Arygos - Tumblr Posts

I want the spirit of Malygos to parent Wrathion please and thank you. It's child swap with Neltharion.

Doing his spiderly duty and absolutely fuckin' destroying Arygos is a close second (Yeah I know Arygos is dead but if Mal every sees that fucker it is ON SIGHT)

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'Can you kill god?' With the Dragons of Warcraft+Friends

Thinks they can kill God, can: Malygos, Nozdormu

Thinks they can kill God, can't: Alexstrasza, Sabellion, Nefarion, Neltharion, Arygos, Stellagosa (No hate to my queen)

Thinks they can't kill God, can: Kalecgos

Thinks they can't kill God, can't: Anduin,

Accidentally killed God in a Wendy's parking lot in 2018: Chromie, Wrathion

Will kill God if he doesn't shut up: Kleia

Is God: Pelagos

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