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↳ winner: @daenerys-targaryen
So many men have tried to kill me. I don’t remember all their names. I have been sold like a broodmare. I have been chained and betrayed. Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any gods. Not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen.

DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 || Day 4 - Character parallels — Daenerys Targaryen + parallels with Rhaenys Targaryen and Visenya Targaryen
(see also: Daenerys/Aegon I parallels)

never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. make it your strength. then it can never be your weakness. armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.

daenerys targaryen and daenerys targaryen martell + parallels

@pscentral event 13: tropes || A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin
Fairest of Them All: This tropes is played with in Cersei Lannister’s arc as she is given a prophecy as a child that though she will be queen, a young and more beautiful queen will cast her down. Regarded as the most beautiful woman in Westeros, she still fears that another younger woman will one day surpass her. Though she doesn’t believe that her daughter-in-law Margaery is more beautiful than her, Cersei targets and attempts to remove her as a threat, all the while ruining her own political position. Meanwhile, Cersei is also ignoring the hints of Daenerys Targaryen, a younger and more beautiful queen who is building military support and intends to overthrow the Lannister regime.
Knight in Shining Armor: The role of knight is both practical in a military sense, but it lends itself to being a ceremonial and PR role where the values of chivalry are idealized and often discarded when inconvenient. For Loras Tyrell, its a showy display for tourneys. Others are more villainous, such as Criston Cole, Gregore Clegane, and Jorah Mormont, who use the respectability of the role while displaying none of the values of it. The ideal of the heroic Knight in Shining Armor is played straight with characters like Dunk, Lyanna Stark, Aemon the Dragonknight, and Brienne of Tarth, who fight to protect others.
Animal Eye Spy: The Stark children are all skinchangers. Bran, Arya, and Jon are specifically shown warging into their respective direwolves and seeing through the eyes of their bond animals. Arya and Bran extend their abilities from their direwolves to other animals. While Arya skinchanges a cat she bonds with, Bran is actively being taught to see through the eyes of birds and secretly skinchanges into another human-being, Hodor.

Daenerys Stormborn aka Child of Storm + tv tropes → BORN DURING A STORM (insp.)
A baby is born while a storm rages outside. […] This trope is used to mark a character as special as it’s a dramatic and exciting start to their life, and may foreshadow an eventful and fast-paced life to match their birth — indeed, a woman might give birth during the Big Storm Episode for no reason other than Rule of Drama. This is doubly so if the storm is supernatural in nature. The child may also be given a weather-related name to match. This also juxtaposes the death and destruction caused by severe storms with the birth of new life.

Daenerys Targaryen + a few of her similarities with each of the three main characters of Avatar: the Last Airbender
Note: This gifset is about ASOIAF!Daenerys Targaryen who, despite being portrayed as a hero by her creator, had her characterization heavily changed from page to screen. As to why Cersei is written as Dany’s foil, see here.

Daenerys Targaeryen + Persephone parallels

Daenerys Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire) and Catherine the Great (Hulu’s The Great) + parallels

♔ Parallels between Daenerys Targaryen and Anne Boleyn (requested by anon).

the birth of venus by sandro botticelli, c. 1485 | the birth of the dragons by daenerys targaryen, 298 ac

Daenerys Targaryen Appreciation Month 2021 || Day 27 - Historical Parallel: Daenerys I Targaryen and Elizabeth I Tudor
The sister post of this edit can be found at asongoficeandfiresource

Daenerys Targaryen Appreciation Month 2021 || Day 27 - Historical Parallel: Daenerys I Targaryen and Elizabeth I Tudor
The sister post of this edit can be found at asoiafdaenerysdaily

Daenerys Appreciation Month || Mythological or Historical Parallels
Hestia is a Greek fire goddess of the hearth, home, family, and the state. Daenerys parallels Hestia because of the importance she places on home and her people. I would also argue that home is the most important thing to Daenerys and that her quest for the Iron Throne is a manifestation of that desire for home and for safety (since being exiled means she is forever under threat of assassination attempts.) As the books go on, she consistently attempts to create this sense of safety and home for former slaves and the disenfranchised. I also love how Hestia reminds us that fire is not only a tool used to destroy, but it is also necessary to sustain life, which I think is at the heart of the duality of Daenerys’ house words of Fire and Blood.
Kali Ma
Kali Ma is a Hindu goddess who is considered to be the Master of death and time. She is also said to be the Paramshakti, that is the supreme of all powers, or the ultimate reality. She is the ultimate manifestation of Shakti and the mother of all living beings. She destroys evil in order to protect the innocent. Daenerys parallels Kali as a mother figure who is the defender of the weak. For more details about how Daenerys parallels Kali read this meta by @yendany
Artemis is a Greek goddess of the hunt, wildlife, the moon, and the protector of women and children. Daenerys parallels her connection to animals through her natural ability to ride and bond with horses as seen with The Silver and the fact that she was able to hatch, nuture, tame, and ride dragons, an extinct species at the time the books begin. She also parallels Artemis as a protector of women and children and as a mother figure. Artemis herself never gave birth, yet was revered as a Mother Goddess and prayed to by women in labor. This parallels Daenerys who has also never physically given birth to a human child, but is seen as a mother to her people and to the dragons she brought into the world.
Sekhmet is an Egyptian warrior goddess of healing. She is the daughter of the sun god, Ra, and is among the more important of the goddesses who acted as the vengeful manifestation of Ra’s power, the Eye of Ra. Sekhmet was said to breathe fire, and the hot winds of the desert were likened to her breath. She is given titles such as the “One Before Whom Evil Trembles”, “Mistress of Dread”, “Lady of Slaughter” and “She Who Mauls”. Yet she is also revered as the goddess of healing and a protection. Daenerys has parallels with Sekhmet’s fire imagery and also parallels the idea that the destruction of evil is often necessary in order to protect and sustain life and to make way for healing.

Queen Rhaella’s children were P R E C I O U S to her.

George R. R. Martin: *associates Daenerys with the founder of the Targaryen dynasty who intended to unite Westeros in preparation for the War for the Dawn - she’s literally called “Aegon the Conqueror with teats”*
*has Daenerys dream about burning white walkers with dragonfire*
*makes it clear that Daenerys is Azor Ahai/Princess That Was Promised* (“Azor Ahai shall […] wake dragons out of stone”/“No one ever looked for a girl. […] Daenerys is the one. […] The dragons prove it.”)
*confirms that Daenerys and her dragons are the Fire - which, according to his own description, symbolizes “love”, “passion” and “sexual ardor” in contrast to Ice representing “betrayal”, “revenge” and “cold inhumanity” - of A Song of Ice and Fire*
House of the Dragon (note that GRRM had more influence on that show than on Game of Thrones): *plays a song called “The Prince That Was Promised” - which was inspired by Daenerys’ theme songs - during the reveal of Aegon I’s prophetic dream (which came from GRRM himself)*
*has Aegon I name his dream ‘the song of ice and fire’ - which, as the GRRM himself already confirmed, refers to the Others and Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons*
*reveals that Aegon I’s dream (aka the song of ice and fire) is about a Targaryen king or queen - most likely Daenerys Targaryen - uniting humanity against the Others*
*has Daemon see the red comet (aka the herald of Azor Ahai) before it cuts to Daenerys (aka Aegon the Conqueror with teats, Azor Ahai Returned/Prince That Was Promised, the Fire of ASOIAF) and her dragons (aka Lightbringer) in his prophetic dream*

@targaryensource’s Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen monarch - King Aegon I Targaryen & Queen Daenerys I Targaryen
No one was calling her Daenerys the Conqueror yet, but perhaps they would. Aegon the Conqueror had won Westeros with three dragons, but she had taken Meereen with sewer rats and a wooden cock, in less than a day.
Daenerys Targaryen is no maid, however. She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats.