Angel With A Shotgun - Tumblr Posts
SPN Castiel Fanarts Collection- Angel With A Shotgun
SPN Castiel 美圖選集 - Angel With A Shotgun
My tribute to the beloved angel Castiel (2008-2020). All fanarts collected from the internet. Kudos to the amazing artists!! Hope you'll like it. Enjoy! :)
為紀念 SPN 天使戰士 #Castiel,將網路收集來的美圖編輯成影片,向超讚的同人畫家們致敬!希望各位喜歡~ ^^ Related Fanvids 相關作品 bilibili Version bilibili 版本(更換一張圖) Normal Version Fanvid 正常速度版本 Fanvid:
Slower Version Fanvid 慢速版本 Fanvid:
Normal Version Fanvid BGM 正常速度版本 Fanvid BGM:
Slower Version Fanvid BGM 慢速版本 Fanvid BGM:
Tv Show: #Supernatural
VideoPad Professional v8.99
格式工廠 v5.5.0
The Cab - Angel With A Shotgun [Audio]
SPN Castiel 小卡美圖選集 - Angel With A Shotgun
My tribute to the beloved angel Castiel (2008-2020). All fanarts collected from the internet. Kudos to the amazing artists!! Hope you'll like it. Enjoy! :)
為紀念 SPN 天使戰士 #Castiel,將網路收集來的美圖編輯成影片,向超讚的同人畫家們致敬!希望各位喜歡~ ^^
SPN Castiel Photos Collection- Angel With A Shotgun (Fanvid)
SPN Castiel 小卡美照選集 - Angel With A Shotgun
My tribute to the beloved angel Castiel (2008-2020). All photos were screenshot by myself or collected from the internet. Hope you'll like it. Enjoy! :)
為紀念 SPN 天使戰士 #Castiel,將自己擷圖或網路收集來的美照編輯成影片,希望各位喜歡~ ^^
Related Fanvids 相關作品
Castiel Fanarts Collection 美圖選集 Fanvid: (更換一張圖)
Normal Version Fanvid 正常速度版本 Fanvid:
Slower Version Fanvid 慢速版本 Fanvid:
Normal Version Fanvid BGM 正常速度版本 Fanvid BGM:
Slower Version Fanvid BGM 慢速版本 Fanvid BGM:
Tv Show: #Supernatural
VideoPad Professional v8.99 格式工廠 v5.5.0
The Cab - Angel With A Shotgun [Audio]
【Fix】SPN Castiel Fanarts Collection- Angel With A Shotgun
SPN Castiel 小卡美圖選集 - Angel With A Shotgun
Just fixed the resolution of the former fanvid 僅修改解析度,原影片: Added Subtitles 增加字幕: English BGM lyrics 英文 BGM 歌詞
【Fix】SPN Castiel (Misha Collins) Photos Collection- Angel With A Shotgun
SPN Castiel 小卡美照選集 - Angel With A Shotgun
Just fixed the resolution of the former fanvid 僅修改解析度,原影片:
Added Subtitles 增加字幕: English BGM lyrics 英文 BGM 歌詞
Angel With A Shotgun (Fanvid) Lyrics Translation
帶獵槍的天使 歌詞英翻中
將自己剪輯的影片,歌詞翻譯成中文,歡迎指正,Enjoy~ :)
----- 1 00:00:14,500 --> 00:00:19,078 ♪ (我是個帶獵槍的天使...) ♪ ♪ (I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun) ♪
2 00:00:19,078 --> 00:00:24,122 ♪ (一位帶獵槍的天使...) ♪ ♪ (An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun) ♪
3 00:00:24,122 --> 00:00:28,066 ♪ 掏出你的槍,戰爭已開打 ♪ ♪ Get out your guns, battles begun ♪
4 00:00:28,066 --> 00:00:31,623 ♪ 你是個聖人或罪人? ♪ ♪ Are you a saint, or a sinner? ♪
5 00:00:31,623 --> 00:00:35,956 ♪ 若愛情是場戰爭 ♪ ♪ If love's a fight, than I shall die ♪
6 00:00:35,956 --> 00:00:38,801 ♪ 我會帶著扣在扳機上的心而亡 ♪ ♪ With my heart on a trigger ♪
7 00:00:38,801 --> 00:00:42,164 ♪ 他們說在你開戰前 ♪ ♪ They say before you start a war ♪
8 00:00:42,164 --> 00:00:45,915 ♪ 最好明白你為何而戰 ♪ ♪ You better know what you're fighting for ♪
9 00:00:45,915 --> 00:00:49,860 ♪ 寶貝,你就是我熱愛的一切 ♪ ♪ Well baby, you are all that I adore ♪
10 00:00:49,860 --> 00:00:53,481 ♪ 若愛情是你所需,我會成為一個士兵 ♪ ♪ If love is what you need, a soldier I will be ♪
11 00:00:53,481 --> 00:00:55,744 ♪ 我是個帶獵槍的天使 ♪ ♪ I'm an angel with a shotgun ♪
12 00:00:55,744 --> 00:00:57,749 ♪ 奮鬥直到打贏戰爭 ♪ ♪ Fighting til' the wars won ♪
13 00:00:57,749 --> 00:01:01,435 ♪ 若天堂不帶我回去也不在乎 ♪ ♪ I don't care if heaven won't take me back ♪
14 00:01:01,435 --> 00:01:05,509 ♪ 我會拋棄我的信仰,寶貝,只為護你周全 ♪ ♪ I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe ♪
15 00:01:05,509 --> 00:01:09,777 ♪ 難道你不明白你就是我的全部? ♪ ♪ Don't you know you're everything I have? ♪
16 00:01:09,777 --> 00:01:18,249 ♪ 我想活得精彩,而非只是苟且偷生,在今晚 ♪ ♪ And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight ♪
17 00:01:18,249 --> 00:01:22,258 ♪ 有時要贏,你得犯罪 ♪ ♪ Sometimes to win, you've got to sin ♪
18 00:01:22,258 --> 00:01:26,139 ♪ 不代表我不是個信徒 ♪ ♪ Don't mean I'm not a believer ♪
19 00:01:26,139 --> 00:01:30,019 ♪ 湯姆少校將跟著高唱 ♪ ♪ And major Tom, will sing along ♪
20 00:01:30,019 --> 00:01:32,864 ♪ 是啊,他們仍說我是個夢想家 ♪ ♪ Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer ♪
21 00:01:32,864 --> 00:01:36,291 ♪ 他們說在你開戰前 ♪ ♪ They say before you start a war ♪
22 00:01:36,291 --> 00:01:40,107 ♪ 最好明白你為何而戰 ♪ ♪ You better know what you're fighting for ♪
23 00:01:40,107 --> 00:01:43,987 ♪ 寶貝,你就是我熱愛的一切 ♪ ♪ Well baby, you are all that I adore ♪
24 00:01:43,987 --> 00:01:47,738 ♪ 若愛情是你所需,我會成為一個士兵 ♪ ♪ If love is what you need, a soldier I will be ♪
25 00:01:47,738 --> 00:01:50,001 ♪ 我是個帶獵槍的天使 ♪ ♪ I'm an angel with a shotgun ♪
26 00:01:50,001 --> 00:01:52,070 ♪ 奮鬥直到打贏戰爭 ♪ ♪ Fighting til' the wars won ♪
27 00:01:52,070 --> 00:01:55,757 ♪ 若天堂不帶我回去也不在乎 ♪ ♪ I don't care if heaven won't take me back ♪
28 00:01:55,757 --> 00:01:59,766 ♪ 我會拋棄我的信仰,寶貝,只為護你周全 ♪ ♪ I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe ♪
29 00:01:59,766 --> 00:02:04,163 ♪ 難道你不明白你就是我的全部? ♪ ♪ Don't you know you're everything I have? ♪
30 00:02:04,163 --> 00:02:12,506 ♪ 我想活得精彩,而非只是苟且偷生,在今晚 ♪ ♪ And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight ♪
31 00:02:12,506 --> 00:02:19,878 ♪ 喔~ ♪ ♪ Oh, oh whoa whoa oh whoa ♪
32 00:02:19,878 --> 00:02:27,767 ♪ 喔~ ♪ ♪ Oh, oh whoa whoa oh whoa ♪
33 00:02:27,767 --> 00:02:35,463 ♪ 喔~ ♪ ♪ Oh, oh whoa whoa oh whoa ♪
34 00:02:35,463 --> 00:02:41,800 ♪ 喔~ ♪ ♪ Oh, oh whoa whoa oh whoa ♪
35 00:02:41,800 --> 00:02:44,128 ♪ 我是個帶獵槍的天使 ♪ ♪ I'm an angel with a shotgun ♪
36 00:02:44,128 --> 00:02:46,262 ♪ 奮鬥直到打贏戰爭 ♪ ♪ Fighting til' the wars won ♪
37 00:02:46,262 --> 00:02:51,048 ♪ 若天堂不帶我回去也不在乎 ♪ ♪ I don't care if heaven won't take me back ♪
38 00:02:51,048 --> 00:02:53,893 ♪ 我是個帶獵槍的天使 ♪ ♪ I'm an angel with a shotgun ♪
39 00:02:53,893 --> 00:02:55,963 ♪ 奮鬥直到打贏戰爭 ♪ ♪ Fighting til' the wars won ♪
40 00:02:55,963 --> 00:02:59,519 ♪ 若天堂不帶我回去也不在乎 ♪ ♪ I don't care if heaven won't take me back ♪
41 00:02:59,519 --> 00:03:03,529 ♪ 我會拋棄我的信仰,寶貝,只為護你周全 ♪ ♪ I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe ♪
42 00:03:03,529 --> 00:03:08,250 ♪ 難道你不明白你就是我的全部?(我是個帶獵槍的天使) ♪ ♪ Don't you know you're everything I have? (I'm an angel with a shotgun) ♪
43 00:03:08,250 --> 00:03:15,751 ♪ 我想活得精彩,而非只是苟且偷生(活得精彩,而非只是苟且偷生) ♪ ♪ And I, want to live, not just survive (Live, not just survive) ♪
44 00:03:15,751 --> 00:03:23,964 ♪ 我會藏起我的翅膀,在今晚 ♪ ♪ And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight ♪
45 00:03:23,964 --> 00:03:26,287 ♪ 他們說在你開戰前 ♪ ♪ They say before you start a war ♪
46 00:03:26,287 --> 00:03:30,431 ♪ 最好明白你為何而戰 ♪ ♪ You better know what you're fighting for ♪
47 00:03:30,431 --> 00:03:34,376 ♪ 寶貝,你就是我熱愛的一切 ♪ ♪ Well baby, you are all that I adore ♪
48 00:03:34,376 --> 00:03:41,295 ♪ 若愛情是你所需,我會成為一個士兵 ♪ ♪ If love is what you need, a soldier I will be ♪ ----- BGM: The Cab - Angel With A Shotgun [Audio]
SPN Castiel Fanarts Collection- Angel With A Shotgun (Fanvid)
SPN Castiel 小卡美圖選集 - Angel With A Shotgun
Angel on my shoulder
![I Like The Angel, And Im Glad Hes Still Around. :]](
![I Like The Angel, And Im Glad Hes Still Around. :]](
![I Like The Angel, And Im Glad Hes Still Around. :]](
![I Like The Angel, And Im Glad Hes Still Around. :]](
![I Like The Angel, And Im Glad Hes Still Around. :]](
I like the angel, and I’m glad he’s still around. :]
Those baby blues 💙
Cas appreciation post. I still don't like my older art of Castiel, so I decided to take another shot. Still trying to find my style - I find it hard to abandon some level of realism for some reason, but here we are.

Everytime I hear someone say they’re listening to a “sped up” song my mind automatically goes: “you mean…a nightcore?”
I’m still stuck in 2015-2019
i was crying last night and then Angel With A Shotgun came on and I kinda just laid there contemplating whether or not this was a song i should cry to.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun fighting till the wars done, I don't care if heaven won't take me back- I'll throw away my faith babe just to keep you safe. Don't you know you're everything I have?" ----Angel with a shotgun, The Cab---- A picture of Mithzan I've drawn a few weeks ago now. I'm very proud of this picture- and even happier Max liked it! Enjoy everyone, Please respect artists! I put hard work and personal time into my work- reblog, don't repost, give proper credit if reposting somewhere else, and report anyone you see posting this without credit please! And don't remove the source!

This shirt is so iconic.

𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔

“They say before you start a war / You better know what you're fighting for…”
-Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab
Angel With A Shotgun
He was throwing them to the wolves. Making the most foolish mistake a syndicate man could make. He was forcing her hand and burning all his bridges and she couldn’t stop him from any of it.
Love was cruel. It was paralyzing. It was a hindrance and a hassle and it was what kept her up at night as she ran her hands through his unruly mop of hair. It was what made her smile that Mona Lisa smile that he adored. It was what whispered to her in his absence, suggesting possibilities that couldn’t be real… slyly hinting at a future that couldn’t be true.
Love was evident in his touch upon her skin, in the passion behind the kisses he pressed to her mouth and all up and down her body. Love glimmered in his eyes and poured from his lips. It was intoxicating and enthralling and buoyed her spirits when she grew exhausted by the burden of their brutal livelihood.
She hadn’t been trained to be a warrior, not the way he had been honed into an instrument of destruction. But she’d been taught how to shoot and how to drive and how to play a man like a fiddle. She knew her own strengths and she knew his weaknesses and how to protect him when he didn’t even know to shield himself.
His great escape plans were simple yet grandiose. Feasible yet impossible.
But she would do her utmost to see them both through this. To emerge, ideally unscathed, on the other side of this doomed love affair.
She would fight her way back to him someday.
He was all she truly knew of love and all she knew of hope. He wanted to dream a little dream of her, with her, for her too… well, she wanted all that and more. And if it meant running now… then she’d gladly give up her place in this rotten world. She’d throw caution to the wind and risk it all just to have the chance of meeting up with him again someday…
She was an angel with a shotgun and she wasn’t afraid to kill to get her way.

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be