Air Nomads - Tumblr Posts
i find something so fascinating about a character remaining so gentle, empathetic and true to himself after going through so much.

Not because he's a monk, but because he knows and understands how destructive pain, vengeance, pure anger and hatred could be
Aang is one of the strongest characters in the series. I would say the strongest actually
Why Aang Not Being The Best Father Works?

A lot of people did not like Aang’s interpretation in LOK. I actually really liked it since it makes sense. Aang is one of the sweetest characters, but he didn’t have a parental example to follow and that plays a big role when you become a parent. Sure he had Monk Gyatso but only until he was twelve. Aang had to grow up without parents. Plus, he added this pressure to restore the Air Nation on himself and it clouded him for a lot of his life.
He just focused on Tenzin more because of his own pressure and wish to bring the Air Nation back. He also wanted to teach his youngest child how to hone his skills.
Aang definitely loved his children and never intentionally wanted his two eldest children to feel they way they did. He wholeheartedly accepted Kya when she came out, and I bet Aang is proud of all the achievements Bumi accomplished as a non bender.
I think some people expect protagonists to be perfect, but them making mistakes is what means to be human. Learning from them especially. Viewers need to know that making mistakes is okay, and how to grow from it.
Thoughts? 😊❤️

Meme I made: “The Virgin Emo vs. the Chad Monk”
Found this post about Avatar The Last Airbender, and wanted to share it cause is amazing and so true.

See the original post in:



At its core the most important relationship arc in Avatar the last air bender is the one between Zuko and Aang honestly if you can’t see that then I don’t think we watched the same show.
Aang and Zuko are the true Yin and Yang in the show the push and pull. Fire and Air right down to their personalities.
It is both of them that have to go on the journey of learning that fire is more than just destruction can be used for more than just to hurt.
And that right there is the point it doesn’t matter if Aang defeats Ozai and they bring the fire nation to heel. Without a character like Zuko the fire nation would be lost forever to distrust and unrest, balance would never be reached. Because despite everything they have done all the damage they have wreaked the world still needs the fire nation and to work with the fire nation they need to know that fire can do more than hurt. And who best to show them than a prince who’s been burned himself?
The war started with the fire nation attacking the air nomads in a bid for control and it will end with the fire lord embracing an air nomad and taking ownership of his nations actions. You must first close a book before you can start a new one.
Aang needed Zuko just as Zuko needed him because to get peace a true lasting peace you can’t just cut off the head of a snake you have to change its mind. The world already lost the air nomads the balance is already precarious, it cannot afford to lose the fire nation too.
Afterall Air can snuff out a flame and it can also fan them. But when the two elements are balanced one existing in peace with the other it can also make a warm hearth for the home.
what the most common injury caused by bending in earth kingdom must be? broken bones.
and like fire nation healers who know the most about the burns, earth kingdom healers must know everything there is about healing fractures. the same way water tribes healers expertise in frostbite/drowning and bloodflow in general.
which raises the question: did air nomads have healers? probably. but injury easily acquired while bending air is also broken bones. did they have their own ways of healing that? or were they more knowledgeable in healing respiratory system?
So there are MANY problems with ATLA but one of the things that bothers me a lot is that all of the characters speak the same language. At the beginning of the first season it is made very clear that each of the four nations have no interactions with each other. It is understood that before the war, the air nomads often traveled to other places to experience other cultures. It therefore makes sense that they would speak lots of different languages. However, every single other tribe/nation is extremely isolated and, based on language evolution, there would be no reason for there to be a common language. I understand in theory why it makes a lot of sense for every character to at least be able to communicate through spoken language, but the least they could have done was differentiated the written language between each culture.
I have an idea for an Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfic. It's an alternate universe in which Aang dies in the storm, the Air Nomads are still wiped out, the Hundred Years War continues to rage on, and the new reincarnation of the Avatar, instead of Korra, is (Y/N). The setting is going to be different since the Fire Nation have pretty much taken over the entire world. He/she must learn to master all four elements, but obviously that will be proven far more difficult since there's no one to teach him/her the Air elemental (or is there), and the Fire Nation plan to slaughter the Northern and Southern Water Tribes (or perhaps they already have... for the most part). Maybe the Fire Nation have already swept through the Earth Kingdom in search for the Avatar. They, too, are gone. Now they must target their own people (or maybe not... they might consider the Avatar on their side since they'll be fellow Fire Nation). I'd be happy to write an entire series if people are willing to read it. Depending on the route taken, beloved characters will make an appearance. So, what do you guys think? Any suggestions? I need to write more often, so this would be perfect.
This is an appreciation post for the air nomads ✨️✨️ I like to think bison are a lot more diverse, and are very beloved and decorated by their owners. Sometimes it's boring in the sky too, so pinwheels and kites are added for bending fun :)

The babies can't do much but there are sometimes bison rides for the elderly and children (or open to anyone, really.) I imagine sky bison are a lot like yaks, who naturally shed an undercoat in spring that can be used for fabric. Spring is absolutely HORRIBLE for allergies though

And also the gaang! sharing aangs culture ect by making use of appa's fur and trying to deal with the pesky lemurs lol

Aang and Toph

He's trying his best

Windy boyo
Inktober 2024 Day 10: Nomadic
Sketch & Base Lining: