Ao3 Writing - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

writing tips - getting back into it

Taking a hiatus is ok! Taking a break is ok! it's good for you.

This post applies to ppl just starting or getting back into writing after a long break. (i.e: scratching off the rust)

Writing is a skill; it takes time to hone and sharpen, but it can dull if you don't use it for a while. It's still possible to get that edge back; you just gotta work a little harder.

Don't jump the gun. Your stamina is gonna be lacking a little bit, and your writing muscles might be a little sore. Don't jump into it with a 200k project with multiple parts, a sequel, huge'll burn out. Not sure how much y'all know about starting fires, but if you put too much fuel before the flame has a chance to catch, it'll snuff out. Start slow.

WARM UP. There's writing prompt accounts on tumblr. Make a list of your favorites, practice doing little scenes and dialogue bits and all that stuff. It'll help make the words flow a little bit more if you unblock the plug first.

Accept mistakes. You're not gonna pick up where you left off. It's frustrating to take a step back in terms of skill, but you'll get there. Be patient with yourself.

Reread your old work. Get a feel for what it reads like so you can replicate that. Maybe do some rewrites.

Pace yourself. take frequent moments to self-assess. If you are writing something that you know is a big step, take a pause and evaluate if you're up for the challenge. Work up to it in small bits. Don't throw it away, just adjust the approach.

Everybody should have the skills for writing. But writing is like anything - sports, acting, reading, literally anything you have to put time into. If you intimidate yourself to failure or overwork yourself to the point of negative burnout (being so exhausted you start to hate it) it's gonna be twice as hard to get back up.

It's a learning curve; we're all here with you xox

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6 months ago

picture this: destiel mama mia au. Dean (who, for this plot will be trans masc and also why not) and his brother Sam move to an island in Greece to get away from their toxic father. Dean meets amd falls for several men in the first few months - Benny, a sailor from Luisiana who's writing a book about his journeys; Crowley, a businessman who he didn't get along with at first but ended up having a fling with (Crowley development feelings, but Dean didn't); and Castiel, an architect who's been following a plan his whole life, and coming here and being with Dean has showed him free will and actual love (but he has to go back, because despite everything he still wants to be accepted and loved by his family). Suddenly, they all reunite when Jack (Dean's child) is having his 18 birthday party

Edit: it took 6 reblogs (2 of them with tags/ text, love yall for that) and 27 likes. I will start writing it tonight, updates soon

Update: it's on ao3 since the 27th, link below (it's been here for 2 days, and it already has 9 kudos without this lil promo, i consider this a huge win)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

Switching gears now!

The next chapter of Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant is in the works as you read this!

It'll be up before I go to bed tonight.

But after dinner because I gotta go start a fire to make food.

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8 months ago

Unfortunately, shit happens.

This week's chapter of Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant is going to be delayed until tomorrow.

I'm really, really sorry, but I'm not gonna get something I'm happy with out to you guys unless I give myself more time.

Hope y'all ain't too upset with me!


Switching gears now!

The next chapter of Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant is in the works as you read this!

It'll be up before I go to bed tonight.

But after dinner because I gotta go start a fire to make food.

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8 months ago

For Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant

This will impact the direction of the story, although you won't see how until much later (if you even realize it at all)

Please reblog so that I can see how many want what fate

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