Sufin - Tumblr Posts

Thanks at @crazymisstoast for the Inspiration! This is my first proper Gif that I made, and I still have to improve a lot (^^;)
(of course my first gif would be a SuFin one)
Being a Multi-Shipper and watching everyone fight over which ship will be canon:

Look ik it's not a drawing but like LOOK AT THEN THEY'RE SO PRETTY (For those who don't know the one in red and black is Denmark who shares a picture with Sweden, and the shortest of them all is Finland who shares a picture with Norway. Also yes I'm a SuFin and DenWay shipper so UwU✌)

“Nuku, nuku, nurmilintu Väsy, väsy västäräkki. Nuku, kun mie nukutan, Väsy, kun mie väsytän.”
Breathe in, breathe out.
Sleep, Little Bird ~George deValier

Italy, you're being a perv

Japan awkwardly changes the subject to avoid talking about balls

First SuFin interaction of the season

Sweden offers to scratch his wife's back

I miss this style of Hetalia

Japan's emo/empty/resting bitch face

Japan performs an exorcism on the funniest outfit(no offense to Japanese culture or customs)

*WHEEZE* What's wrong with their anatomy and postures!?😂
SuFin Week: Aug 27 - Sep 2

Hello SuFin fans! We are currently launching the (possibly?) first ever, SuFin Week! This event is the successor event to the Surströmmiakki Fest which ran on DreamWidth from 2013 to 2017. Our event will take place during the week of August 27 to September 2, 2018. The prompts for this year’s event features both a one-word prompt and one time period. Participants will select one or both prompts to make their fanwork. All mediums are welcomed! Our prompts go as the following: - Day 1: Midnight OR 1700s - Day 2: Memories OR 1940s - Day 3: Seasons OR 1800s - Day 4: Secret OR 1960s - Day 5: Garden/Flowers OR 1930s - Day 6: Music OR 2000s - Day 7: Free Day
For more information about guidelines and rules, please click here. Our main tag for this event will be aphsufinweek!
We hope you’ll join us in all the fun! Feel free to reblog and spread the word!