Tw Cp Mention - Tumblr Posts
Hey guys, I have to make a serious callout post unfortunately. There’s something that tumblr (and the Castlevania fandom) seems to have a big problem with and I’m done being quiet about it.
If you still support the users the-crow-binary and kaosunotenshi after reading this post, block me.
Content warning for pedophilia, CP, and incest.

This is a child porn fic, requested and found to be “hawt” by our reblogger here. No, I’m not showing any of the writing under that cut because it’s in graphic detail that no one should ever be subjected to.
I’ve thought about talking about it for a long time, but when I first ran into it, I was too afraid that I’d start fandom drama and get attacked since these two and some of their supporters (who I’ll probably end up making a post about sometime in the future) are pretty big accounts in this fandom, but, after some thinking and being tormented by it for a while, I’ve decided that don’t give a fuck if I lose a bunch of followers who don’t take child porn seriously. Good riddance.
I know I’m a small account and don’t speak for the whole fandom at all and most people won’t see this, but I really don’t want to interact with or see anyone condoning this kind of shit! Shit honestly feels like too soft of a word for it to be honest. There is absolutely no excuse, and I mean absolutely no fucking excuse, for writing porn of a child, fictional character or not. And before anyone says it, this is not a case of a dark and very real topic being portrayed with the level of tact and empathy it deserves, this fic was primarily written with the intent to be “hawt”.
And to kaosunotenshi and the-crow-binary, if they ever see or get word of this post, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Anyway, this is a pretty big downside to having eyes, I’m exhausted, I just needed to get this out there or it’d keep tormenting me, and again, if you still support the users kaosunotenshi and the-crow-binary after this post, block me.
Drawn cp not being classed as csem by the FBI doesn't mean it's okay, you know that right? You understand that just because something is legal doesn't mean it's immune to criticism? Do you understand that "it's allowed by the FBI actually!!" is a very weak and bad response to someone condemning something?
"Drawn CP."
Again. Not actually CP.
Its. Fictional.
By definition. It does not involve any real children. That's the distinction I'm making. Because its an important one, and one that people who share your mindset love to ignore in regards to vehement defence of fictional characters who neither exist nor need defending. Because they're not real.
By all means. Criticize or condemn what you like. If your moral stance is that you can't separate fictional creations from real life actions and intent, then that's your stance. If its equitable to you, that's your opinion.
Where it has to stop is when you begin trying to treat those fictional characters with the same victim consideration as real people and labelling the person who created the content as a rapist/murderer/pedophile/ect.
People like you love to condemn fictional content on the basis that it serves as an alternate, direct reflection of reality, when the simple fact is that it isn't.
OP's post was quite literally: "If you're using the subject of your trauma to create fiction that allows you to heal or exist in the least harmful way, you should feel ashamed and guilty."
My response was. Why?
Genuinely. I would love to know what is so abhorrent about people creating victimless, fictional content because it benefits them.
I, personally, would prefer someone writes 100,000 pieces of fiction over harming a real life child.
I, personally, would prefer someone writes 100,000 pieces of fiction over going out and trying to find an outlet in unsafe sex and making themselves vulnerable.
I, personally, would rather people enjoy or experience dangerous, wild, weird, unsafe, unethical kinks and activities fictionally over doing it in real life and winding up hurt or hurting someone else.
I, personally, would never see someone processing, understanding or finding outlet from their trauma through fiction and demand they scuttle off into some dark corner and hate themselves for it.
I implore you to talk to some actual real life therapists who specialise in trauma. Not just your generic therapist. An actual trauma specialist. Creating fictional content, be it art, literature, music, ect, is a very viable, proven tool for both living with something and moving on from it.
By the way, no.
Fictional smut, be it literature or art, involving fictional characters who are children, is not child pornography because they are not actual children.
Hope this helps.
Stop watering down child pornography and its genuine horrors by trying to tell victims that made up little beings have the same rights as they do.
When people tell you its dangerous and dehumanizing to equate fictional people to real ones, listen to them.
That last addition, this is important to note. I've been lurking on Pixiv and JP/KR/CN twitter for a long time, so remember this very well: CP IN JP/KR/CN/etc. FANDOM SHIPPING CONTEXT MEANS "COUPLE", NOT GODDAMN CSEM
Ngl, I know very well what that abbreviation means in JP/KR/CN twitter and Pixiv, but holy shit, it never fails to give me heart attacks knowing that some North American cuntfuck might probably go apeshit and harrass East-Asian artists for using CP (COUPLE) as a term for discussing ships
East Asian fanartists are starting to migrate back to Tumblr because Twitter is insane, toxic, and dying, and what we're NOT going to do is let the fucking exclusionists get them, do you hear me? We are not going to let a bunch of feral idiots try to apply the most myopic version of puritanism to foreign artists we're not we're not we're not. Form an armed brigade if you have to, do you hear me. We're not going to bully the artists who may or may not even speak English because we have our precious standards of moral purity. If we see art that makes us uncomfy we're going to block the artist and tumblr savior their name so we don't have to see them again AND WE'RE GONNA MOVE THE FUCK ON.

Every day I find out another person I care about in some way is a terrible person why the hell do I keep getting attached to horrible people—
Warning: descriptions of some of the said horrible people below, read the tw tags if you need them.
One friend suddenly started to be homophobic when they got comfortable enough with me, another started to get super pissed off if I ever had to end a conversation earlier than three hours and would constantly want me to solve all their problems, another I thought was cool until I found out they’d been being racist on twitter and I couldn’t see it cause I don’t have a twitter account, another (an adult) followed me and was friends with me when I was a teenager and literally waited until I was 18 to start hitting on me, multiple people I tried to make friends with in a couple different fandoms I’ve found out were writing and circulating CP or just in general porn addicted, and another started up drama that included using a friend’s trauma they opened up about as reference to write and draw CP and cheating on their spouse, a couple ended up saying transphobic shit around me, I recently found out one was racist enough to be calling for death to people, one of my old middle school friends turned into a complete dick in high school and I found out recently is in jail—
And even outside of people I’ve actually known personally, it seems like every musician, artist, YouTuber, actor etc. are all either dying or rapidly being outed as absolutely horrible of all kinds and it’s just fucking disheartening man.
I’m getting genuinely paranoid of talking to or trusting people at all lately, it’s been insane. I don’t even wanna use instagram anymore and tumblr hasn’t been all that much better tbh. I’m starting to lose all motivation for anything too.
Shit’s just fucked up.
Hey guys, I have to make a serious callout post unfortunately. There’s something that tumblr (and the Castlevania fandom) seems to have a big problem with and I’m done being quiet about it.
If you still support the users the-crow-binary and kaosunotenshi after reading this post, block me.
Content warning for pedophilia, CP, and incest.

This is a child porn fic, requested and found to be “hawt” by our reblogger here. No, I’m not showing any of the writing under that cut because it’s in graphic detail that no one should ever be subjected to.
I’ve thought about talking about it for a long time, but when I first ran into it, I was too afraid that I’d start fandom drama and get attacked since these two and some of their supporters (who I’ll probably end up making a post about sometime in the future) are pretty big accounts in this fandom, but, after some thinking and being tormented by it for a while, I’ve decided that don’t give a fuck if I lose a bunch of followers who don’t take child porn seriously. Good riddance.
I know I’m a small account and don’t speak for the whole fandom at all and most people won’t see this, but I really don’t want to interact with or see anyone condoning this kind of shit! Shit honestly feels like too soft of a word for it to be honest. There is absolutely no excuse, and I mean absolutely no fucking excuse, for writing porn of a child, fictional character or not. And before anyone says it, this is not a case of a dark and very real topic being portrayed with the level of tact and empathy it deserves, this fic was primarily written with the intent to be “hawt”.
And to kaosunotenshi and the-crow-binary, if they ever see or get word of this post, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Anyway, this is a pretty big downside to having eyes, I’m exhausted, I just needed to get this out there or it’d keep tormenting me, and again, if you still support the users kaosunotenshi and the-crow-binary after this post, block me.