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Fenrir: devotional acts + offerings + memes because why not (UPG). 🐺

Feeling angry is extremely valid and important. You can offer it, especially if you have anger issues. All strong emotions are an excellent offering! From anger, frustration, anxiety, everything is valid.
Triggers. Many of us have things that can trigger triggers, and we can give all that to the great wolf Fenrir. You don't need to justify it to give it to him, just do it. He'll understand.
Howl and growl. We've always been taught a lot about keeping our composure, and honestly, I don't give a shit. Bring out your inner savagery and allow yourself to walk on all fours, growl, howl when you're alone. Devour the meat on your plate, muss your hair and move like an animal in your room to the beat of a song like Welcome To The Jungle.
Dedicate the pain, the suffering. The pain of your muscles when you get a tattoo, the pain of your skin when you get a tattoo and the pain when you get a piercing. It can also be the pain of your traumas, the pain your inner child felt, anything is possible.
Donate to wolf protection centers, even adopt one where you donate money to take care of it! Do not keep it as a pet, of course.
Wear outfits, accesories, stuff in general, in black, brown, or earth-colored.
Practice self-care. He appreciates this very much.
BE YOURSELF. He was put in chains for expressing himself as he is. Do the same: be yourself, speak for yourself, express what you feel, your opinions, and stand up for those who cannot, either because they are shy, or because they are people who have a disability, for example people with paralysis.
Take trips to the mountains, or surround yourself with nature whenever you can. Listen to the sound of the rain, admire the color of the forest, its smells, everything.
Free yourself from your chains: go to therapy to heal everything you need to heal so you can free yourself more and more.
Be kind to stray animals. Leave food for stray dogs, water, etc. And if you can't, be kind to them, give them a smile, a cuddle, etc.
Offer him the anger or helplessness you feel in situations of injustice.
Offer him meat. If you don't eat meat, you can tell him without fear! You can offer him not to eat animals so that they do not suffer, it is also a beautiful offering. Thus, like him, they will not be tortured.
Offer him your trust. He was betrayed, so let him know that you will not. Place your hand on his mouth to let him know that you trust him completely.
Offer him your company. He is extremely lonely, locked up in a cave totally tied up and with a sword through his jaws. He loves to be accompanied.

July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 2 • How did you become first aware of Loki?
I can’t remember for the life of me. He’s always been there, as far as I can recall, since I was a little child. I probably first heard of him through the Norse myths my dad used to read to me, and Loki’s adventures were basically the only ones I wanted to hear about. My hero, I loved him instinctively from the first time I heard his name, and that love survived in my heart for many long years, till I first found out about modern Paganism and took my first steps on what would later become my Path. That moment, about 12 or 13 years ago, I distinctly felt Loki calling me, but I was too scared to answer his call, and too eager to find a goddess willing to guide me instead of a god, and I turned my back to him. A bold decision on my behalf, which brought me lots of gifts by following a Celtic path guided by an Morrigan, and yet something was missing. Someone was missing. Someone who was waiting patiently for me to finally See. And when I was finally tired enough to deny my innermost nature, I answered his call, almost 2 years ago, and here I am.
July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 9 • Common mistakes about Loki
Countless. So here are just a few I've heard myself.
•He's evil, "the Norse Satan" (as if Satan was originally evil himself, but that's another story). False. No deity is good or evil, but I guess it's easier to separate rather than consider the whole of reality.
•He's the bad boy of Ásgarðr, rebel without a cause, always messing around. False. He definitely knows how to create Chaos, and enjoys it from time to time, but he mostly loves to travel the Nine Worlds and take good care of his family and his people.
•He's dangerous to "work with". May be true, it wholly depends on your attitude - but isn't that so for any spirit/entity/deity?
•He will destroy your life. False. He will destroy what needs to be burnt, only to let what really matters grow free. That may include a huge part of the false truths you built around and for yourself. but would you rather live in constant denial of who you are?
•He will lie to you. Absolutely false. He will tear you apart with the hardest truths you never had the courage to face, he'll guide you and show you how to deal with them, and you'll be finally free.
•His devotees are dangerous people. Well. If I may say so myself. Just joking! Us lokeans generally tend to be respectful and inclusive people. You can always find the occasional arsehole, as everywher; but maybe because most of us experienced hard times in our lives, we tend to be compassionate towards others. Of course, Loki also teaches us not to take bullshit from anyone, so if you consider growing tired of your unfairness being a bad person, then yes, a lokean would probably very bad for you.
Art: Loki is scheming the murder of Baldr by joan789 on DeviantArt

July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 10 • Offerings – historical and UPG
Only historical offering that I know of is from Telemark, Norway, where people used to throw the skin from boiled milk into the hearth fire as a sacrifice to Lokje (source: Dagulf Loptson, Playing with Fire).
In my personal experience, Loki enjoys lots of different offerings on his altar, and not only that!
Friendly reminder: of course this post is not meant to be all-comprehensive, nor valid for every devotee! The best way to find out what he likes from you, is giving him offers yourself and listen.
UPG appreciated offerings from my practice: lava rocks; sulphur; obsidian, carnelian, fire opal/agate and dark/firey crystals in general; dandelions; Fox/Snake/Hawk/Spider-related "things" (jewels, bones, fur, skin, feathers…); horns/antlers; cinnamon; coffee; whiskey; rhum; candles; tobacco; sweets; chili pepper; smoked salmon; raw meat; phallic shaped stuff (anything does); red, orange, black, green things; music.
There are many other ways to make offerings to him though, in everyday life!
Easy example, don't kill spiders/flies/critters around our home, free them. Consider making a donation (or some volunteering) to a local animal shelter housing animals related to him. Help those in need, especially children and women. Help people having a hard time, even by "just" acknowledging their feelings and listening to them. Always be true to yourself, the best and possibly most difficult offering you can give Loki.
Pic by fistina-marina

July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 12 • Places associated with Loki and his worship
To my knowledge, there are no places associated with Loki’s worship, but some places carry (or once carried) his name. Loki-Fögrufjöll, a volcano in Iceland, aka Hamarinn or Lokahryggur, is a modern example of a place named after him. The volcano was named in modern times, but it’s still interesting! Lockbol, Luckabol, Lockesta, and Locastum were Swedish places probably named after him (“Loke In Younger Tradition”, Axel Olrik). In the Faroe Islands we still find Lokkafelli (Loki’s Fell). Transcending Miðgarð, the largest volcanic depression on Io, one of Jupiter’s moons, is named Loki Patera, and it contains an active lava lake. As you can see, volcanoes are very dear to Loki, and if we think of his Hveðrung (Roarer) aspect it's no surprise.
Apart from volcanoes, which I still have to try, I personally find it easy to connect with him in a variety of locations. In the open air, among the wild mountains, the nearer to the top, the better. He seems to enjoy high open spaces, much like a Hawk or a Vulture, in fact. Mountains, woods, rivers, all rich with life, allow me to meet the animals that are dear to him, so they're great places to commune both with their spirits and with Loki himself. Same goes for the Sea: salt water, strong winds and possibly hot Sun create a marvelous environment to get in touch with him. But let's not forget Loki is also a keeper of the hearth, therefore home is a great place to honor him! No need for majestic altars if you can't have one, a simple burner with a bit of coffee or some nice food prepared with love and intent will suffice.
Pic of Fagradalsfjall volcano eruption by Brian Emfinger

July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 13 • What modern cultural issues are closest to Loki’s heart?
Loki has a big heart. It burns with love for the oppressed, and with rage towards the oppressors. If you're a victim of injustice, whatever form of injustice, you can trust him for help. He's very protective of his devotees, and he understands the burden of being an outcast; an innocent blamed for something they didn't do; someone cruelly punished for following their own nature. He understands. And he stands with us. He fights by our side for our chains to be shattered, he does so from the beginning of time itself.
There are many things that just don't work in our society. Hate and discrimination still go strong. So if you're among the hated, know that you will always find comfort in him. Maybe you're part of the LGBTQ+ community and you struggle with people around you; maybe your skin, or your accent, or your life choices are different from your judging neighbours'; maybe you're a woman fighting for her body; maybe you're a man who doesn't wanna be like the society taught you to be; maybe you're a frightened child, hiding in a corner, calling for their Dad. Well. He's there. Call him by his name, and he will comfort you. And his love will heal the bruises of the hate. And his flame will burn the haters' hearts. Call him. We should all call him to teach us how to set ourselves free and help us destroy this sick nightmare that's dying around us, before it drags us down in its own grave.
Art: Loki by Run1and1hide

July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 15 • Any mundane practices that are associated with this deity?
In my experience, Loki is a very multidimensional god, so there are a number of things we can do that please him. He’s not one to ask for huge, solemn rituals to celebrate him - though he doesn’t despise one, mind you: but that’s not the only nor main way to honor him. For example, he’s associated with a number of animals, both from the lore and from modern paganism sources. Fly, Spider, Vulture, Hawk, Fox, Salmon, Wolf (UPG?), Snake, and the list could go on, but it gives you the idea: in our everyday life, we can help “his” animals, or better yet animals in general since he seems to love them all. How? By not killing the critters in our house, for a start, but rather set them free outside. Then, according to our possibilities, we can either make a donation to, or volunteer in, an animal shelter. Loki is a god that stands up in defense of the victims of all kinds, so to honor him we can try and do the same by defending someone who’s being victimized, or again, we can donate to/volunteer in associations and such helping those in need. Along with Sigyn, they’re both very protective of children, so consider doing the same, the way you prefer. Then, of course, there are the Dead. Loki is very much a Death god in my practice, so taking care of the Dead can be a great way to homage him. Basically, since he’s usually ever so present in the lives of his devotees, whatever you do can be a way to honor him, as long as the intent is there. Experiment, do what you feel, listen to him and find your ways, that will always be my advice.
Art: Witch by Erlyenda

July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 23 • Your own composition – a piece of writing about or for Loki
Loki, my beloved Faðir.
You called me your Dóttir, and I hope to live by the name.
Loki, always the outcast.
Loki, always the wrong one.
Loki, always the beaten one.
And yet, you shine bright still.
You experienced pain, fetters and venom.
And yet, you shine to show us the way.
Show me your way, Faðir.
Teach it to me.
Imprisoned yet unfettered one,
show all of us how to be free,
and help us.
Help us see the light, Harbinger of Fire.
Help us make the cave we’re trapped in collapse.
Help us destroy what needs to be destroyed.
Guide us through Ragnarok and beyond.
Written November 30, 2021. I still feel this very much in my heart.
Art: Chaos Incarnate by OFools on DeviantArt

July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 26 • How has your relationship with this deity changed over time?
It hasn’t really changed, it’s just grown deeper, and does so time after time. I’ve always felt him as a godly father, and this feeling gets stronger as my practice continues. Of course I was a bit anxious about approaching him at first too, mind you. He’s a god, ffs, and as arrogant as I may appear out here I have my insecurities too. He’s been nothing but reassuring through the years, though, so if I have to think about a change in our relationship I might say it’s grown more relaxed on my behalf.
Art: Deceiver of the Gods by Muirin007 on DeviantArt

July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 29 • Any interesting or unusual UPG to share?
Neon Goats.
So many strange things happen when you deal with Loki, that I had to ask my good friend Sigyn if she, as an external observer, could name an unusual thing I told her about my experiences with Loki. Being the godsdamn genius she is, she came up with the brightest (literally) hint: neon Goats!
The Helheimr does that mean, you ask?
Well, it’s a vision I had last Winter, on a feverish night. I found myself in a place that vaguely resembled Iceland, only everything was neon. And there were all kinds of neon Goats all over the place. All kind of Goats: domestic Goats, Alpine Ibexes, Chamois… name a Goat, or an animal resembling a Goat, and it most likely was there. As I woke from this psychedelic dream, I remember thinking about Loki, and smiling because I felt him near. Via neon Goats.
Makes sense, uh?
Well, in fact he’s tied (pun intended) to Goats, according to the myths, so it might not be a random association, but I’ve never heard of neon Goats (nor neon animals in general) associated with him. Therefore, I agree with Sigyn: this must definitely be my most unusual UPG.
To honor this vision, after I found a Chamoix skull in a thrift market, I decorated it with neon acrylic paints. Not a particularly excellent work, since I’m not a pro of course, but I had good fun painting it according to the colors of my vision. It’s been sitting on Loki’s altar since, and he seems to enjoy this funny gift too.

Sounds like Angrboða's wisdom.
“The forest will answer you in the way you call to it.”
— Finnish proverb
True. 🔥
A Lokean Epiphany
if you are a child of Loki there is no place in this world or any other that you should fear. no place you are truly alone.
lost at sea? drowning, in water or in pain? in tears? Jormungandr will coil around you as he does the Earth and hold you together. there is no end to Him or his protection
persecuted, shackled, hunted in the deep woods? Fenrir and His mother Angrboda will be your bright eyes in the dark, the fangs and claws that break your chains
alone in an empty place? caught between one world and the next? Slepnir will fly to you faster than thought, swifter than the dawn and more unstoppable as nightfall
lost within your own heart, or body? finding yourself changing into someone you don't recognize? dysphoric, traumatized, betrayed by those you trust? Vali and Narfi know this. they cry with you and dry your tears
watching those you love suffer and struggling to shield them? overwhelmed by a world of punishment, a system so much bigger than you? Remember that brave Sigyn's name means victory, and fierce love is stronger than any venom
on the edge of death itself? let sweet lady Hel welcome you into a merciful embrace - and She will not, if you have more to do before you come home.
and wherever you are, if you are a witch, an outcast, if you are silenced, if you are called a Monster, if your world burns, remember that we have a fiery All-Mother of our own. Hail Loki and Their family. Hail Us.
Love this. 🔥✨🖤
A prayer for Loki during times of change
I hail you Loki, lord of fire, seer of truths!
I praise you Loki, the one who does not falter!
I ask you to help me embrace the changes in the life that I have given to you.
I ask you to lend me the strength to be my true, authentic self in the face of those who wrongfully judge me.
For you are the only one who judges me rightfully for who I am and not for who I appear to be.
You see who I am, could be, and will be with your discerning eye and you guide me in the way you see fit.
I thank you for the hope and reassurance that change can be a good thing and that pain is something that we must endure and not give in to.
Just as you have taught us all to endure with a mocking smirk on our lips so shall I!
I thank you for these blessings!
Louder for the people in the back!
*sits up*
I am deeply troubled by the fandomization of deity worship on tumblr. For some reason the Æsir are perceived as villains by a lot people here??… Paganism isn’t a damn fandom yall, there’s no good guys and there’s no bad guys and there’s no martyrs. Just hundreds of years old stories we know barely a thing about, and divine presences which are neither good nor evil.
*lies back down*
Lokean Parable: Let Baldr Be the Best (Baldrs Draumar)
Baldr was a prince of the Aesir. He was handsome and well liked, but also very insecure. Even though he was a prince, he didn’t feel like the other Aesir respected him as much as he deserved. Everyone knew that Thor was the best warrior, and that Skathi was the best hunter, and that Heimdall was the best at following the rules. But there was nothing that everyone knew Baldr was the best at.
One evening, after Thor had regaled everyone with another of his great tales about roaming the outlands, Baldr went to his mother, Frigga.
“I can’t stand it.” He said. “Why are there no great tales of my bravery and daring?”
Frigga smiled lovingly and put her hands on his shoulders.
“Because my dear, you are a prince, and you are too important to send roaming the outlands.”
This cheered Baldr for a moment. Being important was a good thing. But the he realized he wasn’t the most important, so it was just one more thing that someone else was better at.
“If I’m so important, how come I’m not the best at anything?” He asked.
“You are the best at being my son.”
Baldr shrugged. “That’s not much. That only means I’m better at it than Hothr, and he is bad at everything.” He said, and walked off to his hall to sleep.
Frigga thought all night about this, and in the morning, she decided to do something about it. She went to everyone and everything and made them promise that they would let Baldr be better then them. She made the deer promise to let Baldr run faster, and the steel promise to let Baldr be stronger.
“Thor” Frigga said, “I want you to promise to always let Baldr win when you two spar.”
Thor shrugged. “That seems weird. But you asked it, and so I will promise.”
“Skathi” Frigga said, “I want you to promise to always let Baldr hunt better than you.”
Skathi looked at Frigga with eyes like pine shadows in winter. “If that is how it must be.”
“Heimdall” Frigga said, “I want you to promise to always let Baldr follow the rules better than you.”
Heimdall nodded sagely. “I don’t know what that means, but you are in charge and I will always do as you command.”
In this way, Frigga made sure that Baldr was the best at everything and that nothing bad would ever happen to him. Baldr had great fun, challenging Thor to wrestling contests and winning, going hunting with Skathi and getting the most deer, and making up new rules that Heimdall couldn’t follow better because he didn’t know about them.
But all this happened while Loki was away on a long journey in the outlands, and one day, he came back to Asgard. He found Thor, covered in bruises and drinking mead.
“Thor,” asked Loki, “while I was gone, did everyone lose their fucking minds?”
Thor shook his head. “No, but Frigga made us all promise to let Baldr be the best at everything.”
Loki took the horn that Thor was drinking from and downed the rest of it. “That is so much worse.”
Thor shrugged. “It’s not so bad. Baldr will get bored of it sooner or later.”
Loki looked over at Baldr, who was wearing medals representing all things he was best at, including a medal that read ‘medal for having more medals than anyone else in Asgard.’
“I don’t think he will.” Loki said, and left the hall.
The next day, Loki found out that Frigga hadn’t exacted any promises from the mistletoe plant because it wasn’t good enough at anything for her to bother with. Loki made an arrow from the mistletoe wood and poisoned it with a poison made from the white berries. That afternoon, Baldr was showing everyone again how he was stronger than arrows or swords, and telling them to ‘take their best shot.’ All of the Aesir indulged him, except for his brother Hothr, who was blind.
“Hothr,” said Loki, “You should honor your brother as the other Aesir do.”
Hothr shook his head. “It is too embarrassing. Yesterday, I missed and hit a cow instead. Everyone laughed at me, and Baldr won’t stop calling me ‘slayer of cows.’”
“That’s ok.” Loki said. “Take this bow and arrow, and I will guide your shot true. No one will make fun of you after that.”
“I would like that. Thank you.”
“My pleasure.” Loki said, and did as he promised. The mistletoe arrow struck Baldr in the heart and killed him instantly.
This caused great confusion among the Aesir. Odin made the journey to the afterworld where Baldr was feasting, and demanded the Hel send him back to Asgard. Hel was Loki’s daughter, and while she didn’t want to offend Odin and the Aesir, she was suspicious of the demand. She agreed to return Baldr, but only if everyone in Asgard agreed that he should come back.
Odin and Frigga gathered everyone together and they all agreed that Baldr should come back. All except Loki.
“Will you release everyone from their promises if he returns?” Loki asked Frigga.
“No.” She said. “And this time I will get everything. Even the mistletoe. Even you.”
“Hard pass.” Said Loki.
Frigga leveled her finger at Loki. “Fine. You aren’t even one of us anyway. Everyone who isn’t a half breed and a traitor has agreed. Hel must send Baldr back.”
But Hel refused. When the reply came, Frigga was furious. She found Loki getting ready to return to the outlands.
“Someday soon,” she said to Loki “you will pay dearly for this.”
Loki slung his pack over his shoulder and looked around at Asgard, at the halls, and at all the Aesir and Vanir who lived there.
“Someday soon,” Loki said “we will all pay dearly for this.”
Hail my beloved Faðir 🔥
Hail to you Loki Revealer of Corruption, Speaker of Hard Truths May your presence drain the festering wound Remove the infection from flesh And grant it godly hue once again Sly One, Protector of Those Brave Enough to Speak Out May we speak with unfettered tongues And reveal the hard won truth We hold your torch in our hands

“No great thing needs | a man to give,
Oft little will purchase praise;
With half a loaf | and a half-filled cup
A friend full fast I made.”- tr. Bellows.
Gifting is a concept of utmost importance amongst heathens, both giving and receiving. But the gifts need not be extreme in value or production. This can be carried over into every day personal practice when you’re cultivating relationships with your deities.

“No great thing needs | a man to give,
Oft little will purchase praise;
With half a loaf | and a half-filled cup
A friend full fast I made.”- tr. Bellows.
Gifting is a concept of utmost importance amongst heathens, both giving and receiving. But the gifts need not be extreme in value or production. This can be carried over into every day personal practice when you’re cultivating relationships with your deities.