Amazing Spiderman Imagine - Tumblr Posts
Secrets & Sleepovers

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Prompt - ‘So if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me for I too, am fluent in silence.’
Night after night Spiderman took to the streets fighting bad guys for hours on end and then had to attend school the next day on very little sleep. For the most part, he managed, the spider bite giving him all sorts of cool abilities, one of them being able to last longer without sleep than regular humans.
School was a nightmare most days. The workload was piling higher and higher as the semesters went on and on top of that he had to deal with Flash on a regular basis. The lack of sleep made him more susceptible to losing it on Flash but he somehow managed to keep it to verbal arguments lately. The last thing he needed was to accidentally expose his powers in a fight with Flash.
Peter Parker loved being Spiderman but some days it was all too much. Every little noise, the scent of the city, the feel of his clothing, his senses became overwhelmed and all he wanted to do was hide under his blanket and sleep for weeks.
Unfortunately that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. With exams around the corner and someone needing to look out for the little guys, Peter was overworking himself and it was only a matter of time before he crashed and burned.
You let out a loud groan as you let your head hit the textbook in front of you, missing the way Peter smirked at you.
“If I ever have to look at another math book again, I may cry.” You grumbled into the book. You and Peter were currently sitting in the library studying for an upcoming exam.
When you had first sat down, you had raised an eyebrow at Peter. He looked like he hadn’t gotten any sleep judging by the dark circles under his eyes, there was also bruising around his left jaw and a small cut just below his hairline. When you had asked him about it he shrugged it off and told you he was staying up late studying and that bruise was just him being clumsy. You weren’t sure you believed it but you let it go for now.
“Considering we got to a school that specialises in that stuff, I’m not liking your chances.” Peter grinned, causing you to sit up and throw a crumpled up piece of paper at him.
“Hey!” He exclaimed with a laugh. Moments later you heard a shushing noise causing you both to quietly chuckle.
“Let’s take a break.” Peter suggested, moving to put his books in his bag. You were in desperate need of some food and a stretch so you were quick to follow.
It wasn’t long until the two of you had found a small diner and had a selection of food in front of you.
You noticed how Peter shifted and winced a few times before settling in.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” You asked again.
Peter cursed himself, he thought he was good at hiding his secret but you always managed to see through the lies he gave. It was another downside to having this mutation, the lying. He was constantly lying to you, to Aunt May, to everyone but he couldn’t risk anyone finding out. He wouldn’t risk the people he cared about getting hurt because of him.
“I’m fine,” Peter assured with a bright smile, it was hard not to smile back though the concern didn’t go away. “Trust me, after finals I’ll be good as new.” He knew that wasn’t true but he just wanted you to stop worrying about him. With all the stress right now the last thing he wanted was to add to that.
“Ok, ok, I’ll drop it but if you wanna talk about anything…”
“I know and I appreciate it, Y/N/N, I really do.” With that you finally did let the topic drop. Peter was right, everyone was stressed and overly tired right now.
The days were starting to blend into each other. Peter was struggling to get through the day, dreading the nights where he would fight crime but if he didn’t do it and somebody got hurt...that was on him.
Nobody else would feel the pain he felt, not when he could do the things he could.
Peter was sitting on the roof of a tall building, legs dangling over the edge. He’d long taken his mask off, knowing he was safe up here. Tonight had started off rough, he’d stopped a mugging but had taken a few hits from the man's knife and plenty of bruises were quickly developing on his face. Thankfully his healing speed meant that the knife wound had knitted itself together quite quickly to stop the bleeding but that only made him more exhausted.
He wouldn’t know where the bruises ended on his face and where the bags under his eyes started. He so desperately wanted to do nothing more than clasp into bed.
He was exhausted.
Shaking his head, he blinked hard against the sudden wetness in his eyes, cursing himself for becoming so emotional but he couldn’t help it. Between school and secret identities, he was stretching himself way too thin.
With a sigh Peter stood up. He had to get moving otherwise he’d end up falling asleep on some cold rooftop. He swung for what felt like hours, really it couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes, before landing on a fire escape.
He hadn’t realised it but somehow he had ended up at your house. The curtains were still open and he could see the soft glow of the lamp.
Mentally he chastised himself for coming here but who could blame him? You had always had a way of making him feel safe, making him feel like everything was ok even when it was falling to pieces. When he had lost Uncle Ben you had been his rock. So who could blame him for subconsciously seeking you out when he was feeling like this.
He looked in the window and saw you sat at your desk, books and papers spread out in what looked like a chaotic mess but he knew you would know exactly where everything was.
He wanted so desperately to knock on your window, to just sit with you in silence and feel like the world wasn’t about to crumble but he knew he couldn’t.
For starters he was still in the Spiderman suit and secondly he knew if you caught a glimpse of him now, bruised and beaten, you wouldn’t stop until you found out his secret.
He stood up, ready to leave and continue swinging around for a few more hours despite the exhaustion. You however heard something outside and turned to look, from your seat at the desk you had a perfect view of the fire escape just outside your window and your eyes widened as you saw Peter.
You ran over to the window, pushing it open before Peter had a chance to move and the two of you froze, locking eyes with each other waiting for someone to break the silence.
When the silence stretched for an uncomfortable amount of time you spoke;
“You’re Spiderman.” You stated rather than asked, the evidence was clear before your eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Was Peter’s quiet reply, his eyes grew wet as he tried to hold back tears. You took in each cut and bruise on his face, wincing in sympathy. It explained a lot really but you’d seen the videos of Spiderman, you’d seen the risk he put himself in time and time again.
You didn’t like it but even without Peter’s explanation, which you would definitely be getting, you knew he wouldn’t ever give Spiderman up, knew how much responsibility he must have been putting on himself. The exhaustion made a lot of sense.
“Come in.” You said, stepping out of the way so he could climb in. Peter hesitated but did as you asked, standing awkwardly by your window as you rummaged around in your closet.
It took a few moments but eventually you found a pair of sweatpants and an old shirt you’d stolen from Peter and held them out for him, smiling as he raised an eyebrow at you.
“I think you own more of my clothes than I do.” He joked but you could still see the tension in his shoulders, giving away just how anxious he was causing you to sigh.
“Listen, I’m not angry and I’m not going to ask you to give Spiderman up or anything. Hell, I’m not even completely surprised it’s you behind the mask. Sure I wish you would’ve told me but I get why you didn’t.” You told him sincerely, stepping forward and reaching up to lightly touch his bruised cheek. “You’re so brave. I promise we can talk about it in the morning but you look exhausted.”
“I’m so tired,” He whispered, his eyes falling shut as he leaned into your touch, “God, I’m so tired.” He repeated.
You took his hand and guided him to your bed, making sure he was tucked in before climbing in yourself. Peter was quick to move from his side and rest his head on your stomach causing you to smile down at him. You let your fingers settle in his hair, gently running your finger through it causing him to cuddle closer to you.
You continued to stroke his hair long after he had fallen asleep, a warm feeling spreading inside of you with every happy sigh he gave in his sleep. You were determined to make sure Peter was well rested and looked after from now on, seeing just how bad things had gotten for him. The pressure you knew he would put on himself would be enough to make anyone crack but Peter had held himself so well.
It wasn’t long before you were falling asleep too, a smile on your face as Peter reached for your hand whilst murmuring incoherent words.
The Moment I Knew

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Prompt - ‘What do you do when the one who means the most to you is the one who didn't show?’
For months now you’d had your suspicions that Peter wasn’t being honest with you, that he wasn’t being faithful. At first it was easy to ignore, Peter was just late to things but he always had a decent excuse but then he started missing dates, the first few times he’d missed them he had called and apologised profusely but eventually the calls stopped coming, leaving you sat in a diner or stood outside a movie theatre alone. From there you could go days without seeing or hearing from him, despite your best efforts.
You knew but you weren’t ready to admit it to yourself yet.
One last chance, you had told yourself that you’d give him one last chance.
Peter made his way over to you as you finished up at your locker, ready to head home after a long school day. He smiled at you, a boyish grin lighting up his face, before he leaned down to kiss your cheek.
The two of you made light conversation as you headed towards the exit, things still tense between the two of you after Peter blew off your last date.
One last chance.
“You’re definitely gonna be at my party, right?” You asked as the two of you came to a stop before you had to separate to get home.
Peter looked down at you, his eyebrows drawing together as he frowned but he shook his head as if shaking away unwanted thoughts.
“Of course I’ll be there, baby.” He told you, promised you. You gave him a dubious look which made him feel even worse. He knew he had been terrible to you lately, he knew he was an idiot but with Spiderman and the workload at school and trying to cover all his injuries so you or May didn’t notice, even with his healing ability, it was hard. It was all becoming too much. He hated keeping it a secret from you, hated lying to you and cancelling on you constantly but he had to do it. He needed to be Spiderman, he needed to help people. “Y/N, I swear I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He assured you before leaning down to kiss you softly.
“I promise.” He whispered against your lips and you sighed before nodding.
You went to bed that night praying Peter Parker kept that promise.
It was the morning of your birthday and so far everything was going great. Your family had woken you up with gifts and breakfast and there was a flurry of texts and posts wishing you a happy birthday.
Peter had yet to text or call you but it was still early so you figured he was just waiting until he saw you at the party but despite what you told yourself you couldn’t help the worry that started to set in as you were getting ready.
The party was at your house, large enough to host the array of guests that would be coming, and your parents had gone all out on the decorations. Twinkling lights lit the room up nicely, balloons, flowers, streamers and all sorts of other decorations had been set up making the room look amazing.
“You look incredible!” Your friend said as she stepped in with a large group of people from your school. Everyone wished you a happy birthday, handing you cards and gifts that were set upon a table.
As more people flooded into the house, you couldn’t help but glance at your phone repeatedly and yet each time you checked there was no message from Peter.
It wasn’t long before the party was in full swing, music was blasting, people were dancing and laughing as they sang along and yet you weren’t enjoying yourself. You stood off to the side with your eye on the door, waiting for Peter to walk in.
If he burst through the door right now, with that smile of his, you would’ve been so happy. You would have pushed away the fact he was late, that he hadn’t called or texted you, you would’ve just been happy he was there.
“Y/N!,” you turned to face the person who called you, it was Josh, one of the jocks on the basketball team. “Happy Birthday!” He beamed, pulling you into a hug. “How’ve you been?” He asked when he pulled away.
You forced a smile onto your face, trying to pull yourself out of your memories, memories from just the other day when Peter had promised, he’d promised, he would be here. You made friendly conversation with Josh but kept one eye on the door throughout it.
It wasn’t long before you were left alone again and couldn’t help but let your mind wander back to all the times Peter had stood you up. Yet you always told him it was fine, sure you argued about it but at the end of the day you loved him, you didn’t want to lose him.
But now, as you stood alone at your own party, the new dress you’d bought just for the occasion and the red lipstick meant nothing. You had nobody here to impress. The one person who you wanted here most hadn’t bothered to show up, even worse he hadn’t bothered to tell you why.
Looking around the room, everyone else was laughing, they were having a great time and you hated that you weren’t amongst them, laughing along with them as you enjoyed your birthday.
As the hours ticked on, the party showed no signs of dying down despite how much you wanted the night to be over. You just wanted to be alone.
“Hey Y/N,” It was Peter’s friend, Gwen. From the look on her face she knew something was wrong and the sympathy on her face was too much for you.
You felt your eyes fill with tears, watched as Gwen’s eyes softened some more, before you pushed past her and made your way to the toilet. Gwen followed you down the hall and managed to get in the bathroom before you shut the door.
She watched as you clutched the sink like it was your lifeline, she watched as the tears fell down your face and mascara stained your cheeks. She watched her best friend’s girlfriend fall apart because he had messed up again.
Eventually you managed to stop crying and turned to face Gwen. Your makeup was ruined but you didn’t care, it was the last thing you cared about right now. You just wanted everyone to leave.
“He said he’d be here.” You told her hopelessly.
Gwen didn’t say anything, what could she possibly say to you right now? Nothing would make this right and she was furious at Peter. She had known Peter had been blowing you off lately but despite her best efforts she couldn’t get him to tell her why. But there was no excuse good enough to make up for him making you feel like this.
So instead she stayed silent and pulled you in for a hug.
Once you made your way back to the living room the lights dimmed and the many, many guests started to sing Happy Birthday to you. You forced a smile onto your face as you wiped your cheeks, trying to hide what had happened in the bathroom.
You felt Gwen place her hand on the small of your back and blinked away the tears that came as a result.
Once people were done you thanked them, quickly blew out the candles and made to leave.
“What’s wrong?” One of your friends asked as she caught you by the arm, taking note of your ruined makeup and the mascara that hadn't quite been wiped away.
You didn’t say anything, couldn’t say anything. What could you say when the tears started to stream down your face again in front of everyone you knew?
People gave you sympathic looks, more people trying to ask what had happened but you just shook your head.
You didn’t even care that you were crying in front of all these people, none of them mattered to you. The only person that mattered was the one person who didn’t bother to show.
In that moment though, you knew things between you and Peter were done. You knew you couldn’t carry on with this, couldn’t carry on being stood up, being lied to, being ignored. You put so much effort into this relationship and the one time, the one time, you wanted Peter to show up, the one night he knew was important and he didn’t care enough to even text.
That was the moment you knew.
You pushed through the crowd and made your way to your bedroom. You let the door shut with a gentle click before you leaned your back against it, letting your head hit the hard wood.
It was only a moment later that the sob left you and it was followed by more and more until you were sliding down the door, heartbreaking sobs drowned out by the music as you buried your face in your knees.
This, this was the moment you knew things had to be done between you and Peter.
You had cried yourself to sleep, still sat on the floor and by the time you woke up the music was turned off and you couldn’t hear any voices. Your eyebrows knitted together as you tried to figure out what had woken you up when you heard your phone buzzing from next to you on the floor.
You looked down and felt an ache in your chest as you saw Peter’s smile beaming up at you, it was your favourite picture of him, half asleep, his hair was a mess but he looked beautiful.
You considered ignoring the call but decided it was best just to rip the band aid off. You’d always thought breaking up with somebody over the phone was weak but right now, in this moment you understand how people did it. The thought of seeing Peter physically hurt.
With a sigh you pressed answered.
“Y/N?” He asked into the phone and you took a shaky breath, trying to calm yourself before speaking.
“What?” You asked, your voice croaky from crying.
You heard Peter let out a deep sigh, the line staying silent for a moment before he spoke.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t make it.” He said and you wished you had the energy to fight him, wished you had the energy to stand up for yourself, to tell him he should be sorry, tell him that you were worth so much more than that. But you couldn’t, you didn’t have the energy to do anything involving Peter Parker. You already knew it was done and there was nothing else to say.
“I’m sorry too,” You said, “I can’t do this anymore, Peter, this is done.” You told him and you heard his breath hitch through the phone.
You couldn’t see the tears pouring down his face as he held a hand to his face. He knew he had messed up, he had every intention of going to your party but then something had happened and Spiderman was needed.
The whole night was a mess.
“Please Y/N,” He said, fully prepared to beg for you right now. He loved you so much and he wasn’t ready to lose you, he couldn’t lose you.
“No Peter,” You whispered, not able to listen to him. It was too late for him to fight for you now, he should have fought to keep you when he had you. “Goodbye.” You said softly before hanging up the phone and letting your head hit the door as more tears fell down your face.
You knew in that moment you’d made the right decision, you couldn’t compete with whatever Peter was hiding from you. You couldn’t be second best to a secret but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt more than anything, finally letting Peter go.
AG's Peter Parker Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @imjustassaneasyou, @dindjarinsspouse, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @powerpuffluuvv, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @runawaywithmyghost, , @chaoticevilbakugo, @ppgrayson
Stay, Stay, Stay

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Prompt - 'I've been loving you for quite some time’
You sat on Peter’s bed, frustration clear on your face as you listened to Peter plead his case. You and Peter had been together for a good few months now and this was your first real fight, sure you bickered and argued sometimes but you never fought, not like this.
“I said I was sorry!” Peter exclaimed, feelings just as frustrated as you, if not more so. He hated that he had let you down, he had known how important it was for him to show up at the event your parents had been hosting earlier that night and he was on his way over, really he was, but then he saw a rush of police cars and the sound of gunshots and only minutes later Spiderman was swinging into action.
“One night, that’s all I asked for.” You yelled back, standing from the bed and making your way towards the door. This wasn’t the first time Peter had left you hanging but usually you got a phone call and it wasn’t so important.
“Why can’t you just accept the fact that something came up?!” You couldn’t help but scoff at that, anger coursing through your veins as you turned to face him. Your phone had left your hand before you could even register it, flying over to Peter who skillfully caught it.
“I’m sorry, ok?” Peter said again, softer this time. He saw the tears in your eyes, from sadness or anger, or both, he didn’t know but he felt terrible for making you cry even if you refused to let them fall.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” You told him, suddenly drained.
“No, come on, please stay,” He pleaded with you, eyes turning wide as he did, “It’s too late for you to be walking home tonight.”
He was right, it was well past midnight and it was only now that you gave thought to Aunt May who you knew was home as she was the one to let you in. You grimmanced as you thought of her hearing everything between you and Peter.
“I really don’t want to be around you right now.” You said whilst shaking your head and moved to pull the door open.
Peter frowned as he moved in front of you, blocking the exit off.
“Stay in here, I’ll take the sofa.” Peter insisted and the two of you went back and forth for a while until you finally rolled your eyes and agreed to take his room.
As you lay alone in your boyfriend's bed you couldn’t help but frown as you cuddled into his pillow. You knew you were being silly, Peter wouldn’t miss tonight unless it was important but the fact he hadn’t given you a straight answer annoyed you more than him not showing up.
The next morning you felt just as bad as you had last night. You hated leaving things like that with Peter, you hated not resolving the fight and you hated that you had both gone to bed angry and alone.
You couldn’t say just how long you lay in Peter’s bed, waiting for the man himself to come into his own room. You heard voices drifting up the stairs and knew both him and Aunt May were up.
So you had to make the first move then.
You weren’t quite ready to go down to Peter so instead grabbed your phone and pulled up your texts.
‘You know,’ you started it, wanting to keep the message light, ‘i read somewhere that you should never leave a fight unresolved.’
There, that was enough to let him know you were ok with him coming up, let him know that you wanted to talk.
You heard a crash from downstairs and raised an eyebrow, the sound of somebody rummaging through a closet or something made you sit up.
It wasn’t long before Peter’s door opened and you couldn’t stop the laughter from leaving you as he walked in wearing a football helmet that had seen better days, clearly it was a good few years old.
Peter grinned as he heard you laugh, glad to have eased the situation somewhat. He really was sorry for not showing up but sometimes with Spiderman it just couldn’t be helped.
Sometimes he did wonder if it would just be easier if you knew but then he thought of all the risks that came with you knowing and backed out, pushing any thoughts of you and Spiderman together out of his mind.
“Alright,” he said, grin widening as he listened to you giggle, “let’s talk.”
You patted the bed next to you, cheeks flushed from laughter and a smile firmly in place.
Peter was good at that, making you laugh and smile no matter the situation. You were glad for it, especially now after your first fight. You didn’t want things to be weird, you just wanted to talk and get it out of the way before going back to normal.
“Take that damn helmet off,” You laughed, causing Peter to roll his eyes jokingly but he did as you requested.
“I only wanted the truth.” You said softly after a moment of silence. You were both sitting side to side and you let your head hit the wall before turning to face him. Peter did the same, his smile turning sad as he did.
The truth? The truth was that Spiderman was needed, Spiderman was always going to be needed and he loved to help, he never wanted to give up Spiderman but he also didn’t ever want to lose you.
So, what was the truth?
“You saw that police chase last night, right?” He asked, watching as your smile fell and a concerned expression took over your face.
He knew now wasn’t the time but he couldn’t help but think of how adorable you looked, eyes filled with concern, eyebrows drawn together as you gently bit your lip.
He reached up, gently pulling your lip away from your teeth before letting his hand drop.
“Yeah I saw it, two guys broke out of prison and started shooting the streets up.” You said, voice so soft it was barely above a whisper as you put the pieces together. “You were there?”
“I got caught up in it.” He said, feeling incredibly guilty for lying to you. It was lie after lie with him and now he had you looking over at him with so much concern written across your face that it made him turn away from you, disgusted with himself.
Maybe if he told you the truth he could keep you and Spiderman separate, he’d done it so far. All he had to do was never interact with you as Spiderman unless absolutely necessary.
“Pete,” you gasped, leaning over to grab his hand in yours, “I’m so sorry, why didn’t you just tell me that? Are you ok?”
Peter couldn’t handle the guilt, his stomach twisting and it was then he made his mind up. He just hoped he was making the right decision because if something happened to you he’d never forgive himself.
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, I can’t do this anymore. You’re the best thing to happen to me and I just keep lying to you,” He told you with watery eyes as he pulled his hands from yours. You were so confused but before you could speak he started talking again, “no more, no more lies, I promise.”
“Peter, what are you talking about?” You asked, utterly lost as to where this conversation was going.
“I need to tell you something and if you don’t want to be with me anymore I understand but I need you to know.” He said, turning and resting on his knees as he gave you his full attention. “I was caught up in that police chase last night but not in the way you think. I was there and I was helping the police.” Here he watched as your eyebrows furrowed further together as you took in the information but hadn’t made the connection yet.
“Y/N, I’m Spiderman.” He confessed.
The silence spread for minutes, Peter not prompting a response from you but desperately needing one. You continued to stare at him in shock, replaying all the times you’d seen Spiderman on the news, joining dangerous situations and shooting of quick remarks as he took down the latest bad guy.
Spiderman was Peter, your Peter.
“Please say something.” He finally said, so softly but in the quiet of the room it wasn’t hard to miss.
“I love you.” You said, watching as Peter’s eyes widened.
A confession like that was honestly the last thing Peter expected to hear leave your lips. He expected you to be furious with him, for being Spiderman or for keeping it a secret, or both. He expected you to hate him, to not want to risk being around him. He expected you to walk out of that door and to never speak to him again, only catching glances of you as you passed each other in the hallways or as he sat behind you in class.
“What?” He managed to get out, utterly confused.
You let out a breathy laugh of disbelief. Whilst ‘I love you’ was the last thing Peter expected to hear, him telling you he was Spiderman was the last thing you thought he would ever say.
“I love you,” You repeated, eyes filling with tears as you cupped his jaw in your hand, Peter leaning into the touch without hesitation, “I love how selfless you are, I love that you care so much about people that you're willing to risk your own life to help them. I love how much hope and joy you inspire and trust me you inspire people to believe, not just as Spiderman but as you, Peter Parker. I love that you think it’s funny when I’m mad,” You laughed, gesturing to the abandoned football helmet, “you’re just, you’re so amazing and I love you so much Peter.”
Peter couldn’t help himself as he leaned forward. He connected your lips together in a soft but passionate kiss, the kiss communicating just how much the two of you loved each other, how much you cared for each other. The two of you clung to each other, not planning on letting go ever.
“I love you too,” He whispered, resting his forehead on yours as he looked at you with a stupidly large grin on his face. You couldn’t help but mirror the expression. “I have for quite some time.” He told you, causing you to giggle softly as you brought him in for another gentle kiss.
AG Peter Parker Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @imjustassaneasyou, @dindjarinsspouse, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @powerpuffluuvv, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @runawaywithmyghost, @chaoticevilbakugo, @ppgrayson, @onyourgoddamnleft, @divanca2006, @90sbella, @siriuslyfearless, @mystic-writings, @levisbloodcut, @mrs-brekker15, @alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle, @peterpgrace, @asherhunterx, @vx-vexedvixen, @ordinarylokix, @carmellasworld, @ellabellabus07, @battinsonn, @labellapeaky, @lokismidnight, @maeve-7, @caediae
The Last Time

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Prompt - ‘This is the last time I'm asking you why you break my heart in the blink of an eye.'
Peter stood on the steps of your front door, not fully remembering how he’d gotten there. The rain was falling hard around him, Peter himself soaked wet through, the sound of it bouncing on the street was the only thing that could be heard in the silence of the early morning hours, the sky still dark, clouds too thick to see any stars through it.
He had yet to knock, scared to not receive an answer, scared for you to answer only to slam the door in his face. He was just…scared. His eyes were watery but the rain hid it well. He stood there thinking back to your last conversation with him.
How many times had he been here after a fight with you, how many times had he stood here with his best apology. This time though something felt different, it felt like you had made your mind up and fully planned to make good on your promise to not see him again, to not have the same damn argument every few weeks.
It was getting harder and harder to lie to you, every excuse that came out of Peter’s mouth sounded like the lie it was, no matter how hard he tried to make his excuses seem true you always saw through them.
Peter hated lying to you, it felt like every time he spoke to you he was lying about something, lying about where he was, why he was late, why he failed to show up at all, why he was so tired, why his back hurt so much.
Everything was a lie.
One thing that wasn’t a lie though were his feelings for you. Peter loved you so much but at some point that wasn’t enough, love wasn’t enough when there wasn’t trust and as much as you hated it you didn’t, you couldn’t trust Peter.
The constant lies, the skipping out on dates, the guilty look he got in his eyes every time he spoke to you.
It always led back to the same argument of you begging him to tell you what he was hiding and Peter insisting there were no secrets.
You had rolled your eyes every time but let yourself accept his many, many apologies. You loved him too, you had for so long that you didn’t want this to fail, for so long you had refused to let this relationship end but now you just felt tired. You couldn’t continue on with this, not with the constant lies, the constant lingering fear that Peter had found somebody else, somebody better, smarter, prettier…you couldn’t do it anymore.
That had all led to Peter standing here now, angry words thrown in pent up frustration floating through his head.
“Peter, I swear to- I cannot do this anymore!” You yelled, tears in your eyes and voice slightly hoarse.
“I’m telling you you’ve got this wrong!” He shot back at you, watching as your nose flared and you let out a bitter laugh.
“This is the last time you tell me I’ve got it wrong!” You told him through gritted teeth. How many times had he told you that you were wrong? That you weren’t seeing things from his perspective despite him refusing to give you an honest answer.
“How can you think there’s anybody else?” He shouted, hating that you could ever think he was capable of cheating on you. You were the only girl in the world for him, nobody else could ever compare to you.
“How could I not think there was anybody else!? You ghost me, if I’m lucky you call to cancel a date but usually I’m left alone because you couldn’t be bothered to even shoot me a text! Do you have any idea how humiliating it is when people look at you when you’ve been stood up?” You ask, not giving him time to answer as you say, “No you don’t because I have never and would never do that to you! You sneak around constantly, every other word out of your mouth is a damn lie and it’s not fair!”
Peter was speechless for a few moments. How could he respond to that? Everything you had said was right and he hated it, he hated that doing the right thing was coming between the two of you but there was no way he was telling you about Spiderman. It wasn’t a matter of trust, he knew no matter what happened between the two of you that you’d never betray his trust in you, no it had everything to do with the enemies Spiderman made; enemies that would not hesitate to use you against him and he refused to put you in that position.
“It’s you Y/N,” He swore, eyes wide as he reached for, hating that you pulled away, “It’s been you all along.”
“Then why doesn’t it feel like that, Peter? Every time I let you in my door it feels like you make it your mission to see how long it’ll take to break me and I can’t do it anymore.” You said, tears finally making their way down your faces but you paid them no mind.
Peter hated that he made you feel this way, hated that he could see you breaking in front of him and there was nothing he could do.
He didn’t get the chance to reply as you spoke, the fight leaving you and your voice soft.
“This is the last time, Peter, it’s the last time I’m asking you why? Why do you keep lying to me? Why won’t you just tell me what you’re hiding? Why do you keep breaking my heart over and over?” You asked him, voice breaking as more tears fell down your face.
And Peter didn’t have an answer to that. The silence stretched before you shook your head, biting back a sob as you opened your bedroom door and gestured for him to leave.
You were done, he knew you were done.
You watched as he left, head low as he brushed past you and down the stairs. Moments later you heard the door close and finally allowed yourself to sob, loud, heartbreaking sobs, thankful that you were home alone for the night.
Peter couldn’t stop his own tears from falling as he recalled yours. He shook his head whilst cursing himself, why didn’t he say something, anything. Anything would have been better than just walking away from you.
Things weren’t always bad, Peter couldn’t help but laugh sadly as he recalled the good times between the two of you, the times when he actually showed up and didn’t let you down. The times were he took you to the movies and the two of you got thrown out because you kept making stupid remarks to the characters on screen, he remember the time the two of you went pumpkin picking and the two of you tended to your wounds after a incident in which he was pushing you around in a wheelbarrow and it hit a stone causing you to topple out of it and Peter to go flying over it. He remembered sneaking out with you to have breakfast at midnight in the 24/7 diner not too far from your house. He remembered all the good moments you had, remembered when he spluttered his way through a love confession and remembered all the nights he spent with you in his arms, laughing, smiling, sleeping.
He remembered it all and to think he would never get to hold you again, never get to kiss you again, never have you again…it cut deep in his heart. He knew he couldn’t give up Spiderman, it was too important, but he hated that it had cost him you.
You who had been there for him through so much more than you actually knew. You who held him when he failed to save somebody, Peter would come to you teary eyed and you didn’t force him to talk, you just held him in your arms, playing with his hair until he fell asleep in the comfort of your hold.
He sobbed as he realised he’d never have that again.
Peter looked at your front door, knowing right now you were probably in your room, all alone, feeling just as bad as he was. You probably felt worse, Peter thought after a moment, at least Peter knew why he was so secretive but you knew nothing, you thought there was another girl involved, you didn’t know Peter was protecting both you and the city.
Watching as you broke in front of him last night killed Peter, he never realised just how bad it was until last night and with one final look at your door he shook his head and turned on his heel making his way back home. You were right he was breaking your heart, he couldn’t keep dragging you along like this, letting you torture yourself over what Peter’s secret was.
Though it broke Peter’s heart, he walked away from you that night knowing that if he didn’t he would just keep hurting you until you grew to hate him and he couldn’t do that to you, not anymore.
By the time he arrived back home, soaked to the bone and alone in bed, he couldn’t stop the tears that fell, mourning all the time he had lost with you because of himself. Spiderman was supposed to be good but right now he hated everything about his other half.
Back in your own house you mirrored Peter, alone in bed with tears falling down your face as memories of the two of you together invaded your thoughts. You loved Peter Parker, you really did, but that really was the last time you would ask him why he broke your heart in the blink of an eye.
AG Peter Parker Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @imjustassaneasyou, @dindjarinsspouse, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @powerpuffluuvv, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @runawaywithmyghost, @chaoticevilbakugo, @ppgrayson, @onyourgoddamnleft, @divanca2006, @90sbella, @siriuslyfearless, @mystic-writings, @levisbloodcut, @mrs-brekker15, @alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle, @peterpgrace, @asherhunterx, @vx-vexedvixen, @ordinarylokix, @carmellasworld, @ellabellabus07, @battinsonn, @labellapeaky, @lokismidnight, @maeve-7, @caediae, @benhardyslut, @smilesmayvary-rfa,@apolysius
Catch Me

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Fluff-uary Prompt - Trust
Prompt - ‘Keep your eyes on me and everything will be just fine, trust me.’
The sound of screaming from six blocks away had Peter launching himself from the roof he was currently perched upon, his pulse racing as the cries of children, screams of adults, panic from everybody continued to reach his ears. He could already see the smoke rising up into the air, thick and black as he swung closer, dread reaching his stomach as he entered the neighbourhood and silently, selfishly, begging it wasn’t your apartment.
Those pleas went unheard though as Spider-Man swung around the corner, freezing momentarily against a building as he watched flames engulf your apartment building. He swallowed against the lump in throat as he swung into action, entering the building through a window that had smashed from the heat pressure.
He made quick work of searching the lower floors where the flames were at their worst, helped four children, one teenager, two adults and dog out onto the street before he re-entered the building, panic running through his veins as he took in just how many scared people were trapped up here.
“C’mon, I gotchu,” He said as he scooped two children up into his arms, gently instructing them to hold on as he made quick but careful work of getting them outside. He went door to door helping everyone he came across but no matter how many people he helped his thoughts kept going back to you.
It wasn’t like he could run up to your apartment to check you weren’t home, not with the flames spreading higher and higher like it was nothing. There were still six more floors for him to clear and he could practically feel the fire under his feet.
Quickly he managed to clear the next five floors before he was finally able to get to yours. The flames had spread up to the floor below him and he still had six rooms to check.
He knocked on each of the doors as he made his way to your apartment, thankful that they were all empty with the exception of one where an elderly woman stood in fear. He quickly made his way to her, glancing at your door but knowing he had to make sure everybody was safe.
Peter began to web his way back up the apartment building, his heart stopping as the floors finally began to cave in on themselves. He watched frozen in horror as different parts of the building fell to the grounded and pleaded desperately, begging that you weren’t home.
Please don’t be home.
Peter couldn’t get up to your apartment, there was nowhere for him to web to, no place for him to get his footing. He managed to land on one of the lower floors, the fire dancing dangerously close to the suit, sweat beading under the mask as his view was obscured with the thick layer of smoke.
But then he heard a nose that turned his blood cold.
He heard your cry, heard you beg for help.
Peter turned his head upwards, quickly spotting you as you clung to the window sill, the only wall still standing, though for how long Peter wasn’t sure. He looked around, desperate for a way to get to you but there wasn’t one, either it was covered by flames or quickly crumbling to the ground.
“Oh my God.” He heard you gasp, choking on sobs and smoke as you looked down.
“Hey,” Peter called, trying to figure out a plan. He didn’t have long.
He watched you look around wildly before finding him through the smoke, sobbing in relief as you realised Spider-Man was there.
“You’re gonna be ok,” He told you, darting past the flames so he was directly underneath you.
“I can’t,” You tried to tell him but the smoke had you coughing and Peter felt his heart stop as the building shook, watched as you slipped down, barely managing to catch yourself on the window sill with a scared scream.
“You have to let go,” He yelled up to you, watching as you looked down at him with wide, scared eyes.
“What!?” You shouted back, looking past Spider-Man and down at the drop before shaking your head widely and clinging further onto the ledge. “I can’t!”
“I’ll catch you,” He promised, “I’m gonna catch you.”
He watched as you continued to shake your head, tears that filled your eyes finally made their way over the edge and down your cheeks as you sobbed, curling further into the wall in a desperate attempt to hold on but you could feel your fingers slipping, could feel the flames getting closer.
Peter watched them get closer, getting too close to you. He needed to get to you now but he couldn’t, the only way he could save you was for you to let go.
“Y/N, I’m going to catch you,” He swore but you just continued to look past him, look down at the drop.
Peter sobbed himself, he couldn’t lose you.
“Hey, look at me, look at me Y/N/N,” He called, watching as your eyes flickered from the ground to him before looking past him again, “That’s it, eyes on me,” Finally your eyes settled on him, watching him with fear clear in them.
“Attagirl,” He said, making sure your attention was solely on him as he reached up and ripped the mask off.
“Peter!” You gasped, choking out a sob as you looked down at him.
“Y/N, baby, you gotta trust me right now,” He called up to you, watching as you stared at him in shock before you took a deep breath.
“I trust you,” You told him, more tears making their way down your face.
“That’s my girl,” He smiled, watching as you nodded, psyching yourself up to do as he instructed. “You just gotta let go baby, I’ll catch you.”
“Promise?” You asked, voice too soft for a normal person to hear but Peter picked it up as clearly as if you’d shouted it at him.
“I promise baby, I promise.” He assured you, blinking back his own tears not wanting to scare you even more, he needed you to trust him right now.
“Let go,” He told you, watching as you scrunched your eyes close and, just as the flames came closer to you, the heat almost painful, you let go off the ledge and felt yourself fall.
It seemed to last for far too long, fear flooded you as you realised Peter wasn’t going to catch you. And then you felt your body stop suddenly in the air, the force of it ripping the breath out of your lungs but then you opened your eyes and saw Peter above you. You let out a choked sob as you looked from him to the floor, seeing that you were safe.
Peter had saved you.
Peter pulled on the web that had attached to you, pulled it until you were within arms reach of him before he pulled you up into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your face nestling into his chest as you soaked his suit with tears.
Peter held you tightly, one hand resting on the back of your head and keeping it against his chest as he lowered the two of you to the ground before he carried you away from the flames and pieces of falling building, his mask firmly back in place before he stepped out onto the street.
People cheered around the two of you as Peter set you down on the floor but you refused to let go of him, you couldn’t if you wanted to.
“Are you ok if I swing us to my house?” He asked you, voice soft and gentle.
He smiled sadly as you nodded into his chest before he shot a web and started in the direction of his house as carefully as he could, you clinging to him tightly the whole time.
It wasn’t long before the two of you arrived, thankfully Aunt May was working the night shift so it was only the two of you home. Peter hadn’t let you go though, instead he carried you up to his bedroom and over to his bed.
He held you close for what felt like hours, neither of you saying anything as you came to terms with the fact that you were safe.
Peter had saved you.
Spider-Man had saved you.
“You saved me.” You mumbled against his chest, voice thick from crying and the smoke.
“I’ll always save you,” He promised as he placed a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Spider-Man.”
“I don’t care, I’m just glad you’re him. I wouldn’t, couldn’t have trusted anyone else like that.” You told him honestly, trusting a man in a mask seemed ridiculous, trust Peter Parker though, that came as easily as breathing.
“I’ve never been so scared in my life.” He told you, causing you to let out a slightly hysterical laugh.
“You and me both.”
“Thank you for trusting me,” He said softly after a few moments of silence in which you had let your eyes close and slowly began to fall asleep.
“Thank you for catching me.” You replied equally as quiet as you shifted closer to him, not wanting to let him go.
Eventually you drifted off to sleep but Peter remained awake as he listened to the sound of your breathing, the steady beat of your heart…the reminders that you were ok, you were alive, he had saved you.
The thought of losing you, the thought of him not catching you sent a pain through his heart that he couldn’t have explained if he tried. It left him feeling cold and empty, the thought of not being quick enough and seeing your lifeless body…
Peter took a deep, steadying breath, watching as you cuddled closer to him and pushed those thoughts away because you were here and you were ok.
He had caught you.
He let himself lay with you for an hour or so before he untangled himself from you, smiling as you grumpily mumbled in your sleep before curling into his pillow. He hated to do it but he had to get the Spider-Man suit off before Aunt May came home.
He made quick work of stripping out of it, slipping into a soft pair of pyjama pants before he turned to you and gently started pulling your jeans off, pausing twice as you shifted. It wasn’t long before he pulled a pair of his own pyjama bottoms onto you and climbed back into bed, pulling you into his arms again.
He placed a lingering kiss to the top of your head before closing his eyes, focusing on your heartbeat that let him know you were alive.
“I love you so much, baby.” He told your sleeping figure before he finally drifted off to sleep himself.
AG Peter Parker Taglist (Link in bio to add yourself!) - @haroldpotterson, @imjustassaneasyou, @dindjarinsspouse, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @powerpuffluuvv, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @runawaywithmyghost, @chaoticevilbakugo, @ppgrayson, @onyourgoddamnleft, @divanca2006, @90sbella, @siriuslyfearless, @mystic-writings, @levisbloodcut, @mrs-brekker15, @alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle, @peterpgrace, @asherhunterx, @vx-vexedvixen, @ordinarylokix, @carmellasworld, @ellabellabus07, @battinsonn, @labellapeaky, @lokismidnight, @maeve-7, @caediae, @benhardyslut, @apolysius, @jasontoddthezombie, @instabull, @qfton, @honkroselyn, @inflatabledinosaurs19, @lazysheepperfection, @theodorenottswhore, @parkershoco, @gal-obsessed-with-marvel, @father-violet, @ur-mom21, @rosesinmars, @mystic-writings, @mmaiamore, @izzyyy-1, @littleredjason, @mmaiamore, @lizamango, @beaconings, @leftmooninfluencer, @urbestgrrl, @randomwriter1021, @lazysheepperfection, @lucyysthings , @morganaah, @sylvies4ever, @taylordidsomthingbad, @kaitieskidmore1
Trust Your Senses

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Febuwhump Prompt - Spiked Drink
Prompt - ‘All you have to do is believe in your senses, just do that.’
You were in desperate need of a break. It felt like you had been staring at the same four walls of the library for weeks now, you’d hardly seen your friends, seen even less of your boyfriend and were relieved that finals were finally over.
The first weekend after finals were done found you in your dorm, adding the finishing touches to yourself before you grabbed your keys and phone and made your way out of the room with your friends ready to celebrate one of their birthdays.
Peter had been invited but had declined, saying he still had his own studies. You’d felt put out by that, not having seen him properly for two or so weeks but knew school came first.
The club was loud and packed as your group walked in, making your way to the bar and ordering a few drinks so none of you had to queue up again before making quick work of them all. It wasn’t long before you were on the dance floor with them, rolling your eyes and smacking off a guy who wrapped his arms around your waist.
You glanced back and watched him glare at you, even with the alcohol in your system something about him set your senses on edge but you shrugged it off as your friend held another drink out for you.
You couldn’t say for sure just how long you stayed on the dance floor, more drinks being pushed into your hand without you even checking who was handing them to you, but eventually you felt light headed.
You figured it was a mix of the flashing lights, alcohol and loud music so headed to the bar and slurred out a request for some water. By the time you’d drained the cup you turned around, back to the dance floor, and tried to find your friends but couldn’t see any of them with the lights and fog.
You swayed dangerously, grabbing hold of the bar as you felt sick build up in your stomach, burning your throat and with a glance at the line for the bathroom you steadied yourself before stumbling out of the front door, sighing in relief at the fresh air.
The bouncer at the door caught you as you wobbled again, held you up as you giggled and took your shoes off blaming your lack of balance on them before walking further away from the club, glad to have a moment to yourself.
You let your eyes fall closed and leaned your head back against a brick wall, begging the world to stop spinning and missing the guy who walked over to you and pulled you forward, far enough so that he could wrap his arm around your shoulder, tugging you into his chest.
You frowned as you pried your eyes open, though it was difficult as they felt so heavy but you managed and saw a man you’d only seen once before, it was the man from back in the club, the one who had tried to dance with you but got shrugged off instead.
You tried pushing against his chest but couldn’t lift your arms as they suddenly felt like weights against your side and you could only groan as the man pulled you along.
“Hey, she ok?” You heard somebody ask and saw the bouncer who had held you up.
“Think she’s had too much to drink,” The guy told him, an easy, charming smile making its way onto his face as he pulled you closer to him, “She’s my girlfriend, I’ll see that she gets home safe.”
You looked at the bouncer through half lidded eyes, in your head you were screaming at him, begging and pleading with him to get you away from the stranger. In your head you were pushing away from the man and running far away.
All the bouncer saw was a concerned boyfriend who was taking his girlfriend home after one too many. So with a smile he bid them goodnight and went back to his post.
“Come along, darlin’.” He said into your ear causing you to whine, begging for somebody to help you.
The man led you away, far enough so that the music from the nightclub couldn’t be heard before he roughly shoved you into an empty alleyway, pinning you up against the wall like it was the easiest thing in the world.
In your head you were screaming at him, clawing at his face but in reality your head lulled back to hit the wall as your vocal cords became useless and your hands lay limp at your side.
Somewhere in the distance a man sat on a rooftop, legs thrown over the edge as he chewed on a hotdog, ears honing in on anybody needing trouble but it seemed like it was a quiet night tonight.
He sat up straighter and tilted his head as he listened, trying to determine whether something was wrong or if it was just a drunk couple taking advantage of a dark alleyway. He heard no other sound but something was telling him that whatever was happening wasn’t right, his spidey senses were screaming at him to at least check it out.
He stood up and flung himself off the roof top, chewing the last of his hot dog as he swung the few blocks over, landing with an inaudible thud before creeping closer to the alley, not wanting to get caught if it was just a couple.
It was dark out but he’d recognise you anywhere, he watched as a guy kissed your neck, letting his hands trail the length of your body and you stood there, motionless. Peter paused for a moment, his blood running cold before he jumped into action.
“She looks a little drunk for that, don’t you think man?” Peter asked, watching as the man startled and moved away from you an inch causing you to sway forward dangerously but the man caught you, turning on the boyfriend act and honestly if Peter didn’t know you, if he wasn’t your boyfriend then he might have actually believed this guy.
“Hey we’re not hurting anyone, she just gets a little frisky when she’s had a drink.” The guy grinned.
“Right, right, my bad,” He said, holding his hands up and watching as the man nodded at him, “one more thing though,” Peter said, taking a step closer to the man before drawing his fist back and letting it connect with the guys face, using enough strength to send him flying to the opposite wall and hitting it with a painful crack before the slumped down on the floor, Peter webbing him up quickly.
Peter caught you just before you could fall, wrapping his arms around your waist and letting his forehead rest on top of your head. Peter smiled sadly as you whined against him, obviously trying to push him away but not doing more than swaying gently.
“You’re ok, baby,” Peter murmured, “I got you, let’s get you home.”
Your dorm was thankfully only a few blocks away and Peter pulled your keys out, unlocking the door as he guided you into the room before leading you over to the bed and setting you down as gently as he could, watching as you looked up at him with unseeing eyes.
“You’re alright, yeah, I got you Y/N/N,” Peter let all thoughts of secret identities go out of the window as he took his mask off and lay next to you, pulling you into his arms and bringing you in close.
“Go to sleep, Y/N, nobody can hurt you, I promise.” Peter continued whispering against your hair, whispered praise, whispered soft reassurances and nonsense words and kept talking well after you’d fallen asleep.
It took great effort to pull himself out of your bed but he managed it, pulling the suit off and changing into a pair of his sweatpants he pulled out of your closet, convinced more than half of his closet was in your own.
He made sure the door was locked and pulled the trash can close to the bed in case you needed it, he also grabbed a box of pills and filled a glass of water up, placing it on the nightstand before he crawled back into bed with you, tucking you against his chest and holding you close, falling asleep without meaning to.
Peter woke up the next morning when he heard a groan followed by the sound of you throwing up. He sat up with a grimace, seeing you leant over the bed and making use of the trash can he had left there.
You almost smiled as you felt a hand rub comfortingly up and down your back as Peter rested his forehead on your shoulder, placing a soft kiss to the skin. You didn’t know how long you spent being sick but eventually you sat up, Peter wiping your face on the blanket before he reached over to grab the glass of water, holding it to your lips.
You drank it gratefully and drank some more with the pills he had given you, hoping they would settle both the queasiness in your stomach and the pounding in your head.
“Can I get you anything else?” Peter murmured softly as you curled up against his chest with a shake of your head.
“Thank you,” You croaked out and relaxed as he kissed your head. “What happened? What are you doing here?”
Peter stilled for a second before he went back to rubbing your back. You didn’t remember last night, you didn’t remember being spiked…you didn’t remember he was Spider-Man.
“You called me, remember?” Peter lied, feeling bad but it was better than the truth. “Said some guy had been creeping you out at the club, you must have gotten separated from the girls and he spiked your drink.”
Peter hugged you close as you squeezed your eyes shut but some tears escaped, falling onto his chest.
“You’re ok, I got to you in time, you’re safe, I got you.” Peter told you softly, kissing your head again as he murmured more assurances as you nodded into his chest, taking a deep breath after a few minutes before relaxing in his hold.
“Thank you.” You murmured tiredly, letting your hand trace his chest, eyes feeling heavy again as you let them shut.
“You never have to thank me,” Peter told you, just as quiet as your words have been but they held so much honesty that you couldn’t help but smile, “Never.”
Peter watched as you fell asleep again, running his fingers up and down your spine as he swore to himself he would never let you go through this again, glad he’d trusted his senses and got to you before anything terrible happened.
AG Peter Parker Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @imjustassaneasyou, @dindjarinsspouse, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @powerpuffluuvv, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @runawaywithmyghost, @chaoticevilbakugo, @ppgrayson, @onyourgoddamnleft, @divanca2006, @90sbella, @siriuslyfearless, @mystic-writings, @levisbloodcut, @mrs-brekker15, @alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle, @peterpgrace, @vx-vexedvixen, @ordinarylokix, @carmellasworld, @ellabellabus07, @battinsonn, @labellapeaky, @lokismidnight, @maeve-7, @caediae, @benhardyslut, @apolysius, @jasontoddthezombie, @instabull, @qfton, @honkroselyn, @inflatabledinosaurs19, @lazysheepperfection, @theodorenottswhore, @parkershoco, @gal-obsessed-with-marvel, @father-violet, @ur-mom21, @rosesinmars, @mystic-writings, @mmaiamore, @izzyyy-1, @littleredjason, @mmaiamore, @lizamango, @beaconings, @leftmooninfluencer, @urbestgrrl, @randomwriter1021, @lazysheepperfection, @lucyysthings , @morganaah, @sylvies4ever, @taylordidsomthingbad, @kaitieskidmore1, @lucyysthings , @hydeonysus, @freeshavocadoooo, @writeroutoftime, @loki-laufeysons-wife
You've Got This

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Febuwhump Prompt - "Don't Leave."
Prompt - “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
You sat in Ned’s apartment with him and MJ, a magical box resting on the table as you all waited for word from Peter. Your eyes were locked on the TV, watching as The Daily Bugle reported from outside Happy’s apartment but they were cut short as a fight broke out and the three of you could do nothing but stare the screen with bated breath.
“Should we press it?” MJ asked as the fight continued, watching as something bomb-like detonated.
Nobody replied to her question, all of you just continued to watch the screen, watching as Aunt May’s death was announced and you felt numbness spread throughout your entire body.
The past few days had been a blur of emotions all mixed into one, fear, anxiety, stress, relief, annoyance, all of those emotions and so many more had consumed you for days. You had hated that they were taking over but now as you stared at the screen, hearing the news, hearing that Peter had lost the last piece of his family, you wished you could feel anything but that horrible, bone chilling numbness.
“We should press it, right?” MJ asked again but you couldn’t speak. It felt like your throat had closed up as a single tear ran down your cheek, hating that Peter was alone right now.
“I don’t know,” Ned sighed, sounding close to tears himself, “I just, I just wish we could see him.”
Up until that moment your eyes had stayed locked onto the screen, not able to pull yourself away from it but then you saw orange sparks out of the corner of your eye. You recognised them as the same sparks that came from one of Strange’s portals and your head snapped around to Ned who looked at the place the sparks appeared, eyes wide and shock clear across his face.
“Do that again.” You snapped at him, standing up and moving over to where the portal had sparked.
“Yeah.” Ned was clearly astonished by what he had done. “I just wish we could see him.”
You watched as a portal began to fully form, shoulder sagging in relief as you saw an alleyway appear before you saw Spider-Man standing in the distance. You listened as MJ and Ned called Peter, beckoning him to come through.
It was only as he ran closer did you realise that something wasn’t right.
You watched as he came through, definitely Spider-Man but not the one you knew and yet when he pulled his mask off there was something so overwhelmingly familiar about him that it took your breath away and caused you to stagger back into the table.
The man was staring at you, his eyes wide as he looked into your eyes, completely lost as to why he felt like he knew you, lost over why his hand twitched up in an attempt to touch you but then somebody started shouting and he raised them non-threateningly.
“Hi, Hi, no it’s ok, I’m a nice guy.” He said softly, glancing over at Ned’s grandmother before he turned his attention to you, tilting his head at you questioningly.
“Who are you?” You heard somebody ask but you couldn’t look away from him, hands gripping the table edge so tightly your knuckles had turned white as you tried to figure out just why the numbness had been replaced with a feeling of safety, a feeling of relief, a feeling of being home.
“I’m Peter Parker, I am Spider-Man in my world but yesterday I was, I was just here.” He told MJ, his voice staying soft as he struggled with his own feelings, feelings that he hadn’t felt for a long time, feelings he thought had died the night Gwen had.
His attention was forced away from you as a bread roll hit his chest and he was forced to prove his identity, the suit and his word not being enough for the group in front of him, though he couldn’t push away the warmth in his chest at the smile on your face as you watched him.
“We good?” He asked and everybody nodded.
“Maybe if you keep doing it we can find the real Peter.” MJ said to Ned, the two of them talking in the background but you tuned them out as Peter took a hesitant step towards you, a hundred and one questions on his tongue.
“Hi,” was all he managed to breathe out, his eyes becoming wet and he couldn’t say why.
“Hi.” You replied, voice just as quiet, just as soft as his as you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, your heart beating faster as he lifted his hand to your cheek before he brushed a strand of hair from your face.
You pulled away from each other as you heard the sound of another man’s voice, Peter staring ahead and you turning around so your back was to his chest, listening as he too introduced himself as Peter Parker.
“This might sound weird,” The other Peter told you all from the opposite side of the room, “but I’ve been trying to find your friend ever since I got here, I just have the sense that he, um, that he needs my help.”
“Our help.” Your Peter said and you had to pause for a second because your Peter? Where had that come from?
You turned to face him again, looking up at him as everybody around you spoke, hating that you couldn’t pay attention but your mind was focused on the man in front of you, every part of you screaming that he was your Peter. Confusion ran through you, you truly did feel like you knew him despite the fact he was from a different reality.
When you left him to go and see the Peter from your universe it felt like everything inside you was protesting being away from your Peter, leaving you feeling empty and cold and only able to relax once you heard him speak from where he stood with the other Peter, talking to your universe Peter with sympathy and understanding.
Your heart ached to be next to your Peter, you really had to stop calling him that, as he started talking about Gwen, about how losing her had caused him to stop fighting, how he turned bitter and rageful and how he gave up, only putting the suit on because he knew she’d want him to continue being the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man.
“And I just, I don’t want you to end up…like me.” Those words had a single tear slipping down your cheek as you continued to stare up at your Peter, frowning as the guilt radiated off of him, wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around him, to take the guilt and sadness away from him.
You finally relaxed as you all made your way down to the lab, you and your Peter gravitating towards each other like it was second nature. Peter brushed his knuckles against yours, both of you startling as sparks shot through your hands at the small touch, feeling your heart skip a beat.
“I think I can repair the devices for Dillon and Marko but the others,” Your universe Peter said, trailing off as he looked down at the other broken cures.
“Oh,” Your Peter said, a little cockily causing you to grin, “I got Connors. I’ve already cured him once, so no big deal.”
You couldn’t help but giggle as he smiled at the looks he was shot.
“What? It’s no big deal.” He told them again, watching them nod as he picked the cure up and gestured for you to follow him with a tilt of his head.
“So Y/N,” Peter said softly as you took a seat at the lab, smiling as he helped you into a lab coat. “Do you know what’s happening?”
You looked over at him, swallowing against the lump in your throat as you shook your head. The two of you were sitting side by side, you could see every detail on his face from this close and you fought to keep your hands to yourself despite the fact you wanted nothing more than to trace his face with your fingertips and run them through soft, brown locks.
“I feel like I know you,” You told him, keeping your voice quiet as the two of you worked together at the back of the room, forcing your gaze down onto the beaker in front of you though you couldn’t stop them flickering back over to him every few seconds. “I feel like I’ve known you my whole life.”
Peter let out a breath, let his eyes lock onto you as he watched you use the pipette to measure one of the chemicals before dropping it into the beaker. He felt breathless as he looked at you because he too felt like he knew you, he felt like his world was instantly brighter, instantly better, more hopeful and beautiful since he’d laid his eyes on you.
His hand found yours once you were finished adding the chemicals and he smiled as the warm sparks shot through the touch, smiled as you looked up at him with the most adoring expression. He never thought he’d feel like this again, not since Gwen had…not since Gwen but here you were before him making him feel like there was something left to fight for, something to live for.
It was bizarre, he knew it was, he knew it didn’t make sense, how could a girl he’d met only hours ago draw this reaction from him? He didn’t have an answer but he didn’t need one, every emotion seemed heightened as he brushed his fingers across your knuckles, watching as you relaxed into his touch.
“I feel like I’ve been waiting for you all my life.” Peter confessed as his other hand came up to cup your cheek and you couldn't help but press your hand against his, keeping him from moving away.
“Peter,” You whispered, feeling overwhelmed by the emotions the man was able to bring out in you, emotions you’d never felt before, the strongness of them leaving you uneasy but you also never wanted them to go away, never wanted Peter to go away.
“I know,” Peter whispered back, unable to stop himself from resting his forehead on yours. “I don’t understand it either but I want whatever this is.”
“Me too.” You said, not quite sure why tears had filled your eyes but you didn’t pay them any mind, just kept looking into Peter’s eyes, seeing them light up and swimming with an array of emotions.
“Peter!” Ned called, causing you and Peter to shoot away from each other as everyone turned to Ned.
“Yeah?” All three of them asked and you laughed as they all looked at each other before speaking at once.
“Peter Parker?” Ned tried again.
“We’re all Peter Parker.” Your Peter told him, causing you to grin as you leaned your head against his shoulder, missing the way his eyes softened as he smiled down at you.
“So, wait,” Your Peter said as you had all moved to check the computer, all of the cures ready. “Are you going into battle dressed as a cool youth pastor or do you have your suit?” You couldn’t help but chuckle, causing Peter to shoot you a grin before he nodded to the other Peter who revealed the suit under his shirt.
After a few more words between you all, the three Peter’s were ready to put the plan into action. You watched as your universe Peter stood off to the side, exchanging quiet words with MJ and turned to your Peter.
“Hey,” You said, taking his wrist in yours and leading him away from Ned and the other Peter who both looked at the two of you but neither of you noticed, “Please be safe.” You whispered.
“Look at me,” Peter said, cupping your jaw in his hand and guiding your face up to his before he rested your foreheads together again, “I’m going to be fine, we’re going to cure them.”
You looked into impossibly soft eyes as he smiled down at you reassuringly and nodded against his forehead, closing your eyes for a second before you pulled away and wrapped your arms around his waist, missing the way Ned looked back to your universe Peter and they shot each other confused looks.
Peter looked down at you, a wide smile pulling at his lips as he wrapped his own arms around you, holding you close as he took comfort in the feeling of home. He couldn’t describe it, it felt like magic was running through his veins, the feeling of you in his arms, getting to hold you against his chest, burying his face in your hair…it was such an overwhelming feeling that he felt almost light headed, not able to resist placing a lingering kiss to your head as the two of you pulled away.
“You’ve got this.” You told him watching as he nodded down at you. He’d believe anything you told him and as he looked at you he felt every bit of fight come back to him at full force, no more stopping his punches, no more rage or bitterness, he had this.
“I’ll see you soon.” He promised, placing another kiss to your head causing you to smile up at him, nodding as he headed out of the portal with the other Peter’s, your universe Peter leaving last as he shot you a questioning look.
As they left through the portal you moved to stand next to Ned and MJ, raising an eyebrow as they both stared at you.
“What?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at them.
“What?” MJ asked back in disbelief, “What the hell was that?” She said gesturing to the space you and Peter had just occupied.
You sighed and closed your eyes before looking through the portal that was still open.
“I don’t know.” You told her honestly after a few moments of silence.
“You don’t know?” She repeated slowly and you shook your head, now that he was gone it felt like you were missing a part of you and hated that you didn’t know what was happening.
“I can’t explain it,” You began, taking a seat on one of the stools, “It’s like, I don’t know, something about him seems familiar, you know? Something is pulling me towards him, yelling at me that I need to be close to him. I feel like I know him already, feel like I’ve always known him. It’s like a piece of me has been missing, a piece that I never knew was missing, never knew existed but now that it’s there…” You told them, trailing off and refused to meet their gaze, knowing it sounded crazy.
“Y/N,” MJ breathed out, looking at you with wide eyes. In all the time she had known you she’d never heard you speak so softly about somebody.
“It doesn't make sense,” You cut her off, “I know it doesn’t and I can’t explain it. I just know what I feel.”
“Nothing about this makes any sense.” She said to you as she sat in the stool to your left, gesturing towards the portal that led out to the Statue of Liberty where three Spider-Men stood waiting for villains from other universes.
“I’ve known him for a few hours and it’s like, it’s like I’m hooked on him. Everything about him is addicting.” MJ looked at you again, watching as you stared at the portal.
“He looks at you like you’re the only person in the room.” She told you quietly, recalling the looks he had given you as the two of you worked on Connor’s cure, laughing and smiling as you spoke about your lives, getting to know each other. He had looked at you like every word meant something incredible, like nothing you said couldn’t interest him and she saw the way you looked back at him, like each word was sacred, each move he made was significant.
“So what’s going on with you and Y/N?” Your universe Peter asked Peter.
Peter looked at the portal that was still open in the distance before turning back to the two Peter’s looking at him.
“I don’t know, man, there’s just something drawing me to her. She’s like a breath of fresh air, you know? It feels like I’m meant to know her, like she’s meant for me. I feel like I already know her.” He told them, watching their eyes widen as they stared at him.
“You’ve never met her before, right?” The other different universe Peter asked, looking between the other Peter’s, “She’s definitely from this universe?”
“I’ve known her pretty much my whole life, she’s definitely from here.” Your universe Peter answered for Peter, shaking his head because it was impossible for you not to be from his universe.
“I’ve never met her, I just-” Peter paused and let out a deep breath, “I don’t know, I came out of that portal and was breathless, you know? Looking into her eyes, it felt like coming home after years of being lost.”
“Wow,” Your universe Peter breathed out, looking at Peter with wide eyes as he watched his face completely soften as he spoke about you.
Both yours and Peter’s conversations were cut off with the arrival of the villains as you and MJ stood up and made your way over to Ned who stood next to the still open portal and watched as he failed to close it, your eyes trying to find Peter in the chaos and anxiety coursed through your veins as you couldn’t see him.
You continued to stare out of the portal and froze as you watched the lizard break free of the webbs holding him in place and lock eyes with the open portal.
“I’m trying to close it, MJ!” Ned snapped, “Don’t tell them it’s not working.” He took a deep breath and tried again, MJ speaking calmly and encouragingly as she watched him try and fail to close it.
“Guys,” You said, gulping loudly causing them to both glance at you. “We should run.”
They both followed your gaze and gasped as they saw the lizard charging towards you all, his sights set on the box in MJ’s hands.
“Good idea!” MJ agreed as you all ran around the room, relief flooding through you as your universe Peter swung in and kicked the lizard to the other side of the room, yelling for you all to run.
You did and ran through the portal, gasping for breath as you looked down from the Statue before Ned grabbed your arm, giving you a shove to keep moving. You ended up losing track of them and came to a stop as you saw your Peter being held by Electro’s powers and held your breath watching as the other universe Peter swung in only to be stopped by the robotic tentacle.
You huffed a breath of relief as Doc Ock lowered the two Spider-Men onto the scaffolding and ran over to Peter, wrapping your arms around his waist as you buried your face in his back, feeling him tense before he twisted around to see you and fully turned so you were held against his chest.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” He exclaimed, looking down at you with wide, scared eyes.
“The lizard thing-” You panted out, unable to say anything else as fear ran through you as you cuddled closer to Peter who tightened his grip on you.
“Alright, alright, you’re ok, I got you.” Peter whispered, placing a kiss upon the top of your head as he continued to hold you close until your breathing was under control. “You gotta go, Y/N/N, you can’t be up here.”
You could hear the fear in his voice and didn’t try to argue with him, not when he was looking at you like that. Instead you leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his jaw, watching as some of the fear eased and he smiled down at you.
“You’ve got this.” You told him, smiling as his smile got wider and he nodded, cupping your cheek in his hand and pressing your foreheads together.
“Get to safety.” He whispered, leaning close, so close that your lips brushed together but then MJ called Peter’s name and both of you turned to the sound and saw the lizard get knocked to the floor.
“You got this.” You repeated and watched him grin at you before he swung into action, ready to cure Connors.
You began to make you way down, only getting a level or two down before it all seemed to shake as an explosion rang through the air, powerful enough to throw you over the scaffolding and you let out a scream as debris exploded around you, a piece managing to cut your cheek as you felt yourself fall through the air.
Peter’s head snapped over, watching in horror as you fell. He felt his stomach drop as his blood ran cold and didn’t hesitate before he was moving, diving from the scaffolding and down to you.
He could see the horror in your eyes as you plummeted through the air, could hear his heart beating in his ears as memories assaulted his mind.
No way, he thought to himself, I only just found her.
You sobbed as Peter’s arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly against his chest as the two of you landed softly on the floor. You gasped for air and Peter looked down at you, his breaths coming out in pants as tears welled up in his eyes.
I caught her, I caught her, she’s safe.
“Are you okay?” He managed to ask, a tear falling from his eye as you nodded into his chest, staying there for a few moments longer before pulling away to look up at him.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Are you okay?” You asked quietly, unlooping one of your arms from his neck and brought a shaky hand up to his face, wiping away the tear only for it to be replaced by more as emotions overwhelmed him.
He couldn’t speak, he could only nod and you brought his head down to yours, pressing your foreheads together exactly as Peter needed. He needed to hear your breathing, needed to feel your fingers in his hair and against his cheek.
She’s safe, I caught her.
Peter placed you down on your feet and kept you close together, not ready to move away yet and you were more than fine with that, fear and adrenaline running through you.
“Thank you.” You whispered, brushing away the tears again and felt him nod.
He couldn’t stop himself as he leaned down, pressing your lips together hesitantly, a barely there brush of lips but you smiled, a huff of relief leaving your lips before you pressed yours against Peter’s with more force.
The kiss was still soft but it felt like you had both consumed Electro’s powers as sparks flew between the two of you. It was unlike any kiss either of you had had before, Peter’s arms coming to rest around your waist, holding you tight as you moved your arm so both of them were around his neck, pulling him in closer.
It wasn’t long before the two of you pulled away, the kiss leaving you breathless as you stared at each other, feeling like something in the universe had shifted.
“Y/N,” He whispered, no other words coming out but you just nodded, leaning in again to brush your lips against his, a quick kiss before you pulled away, knowing he was needed.
“You got this.” You murmured, watching as he smiled at you as best he could whilst his lips trembled.
“Please stay safe.” He said, causing you to let out a soft huff of laughter as you nodded.
“I’ll see you soon.” You said, unable to resist the urge to press one last to his lips, smiling into it as he cupped your cheek, thumb brushing against the cut on your face, before the two of you pulled away and with a final glance towards you he took off swinging.
You leant back and tried to slow your beating heart before it burst out of your chest, looking up as the sky turned people and seemed to split and figures began to make their way out.
“Y/N?” You heard MJ and Ned yelled and turned around, looking at them in relief and meeting them halfway as you ran into their arms.
“You ok?” She asked breathlessly, pulling back to hold you at arm's length, watching as you smiled softly and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m ok.” You told her truthfully.
“Guys,” Ned says and you all turn to stare down in horror as Peter landed punch after punch onto the Goblin, hearing his laughs from where you were. MJ grabbed your hand just as Peter grabbed the Goblin’s glider and held it over his head, fully intending to bring it down on the man.
You all breathed a sigh of relief as he was stopped by the other universe Peter, you could see his face pleading with Peter before the glider was set down before you gasped as you watched the goblin stab the other Peter.
You couldn’t move but watched as your Peter threw the goblin cure over to your universe Peter who grabbed it without turning away and stabbed it into the Goblin’s neck. You took great delight in the look of shock on his face.
MJ squeezed your hand tighter in hers as a loud rumble seemed to spread through the earth and you all looked up to see the cracks in the sky widening, mixing with orange runes that you recognised as Strange’s magic.
You looked to the other Peter’s and watched as your universe Peter webbed his way up to the top of the Statue of Liberty where Strange was standing and let your gaze wander down to your Peter who helped lift the other Peter off the ground.
“Where are you going?” MJ called as you untangled your hand from hers and took off running towards the two Peter’s.
“Y/N!” Peter called as you made your way over to them, a relieved smile pulling on his lips.
“Are you ok?” You asked the other Peter softly, gladly letting Peter pull you against him on the side that wasn’t holding the other Peter.
“I’m good,” He smiled at you, “I heal quick.”
“Good.” You smiled back before turning to look up at your Peter who smiled down at you and lowered his head so that his lips brushed against yours, the two of you so absorbed in each other you missed the look of surprise on the other Peter’s face.
“You’re safe.” He murmured against your lips as the two of you pulled away.
“You did it.” You smile up at him, watching as he relaxed completely, grinning at you as he nodded. “You’re okay?”
Peter didn’t answer for a moment, just looked down at you, eyes shining with something you couldn’t quite put your finger on but his entire expression softened as he looked into your eyes and cupped your cheek in his hand, his thumb brush just below the cut.
“I’m okay.” He finally said, voice barely above a whisper but you heard them clear enough and the two of you just looked at each other before you turned to face your universe Peter who landed in front of you all with a soft thud.
You watched his smile fade as he looked from you to your Peter, regret spreading across his features as you frowned at him.
“What is it?” You asked, continuing to look at him and missing the way your Peter’s face crumbled, shaking his head as his eyes screwed shut to hold back the tears.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N/N.” He whispered, taking a step closer to you and you felt your frown deepen as you turned up to your Peter, freezing as you saw him.
“No,” You said, shaking your own head repeatedly as you stepped even closer to Peter if it were possible. “No, tell Strange to do something.”
“Y/N,” Peter managed but you shook your head at him.
“Please Peter, I can’t- I can’t lose him. Tell Strange to send me to his universe, please.” You begged, your voice breaking as tears slid down your cheeks.
“Y/N/N,” Your Peter said softly and you sobbed, feeling your knees give out but Peter caught you, the other Peter pulling away, holding onto your universe Peter as they both watched you sadly.
“Please don’t,” You sobbed, feeling him rest his forehead against yours as tears fell uncontrollably down his own cheeks. He lifted his hands to cup both of your cheeks, feeling your tears against his hand as you begged and pleaded with him. “Please Peter, don’t leave. You can’t leave, I just found you.”
“I know, I know.” He choked out, feeling emptier than he had in a long time, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, baby.”
“You can’t leave.” You told him again and he nodded because he knew he couldn’t, he couldn’t leave you, not now. How could he leave you here when it felt like everything in him was screaming at him that you were his and he was yours? How could he leave you when you felt more like home than any four walls ever had?
He couldn’t leave you but he knew he had no choice and that realisation turned his blood cold.
The two of you stayed in each other’s hold, missing when your universe Peter left after trying to get your attention but failing, missed the sympathetic looks the other Peter gave you. You felt the magic spread through the air, knew it would snatch your Peter away from you any second and held onto him tighter like that would stop the magic.
Peter felt it too and leaned down, smashing your lips together in a messy kiss, tears pouring down both your cheeks as you gripped each other hard enough to bruise. The two of you panting for breath as you pulled away, Peter resting his forehead back on yours.
“I’ll find you.” He promised, nodding his head as he did. “I swear to God I will find a way back to you, Y/N/N.”
“I’ll be waiting.” You told him and just like that you watched as Strange’s orange magic covered him before he disappeared causing you to fall to your knees, sobbing into the empty space where he had stood.
“Y/N.” You looked up and saw your universe Peter crouching down next to you. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m gonna get him back.” You told him, voice hard and determined, causing Peter to smile down at you sadly.
“I have to go.” He said and you frowned up at him, crying even harder as he explained Strange’s spell to you, realising that you were losing both your best friend and your soul mate in the space of a few seconds.
“I’m gonna get you back too then.” You promised him, watching as he smiled sadly at you but didn’t disagree. He just nodded at you, glancing up at Strange who gave him a look.
He had to leave now.
“I love you.” He whispered as he stood and you felt the sobs wrack your body, felt your throat close up but forced yourself to reply.
“I love you too.” You choked out, forcing yourself to smile but it dropped the second he turned away, swinging off into the distance just as Strange’s spell took affect and the last thought you had was -
I’m gonna get them back.
Andrew’s Peter Parker Taglist (Link in bio to add yourself!) - @haroldpotterson, @imjustassaneasyou, @dindjarinsspouse, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @powerpuffluuvv, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @runawaywithmyghost, @chaoticevilbakugo, @ppgrayson, @onyourgoddamnleft, @divanca2006, @90sbella, @siriuslyfearless, @mystic-writings, @levisbloodcut, @mrs-brekker15, @alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle, @peterpgrace, @vx-vexedvixen, @ordinarylokix, @carmellasworld, @ellabellabus07, @battinsonn, @labellapeaky, @lokismidnight, @maeve-7, @caediae, @benhardyslut, @apolysius, @jasontoddthezombie, @instabull, @qfton, @honkroselyn, @inflatabledinosaurs19, @lazysheepperfection, @theodorenottswhore, @parkershoco, @gal-obsessed-with-marvel, @father-violet, @rosesinmars, @mystic-writings, @mmaiamore, @izzyyy-1, @mmaiamore, @lizamango, @beaconings, @urbestgrrl, @randomwriter1021, @lazysheepperfection, @lucyysthings , @morganaah, @sylvies4ever, @taylordidsomthingbad, @kaitieskidmore1, @lucyysthings , @hydeonysus, @freeshavocadoooo, @writeroutoftime, @loki-laufeysons-wife, @srhxpci, @jelliebeanss, @mrslizzyolsen, @kosmic-klouds
Teardrops On My Guitar

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Prompt - ‘'I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night.’
Notes - Making my way through Taylor Swift’s albums so if you want a fic for any song that I haven’t done yet send me a message!🤎
Click here to see which songs I’ve already done and which songs are free!
Click here to see who I write for!

For as long as you could remember it had always been you and Peter, other friends came and went throughout the years but you and Peter had always been a constant in each other’s lives. You had gone through everything together, when your family’s business went bankrupt and you had to live with the Parker’s for a few months, when Peter’s parents died and he had chosen you to run away to. Every big moment, every little moment, no matter the memory Peter was almost always in it.
You never thought you’d have to imagine a life without Peter, it always seemed such an impossible thought. You were the best of friends, there were no secrets between either of you, you told each other everything.
Which was great for years, it worked well for the two of you, you knew the other better than you knew yourself. It was nice knowing you always had someone to confide in, no problem too big or small to share.
And yet now you hated the fact that nothing was kept a secret between the two of you, you hated the fact that you meet up with Peter every day before school, hated that it was so easy to forget that the rest of the world existed, right up until you walked through the doors and his gaze immediately sought her out.
Gwen Stacy.
Gwen Stacy who was top of every class, Gwen Stacy who was so stunningly beautiful you just knew you couldn’t ever even begin to compete with her. You didn’t stand a chance, not when you saw the way Peter looked at her, his expression completely softening, the way his lips pulled into an unconscious smile every time she walked into a room, the way he couldn’t walk into one without glancing around for her.
You didn’t stand a chance.
And because there were no secrets between you and Peter you got to hear all about his crush on her when he remembered you existed. Ok, so maybe that wasn’t fair, it wasn’t like Peter shut down on you whenever she was around but he always had an eye on her.
You and Peter always walked home together, usually hanging around in his bedroom since Aunt May was at work so it left the two of you alone. You didn’t know if you loved the alone time or hated it.
You couldn’t even remember when your own crush on Peter had developed, maybe it had always been there, there before you even really knew what a crush was, before you knew anything about relationships or love or any of those things. Maybe it had developed when you had a bad day and Peter was always there with open arms and ready to make a fool of himself if only to see you laugh again. Maybe it was in the way that there really wasn’t any distance between the two of you, whether it be with no secrets or the way you could crawl into the other's bed after sneaking in through the window and the other person didn’t react other than to make room and wrap their arms around the other. Maybe it was all the little things that seemed so insignificant to other people but you treasured so deeply that made you fall for him so easily.
It didn’t really matter when it happened though, only that it did. It happened and it hurt every day. You couldn’t even get a break on the weekends because whenever Peter came around Gwen always seemed to be the first topic on his lips.
And it wasn’t like you could say anything either, you couldn’t just demand he stop talking about her. Not without admitting you had feelings for him anyway and that wasn’t going to happen, not when you knew he didn’t feel anything for you. You would just have to sit and listen to him talk about her for hours at a time because you loved him and you couldn’t lose your friendship.
Still it hurt. It hurt when he asked you what you think he should do, how could he get her to notice him, what date ideas should he think of to ask her out. The worst of it was that you loved him so much you couldn’t even bring yourself to give him bad ideas, whenever he asked for your advice you gave him the best you could, gave answers you wished Peter would do for you, and you watched him use them on her.
You had gotten pretty good at faking a smile now around Peter, at pretending everything was ok until you were alone and you could let the hurt just hurt. It was so easy to picture you and Peter together too, nothing would change except the fact you’d know how his lips felt against yours, how his hand cupping your cheek to bring you closer would feel.
It didn’t matter how much you wanted to cry, not when you had to fake a laugh at his over dramatic love declarations that caused him to grin as he shoved you lightly, it didn’t matter because no matter how many damn stars you wished on nothing would change.
Sometimes you thought Peter knew, how could he not know that he was the reason you stayed up all night thinking about him, how could he not know that the reason for your tears was him, how was he so blind to the way you looked at him? If it were anybody else you’d think they knew but Peter wasn’t cruel, if he knew he wouldn’t be torturing you so much.
If you had thought things between you and Peter were hard when he was just pining after Gwen it was nothing compared to when he finally put all your advice to use and ended up getting together with her.
It was slow at first, you still saw Peter every day, still walked home together after school but over time it turned into less time together. You walked home together but after a few weeks Gwen joined you and you hated how kind she was, it’d be easier to hate her if she wasn’t so nice. Then it turned into you going straight home, not wanting to third wheel on them, not when it meant more time watching Peter look at Gwen like she was his whole world and you had somehow become nothing more than a passing thought, silently pleading for Peter to notice you.
It wasn’t much longer after that the time you and Peter spent together got less and less, no more hanging out after school, no more weekends together, no more sneaking into each other’s houses, no more sharing every thought that popped into your head.
That’s what hurt the most, the thing that left you crying silently to yourself each night. Peter had forgotten all about you and your heart hurt, it hurt so badly that you just wished you could stop feeling anything. It wasn’t even just Peter’s fault though, you wanted to blame him for it all but you were to blame too, you pulled away but Peter hadn’t caught you and pulled you back.
You hoped Gwen knew, you hoped she knew how lucky she was that she was the one that got to fall asleep in Peter’s arms, the safest place you’d ever been. You hope she knew how lucky she was that Peter had picked her to love, you hoped she would love him just as fiercely as he loved her, hoped she knew how lucky she was to be able to fall into those beautiful brown eyes and to know how his lips felt as he kissed her so softly like she was something to be treasured.
You really hoped she knew because you would never know.

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Thank you so much for reading!💛