Asf - Tumblr Posts

Merlin as things I've said part 3
Merlin: kill me but do it in a sexy way
Elyan: eat bees
Gwaine: live, laugh, cheese
Gwaine again: I'm classy, you see I don't watch my pøřñ I read it
Leon: stop stroking your horse like that
Mordred: I'm scared of God
Arthur: can you stop moaning? Go to the bathroom and moan
Percival: chew five dollar energy drink
Morgana: Luke Skywalker is and myth and so is your dad
Gwen: he's so cute i wanna rip my hair out
Lancelot: he's going through his Divorce and developing a villain arc

me and my rival and it’s just us, things are gonna get a little bit sus 😳😳😳

Tomorrow is my Birthday and I couldn't be more depressed. It's like I've given up on having attempting to have good birthdays, they have all been so shitty as of late.
I just want one good year. I'm tired of being sad and miserable cause of chronic pains.
I don't like being alone.
I'm so glad that I love where I do rn because I had a dream where I lived somewhere else where there was serial kidnapping happening with no leads and everybody had to live in constant fear of being taken with nothing anybody could do about it
small rant//
I don’t even know if I’m supposed to apologise for this but I suppose I should
People here, followed me for Dsmp which I won’t be drawing anytime soon
It’s STUPID cause I said I’d love to continue my slime rancher au, it’s just. My precious little thing I keep in my heart but I just don’t feel that spark of creation??? Like please tell me am I going crazy or
sometimes you just. I’m into couple of games in the current moment but none of them is the main obsession. Obsession is a huge word, but it perfectly described the state when it comes. When I was into fnaf I was able to complete a 10-panel comic in less than 24 hours because I was SO HYPED and so FILLED with ideas.
And right now??? I’m into couple of stuff like, I like CookieRun, I like Genshin Impact etc. and I even??? I even showed you the cover for my upcoming crk comic and I almost have one of the parts ready BUT THEN. UNEXPECTED HAPPENED
I started to jokingly replay second Danganronpa game.
I’m. Dude the inspiration that flooded in is IMMACULATE. Im horrified because.
That’s the fucking danganronpa. I don’t remember if I posted my danganronpa on my tumblr; I feel like I haven’t. But when I already left, Danganronpa was still a shadow creeping behind me, I couldn’t escape the fandom. Some parts of the fandom are unbearable but I suppose it happens everywhere.
BUT LIKE OKAY, I just want to say I’m sorry because my feed is going to be a hot mess. I mean it already is cause the posts make no sense. And I have yet to update my whole MasterList (I remember, I’m just occupied, there’s ALWAYS something)
IDK I love how some of you stay here for art, I appreciate it greatly, thus I just wanna say sorry. I’m very confused lately and I can’t determine what I really wanna draw for the longer period of time I’m sorry nfjdjdj
لكل اللذين أحبهم و لا أستطيع أن أخبرهم أنهم الكون كله في قلبي أحبكم جدا و آسفة أني أحاول كثيرا أن أكون كما تستحقون لككني لم أكن يوما
I'm the type of person who doesn't know if you're flirting with them. EVEN IF I'M ACTIVELY FLIRTING BACK, I don't know if you're really interested. Like haha jokingly flirting, right. Oh what. What do you mean you were SERIOUSLY flirting? like what ??

woof woof bark bark