world out there,” he’d said, with a smile on his face and a gentle pull on her hand. He means to take me away, she thinks, from here, from home, from everyone– but no. No, she musn’t forget. Alayne doesn’t have a family, not any more than Young Griff.
The phone goes off, the photo taken, he turns his bright violet eyes on her and grins.
She smiles, “ready.”
is this an OTP now? yes, yes it is.
Your art is so beautiful, I just adore it to bits!! You literally have no idea! I was curious if you might draw Sansa/Aegon (not Jon, but book F!Aegon lol) meeting one another for the first time? Or even perhaps Sansa/Harry!

Aesthetic Meme: 7/10 relationships (Sansa x Aegon)
We were everything real in a world of make-believe

Sansa x Aegon VI
I hope very very much that those two will end up together…

Young Griff x Sansa Stark - Modern aesthetic for @sayruq
Happy Holidays!!!!

ideal endgame for a song of ice and fire → Sansa and Aegon as King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms
Young Griff: Not a King
So, theories about Young Griff, aka (F)Aegon VI, abound. After all, we as a fandom have had a lot of time to stew in our thoughts, and it can be fun engaging in conversations about said thoughts. However, these conditions lead misconceptions to run wild, especially about a character like YG and his future.
I've seen a lot of people talking about the Targaryen Restoration, the second conquerors, and the three heads of the dragon in the context of Dany, Jon, and YG. A lot of the time, at least from what I've seen, these people accept that YG is not the Son of Rhaegar and Elia. I, personally, agree with that, there is a lot of textual evidence pointing to that conclusion. BUT I don't agree with him being the third head of the dragon. Now there's a lot to be said about when he was introduced and his prevalence in the story, but I'm not going to focus on that. I'm going to talk about YG's character.
GRRM clearly has a lot of opinions about what makes a good leader: Dany, Jon, Arya, and Bran are all great examples of characters who embody these. Each of those four are of the key five, are similar to YG in some way, and are being set up for or are already in leadership roles. These things all make the differences between them and YG all the more striking. The four are all wise for their age, intelligent, compassionate, and are invested in the lives of their people. YG does not have any of these characteristics.
He wants to rule not for the good of the people or to help the oppressed but because he was taught it was his birthright. A very entitled reason he shares with characters like Stannis, Joffrey, and ACOK Theon, men who the audience isn't supposed to root for (this is excluding the "Stannis the Mannis" crowd, who are stupid). YG also is only interested in carrying on the status quo of Westeros, something GRRM repeatedly points out is BAD. The sexism, homophobia, racism, and feudalism are not things the audience should support. So why should we root for someone who is supporting these things and whose arc isn't setting up a radical change of heart?
Am I saying I hate YG? No, I think he's a tragic character who is a victim of the greed of the men around him. But, he is not going to be a good king and would not get along with Dany and Jon at all. Jon hated Joffrey when he came North, why would he like and support a boy who reminds Tyrion of the little shit? YG has no respect for Dany and even for women in general, that is not setting up a healthy working relationship. And YG is so obviously a subversion of the "exiled king" trope (not the only one), him being successfully crowned, even alongside Dany and Jon, is wayyy too easy, especially for GRRM.
All this to say: no, I don't think Young Griff is going to be king of Westeros precisely because he does not have any leadership or even personal qualities GRRM believes should be in a leader.
I can't wait to see the reactions of all the Dany antis when Jon Con and Faegon burn KL or at least cause the destruction. Dany will still be in Essos raining fire and blood down on slavers while the antis their little hearts out.
Dany antis' "metas" about how Dany is totally naive about Westeros really shows they just haven't read the books, or at least not her chapters. They'll rant about how she expects the people to just bow down to her, when in reality that was how Viserys (and later Young Griff) thought due to Illyrio's words. Meanwhile Dany, "mistrusted Illyrio's sweet words as she mistrusted everything about Illyrio." (AGOT Daenerys I) Dany knows that it takes more than a name or even dragons to be worthy to rule. That's a major piece of what sets her apart from other rulers in ASOIAF.
Robert took the throne because he was the foremost head of the rebellion and had some Targaryen blood. Joffrey and Tommen rule(d) because of their perceived relation to Robert. Stannis laid his claim based on being Robert's brother. Renly laid his not only because of blood, but also popularity with the lords and sheer number of troops. Robb was crowned because he was his father's son.
Dany knows she how fickle allegiance owed to a name is, she knows how the lords turned on her family and saw the hospitality in Essos fade when she and Viserys had nothing. She also knows simply scaring them into following her with dragons and armies won't work, she scared the shit out of the masters in Astapor and Yunkai, yet as soon as she turned her back they went back to slaving. In Meereen, she had her armies and her titles, yet the Sons of the Harpy constantly defied her.
Dany knows the Westerosi people won't just bow to her when she arrives (though stories of her are causing quite a stir lmao), she knows she will have to fight for her throne and make alliances. She understands that she will have to prove herself to the people and lords, after all, why else would they follow her? Her Khalasar only followed her after she proved herself strong, the Unsullied followed her when she proved just (after she freed them), Barristan Selmy swore himself to her only after observing her for a long period, and the rest of the Dothraki will follow her only after she proves herself once again.
Every time Dany has lead, it's because she proved herself to be worthy following, not because she's a Targaryen or the Mother of Dragons. Why would she suddenly forget this when she gets to Westeros? Well bad writing is the answer in the show, which is why in the books, she won't just become entitled.
There's different character who already has that characteristic: Young Griff. He expects the lords of Westeros to follow him against the Lannisters and Baratheons without question and for Dany to swear herself and her dragons to him and even marry him simply because he is (supposedly) the son of Rhaegar. Young Griff is a subversion of the lost prince trope, he is not only a fake but also exhibits qualities reminiscent of Joffrey (according to Tyrion), so not exactly a great candidate for king. Yet Dany antis insist on putting the sense of entitlement on Dany while portraying "Aegon" as a true heir and worthy king that evil Dany will kill in her lust for power.
Dany antis will formulate arguments against her purely out of thin air and shitty writing. They will ignore any and all actions she has done when ruling and when talking about it, rather choosing to force their fanon ideas on her and give her true qualities to their favs instead.