Anti Pjo Fandom - Tumblr Posts
PJO Meme Dump (1 of ??)
DISCLAIMER: These memes merely reflect my opinions. I don't intend to spread hate or personally attack any fans, or even Riordan.
Nico before the cupid encounter:
(Crappy attempt at dark humour...)

about Rick...

𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙨/𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙞𝙚𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙩:

(No offense, but the whole "ThiS bOoK DoeSnT HavE PerCY In it!! " crowd is a bit too much to take... )

This one too:

Random Pjo Meme(2 of ??)
Me and my homies every time someone strips down nico’s entire character to “gay” or “edgy”:

(Look, I get that nico wallows quite a bit in self-pity, and that his homosexuality is an important part of his character, but for god’s sake, can we acknowledge that he was genuinely well-written [atleast in pjo and hoo, that is])
PJO Meme Dump (2 of ??)
DISCLAIMER: These memes are merely comical, exaggerated representations of my opinions. I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm extremely sorry if these came across as offensive to you.

(If I see another post on reddit which goes "character xyz is the most/not the most tragic", followed by some inane discussion....)
Meanwhile, on tumblr:

(A lot of people on pjo tumblr tend to romanticize autism, mental illness, disabilities etc in the name of representation. No offense intended to the few who actually want representation and don't romanticize any of it)

PJO Meme Dump (3 of ??)
DISCLAIMER: This post is merely a comically hyperbolic expression of my personal observations and anecdotal experiences. I don't mean to offend anyone, and sincerely apologise if you feel offended.
So depending on how Tumblr is feeling today, this might be my best post, or my last one... we'll find out 😅
The entire fandom is getting slandered with this one...
Leo fans after Rick crapped up his character for the sake of an ephebophilic and one-dimensional ship:

Percy: *is neck deep in a pool of plot armor, plot contrivances and deui ex machina*
His Fans:

(Hey! Not throwing shade at the man himself...but let's not act like he doesn't have excessive amounts of narrative devices working in his favour...)

Nico fans on their way to "protect" their ✨SmOl BeaN✨:

(Please, people, stop infantilizing Nico. He is not the type who needs to be stuffed into cotton wool and bubble wrap.)

Reyna and Thalia fans after their faves got shelved as the hunters of Artemis:

(As a Reyna fan, I hate how she was shipped to the hunters out of the blue. Rick could've done much better with her. Ditto for thalia)

Grover, Rachel and Clarisse fans waiting for these characters to get a notable appearance after the Last Olympian:

Rachel and Grover fans when that finally happens after more than half a dozen books:

Clarisse Fans:

(Well, you may be tempted to argue that Clarisse is a side character, but she is an important side character and should have had a more important role)

*Someone making a valid criticism of Annabeth*
(Some) of her fans pulling out the "She's a traumatized teenager card"

(I don't hate annabeth, and some annabeth fans are nice. But, in a substantial number of fans, there seems to be a visible inclination towards making excuses along these lines to absolve her of blame ,fault and even criticism as a character.)

Frank and Hazel fans watching their beloved characters being neglected by Rick for the umpteenth time in a row:

Luke fans reading about the other "villains" Rick wrote:

(Don't get me wrong, Luke is a terrible person. But the other villains are way too poorly written for people to not give him some credit as a villain. He's the only decent one Riordan ever wrote.)

Jason and Piper fans performing mental gymnastics when they realise the two were wasted potential and victims of bad writing:

(Not all fans. And no hate to Jason and Piper; they were decent in my eyes, and certainly had potential to emerge as exceptional)

Smartest Percy Jackson Fan:

(More often than not, pjo fans simply aren't the brightest crayons in the box, and that's putting it rather lightly.)
Least petty Percy Jackson fan:

(Again, I don't mean to generalize, I just wish to express that the fandom is disproportionately petty.)
Shipping wars in a nutshell:

(It's completely fine to criticize. Just ship and let ship, please.)
How vitriolic do you want your posts and interactions to be?
Some fans

(The number of death threats and kys messages I've seen people send is astounding. And for those who didn't understand this meme: the first gif is copper sulfate as solution, popularly known as blue vitriol. The second image is ferrous sulfate, popularly known as green vitriol. Both of these chemicals are toxic. So yes, you can consider this meme to be a very bad chemistry joke 🥲)

Thank you, dear reader for your time. Please keep in mind these memes were just in jest, and don't intend to offend anyone, or spread hate. Have a great time ahead. None of these gifs or images belong to me.
Random PJO Meme (4 of ??)
DISCLAIMER: This reflects my personal opinion. I don't intend to offend anyone.

(I don’t hate Bianca, but I genuinely don't understand why she gets so much traction when there are other side characters who don't get as much and actually have some substance to them. Just let Rick's plot device no.157382 sleep peacefully in her fridge, please.)
PJO Meta (2 of ??)
DISCLAIMER: This post reflects a subjective opinion and should be treated as such. If you don't wish to hear criticism regarding Rick's "diverse representation", please scroll away.
Hot Take: I don't think Nico was good queer representation, and here are my reasons for the same.
Internalized Homophobia
Let me start by saying that his internalized homophobia was well-handled in House of Hades and early Blood of Olympus.
The part of his Pov, where he recounts a tale from Plato about romantic soulmates and wonders where that leaves him, is a moving, poignant, critique of heteronormativity.
Nonetheless, it becomes hard to take his internalized homophobia seriously after it simply sublimates affer meeting Will Solace - He develops an infatuation for the latter and the rest is history.
I am not saying that he should struggle with self-acceptance for the rest of his life. I am simply suggesting that he should receive proper closure for the same. i.e, won't it be much better if he learns that homoromantic attraction is completely normal, natural and healthy? Instead, the narrative never even mentions his struggles with self-acceptance after his meeting with Will, let alone give him proper closure.
His Feelings for Percy
On a similar tangent as the aforementioned argument, Nico having feelings for percy started out as a good thing. It gave Nico's character and actions an extra layer of depth.
However, his love (yes, love) for Percy - simply disappeared to make room for Solangelo (which, with all due respect, is a subpar ship). The OoC confession did not help anything either. Nor did the fact that he got over his years-long love in a moment, somehow.
Coming Out:
I do not think this requires a great deal of explanation. Most readers unanimously agree that it's not okay to drag a severely traumatized teenager through another incredibly traumatizing event, esp. when other alternatives were present.
For eg- he chooses to come out to Hazel because he can't take the weight of his feelings any more. This could have also been an important moment for their relationship.
Lastly, outing your queer character (by forcible outing) in such a way is obviously very problematic.
Nico was clearly set-up to be the outcast all the way from the Son of Neptune to the House of Hades . The "He pushed everyone way" plot point did not make a concrete, tangible appearance until Blood of Olympus.
His ostracization arc is important as it is directly tied to his internalized homophobia and is significant to his presence as queer representation. Yet, by having this poorly retconned to "it was all in your head"(unsurprisingly, for solangelo), Rick did a dis-service Nico as a character and as queer rep. (The pushing everyone away schtick could have worked. Just not the way it was in canon.)
Since so many indispensable aspects of Nico's identity as a gay character are poorly handled, it becomes very hard to lake him seriously as good LGBTQ+ rep.
Oh, to hell with the pseudo-representation! Say this louder for the ones in the back! Also, need I mention that the greek gods AND titans had such a one-dimensional portrayal?
Rick Riordan and Diversity
People complain about Rick Riordan “beating a dead horse” but HE CAN BEAT ALL THE DEAD HORSES HE LIKES.
Rick Riordan has actively added diverse characters in all of his books to represent more kids. Characters in his books include:
a Arab-American, Muslim Valkyrie (Magnus Chase)
a deaf/mute elf who uses sign language (Magnus Chase)
a Hispanic son of Hephaestus (Heroes of Olympus)
a half-Cherokee daughter of Aphrodite (Heroes of Olympus)
a Chinese son of Mars (Heroes of Olympus)
a bisexual God/Teen (Trials of Apollo)
a happy and loving gay couple, Nico and Will (Trials of Apollo)
a black male dwarf that loves fashion and design (Magnus Chase)
a black daughter of Hades (Heroes of Olympus)
a genderfluid, transgender warrior of Odin (Magnus Chase)
kids with ADHD and dyslexia (All greek/roman demigods in Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus)
POC siblings of mixed heritage, Carter and Sadie Kane (The Kane Chronicles)
and that’s just off the top of my head! This is not at all a conclusive list!!
When Rick Riordan first revealed Nico, a son of Hades in his best-selling Heroes of Olympus series, as gay people asked him “why?” and he said because he wanted kids to see themselves in his books and that all kids need to be able to see themselves in literature and find reassurance that they’re fine just the way they are. HE PORTRAYS ALL OF THESE KIDS AS HEROES. This is SO SO IMPORTANT
So unlike some people who beat dead horses and don’t even try to be diverse (*cough*JKROWLING*cough*) at least Riordan is constantly adding more and more young heroes and heroines that are diverse, well-rounded, and important.
Enjoy this written piece? Consider buying me a coffee.
Random PJO Meme (6 of ??)
DISCLAIMER: This a comic representation of an opinion. It is NOT a personal attack. Jason stans who are uncomfortable with jests, please scroll away.
A lot of the Jason Stan’s are really nice, and no, I don't hate or (even dislike) Jason or find him "bland" or "boring", but...
Some Jason stans when they realise people can have valid criticisms of Jason AS A CHARACTER:

Miscellaneous PJO Post (5 of ??)
Hot Take: I find Jason to be average as a character. The writing wasn't terrible, but it wasn't exemplary or great either, especially for a main character. And no, this isn't because of his personality (it was not bland or boring for me). Just his character arc, development and writing in general.
Note: This is a personal opinion. Please DO NOT take it personally.
Random PJO Meme (7 of ??)
DISCLAIMER: This is an absurdist portrayal of an opinion. It is not a personal attack.
The PJO Fandom when they realise physical disabilities, mental illness, neurodevelopmental disorders etc are conditions people in real life struggle with, and are not cutesy quirks:

(I wish people would atleast do some research before throwing around serious diagnoses and medical conditions left, right and center.)
PJO Meta (4 of ??)
DISCLAIMER: No hate towards solangelo shippers. If you’re a solangelo shipper who doesn’t wish to read any criticism regarding their favourite ship, please scroll away.
Times Canon!Solangelo made me squirm in discomfort:
Key points to note: this is more about writing than about the characters’ actions. Pre-romance references have been included as well

In this excerpt from Nico’s PoV, will publicly belittled the former’s mental and emotional state. The worst part is that Nico never receives an apology for the same.

In this scene, will is disclosing sensitive information about Nico’s disorder and past to someone Nico is not close to (Lester/Apollo). Now that’s seriously very icky. Plus, he didn’t even seek Nico’s consent regarding the same.

Rick’s writing has always had a good bit of ableism in it, and this part certainly counts. Using mood disorders as some schtick for romance…seriously? It doesn’t help that Nico has had actual mental health issues throughout both the series (this just makes it worse than it already is).

The subtly toxic nature of their relationship is somewhat polar. Being so miffed about your partner for “staring” at someone isn’t healthy. Possessiveness isn’t cute just because it’s a gay ship. Also the way this scene tries to pass this off as a gag is just messed up. Come on Rick, you ruined Nico’s character already. Atleast let his abandonment issues be forgotten instead of making a joke out of them. ( A character’s abandonment trauma being badly handled in their relationship…rings a bell. See also: Annabeth and the judo flip scene)
I’ve got more moments, but they aren’t as concerning as these four+ I’ve had more than enough solangelo for today.